March 16, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
We Americans look at Muslim women dressed head-to-toe in an all-concealing, smothering burqa and cluck our tongues and say, “What a shame.” Muslims look at American women stripped down to nothing but a thong bikini and paraded on the beach and cluck their tongues and say, “What a shame.” I’d have to do some historical research, but I don’t think that the burqa or the bikini were the ideas of women! The maximalist and minimalist extremes seem to be the invention and inevitabilities of sexually repressive and sexually expressive cultures.
Both cultures treat women as objects – objects to be lusted after to gratify the pleasure of men. Knowing this, Muslim culture does all it can to conceal the body of a woman whereas Western culture does all it can to reveal the body of a woman. Muslim culture, as informed by the Qur’an, though more noble than Western culture in its attempt to shield their women, does emphasize mature restraint on the part of their men, yet still puts the onus on the woman. One cannot reasonably expect the male to exercise sexual restraint and so the women must bear the weight of concealment in order to protect themselves from lustful, undisciplined men. Western culture celebrates indulgence and does not even attempt restraint. We expect men to be lustful and unrestrained. So often, when a woman is raped, there is the subtle undercurrent of suspicion that she invited it by her provocative dress or behavior. There is little thought given to the notion that even if she may have been dressing and behaving in a provocative manner, it is still a man’s honor to exercise sexual restraint and to treat her with dignity. Sexual restraint is a quaint notion in the West.
We are regularly regaled with sexual scandals in the Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention, among the United Methodists and Presbyterians, as well as mega-churches and mini-churches, and even in my own family of Calvary Chapel churches. And, no surprise, even Muslims have sexual scandals at their mosques.
What drives all this, of course, is that we are all human. A Muslim is no more, and no less human than a Southern Baptist. And, being human, we are sexual creatures. In being sexual creatures we have a sex drive. And when we take that sex drive out for a spin, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow – regardless of your religious persuasion. The pursuit of pleasure, of affirmation, of intimacy, of conquering, are all wrapped up in the sexual experience. Knowing this, Muslims wrap up their ladies in a burqa, and we strip our women down to thong bikinis.
Here's what the Apostle Paul says about this –
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God…” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
This restraint is possible because your sexuality is not the core of your identity and being. There’s the old quip about psychology. “Psychology used to be the study of the soul. But it lost its soul and became the study of the mind. But now it has lost its mind and has become the study of the body.” If all you have is your body, maybe your sexual identity is the essence of your identity and being – yet the Bible insists that you are more than that. You are body, soul, and spirit – a person – who is created in the image of God. And that is what Paul’s counsel on sexual restraint is drawn from.
Though we have a sex drive, we don’t have to be sex-driven. We are not helpless in the face of our sex drive. Sexual desire is not merely an unregulated instinct that we give mindless expression to – it is a gift and a capacity that is to be measured and constrained. God calls us to sanctification and honor, and not lustful passion. Sanctification is the beauty of Jesus. What Hollywood portrays as a passion to be indiscriminately satisfied, the Church describes as a capacity to be enjoyed within the covenant boundaries of marriage. The Scriptures do not call us to rut around, looking for the next hook-up in order to satisfy an urge that cannot be tamed. The Scriptures call us to the beauty of Jesus, self-control, and the enjoyment of His gift of sexuality. Women are not the objects of a man’s lust – they are image-bearers of the God who created them. Women don’t need burqas and bikinis – they need men who know how to possess themselves in sanctification and honor.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 12, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Jesus wants you to be like the devil. What? Really? Yes. In a surprising turn of a phrase, Jesus directs us to be shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves. From where I sit, the Church has been more serpent-like than dove-like these last two years – and I’m part of the problem. Let me explain.
Why did Jesus encourage us to be like snakes? Isn’t that a symbol of the devil? Yes, it is. It gets even more puzzling. Jesus intended us to make a connection between his urging us to be shrewd as serpents and the shrewd serpent in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:1. This connection is clinched when the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament) uses the same Greek word used in Matthew 10:16 to describe the serpent – shrewd. Yes, our attention is drawn to the devil as an example of how we are to conduct ourselves in certain situations. Jesus sends us out as sheep amid wolves and tells us to be shrewd as serpents and harmless as doves.
Being shrewd means to use your head, be persuasive, convince others of your point of view. This is certainly what the devil did in Genesis 3 when he talked Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. No, we aren’t to be malicious, or deceitful, manipulative, or coercive as that serpent was – but we are to be skillful in using our heads. Yet, at the same time, we are to be harmless as doves. Which means that no matter how sharp our minds are, regardless of how convincing our arguments, no one is to walk away belittled, feeling cut down, and put in their place.
This is where we have failed. This is where I have failed. If you dare disagree with me, you’re going to pay a price for it! I will seek to belittle you and cut you down with my words. I won’t leave you unscathed. And I’m not the only one who does this – you do it, too! Not only are we shrewd as serpents, but we are also as malicious and biting and venomous as serpents. So much for being harmless. The Church has caused great harm these last two years. And the overwhelming harm has been to ourselves.
If you don’t agree with me about churches opening or closing, wearing a mask, getting a vaccination, government mandated vaccinations, Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, climate change, Presidential politics, reparations, tearing down statues, LGBT+ issues, transgenderism, nationalism, blah, blah, blah…then I will do verbal harm to you. I will make you feel stupid and seek to cut you down. Read any blog, listen to any newscast or podcast, follow all the various threads of all the issues above and you will find Christians sharpening their tongues and letting them loose. We have cut and belittled one another; we have bruised and bloodied one another; we have driven each other away with our hurtful words, our caustic tones, and our holier-than-thou attitude. We think that the truth we speak will purify the Church, when in reality the venom we spew has only defiled the Church. God forgive us. We have divided the Body of Christ. We have wounded His Little Ones. We have trampled the Bride.
I am deeply grieved by my behavior in all this. I wince when I think of those who have walked away from an interaction with me feeling belittled and cut down. I am saddened by this perverse desire I have to display how clever I am at your expense. And, of course, I’ve walked away from many an interaction feeling belittled and cut down, too. And so, I plan my comeback – but not by myself. The Shrewd Serpent in the Garden is now the Shrewd Serpent in the metropolis. Here’s what the Shrewd Serpent has reduced me to – attacking and wounding the Body of Christ.
When Jesus instructed His followers to be shrewd as serpents, He was sending them out among the wolves. The shrewdness of a serpent was never meant to be a strategy when we’re among the sheep, when we’re with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our speech is to be seasoned with salt that we may give grace to those who hear us. There’s been a lot more condemnation than grace in our speech these last two years. Again, if you don’t align with my politics, philosophy, and positions – you will suffer for it. And the Church has suffered.
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me my ugliness when it comes to belittling and cutting others down if they dare to disagree with me. I’ve been more in partnership with the Serpent than with the Spirit. When I partner with the Spirit – grace pours forth. When I partner with the Serpent – scorn and condemnation pour forth. God forgive me. I want to purpose in my soul, with the Holy Spirit helping me, that no one is belittled or cut-down-to-size in any interaction with me. And this applies to my marriage, too. How many times have I stung and belittled my wife? Though I am in sharp disagreement with you, may my tongue not be sharp. The Proverbs give the best wisdom here – a soft tongue breaks the bone, and a gentle answer turns away wrath. May my hard tongue soften, and my harsh answer take on a Christlike gentleness. May belittling and the wounding words cease within me and within the Body of Christ. May we be harmless as doves in our speech – not leaving bruise and wounds. May we persuasive without being scathing and dismissive of others. Jesus, help me. Jesus, help us.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 9, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Fran and I have been married 45 years. What’s the secret for staying married for 45 years?
Our first date was February 1, 1976. When I was a Senior in Bible College, I preached every Sunday at the Fresno Avenue Church of Christ in Avenal, California. It was a 150 mile drive from San Jose to Avenal and I would leave at 6:00 AM, make my way over Pacheco Pass, and then down the Central Valley to Avenal. I had asked Fran to go to church with me and she said, “Yes.” I told her that I would pick her up at 6:00. She thought we were going to an evening service somewhere. I informed her that we were going to the morning service in Avenal and that she should bring a blanket! She looked at me weirdly and I told her that the heater in my ’62 Ford station wagon had gone out and that it was cold going over Pacheco Pass in February and that she would want to bundle up. Anyway, our first date was her listening to me preach. And she didn’t run! I knew I had a keeper.
So, what’s the secret for staying married for 45 years?
Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or claim that is not meant to be taken literally. But this isn’t hyperbole. I believe that when marriage is done right, it’s the closest thing to heaven earth. Two souls beating as one is a richness and fullness unequaled on earth. I also believe that when marriage is done wrong, it’s the closest thing to hell on earth. Two souls in the same room, yet not on the same page, can generate a lot of heat! In 45 years of marriage we have attained the closest thing to heaven on earth, yet there have also been seasons of hell on earth.
So, what’s the secret for staying married for 45 years even when you’ve touched hell?
The first word of the gospel is, “Repent.” Matthew 4:17 says, “From that time Jesus began to preach and say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." When Jesus called men to God, the first word He uttered was, “Repent.” In essence, He was saying, “God wants a relationship with you, God wants to forgive you, but to enjoy that relationship with God, you must repent.” Repentance, of course, is turning from your sin and turning to the one forgiving you.
So, what’s the secret for staying married for 45 years? Repentance and forgiveness.
If I don’t repent, I won’t be forgiven. If I won’t forgive, any repentance on the part of the other won’t restore the relationship. Repentance is turning to the one you offended. Forgiveness is turning to the one who offended you. Marriage is two people constantly turning to one another. Not only do you turn to one another at the altar on your wedding day, you turn to one another on the day after your wedding, and the day after that, and the day after that. By my calculations, Fran and I are on day 16,605 – and we’re still turning! When you are far from one another, the only way to return is to turn.
When you stop turning to one another, you get stuck. Many marriages are stuck because one spouse won’t turn to the other. When one stops repenting or one stops forgiving, the marriage is on hold. Some marriages have been on hold for 20 years. I have been in some form of pastoral ministry for 49 years and I am certainly aware that some offenses are worse than others. A marriage is two souls beating as one. There are some sins that stop the other soul from beating. I get that. But for the vast majority of offenses, there is recovery. And the road to recovery is repentance and forgiveness. This is true in marriage, in family, in friendships, and in other relationships as well. As Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 4:17, the road to relationship begins with repentance and is oiled by forgiveness. Without these, relationships grind to a halt. Without repentance and forgiveness, heaven turns into hell.
Are you stuck? Repent. Forgive. Turn to the other.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 5, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The San Francisco Bay Area has a number of micro-climates. It can be clear and sunny and warm in the East Bay, and cold and foggy and dreary in San Francisco just across the Bay. I can look out one window and see black, menacing clouds and then walk across the room, look out the other window, and see nothing but sunny skies. Social media is like that. One portal opens to a gloomy world of nations in chaos, governments in crisis, and people in confusion. Another portal opens to men and women of vision who see nothing but blue skies ahead.
Christian social media acts in a comparable manner. One portal opens to a racist and sexist church, fallen pastors, enabling boards, shrinking membership, and youth pastors and worship leaders in theological crisis who walk away from Christianity. Another click takes you to a vision of a healthy and robust Christianity that is overcoming all that is against it and is influencing and shaping the nations. What’s the weather report for the Church? It all depends on what window you’re looking out. Here’s the report from a window I looked out yesterday.
Encouraging Trends of Global Christianity in 2020 / Insights| Faith & Culture | Jun 10, 2020 | By Aaron Earls
Here are some significant trends of Christianity happening around the world.
- Both Africa and Latin America have more Christians than Europe.
In 1900, twice as many Christians lived in Europe than in the rest of the world. Today, the Christian population in Europe has a flat growth rate, while Africa and Asia continue to experience dramatic growth. Currently, almost 640 million Christians live in Africa and 604 million in Asia, while 544 million call Europe home.
- Evangelical Christianity is at home in the global South.
According to the World Christian Encyclopedia: The number of Evangelicals in the world has increased from 112 million in 1970 to 386 million in 2020. Globally, Evangelicalism is a predominantly non-White movement within Christianity, and is becoming increasingly more so, with 77% of all Evangelicals living in the Global South in 2020. This is up from only 7.8% in 1900.
- Christianity is growing at five times the rate as atheism.
There are fewer atheists around the world now (147 million) than there were in 1970 (165million). In recent decades, atheism has started to experience minor growth but only at a 0.22% rate. Christianity, on the other hand, is growing at 1.19% rate & is expected to continue to grow & add adherents globally.
- By 2050, Charismatic Christians will outnumber the non-religious.
The total of all non-religious individuals around the world currently sits at more than 878 million, while Pentecostal/ Charismatic Christians number 644 million. In the next 30 years, however, that branch of Christianity will top 1 billion, while the non-religious will be closing in on 850 million.
- Christianity will top 3 billion adherents before 2050.
Currently, Christianity is the only religion with more than 2B followers. In the next five years, Islam will cross that threshold. Hinduism recently topped 1B. By 2050, Christianity will be the first to reach 3B. More than 3.4 billion people will be Christians then, according to the Gordon Conwell projections.
- By 2050, almost 1.3 billion Christians will live in Africa.
As Christianity continues to grow worldwide, the main driver of the growth remains Africa, increasing at a 2.86% rate. Before 2050, it will be the 1st continent that is home to more than 1 billion Christians.
- The percentage of the world that remains unevangelized continues to fall.
While there are more than twice as many unevangelized people alive today than 100 years ago, they represent a smaller number than ever before. In 1900, more than half the world’s population was unevangelized (54.3%). In 2020, that percentage has decreased to 28.3%.
- The number of Christian martyrs is falling after spiking in the late 1900s.
While persecution remains a significant issue for Christians globally, the number of martyrs has fallen since 1970, according to Gordon Conwell. Then, 3.7 million Christians were killed every 10 years. Today, that number is closer to 900,000 every decade.
In addition to these encouraging trends, Muslims are coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers.
Yes, there are racist and sexist churches, some pastors will fall into moral failure, there will be church boards that seek to cover this up, some churches will continue to shrink in membership, and there will be youth pastors and worship leaders who find themselves in theological crisis and will walk away from Christianity. But come with me and look out this other window and be encouraged as the gospel conquers and shapes more and more people.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 4, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Faith isn’t always born on the front pew of a church. Faith can be born in a gutter, or in a foxhole, or in the tail gun position of B-17 Bomber. The first pastor I served under while in Bible College in San Jose came to faith in a crisis. He was the tail gunner in a B-17 Bomber in the Pacific Theatre in WW2. He said that the Japanese fighter planes trying to shoot down his plane were thick as flies chasing after his B-17 on its bombing raid. He returned fire from his perch in the rear of the B-17, but he was scared. He cried out to God, and he said, “God, if you get me out of this one, I will serve you the rest of my life.” God did what Art asked Him to do, and Art did as he promised to do.
The gospels tell the story of Jairus. He, like Art, found himself in a crisis. Jairus was a man whose daughter was dying. Like the Japanese fighter planes swarming around Art’s B-17, death was closing in swiftly. There was nothing he could do about it. He’d heard about Jesus, but there was something of a problem. Jairus was the local synagogue official – and this position came with a lot of responsibility and visibility. As the synagogue official, it was his responsibility to read Scripture and teach and pray, He would also ask qualified persons to preach. His job description included caring for the building while being the leader in all things pertaining to faith, as well as being the doctrinal watchdog. (Come to think of it, he had the same job description a pastor has!) He held an office of great visibility and respect in the community. It’s very possible that Jairus could have seen Christ as a threat and quite possibly had denounced Him as being antagonistic to the law of Moses. He may have been intimidated by the Pharisees who hated Jesus and warned people to stay away from Jesus. And now, ironically, he finds that Jesus is his only hope.
This responsible, admired man has great need. Something is broken in his home – he’s losing his daughter, she’s about to die. If something isn’t done immediately, he will lose her. A great crisis has developed and he is at a loss. His great need launched him into a profound struggle. He had heard great things about Jesus – He commands the wind and the waves; He casts out demons; He cleanses lepers and heals the sick. Yet at the same time, Jesus offends the religious establishment, of which Jairus is a part. Jairus is torn by his need to go to Jesus and his need to stay away from Jesus.
Need pushed him to Jesus, but position & reputation pushed him away. Many things kept him from Christ, but he came to the point of desperate brokenness. Many have found themselves in the same place – they are pushed to Christ, yet the demands of holiness, or pride, or ideology, or fear of what others might think push them away. Like Jairus, it seems they have much to lose. I know that for me, the demands of holiness kept me from Christ.
We’re not told when, or where, or how, but Jairus came to believe in Jesus. Faith isn’t always born on the front pew of a church. Jairus didn’t go to a class that compared Old Testament prophecies with the life of Christ, where the clouds of doubt were blown away and faith was born. It wasn’t a course in doctrine or a seminar on apologetics where faith was born – it was destruction and ruin that drove him to Christ. Most of us didn’t come to Christ after an argument persuaded us, but after a crisis convinced us that there was no place left to go
Jairus had theological, vocational, and emotional walls up against Jesus. Theologically, most of Israel was waiting for a Messiah who would free them from the yoke of Roman oppression. The Messiah would be a military and political deliverer. And then here comes Jesus who heals the sick and forgives sin. Impressive – yes! But not fitting the mold of the expected Messiah. Jesus didn’t fit into Jairus’ theology. Vocationally, Jesus posed a threat to his stream of income. He was told that Jesus taught against the law of Moses and those who followed Jesus would end up forsaking the synagogue. It’s not hard to figure out why Jairus may well be wary of Jesus and suspicious of Him. But crises have a way of bringing down the walls that reason and argumentation can’t move. Calamities and catastrophes undermine defenses and make people open to new possibilities.
America is a nation in crisis – philosophical, religious, political, economic, and emotional. As the Church of Jesus Christ, let’s point people to Jesus. Like Jairus, Jesus may not look like the answer our nation is looking for, He may not meet the expectations that have been generated within our collective imaginations – but Jesus is what every Jairus needs. Faith isn’t always born on the front pew of a church – it’s often born in a crisis. Let’s not let a good crisis go to waste.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 26, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Here’s the burning question everyone wants answered: What should be my attitude when I attend church? With more and more people coming through the front doors on Sunday mornings, this is a strategic question. How should I come into the House of the Lord? Fortunately, we don’t have to look too far for the help we need. A frail, sickly lady leads the way. She saw Jesus surrounded by a crowd and she determined to make her way into the presence of the Lord.
The gospels tell us that she had been bleeding for 12 years. And like everyone else, she just wanted to live a happy life with a happy ending. But for twelve long years she has been frustrated as life has been slowly draining from her. So many are like her – their search for earthly happiness has been frustrated at every turn. They don’t live where they want to live, they’re not married to who they really want to be married to, they don’t do what they would like to do, they don’t make as much money as they would like to make. And on and on. Like the woman in our story, there is a flow of unhappiness that no one has been able to staunch.
She had a broken place that would not heal – probably her womb. And where life should break forth, there was only death. And this constant flow needed constant attention which would constantly remind her that she was broken. Because of this flow of blood, she was ceremonially unclean – defiled. She was barred from worshipping in the temple, and she carried with her an overwhelming sense of condemnation. This woman suffered in secret. No one knew that death was stalking her. Some bondage can’t be hidden – like the Gadarene demoniacs who screamed and cut themselves. And then like this woman, some bondage can’t be seen.
Two things are necessary for change: the presence of Jesus and the presence of faith. One without other is not sufficient. The crowd had the presence of Jesus – but they exercised no faith and therefore, didn’t experience the power of Jesus. This woman had previously put her faith in doctors, but not in Jesus and therefore, she didn’t experience the power of Jesus to heal and change her. But however it happened, she’s now a woman of faith seeking the presence of Jesus!
This woman saw no one but Jesus – she had the single eye of faith. She wouldn’t settle for Peter, James, or John – just Jesus. How should I come into the House of the Lord? Don’t settle for anything less than Jesus. She didn’t want to touch an apostle or be touched by an angel – only Jesus is good enough for her. She came to touch Jesus and she would touch Jesus. She came up to Him and stretched herself out and laid hold of Him. She came to Him in the expectation of faith. The crowd pressed and jostled hoping to see something happen. But she didn’t come hoping to see something happen – she came to have something happen to her. She didn’t come to listen to the fine music, to visit friends, or to see what Sister Jenkins was wearing. She came to touch Jesus – and nothing would stop her. She said to herself, “If I only touch His garment, I will get well.” If I touch Him, something’s going to happen. If I touch Him, I will experience His power. If I touch Him, I’ll be set free!! This is how she came to Jesus. This is how we should come to church!!
When she touched Jesus in faith, power flowed from His wholeness into her brokenness. His life flowed into her death. His light illumined her darkness. Jesus stopped and wanted to know who had touched His garments. The disciples said that there were so many people pressing in that it could have been anyone. But Jesus knew it couldn’t have been just anyone – it had to have been one with faith, for His power had responded to faith. The woman came trembling, fell before Him, and told Him the whole truth. Jesus commended her faith and told her to go in peace.
What a great example of how to come into the House of the Lord – laser focused on Jesus. How should I come into the House of the Lord? With the expectation of faith. But here’s the problem – if you have no need, you have no expectation. If you have no expectation, you have no focus. If you have no focus, you have no discernment. If you have no discernment, it’s easy to miss what’s right in front of you. Do you miss what’s right in front of you?
Does Jesus recognize faith in you? Augustine said: Flesh presses; faith touches. The crowd could say, “I saw Him; I was in His presence. He was so close I could have reached out and touched Him.” Many could say that, but only one could say, “I experienced His power.” There were many, no doubt, who needed healing, but there are some things Jesus doesn’t do except in response to faith. How many needy people brushed by Jesus, but didn’t touch Him in faith?
This is why coming into the House of the Lord is so powerful and so important. To some, worship is just singing songs. To others, worship is touching Jesus. To some, in listening to the sermon they glean some Biblical info. To others, in listening to the sermon they hear the voice of God. And in that touch and in that voice there is the release of His power. No, I don’t always need healing – but I always need His presence, His peace, His guidance – I need His power to serve Him and serve people. How should I come into the House of the Lord? Come hungry. Come desperate. Come in faith and touch Jesus!
There would be only one person more disappointed than this woman if she hadn’t touched Jesus – Jesus Himself.
Be blessed and stay healthy and touch Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 25, 2022
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
We’ve all seen it done and, no doubt, we’ve done it ourselves – I know I have. And I repent. I hope you repent, too. What I’m referring to was even a problem over 3,600 years ago. Moses describes meting out punishment to someone was found guilty of wrongdoing. He writes -
He may beat him forty times but no more, so that he does not beat him with many more stripes than these and your brother is not degraded in your eyes. Deuteronomy 25:3
Someone who has done wrong is to be punished and corrected – but he/she is not to be degraded or humiliated. The wrongdoer is to be beaten, but not beaten to the point of being humiliated and disgraced in the eyes of the community. The Hebrew behind the word ‘degraded’ carries the cluster of ideas ‘to be light(weight), be cursed, be disgraced.’ The basic idea is that correcting what is wrong and punishing guilt is meant to straighten someone out and bring them into an accurate understanding and a healthy attitude. Punishment is not meant to disgrace, humiliate, or shame someone. Correcting wrong and punishing guilt removes a present problem, but creating shame generates a future problem.
Every day I read blogs where readers are invited to leave comments. The comments begin on a healthy note, but it doesn’t take too long before someone makes someone else angry by what they wrote. Those commenting go from trying to correct the wrongheaded thinking of the other to attempting to shame and degrade the other person for the opinion they hold. The language and mood of correction is much different from the language and mood of shaming. Correction says that you are wrong for thinking as you do. Shaming says that you are an idiot for thinking as you do. Correction addresses itself to the content of your thinking. Shaming attacks the character of the one doing the thinking.
The Law of God forbids us from shaming and disgracing the one needing correction. Shaming doesn’t result in correction; it results in corruption – we make an enemy. Correcting wrong and punishing guilt removes a present problem, but creating shame generates a future problem. Shaming someone makes them an enemy – and enemies want revenge. I know that when someone disagrees with me and seeks to correct me, I can feel stung, and my ego feels threatened. But when someone seeks to shame me, my ego is under attack, and I want to attack back. I want revenge! I want to humiliate and disgrace and shame them. Do you want to make an enemy? Do you want to have future problems? Then treat someone like they are a fool and seek to shame and humiliate them with your clever and cutting words. Your clever and cutting words don’t persuade others of your intellect, only of your arrogance. Your clever and cutting words don’t win an argument, they create enemies.
When someone is shamed and rejects the correction that is being offered, we think they are being thick-headed, when actually we are the ones at fault for not understanding basic human nature. If I hit my thumb with a hammer, my whole body will curl around it to protect it from further harm. When someone hits my ego with a hammer, my whole being wraps around it to protect it and then I want to hammer the one who hammered me. We hear about surgeries where things are going fine and then an artery is nicked and there is a massive amount of unexpected blood loss. Your ego is the artery of your soul, and when it gets nicked – intentionally or otherwise – there is a massive loss of self-worth, and things go to another level. You can see it when you read blog comments and read the first nasty response where someone nicked someone else’s artery, someone drew blood – and you know what’s coming. Your clever and cutting words don’t sew up the case, they nick an artery.
The Law of God forbids us from nicking the ego of any man or woman. And yet it happens all the time in the Church. It’s not just that I disagree with your opinion about vaccinations, it’s that I think you’re an idiot for holding that opinion. I think that you are anti-science. I think that you are a tool and a fool. I think that you are overly fearful or that you don’t care who you kill. Why is there so much division and spite in the Body of Christ? It’s not because we think this or that about COVID and vaccinations, it’s because we’ve nicked so many arteries with our clever and cutting words and there is a massive bleeding out in the Church.
I heard that the devil has been in Tahiti for the last two years on vacation because he’s gotten the Church to do his job. He doesn’t let a good crisis go to waste. It’s one thing to be condemned by the devil, it’s another thing to be condemned by a fellow Christian. I expect the devil to try and nick my artery and go for the jugular, but not my fellow Christian. It’s worse to be blind-sided by a friend than to be blitzed by the enemy. I expect the enemy to be my enemy. I don’t expect my friend to be my enemy. The last two years have seen many friends become enemies in the Church. Moses said not to beat someone who is guilty with more than forty stripes. We left that number in the rearview mirror a long time ago. We continually seek to disgrace and shame and humiliate one another with our oh so cleaver words. I hear that the devil is going to expend his vacation.
In the 70’s, we used to sing song entitled “We Are One in The Spirit.” In the second verse is the line: “And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride.” I always felt awkward singing those words, yet I certainly have a much greater understanding of their intent and meaning almost 50 years later. We need to start singing those lines again to be reminded of God’s heart for the Church. May we guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 12, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I hate fruitcake! Every year around Thanksgiving, I dutifully warn the members of Calvary Chapel Fremont of the dangers of fruitcake. Fruitcake is of the devil! (We have fun with this every year. And inevitably, someone brings a fruitcake to one of the holiday events and tries to give me a piece. And yes, they are excommunicated for this transgression!) What if I learned that heaven was just one giant, eternal, infinite fruitcake? What if somehow, I discovered that fruitcake was served for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in-between meal snack. I could have it barbecued, boiled, broiled, fried, baked, or sauteed. I could choose to have it plain or with chocolate syrup or with a caramel glaze. Yet however it was prepared and presented – it would be fruitcake at its core. I hate fruitcake. If heaven were one giant, eternal, infinite fruitcake – heaven would be my hell. Why would I want to go to heaven only to be tortured by that which I have sought to avoid during my time on earth?
Heaven is dominated by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Heaven is thick with their presence. If someone doesn’t believe in the Father, doesn’t acknowledge the Son, doesn’t follow the Spirit – why would they want to go to heaven? If someone doesn’t love Jesus on earth, why would heaven be attractive to them – it’s all about Jesus. If someone avoids Jesus and His Word here on earth, if someone hardens their heart against Jesus during this life, if someone refuses to surrender to Jesus now – heaven will be hell for them. The One they ignore and deny and blaspheme and use as a curse word on earth is the One they will have to submit to and adore in heaven. If you hate Donald Trump and then somehow, he is appointed to be President for the next one hundred years – you’d be miserable. There would be one hundred years of protests and lawsuits and unending hatred. You would not want to live in America. If you don’t love Jesus, you won’t want heaven. And what’s more – heaven won’t want you.
Imagine that I have the best house on the street with all the bells and whistles. I have 80” TVs in every room. I’ve got Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hulu and Brit Box – you name it, I’ve got it. I have state-of-the-art gaming stations. I’ve got a pool, heated year-round, that can hold everybody in the neighborhood. My fridge overflows with soda and candy and ice cream. My house has it all and I am generous with all I have – my house is your house. No doubt, you’d want to be there all the time. But there’s only one problem – you hate my son. My son has authority in our home, but you disobey him, curse him, and disrespect him – guess what? You’re not welcome in my home. It’s not my animosity toward you that keeps you out, but your animosity toward my son. If you will reconcile with my son, you’re welcome. If you will not reconcile with my son, you’re not welcome. Your relationship with my son determines whether you enter my house. I’m not keeping you from hanging out in my dream house – you are.
Maybe you think that at death, God will overrule your life choices and change your heart so that you will love Jesus and surrender to Him. You think that at death, God will transform your character to prepare it for heaven. No – that’s not going to happen. That’s not how the Bible outlines afterlife issues. Your life choices will follow you into eternity – in fact, they precede you in that they determine your eternity. If you die hating Jesus, you will hate Him for all eternity. If you die loving Jesus, you will love Him for all eternity. I think it was CS Lewis who said that hell is the greatest compliment God can pay to free will. God doesn’t keep you out of heaven – you do.
Now, I have a very embarrassing confession to make. I am turning red even as I am typing this – I’ve never had one bite of fruitcake! It’s true – not even one nibble. But just the look of the thing is enough to get my defenses up. All those moist, glistening, candied fruits embedded in thick dough peppered with nuts is enough to make me gag. Yet who knows, maybe I’d like it if I tried it. How can I hate what I haven’t even tried? I know – it’s pathetic. But now it’s a matter of pride and ego – I’ve said I’ve hated it and want nothing to do with it, and now I must live up to what I’ve said. Think of all the ridicule I would have to endure if I got up in front of the church and had to tell them that I was wrong about fruitcake all these years. Those wonderful people of Calvary Chapel Fremont would never let me hear the end of it!
I think something like this unfolds in the hearts of those who want nothing to do with Jesus. They reason within themselves that why would they want to surrender to Jesus to be their Savior and Lord when Jesus would drain all the fun out of life? Why would they want Jesus to be Lord of their lives when they want to be lord of their lives? “No one’s going to tell me what to do. No one is going to define the direction of my life except me,” is what they say in their hearts. They look at Jesus the way I look at fruitcake – with great suspicion.
David has some good counsel for this situation. “O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8 You can take 10,000 words and try to describe to someone how popcorn tastes, or you can feed them a handful. One handful of popcorn in the mouth is worth more than 10,000 words in the ear. In this instance, taste trumps reason; taste overwhelms reason; taste outreasons reason. I might taste fruitcake and find that it is good, but I am certain that if you surrender to Jesus, you will taste and see that He is good. His will for you is better than your will for yourself. His plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. His love for you is deeper and higher than your love for yourself. God wants to spend eternity with you. But if you don’t love Jesus, heaven will be hell, for it is full of what you despise. Heaven is all about the love and triumph and reign of Jesus Christ. May you put your faith in Him and love Him and enjoy Him for all eternity.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 12, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I hate fruitcake! Every year around Thanksgiving, I dutifully warn the members of Calvary Chapel Fremont of the dangers of fruitcake. Fruitcake is of the devil! (We have fun with this every year. And inevitably, someone brings a fruitcake to one of the holiday events and tries to give me a piece. And yes, they are excommunicated for this transgression!) What if I learned that heaven was just one giant, eternal, infinite fruitcake? What if somehow, I discovered that fruitcake was served for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in-between meal snack. I could have it barbecued, boiled, broiled, fried, baked, or sauteed. I could choose to have it plain or with chocolate syrup or with a caramel glaze. Yet however it was prepared and presented – it would be fruitcake at its core. I hate fruitcake. If heaven were one giant, eternal, infinite fruitcake – heaven would be my hell. Why would I want to go to heaven only to be tortured by that which I have sought to avoid during my time on earth?
Heaven is dominated by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Heaven is thick with their presence. If someone doesn’t believe in the Father, doesn’t acknowledge the Son, doesn’t follow the Spirit – why would they want to go to heaven? If someone doesn’t love Jesus on earth, why would heaven be attractive to them – it’s all about Jesus. If someone avoids Jesus and His Word here on earth, if someone hardens their heart against Jesus during this life, if someone refuses to surrender to Jesus now – heaven will be hell for them. The One they ignore and deny and blaspheme and use as a curse word on earth is the One they will have to submit to and adore in heaven. If you hate Donald Trump and then somehow, he is appointed to be President for the next one hundred years – you’d be miserable. There would be one hundred years of protests and lawsuits and unending hatred. You would not want to live in America. If you don’t love Jesus, you won’t want heaven. And what’s more – heaven won’t want you.
Imagine that I have the best house on the street with all the bells and whistles. I have 80” TVs in every room. I’ve got Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hulu and Brit Box – you name it, I’ve got it. I have state-of-the-art gaming stations. I’ve got a pool, heated year-round, that can hold everybody in the neighborhood. My fridge overflows with soda and candy and ice cream. My house has it all and I am generous with all I have – my house is your house. No doubt, you’d want to be there all the time. But there’s only one problem – you hate my son. My son has authority in our home, but you disobey him, curse him, and disrespect him – guess what? You’re not welcome in my home. It’s not my animosity toward you that keeps you out, but your animosity toward my son. If you will reconcile with my son, you’re welcome. If you will not reconcile with my son, you’re not welcome. Your relationship with my son determines whether you enter my house. I’m not keeping you from hanging out in my dream house – you are.
Maybe you think that at death, God will overrule your life choices and change your heart so that you will love Jesus and surrender to Him. You think that at death, God will transform your character to prepare it for heaven. No – that’s not going to happen. That’s not how the Bible outlines afterlife issues. Your life choices will follow you into eternity – in fact, they precede you in that they determine your eternity. If you die hating Jesus, you will hate Him for all eternity. If you die loving Jesus, you will love Him for all eternity. I think it was CS Lewis who said that hell is the greatest compliment God can pay to free will. God doesn’t keep you out of heaven – you do.
Now, I have a very embarrassing confession to make. I am turning red even as I am typing this – I’ve never had one bite of fruitcake! It’s true – not even one nibble. But just the look of the thing is enough to get my defenses up. All those moist, glistening, candied fruits embedded in thick dough peppered with nuts is enough to make me gag. Yet who knows, maybe I’d like it if I tried it. How can I hate what I haven’t even tried? I know – it’s pathetic. But now it’s a matter of pride and ego – I’ve said I’ve hated it and want nothing to do with it, and now I must live up to what I’ve said. Think of all the ridicule I would have to endure if I got up in front of the church and had to tell them that I was wrong about fruitcake all these years. Those wonderful people of Calvary Chapel Fremont would never let me hear the end of it!
I think something like this unfolds in the hearts of those who want nothing to do with Jesus. They reason within themselves that why would they want to surrender to Jesus to be their Savior and Lord when Jesus would drain all the fun out of life? Why would they want Jesus to be Lord of their lives when they want to be lord of their lives? “No one’s going to tell me what to do. No one is going to define the direction of my life except me,” is what they say in their hearts. They look at Jesus the way I look at fruitcake – with great suspicion.
David has some good counsel for this situation. “O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 34:8 You can take 10,000 words and try to describe to someone how popcorn tastes, or you can feed them a handful. One handful of popcorn in the mouth is worth more than 10,000 words in the ear. In this instance, taste trumps reason; taste overwhelms reason; taste outreasons reason. I might taste fruitcake and find that it is good, but I am certain that if you surrender to Jesus, you will taste and see that He is good. His will for you is better than your will for yourself. His plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. His love for you is deeper and higher than your love for yourself. God wants to spend eternity with you. But if you don’t love Jesus, heaven will be hell, for it is full of what you despise. Heaven is all about the love and triumph and reign of Jesus Christ. May you put your faith in Him and love Him and enjoy Him for all eternity.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 7, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
So Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up." When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, "Moses, Moses!" Exodus 3:3-4
Moses wanted to discover the WHY behind the WHAT and encountered a WHO. He turned aside to learn the reason for the phenomena and met with a Person.
I want to make explicit something that was implicit in my last blog. Someone commented on how that blog had impacted him. I responded with this:
The Psalmist cries out, “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence.” Psalm 42:5
The Psalmist cries out WHY and he is directed to a WHO – the Lord. Peace isn't found in knowing the WHY of the WHAT, but in the WHO of the WHAT – the Lord. When his mind cries out, “WHY?”, he is met by Hope and Presence. For the philosophically minded, this is less than adequate – reason is everything. Yet in Christianity, the one seeking reasons isn’t first given reasons, but invited into relationship. The one looking for answers is called to abide. The peace of God doesn’t come through understanding the WHY, but in knowing the WHO. You don’t have to understand the WHY of the WHAT in order to know the WHO. The WHO – the LORD gives a peace beyond understanding. If there is a peace that is beyond understanding, that means that understanding can never attain it – reason will never lay hold of it. Understanding is like a train – it can take you a lot of places and you’ll see some wonderful things. But even as the train has to stop at the ocean’s edge, there is a point beyond which reason cannot take you. Faith is like the plane that can take you well beyond and above the ocean’s edge. The WHAT and the WHY have limitations – the WHO is infinite. An ounce of WHO is worth more than a pound of WHY.
In Christianity, the truth isn’t a proposition or a statement – the truth is a Person. Truth isn’t a WHAT, it’s a WHO. Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life. Truth is a WHO. Truth is a Person, not a proposition. You can memorize the whole Bible and never know the WHO. Truth, life, and salvation are in the WHO and not in the WHAT and WHY. The soul is satisfied by a WHO and not a WHAT or a WHY.
Jesus chose the Twelve. Their authority wasn’t in their ability to know the WHATS and the WHYS of life and religion – their authority was in the WHO who chose them. I am not the pastor at Calvary Chapel Fremont because I know the most WHATS and WHYS of the Bible and life. I am the pastor because of WHO chose me to be the pastor. Therefore, I do not need to be insecure in the presence of someone who knows more WHATS and WHYS than me. My authority isn’t derived from my education or my knowledge – it comes from Christ – from a WHO and not a WHAT. I do not need to be insecure if someone can preach and teach better than me. My authority isn’t derived from ability, but from calling – from a WHO and not a WHAT. It’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know – and WHO knows you.
This blog is not meant to communicate that once you know Jesus, you can put your brain in a baggie and go through life with a big stupid grin on your face. Knowing the WHO does not eliminate the need to learn the WHATS and WHYS of life and Christianity. I love reading theology and philosophy and apologetics and Bible commentaries and history. I want to know as many WHATS and WHYS as I can. Yet the WHATS and WHYS can never substitute for knowing the WHO. My preaching and teaching is filled with WHATS and WHYS – but they’re all in service of the WHO. The WHATS and the WHYS are all meant to lead to the WHO.
Why does Good Shepherd lead us into the Valley of the Shadow of death? What lesson does He want us to learn? That He is enough. We are so preoccupied with discovering the WHATS and WHYS of our suffering (that never really satisfy the soul) that we miss WHO is offering Himself to us. We Evangelicals are good at studying and thinking and reasoning, but not so good at communing and abiding. Someone has said that if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail. If our dominant tool is thinking and studying and reasoning, then we will think that every problem will yield to reason. We are foolish to think that a problem that calls for a WHO can be resolved with a WHY or a WHAT. Reasoning runs out of track, but faith soars.
For the philosopher who loves the world of the mind, reason is enough. For the materialist who loves the world of physical objects, happiness is enough. For the Christian who loves God, Christ is enough. The illogic of postmodernism reigns in the West today precisely because reason is not enough. Happiness is never enough because you can’t get enough of that which is perishing. Yet in Christ, the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form. Christ is eternal God – He’s not going anywhere. Christ is enough. The philosopher is on an eternal quest to know the WHY. The materialist is breathlessly pursuing the WHAT. The Christian is known by the WHO and knows the WHO. Hallelujah!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 5, 2022
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A few weeks ago a woman called me and asked me to give her some passages from the Bible that would make her feel better about the death of her daughter. I told her that I didn’t have any and that her daughter’s death would cause her pain for the rest of her life. I don’t know “why” her daughter, out of all daughters, died. I told that if she knew “why,” that she should write a book – she would make millions. Here are some possible reasons –
- We live in fallen bodies in a fallen world where the curse has yet to be lifted;
- Maybe her daughter made a bad decision that resulted in her death;
- Maybe someone else made a bad decision that resulted in her daughter’s death;
- Maybe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time…
The premise behind this woman’s request is that if I know the reason, I can better live with the result; knowing the reason will bring some measure of relief. I think this is a faulty premise. Let’s apply this to the reasons listed above.
- OK, we live in fallen bodies in a fallen world where the curse has yet to be lifted. So what? Why, out of all possible daughters, was it my daughter that the curse claimed? I live in a fallen body in a fallen world, why didn’t I die instead?
- OK, my daughter made a bad decision – others make worse decisions and they live.
- OK, someone else made a bad decision that resulted in my daughter’s death. This doesn’t bring me relief, it only increases my bitterness.
- So what that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time – God could have, in His providence, protected her.
Again, here’s the premise: if I know the reason, I can better live with the result; knowing the reason will bring some measure of relief. The premise of the premise is that I will gain peace through knowledge. The right kind of information will bring me serenity. We seek answers in theology and God is offering us something else, something more. Theology is the study of God. Peace doesn’t come through the study of God – peace comes through relationship with God. We want answers and God offers Himself to us. We want to satisfy the curiosity of the intellect and God wants to fill the emptiness of our souls. A satisfied intellect can never fill the emptiness of the soul. A satisfied intellect can never heal the pain of a soul. Our greatest challenge isn’t unanswered questions, but empty souls. When I’m seeking reasons, God desires to give me Revelation. When I’m thrashing around for answers, God is calling me to Abide. My greatest need isn’t answers, my greatest need is Presence.
This is so clearly seen in the book of Psalms. The Psalmist isn’t seeking answers, he’s seeking God. The one who cries out isn’t seeking to fill his mind with reasons, he’s seeking to fill his soul with Presence. Read anywhere in the Psalms and you’ll find a soul seeking God, and not answers – seeking the peace of the presence of God. The Psalmist knows what it means to abide in the Lord; he knows what it means to fill an empty soul with the presence of the living God.
The older I get in Christ, the less I know, yet deeper is the peace I experience. When I was fresh out of Bible College – I knew it all. Yet I didn’t fully experience Christ’s peace and joy. With the humility of knowing less, a greater place is created for Christ’s peace and joy. When I was younger, I could have told that mother “why” her daughter died. Now, I just weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. My ministry has migrated from my head to my soul. I minister out of my soul now, and not just my intellect.
Where I once sought satisfaction in answers and reason, my soul is now content with Presence. I realize that for some things, there is no fully satisfying answer – yet His Presence fully satisfies. For things like the death of a daughter, what reason could wipe away the tears of the soul? Yet His Presence sanctifies the tears of the soul and brings rest to the weary mind. Jesus cried out, “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden – and I will give you rest.” Jesus didn’t promise answers, He promised rest. Where my ministry once sought to satisfy the mind with answers from the Bible, I now seek to quiet the soul with the rest of Christ.
The soul is not satisfied with answers – the soul is satisfied with Christ. I don’t know why that woman’s daughter died – yet I know that Christ can satisfy her soul. Even with ongoing pain, Christ can satisfy her soul. I don’t know why some things in my life have unfolded the way they have – I could have great grief and bitterness if I allowed these things any authority in my life – but my soul is satisfied in Christ. Abraham cried out, “Will not the Judge of the earth do right?” And my answer is, “Yes, He will and He has and He will continue to do so.” I don’t need to have all the answers anymore – my soul is satisfied with Christ. I don’t rest in reasons, I rest in Christ. Christ is enough.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 31, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A man came to our midweek service this last Wednesday with a T-shirt that read:
The Past, Present, and Future walked into a bar. It was tense.
(Ha! He often has off-the-wall T-shirts!)
What will happen between 11:59 PM on December 31st and 12:01 AM on January 1st? What happens when the present tense becomes the future tense? Nothing. Sorry. Nothing will happen. You won’t get smarter, thinner, richer, or better looking or more spiritual. Sorry. You won’t grow closer to God or closer to your spouse. Of course, you will grow closer to death and closer to heaven and closer to the rapture of the Church, but time doesn’t cause anything to happen.
What causes things to happen? Be it unto you according to your faith. In Matthew 8:14 we’re told that Jesus came to Peter’s home and saw that Peter’s mother-in-law was lying in bed sick with a fever. Mark 1:30 tells us that Jesus went into Peter and Andrew’s house along with James and John and they spoke to Jesus about her. What happened first, did Jesus see her or did their speaking to Him about her make Him look in her direction? I know – who knows? But the way I see it, Jesus saw her before they spoke to Him about her. Jesus saw a person in need and then the disciples spoke to Him about this person in need. And why did they draw His attention to her? They wanted Him to heal her.
This story presents a simple, beautiful picture of faith and prayer. It also presents a simple picture of how Jesus works. In the gospels, Jesus initiated miracles without being asked to do so. He fed the 5,000 and walked on water and raised Lazarus from the dead without someone asking Him to do these things. Yet, except for one exception that I found, Jesus never healed without being asked to do so. In Matthew 8, where He heals Peter’s mother-in-law, He heals a leper – but only after being asked. He also heals the Centurion’s servant – after being asked. And then He heals Peter’s mother-in-law after His disciples draw His attention to her. Matthew 8 continues with people bringing the sick and demon possessed to Jesus that He might touch them. That’s when things change – when Jesus touches your life!
This helps me understand prayer. Jesus knows who needs His care even before we ask. He sees the need and suffering before we see it and bring it to His attention. Why pray then? Because it indicates that we are touched by the pain and suffering of others and desire that Jesus move into this suffering and bring relief. This puts us on the same page as Jesus. Prayer is expression of a heart in line with Jesus. Prayer says that I see what Jesus sees. Jesus saw Peter’s mother-in-law before they spoke to Him about her. Did Jesus not want to heal her until they asked Him to? No, this was His desire all along. I ask Jesus to do what Jesus wants to do. Prayer isn’t asking Jesus to do what Jesus doesn’t want to do. Prayer doesn’t change the will of God – it taps into the willingness of God to move into human need and suffering. Prayer is asking Jesus to touch what He sees. That’s when things change – when Jesus comes into the room and touches those people and situations that we bring to His attention.
If it were 11:59 PM on New Year’s Eve when Jesus walked into Peter’s house and then the clock moved to 12:01 AM on January 1st, what would have changed? Nothing. “But Jesus is in the room.” Yes, He is. And let’s follow the pattern given us in the gospels over and over and bring needs and suffering to the attention of Jesus – that’s when things change. We might think, “Well, Jesus is here, and He knows all things better than I know them and He knows them before I know them. Why do I need to bring to Jesus’ attention what He is already paying attention to?” This kind of theological reasoning can neuter your prayer life. The issue with prayer is your heart resonating with the heart of Jesus. You see the needs He sees, and You are touched by what touches Him. What is true of those who don’t pray? They don’t see what Jesus sees and are not touched by those things that touch the heart of Jesus. Prayer is an indication that my heart is flowing with the heart of Jesus. Prayerlessness is an indication that my heart is not flowing with the heart of Jesus. Prayer is first not a matter of faith, but of oneness with the heart of Jesus.
May 2022 be a year of discovering the simplicity of prayer – bringing needs and suffering to the attention of Jesus. Yes, prayer is more than intercession, but prayer is to include intercession because the one who prays is touched by the needs and suffering of other people even as Jesus’ disciples were touched by the suffering of Peter’s mother-in-law. They spoke to Jesus about her. Speak to Jesus about those who need His touch. Time doesn’t change anything – Jesus does.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 30, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Water hardens into ice when the temperature gets low enough. And even as weather affects water, so the cultural weather affects popular philosophy. Here is what I mean. Relativism says that you have your truth and I have my truth – it’s all good! Truth is not absolute, it is personal and private and to be determined by the individual. No one truth has greater authority or value than another truth – it’s all personal preference. This breeds tolerance and a lot of SHALOM and NAMASTE – until the cultural weather changes and a new Ice Age is born. When the cultural weather changes, that which is fluid hardens into that which is solid. That which is relative hardens into an absolute. And when the relative hardens into the absolute, that which is tolerated becomes that which cannot be tolerated. When the relative hardens into the absolute, my preference becomes truth – and I can no longer tolerate your preference. Your preference must bow before my truth. Goodbye SHALOM. Goodbye NAMASTE. Hello new Ice Age.
Many will tell you they are relativists, when in fact they are absolutists. They will say that you have your truth and they have their truth, but what they really mean is that their truth outweighs your truth and your truth will have to bow to their truth – which means you don’t really have the truth at all. Not all truth is created equal! Many who hold to Critical Race Theory are not relativists. My truth is that I am not a racist. Yet their truth is that since I am white, I am inherently, helplessly, hopelessly, irredeemably, systemically racist. OUCH! I need to get some warmer clothes for this new Ice Age.
Tens of thousands of university students will tell you that they do not believe in absolute truth, that they are relativists – yet these same students will censor speech they don’t agree with, cancel speakers who speak another truth, and tear down statues of men who had their own truth. Where’s the tolerance, the SHALOM, the NAMASTE? In fact, they are absolutists. Their personal, relative preference has hardened into absolute, intolerant truth in the current philosophical climate. When the relative hardens into the absolute, tolerance becomes intolerance. The true relativist would hold his/her position as a preference, not a truth. But when preferences become truth, truth becomes absolute. And the person with absolute truth becomes a tyrant.
Now, anyone familiar with the history of the Church will roll their eyes and say, “Pastor Tim, you condemn yourself. Who have been the firmest believers in the absolute status of their truth and which institution has been more intolerant than the Church? How many so-called witches have been drowned? How many heretics have been burned alive?” To which I reply, “Guilty as charged!” The Church has held to the absolute truth of Jesus Christ in an intolerant manner. Yet this was never meant to be. The absolute truth of Jesus Christ is to be held in tolerance of and kindness toward all other beliefs.
The Church is not to control the behavior of sinners – that’s the work of the State.
The Church is not to convict people of their sins – that’s the work of the Spirit.
The Church is not to guide the lives of those outside the Church – that’s the work of the conscience.
The Church is not the State. The Church is not the Holy Spirit. The Church is not the conscience of society.
The Church is to leave it to the State to control sinful behavior.
The Church is to leave it to the Spirit to convince people that they are sinners.
The Church is to leave it to a person’s conscience to guide them.
It is when the Church thinks that She’s the State, the Holy Spirit, and the individual conscience of a person that She becomes intolerant. I firmly believe that it is not my job to control the behavior of sinners, or convict the hearts of sinners, or be the conscience of anyone. If these things were my job, I’d have to get very intolerant real fast. But each actor has their own domain. The State is to control the behavior of sinners. The Holy Spirit is to convict people of their sin. And the conscience is to guide the behavior and lifestyle of the individual.
The Church is to go throughout the world, making disciples of all nations. We are to proclaim the gospel and teach the Bible. We are to do good works. We are to leave the job of the State to the State, the task of the Holy Spirit to the Holy Spirit, and the role of conscience to the conscience. Because, you see, when the Church tries to be the State or the Holy Spirit or individual conscience – She can no longer do the job of the Church.
Let’s be the Church of Jesus Christ in 2022. Yes, we have absolute truth. Yes, we have a tolerant spirit. Let’s not all the new Ice Age to harden us. May we flow as a River of Grace to all peoples and nations.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 27, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A marriage is a good thing, but it can turn toxic and become something it was never meant to be. A church is a good thing, but it can turn toxic and become something it was never meant to be. Discernment is a good thing, yet even this can turn toxic and become something it was never meant to be. There is a genre of ministry known as the Discernment Ministry – yet it can become something it was never meant to be. When discernment becomes conjecture and speculation, the Discernment Ministry turns into the Rumor Industry.
I like Randy White’s definition of the Discernment Ministry – they consider themselves the Theological Police. And, might I add, the Ecclesiastical Police, as well. Here’s the definition of the word ‘police.’ “The civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.” We should have a police force that is trained and competent and knows how to detect and prevent crime and maintain public order and not contribute to public disorder. And this applies to the Theological and Ecclesiastical Police, as well.
Can there be Theological and Ecclesiastical crime? Sure. It is known as heresy, or false teaching. And there are false teachers and wolves among the flock. A false teacher is one who leads people away from Jesus Christ or one who preys upon the flock both sexually and financially. There are those who would lead astray the Flock of God and fleece the Flock of God and rape the Flock of God. Some pastors are predators. Do they need to be identified and removed? Of course. Who is responsible for maintaining order in the Church and preventing and detecting Theological and Ecclesiastical Crime? The answer to that takes us from the Flock of God to a Can of Worms!
Is the local church with its pastors and elders responsible for policing itself? Yes. Is the denomination or family of churches to which a local church belongs responsible for policing its members? Yes. Are associations of churches and pastors responsible for policing themselves? Yes. And now a new genre of policing ministry is on the scene – the Discernment Ministry. Are Discernment Ministries responsible for maintaining Theological and Ecclesiastical order in the churches? Yes and No. Here’s what I mean -
Whenever you see a prophet in the Old Testament, know this – Israel has begun to stray from its covenant relationship with God. God gave the priesthood the responsibility for policing the nation – nurturing and maintaining spiritual integrity. Yet when the priesthood failed in this task, God raised up prophets. Know that when a prophet is on the scene – something has gone awry. Similarly, God can raise up Special Ministry to set course corrections for the Church. But what we don’t want are depraved and false prophets – they only increase the disorder. What we don’t want is Discernment Ministry that has lost its discernment and peddles in conjecture and speculations – this only increases the disorder. What we don’t want is the Rumor Industry.
The Discernment Ministry brings a charge and then establishes this with evidence, logic, testimony, and incontrovertible logic, supported by primary documentation. The Rumor Industry makes an accusation that is not followed up by evidence and logic, etc. The Discernment Ministry puts a dot on the page and then draws a line thick with evidence, testimony, and logic to another dot. And then from that dot draws another line thick with evidence, testimony, and logic to another dot. Speculation, conjecture, and hearsay are strictly forbidden – these are the evil tools of the Rumor Industry.
The Rumor Industry puts a dot on the page and then draws a dotted line to another dot and then draws a dotted line to another dot. These dots are not established by or connected with evidence, testimony, and logic. They are connected by speculation, conjecture, and hearsay. The reader is left to intuit what the lines mean – this is irresponsible. They will say something like “So-and-so said something Biblically iffy. This other so-and-so gave money to the first so-and-so.” That’s it – a couple of dots and you must intuit the connection. But the strong implication is that the second so-and-so is as guilty as the first so-and-so because since he gave him money, he must believe in and support what the first so-and-so believes in. This is guilt by association. This is damnation by innuendo. This is accusation by speculation. This is unworthy of the Body of Christ. I don’t want to get rid of the Discernment Ministry – but I want a competent and trained Discernment Ministry and not a bunch of incompetent people trying to make a name for themselves via the Rumor Industry.
Articles that use phrases such as “…it could be implied that…,” “…this is suggestive of…,” “…this may indicate…” should not have been written, much less read. If you are going to damn a man or a woman in the court of public opinion, you well better have more than ‘coulds,’ and ‘suggestions,’ and ‘mays,’ and ‘inferences,’ and ‘implications,’ and conjecture, speculation, and hearsay. If you read these in an article, please know that the author doesn’t have any tangible evidence or proof, only an unholy desire to be known. Please know that a valid Discernment Ministry will not use those phrases.
I was a Youth Pester, and then I became an Assistant Pester. When I got really good at it, I became a Senior Pester. Unfortunately, Discernment Ministry that has become the Rumor Industry is only pestering the Church and not providing solid guidance. Please be discerning as you read the reports of the Discernment Ministry and don’t get sucked into the unsupported accusations of the Rumor Industry.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 22, 2021
Hey Calvary Fremont -
No one knew it was Christmas Eve.
Only one star was twinkling, but only a few foreigners bundled themselves up to follow the Christmas light.
The greatest choir ever assembled was singing, but only a few shepherds in the wilderness had tickets.
And though they saw the Light and heard the Music, the Wise Men and the shepherds had no idea what any of this meant. How could they?
No gifts were being exchanged; no hugs were given.
If hope was in the air, no one felt it.
This was joy to the world, yet the world in solemn stillness lay.
No one knew it was Christmas Day.
The equivalent of a thousand suns crashed into our planet, yet no one felt a thing.
No sirens went off, and no alarms were rung. There was no rushing wind, no reverberations in the earth, and no oceans rising above their levels.
How silently, how silently, the wondrous Gift is giv’n.
The Roman army didn’t march, the Sanhedrin didn’t gather, nor did the philosophers ponder.
The sun kept shining, the flowers kept growing, and the rivers continued their pilgrimage to the sea.
Yet everything had changed.
One was born who would undo the Curse far as the Curse is found.
The Kingdom of Darkness shuddered.
Sin met its match.
Death shook.
Hell quivered.
The Grave chewed its fingernails.
The devil gnawed his tongue.
The Gift given so silently on that first Christmas morning didn’t remain wrapped in swaddling silence.
The rise of that Voice began to shatter the Kingdom of Darkness and give hope to the Kingdom of Men.
Demons and disease, wind and wave, blind eye and broken limb bowed before Him.
The Voice was heard in Jerusalem and then grew loud enough to be heard in Judea.
Those in Samaria heard the rising volume of the Voice and then it exploded to the uttermost parts of the Earth.
Today, the Roar of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah reaches every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
And though the heathen rage against the Lord and against His Christ, they can’t stop Christmas from engulfing our planet, obliterating the Curse, and bringing salvation to all who call upon the name of the Lord!
…at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11
Merry Christmas! Pastor Tim
December 18, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“But what do I do with all this pain?” Pain can be your mentor or your tormentor.
A broken heart, a shattered dream, a betrayal of trust, a catastrophic illness, a debilitating disease, an unexpected setback, the death of a child, a depression that breaks your spirit, massive debt. “What do I do with all this pain?”
Maybe we’ve been asking the wrong question. Maybe we should ask, “What should I let this pain do to me?” It seems to me that when the question is, “What should I do with all this pain?” the only answer is – get rid of it as quickly and efficiently as possible. And this elimination of pain can take many forms: counseling, divorce, stoic denial, drugs, alcohol, sex, doctors, and medicines. Some of these are legitimate ways of dealing with pain, others only mask the pain – they don’t eliminate it. Someone has said that alcohol doesn’t drown your problems, it only irrigates them.
When the question is: “What should I do with this pain?” the assumption is that pain can only deform me. When the question is: “What should I let this pain do to me?” the assumption is that pain can be used to reform me. If you have a deforming view of pain, it will lead you to one course of action. If you have a reforming view of pain, it will lead you to another course of action. Make no mistake, pain is leading you, driving you to do something. And, of course, some pain is to be eliminated, but much pain can be illuminating. The elimination of pain often deletes the illumination of pain.
Pain can be your mentor or your tormentor. It can lead you into the bitterness of despair or into the wisdom of discipline. Pain is often interpreted as the punishment of God for your sin when it should be understood as the discipline of God for your sanctification. Be it unto you according to your faith. For many, pain means the absence of a loving God while for others, it means the presence of a holy God. This Season of COVID and all the social, political, and philosophical upheaval that is directly or tangentially related to it can leave you empty or leave you full. Be it unto you according to your faith.
Pain moves us – it is meant to. But we determine the direction we move. For example, Jesus said that we are to bless those who curse us, bless and curse not. Being despised so much by someone to the point where they curse you is a painful experience. You choose what you do with this – curse or bless in return. To curse is to become like them; to bless is to become like Jesus. The pain of being cursed can either shrivel my soul or grow and mature my soul. Though tempted to eliminate the pain, I am to use the momentum of the pain to push me to Christlikeness.
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:4-5 “He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ.”
Paul turns his misery into ministry. Pain is a mentor that teaches me how to move into someone else’s pain and despair and extend to them the cup of grace that God has extended to me. Don’t seek to eliminate your pain, make it your servant. Pain can be your mentor or your tormentor. Pain can be a stumbling block or a steppingstone.
An old donkey fell into a pit and its owner didn’t think it worth his while to rescue the aged animal. The owner thought that he would make this pit the donkey’s grave and so he began to shovel dirt down upon the donkey. “Uh-oh,” the donkey thought, “I need to get out of here.” But there was no way out except up. And so, as the dirt rained down upon his back, he would shake it off and step up on it. Eventually, he stepped out of his would-be grave. His stumbling block became a steppingstone. What was meant to bury him, raised him. “What do I do with all this dirt?” He didn’t seek to eliminate the dirt, instead he used it and it brought a new lease on life.
Let me paraphrase the opening verses of the book of James. “Count it all joy when you encounter pain. Pain tests your faith, and this testing of your faith produces endurance. Your endurance of this pain will result in your spiritual maturity.”
What we want to eliminate, James calls upon us to endure. Trials and pain seem to be tormenting us when in reality they are mentoring us. To eliminate pain is to kick the teacher out of the room. To eliminate pain is to refuse the lesson it is to teach us. This is why many remain in spiritual kindergarten – they eliminate what they are to endure. It’s not “What am I to do with this pain,” its’ “What should I let this pain do to me?” Let it teach you. Let it mold you. Let it move you in the direction of Christlikeness, endurance, and mercy. If Jesus were hurting the way you are hurting, what would be His response? Make that your response!
Two things are happening: 1) As you respond in faith and endure, you are being conformed to the image of Christ, 2) As you learn in the School of the Holy Spirit, God is making you into a minister of Jesus Christ. Pain can either deform or reform you. As you run from pain and curse the pain, your soul is being deformed. As you respond in faith, your soul is being transformed by the Spirit of God and conformed into the image of Christ. Don’t let pain be your tormentor, let it be your mentor. Don’t seek to eliminate it, commit to enduring it. So much pain in life is unavoidable - make it your servant.
A broken heart, a shattered dream, a betrayal of trust, a catastrophic illness, a debilitating disease, an unexpected setback, the death of a child, a depression that breaks your spirit, massive debt. “What do I do with all this pain?” Now you know.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 16, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The Christmas story begins with angels – all kinds of angels – making pronouncements full of wonder and promise to Zacharias (the father of John the Baptist) and to Mary and to Joseph and then they flash mobbed some unsuspecting shepherds. This is followed by the glorious mystery of the star that led the wise men from the East to the feet of Jesus to worship and adore Him. (Why God used a star and not angels, I’m not sure. If you know, let me know!)
The Christmas story starts with dazzling angels and light and wonder and joy and promise and expectation. But then Christmas turns dark – for there is a Grinch in the Christmas story whose heart is two sizes too small and whose ego is four sizes too big. And yes, he wants to steal Christmas and rob the world of the glorious gift of a Savior.
Not too proud to stop and ask for help, the Wise Men make a stop in Jerusalem for directions. They ask, “Where is He who is born King of the Jews? For we saw His Star in the East and have come to worship Him.” This really got under the skin of Herod, for he was the king of the Jews. But he wasn’t born the king of the Jews – Mark Antony and the Roman Senate made him the king of the Jews. Someone who was born King of the Jews was the rightful heir to the throne Herod now occupied. And so, because his heart was two sizes too small and his ego was four sizes too big, Herod became the Grinch who tried to steal Christmas. And now we begin to see more clearly why God became a man.
The angel came to Zacharias while he was ministering to the Lord in the Holy Place of the Jerusalem temple. And though a little confused – Zacharias was a good man, a nice man. And Elizabeth his wife was a nice woman. Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus to Mary. And Mary was a good woman, a very nice person. And Joseph was a genuinely kind man, and the shepherds were good folk, very nice, and the Wise Men from the East were such a nice bunch, too. Come to think of it, Christmas couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people. Which makes you wonder why Christmas needed to happen at all – that is until King Herod turned several shades of Grinch Green when he hears about the first Christmas in Bethlehem. If this tale about a star heralding the news of a legitimate heir to the Jewish throne, the throne of David, was true – this would mean an end to his throne, his rule, his kingdom. Yikes!
Herod was correct in his assumption – and it wasn’t only true for him. Jesus came to found a kingdom which will bring an end to all of men’s kingdoms. King Grinch had to move fast. He asked the Wise Men from the East to return to him after they had found this new-born King and let him know where He could be found so that he could go and pay his respects as well. But in his two sizes too small Grinch heart, Herod knew what must be done to eliminate this Rival. This Little Baby Boy must be killed. He sat on his little throne while his little heart twisted within his little chest as his little mind kept plotting his filthy little plan. Yes, this gift to the world, this Christmas present meant for all people would have be stolen even before people knew that He who was born King of the Jews had been sent by the God who loved them.
Well, the God who knows the thoughts and schemes of all men – even Grinch-Men – warned Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt so that Herod’s filthy little plan wouldn’t succeed. And though Herod murdered all the baby boys under two years of age in and around Bethlehem – in an event known as The Slaughter of the Innocents – this Grinch with a heart two sizes too small and an ego four sizes too big died without being able to stop Christmas.
No one can stop Christmas. Yes, you can remove nativity scenes from government property, the State can ban any mention of Jesus and all celebration of His birth – but no one can stop Christmas. You can’t stop Christmas any more than you can stop Julius Caesar from crossing the Rubicon, or any more than you can stop the assassination of President Kennedy. It’s a done deal! It’s here to say! He’s here to stay! Though history has been full of Grinch-Men decked out in deep shades of Green, not one of them has been able to stop Christmas. Some of them even had hearts that were three sizes too small and egos that were five times too big! No matter – no heart, regardless of how small, and no ego, regardless of how big can outwrestle God.
OK – let’s get back to these nice people: Zacharias and Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the Wise Men. Why would such nice people be so interested in a Savior? Only one answer fits – because they were sinners in need of a Savior. What? Nice people are sinners? Yes – and you know it’s true because you (at least most of you) are genuinely nice and at the same time you know you are a sinner in need of a Savior. Here’s what that nice woman Mary said –
…my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. Luke 1:47
The way this word is used in the New Testament can only mean one who saves from sin and all its damage. The Virgin Mary, this genuinely nice person needed a Savior. If the Virgin Mary did – so do you! Here’s what that nice man Zacharias said –
…to give to His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sin… Luke 1:77
If Zacharias the nice priest needed his sins forgiven – so do you! Grinch-Men and Grinch-Women need Jesus and so do nice people. Merry Christmas! You can’t stop Christmas! So, stop trying and join the celebration!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
On July 6, 2003, the New York Times reported the following –
What is a war?
- War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives.
- Has the world ever been at peace? Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.
How many people have died in war?
- At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century.
- Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all human history range from 150 million to one billion. War has several other effects on population, including decreasing the birthrate by taking men away from their wives. The reduced birthrate during World War II is estimated to have caused a population deficit of more than twenty million people.
Thus the New York Times. Now on to my question: is human nature fundamentally flawed? Are people good or bad? Philosophy is all over the place with their answers – but history, experience, and observation, and dare I say, theology, has settled the question. If people are so good, why is the 20th century the bloodiest century on record and why is the 21st century headed in the same direction? If people are fundamentally good, why is our country being torn apart by racial, ideological, moral, and cultural divisions that seem irreparable? If people are fundamentally good, why do the Socialists say that Capitalists are evil, and the Capitalists say that Socialists are evil? Is it Capitalists or Capitalism that is evil? Is it Socialists or Socialism that is evil? And how can fundamentally good people create such fundamentally flawed systems?
If people are fundamentally good, why are so many husbands and wives broken in marriage? Why do so may children run away from home? If people are fundamentally good, why have millions upon millions of babies been slaughtered for the sake of the convenience of these same fundamentally good people? If people are fundamentally good, why is a 12-year-old girl rented out by a fundamentally good man to serve the sexual appetites of another fundamentally good man?
If philosophy tells us that people are fundamentally good and then history and experience and theology and observation and empirical evidence tells us something else, we need to reexamine that philosophy.
“But wait,” you say. “Your argument is a two-edged sword. If people are fundamentally flawed and self-centered, how do you account for all the good in the world? How can a fundamentally flawed person give of themselves bravely and generously to help other people? How can a fundamentally selfish person act in a selfless way?” Here are a few responses.
- Though people are fundamentally flawed and selfish, this does not mean that all people are as evil and selfish as they can possibly be. No one is absolutely good or absolutely evil. These things can be measured on a scale.
- Someone can give themselves selflessly to a noble cause – e.g., Doctors Without Borders. And yet this selfless service is, at the same time, selfish in that it brings fulfillment and a deep sense of satisfaction to those who serve in this capacity. If there was a doctor who hated helping the poor and underprivileged and those who cannot pay, if there was a doctor who hated going into primitive places and operating theatres, if there was a doctor who hated traveling into potentially dangerous situations, they would not have joined Doctors Without Borders. If there was a doctor who was left empty in serving in this way, that doctor would not be a part of that organization.
- Fundamentally flawed people are kept from the extremes of evil by the check of human government and the law of God within them. Those who do not respect human authority and those who overstep the testimony of their conscience will make progress in evil that those who honor government and conscience do not.
And here is the message of the Bible – God did not send His Son to die for fundamentally good people. The apostle Paul puts it like this – “…God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. If we are not sinners, if we are not fundamentally flawed, Jesus would not have died for us. Indeed, Jesus would not even be necessary. This is the position of Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism – Jesus is unnecessary. In Hinduism and Islam and Judaism, your good deeds are the means of your salvation. In Christianity, your good deeds stand in the way of your salvation in that they offer a false hope of salvation. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ and His good work for us – taking away our sins – is the means of our salvation. I do not have to look to myself or trust in myself – I look to Christ and trust in Christ.
According to the New York Times’ article, some estimate that a billion people have had their life’s blood poured out through thousands of years of wars. How is it that their combined sacrifice has not ushered in the golden ages? They were all fundamentally flawed people. Jesus is the only one born who was fundamentally good. Christmas is the story of the birth of the God-man who will save us from our sins. This one Unflawed Man has accomplished what billions of Flawed Men could never do – open heaven. Heaven is open for you through Jesus Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
On July 6, 2003, the New York Times reported the following –
What is a war?
- War is defined as an active conflict that has claimed more than 1,000 lives.
- Has the world ever been at peace? Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.
How many people have died in war?
- At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century.
- Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all human history range from 150 million to one billion. War has several other effects on population, including decreasing the birthrate by taking men away from their wives. The reduced birthrate during World War II is estimated to have caused a population deficit of more than twenty million people.
Thus the New York Times. Now on to my question: is human nature fundamentally flawed? Are people good or bad? Philosophy is all over the place with their answers – but history, experience, and observation, and dare I say, theology, has settled the question. If people are so good, why is the 20th century the bloodiest century on record and why is the 21st century headed in the same direction? If people are fundamentally good, why is our country being torn apart by racial, ideological, moral, and cultural divisions that seem irreparable? If people are fundamentally good, why do the Socialists say that Capitalists are evil, and the Capitalists say that Socialists are evil? Is it Capitalists or Capitalism that is evil? Is it Socialists or Socialism that is evil? And how can fundamentally good people create such fundamentally flawed systems?
If people are fundamentally good, why are so many husbands and wives broken in marriage? Why do so may children run away from home? If people are fundamentally good, why have millions upon millions of babies been slaughtered for the sake of the convenience of these same fundamentally good people? If people are fundamentally good, why is a 12-year-old girl rented out by a fundamentally good man to serve the sexual appetites of another fundamentally good man?
If philosophy tells us that people are fundamentally good and then history and experience and theology and observation and empirical evidence tells us something else, we need to reexamine that philosophy.
“But wait,” you say. “Your argument is a two-edged sword. If people are fundamentally flawed and self-centered, how do you account for all the good in the world? How can a fundamentally flawed person give of themselves bravely and generously to help other people? How can a fundamentally selfish person act in a selfless way?” Here are a few responses.
- Though people are fundamentally flawed and selfish, this does not mean that all people are as evil and selfish as they can possibly be. No one is absolutely good or absolutely evil. These things can be measured on a scale.
- Someone can give themselves selflessly to a noble cause – e.g., Doctors Without Borders. And yet this selfless service is, at the same time, selfish in that it brings fulfillment and a deep sense of satisfaction to those who serve in this capacity. If there was a doctor who hated helping the poor and underprivileged and those who cannot pay, if there was a doctor who hated going into primitive places and operating theatres, if there was a doctor who hated traveling into potentially dangerous situations, they would not have joined Doctors Without Borders. If there was a doctor who was left empty in serving in this way, that doctor would not be a part of that organization.
- Fundamentally flawed people are kept from the extremes of evil by the check of human government and the law of God within them. Those who do not respect human authority and those who overstep the testimony of their conscience will make progress in evil that those who honor government and conscience do not.
And here is the message of the Bible – God did not send His Son to die for fundamentally good people. The apostle Paul puts it like this – “…God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8. If we are not sinners, if we are not fundamentally flawed, Jesus would not have died for us. Indeed, Jesus would not even be necessary. This is the position of Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism – Jesus is unnecessary. In Hinduism and Islam and Judaism, your good deeds are the means of your salvation. In Christianity, your good deeds stand in the way of your salvation in that they offer a false hope of salvation. The gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ and His good work for us – taking away our sins – is the means of our salvation. I do not have to look to myself or trust in myself – I look to Christ and trust in Christ.
According to the New York Times’ article, some estimate that a billion people have had their life’s blood poured out through thousands of years of wars. How is it that their combined sacrifice has not ushered in the golden ages? They were all fundamentally flawed people. Jesus is the only one born who was fundamentally good. Christmas is the story of the birth of the God-man who will save us from our sins. This one Unflawed Man has accomplished what billions of Flawed Men could never do – open heaven. Heaven is open for you through Jesus Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 8, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
God brought Israel out of her Egyptian bondage and up from her Babylonian exile.
May God liberate Christians from their bondage to feelings and deliver them out of their emotional exile.
You know what I mean. We’ve all heard and probably at one time or another have said the following -
“I know that the Bible says that God cares for me, but I don’t FEEL like God loves me.”
“I know that God’s promise is true, but I don’t FEEL like He’s with me. I don’t FEEL His presence.”
“I know that God listens to prayer, but I don’t FEEL like He hears me when I pray.”
How about –
“I KNOW God cares for me even when I don’t feel it.”
“I KNOW God is with me even when I don’t experience His presence.”
“I KNOW God hears me even when it feels like my prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.”
The mature live in the revelation that God has given; the immature live in how they feel about it. The immature have the revelation of God, no doubt, yet that revelation is filtered through their feeling – which means they strain out all of its life giving nourishment. The mature lean on the Lord; the immature lean on their feelings. We are to walk by faith and not by sight. We are to walk in trust and not in sense experience. Yet our emotions hold more authority in our lives than the revelation of God.
- Our feelings are about as accurate as the weatherman.
- They are as trustworthy as fake news.
- They are as friendly as a Doberman Pinscher trained to rip your throat out.
We read this in Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
We live like this: Trust in your feelings with all your heart.
We don’t live what we read; we live what we feel – which means we as live far from the fullness of God’s will for us as did Israel when she wandered in the desert for 40 years. Their feelings and fears and doubts kept them from God’s best and highest. They invested more authority in their worries than in God’s Word. If you allow your feelings to determine what is real and meaningful for you, you’ll never get out of spiritual kindergarten. If you allow God’s Word to set the course for your life, you’ll earn a spiritual Ph.D.
Try this – stand up, lift up your hands to the heavens, and say, “God, my mind tells me that there is no way out of the trouble I’m in, and my emotions inform me that You’re a million miles away, and my fear testifies that You’re not for me. Yet Your Word tells me that You are for me. Your Word tells me that You are with me. Your Word says that You are working all things out for my good and that You will never leave me or forsake me. I choose to trust in You and not lean on my feelings and fears and doubts.” (Repeat repeatedly.)
Go ahead, do it! Transfer your trust from your feelings to God’s Word. God battered Egypt with the 10 plagues and this loosened Pharaoh’s grip on the people of God. Batter your feelings and fears and doubts with confessions of faith and you will begin to experience a glorious freedom. As you make confessions of faith, feelings and fears and doubts will being to loosen their grip on you. Feelings and fears and doubts will not totally vanish – but neither will they stop your forward progress as you walk in the Lord and serve Him. Don’t work to diminish the feelings you don’t like – work to increase your faith!
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go to Pharaoh and say to him, 'Thus says the LORD, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me. Exodus 8:1
Even as Pharaoh prevented Israel from serving the Lord, so your feelings and fears and doubts prevent you from serving the Lord. When you are in the grip of your feelings and fears and doubts your forward progress is stopped. Israel continued to serve Pharaoh and not the Lord until Pharaoh’s grip was loosened and finally broken. May the grip of your feelings and fears and doubts be broken that you may serve the Lord. Come out of the bondage of your feelings and live in the promise land of faith.
We live in a day when the subjective has more authority than the objective, when the authority of fact has given way to the power of emotion. Reality is no longer the final word, how I feel about reality is the final word. It’s easy to let the tide of cultural opinion carry you out to sea. Let God have the final word in your life.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 1, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I recently read a couple of books that filled me with grief and shame. They are “Jesus and John Wayne” by Kristen Kobes Du Mez, and “White Too Long” by Robert P. Jones. Both these books spank the Church for not being the Church. Even if only half the things they comment on are true, the Church is full of bigotry, disregard for women, and a demonic lust for power – all are radical departures from the gospel. Racism is an acid that dissolves connections. Sexism is a bigotry that pollutes character. Nationalism is a power that corrupts calling. Both books were a difficult read for assorted reasons.
First of all – after reading them, I felt a great naivete for being so unaware of what was going on around me. “White Too Long” focused on the Church in the deep south – Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, etc. Some of the white churches would post an usher or two at the doors to turn away any black people that might want to attend the service. Some of the white churches would invite the KKK to address them. Many/most of the white churches pushed back against the Civil Rights Movement spearheaded by Martin Luther King, Jr. Amazing! It was like someone digging out an old photo album and showing me some backward, snake-handling, dropped-out-of-third-grade, toothless, bathing once a year, tobacco chewing, inbred cousins I never knew existed. They can’t be related to me! This is so far outside my California Christianity as to be virtually unrecognizable. I know – this sounds like virtue signaling – but I was/am genuinely appalled. (I just hope no one writes a book about California Christianity!)
Secondly – after reading them, I felt a great disconnect between the Christianity they were describing and the Christianity that I practice. (I know – some more virtue signaling.) The lust for political power, accompanied by the pursuit of a John Wayne masculine swagger, turned the Church into a wing of the Republican Party. (It seems to be that when liberal-leaning Christians pursue political power, they are seen as prophetic. When conservative-leaning Christians pursue political power, they are seen as bullies seeking to impose their narrow moralism on others.) Du Mez, who authored “Jesus and John Wayne,” argues that men like Tim LaHaye, Jim Dobson, Mark Driscoll, Oliver North, Jerry Falwell, John Eldredge, John Piper, and others, along with organizations like Promise Keepers, the Moral Majority, and The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood are sexist and nationalist and have brought ruin to the Evangelical Church. Men and organizations such as these, along with virtually all who label themselves ‘evangelical,’ paved the way for and made possible the presidency of Donald Trump. The term ‘evangelical’ is seen today by many to be synonymous with “Republican supporter of Donald Trump.” This is why many contend that the word ‘evangelical’ should no longer be used in that it has come to mean something it hasn’t historically meant. It no longer describes a commitment to a set of theological propositions, but a political partisanship. Evangelical is no longer a theological descriptor, but an ideological one.
Again, the Christianity she describes is not the Christianity I experienced growing up or the Christianity I practice today. I grew up in the Christian Church/Churches of Christ. We were the instrumental branch of the Churches of Christ. The only prejudice I experienced within this denomination was directed at “those darn tongues-speakers in the Charismatic Movement.” If other prejudices existed, I was blind to them. Today, I pastor within the Calvary Chapel family of churches. And, of course, we are the purest expression of the body of Christ on the face of the earth!! Actually, I don’t see overt sexism or racism, but there is a nationalism here and there that concerns me. I said ‘overt sexism or racism’ because there are those, no doubt, who would argue that sexism is inherent in our theology and if we’re white, racism is systemic in our whiteness. I do not agree with those observations.
Thirdly – and this is especially true about “Jesus and John Wayne” – it was an uncomfortable read in that almost every paragraph was dripping with contempt and scorn for the people and institutions she wrote about. If you were to ask me, “Does Du Mez hate evangelical Christianity?” I would say that I don’t know. Maybe the best that I can say is that she hates what it has become. After reading Du Mez, you’re convinced that all these men are power-hungry, greedy, sexist, bigoted men who only care about propping up white privilege while marginalizing all who don’t agree with them. What is lost is the tremendous benefit that these men and organizations have brought to the body of Christ. Yes, there is much to criticize, yet there is much to celebrate and be thankful for.
These books have made me ask the question of myself, “Am I inherently sexist?” “Am I systemically racist?” “Have I made an idol of politics?” Racism is an acid that dissolves connections. Sexism is a bigotry that pollutes character. Nationalism is a power that corrupts calling. Have I dissolved connections with those I am called to serve? Do I have a superior attitude toward women that has polluted my character? Do I have a lust for power that has corrupted my calling? These books have forced me to ask those questions about my calling and character and the calling and the character of the Church – and that’s a good thing. If these books have forced me to take a hard look at the church I serve and ask those same probing questions – that’s a good thing, too. Ask of yourself and your church the same questions.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 23, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
America is not a Christian nation. In fact, I do not believe America was ever a Christian nation. What makes a nation ‘Christian’? How do you measure a ‘Christian’ nation? By the number of true Christians or church membership? America does not have a covenant with God as Israel did. God made a covenant with Israel – Israel was the covenant nation. Not so America – God never made a covenant with America. I appreciate that America’s first settlers and founders made a covenant with God, but this does not mean that America is a covenant nation as Israel was.
“Ok, but what nation has sent more missionaries to the world than America?”America has not sent one missionary anywhere. The Church in America sent those missionaries. America has been of great benefit to the nations and her freedoms have allowed the Church in America to pursue her calling, but do not conflate Church and State.
I do not believe that America was ever a Christian nation in that most of her people were born-again or attended church. America was not a Christ-centered nation, but a Bible-centered nation. America was a Judeo-Christian nation where a common moral vision bound us together. There was widespread agreement on what was right and wrong as set forth in the Bible. And this does not mean that everyone walked in step with this common moral vision, yet the Judeo-Christian worldview set the standard for moral and ethical behavior.
When I hear cries of, “Let’s take America back for God,” I wonder if America was ever for God in the sense that this phrase is used. I would be happy to get back to the days when you could let your children go outside and play without security guards, closed circuit TV, and advanced training in the martial arts. In second grade, after school, I would wait on a street corner in Arlington (a section of Riverside, CA) and take the bus into downtown and then walk to the YMCA. Today, we would think a parent morally depraved to allow this freedom to their children.
The Judeo-Christian worldview and its accompanying moral vision has been abandoned and America is in moral free-fall. All manner of sexual deviation and confusion, once considered abominable and unthinkable, are now the norm and those not in step with the new norm are considered intellectual and cultural Neanderthals. The clear lines of Judeo-Christian morality have been erased and all we are left with are the invisible boundaries of personal preference. And you never know when you are stepping over someone’s line and trespassing into their personal space. I would be happy to return to the days when the Judeo-Christian ethic prevailed in the land.
Yes, America needs to get back to being a Judeo-Christian nation. Yet this does not mean that I want to begin a ‘Back-to-the-Bible’ crusade. That will go over like a lead balloon. Outside of Afghanistan and refugee camps in Pakistan, the city I live in has the largest number of Afghans in the world. My mission is not to convince them that the Bible is the Word of God – they have some very definite opinions on that matter! No, the mission, mandate, and message of the Church is not to convince the nations that the Bible is the written Word of God, but rather, that Jesus Christ is the living Word of God. Our mission, mandate, and message has always been to preach the gospel to all nations and disciple all nations in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Yet, it is quite amazing that when people are converted to Christ, they begin to love the Bible. It is true – those who claim having troubles believing the Bible no longer have that same struggle when they come to Christ. When they begin to believe in Jesus, they begin to believe the Bible. Which tells me that the greatest objection to the Bible is a moral one rather than an intellectual one. Questions remain – but doubt is erased. Where once it was rejected and dismissed, it is now believed to be true. When people turn to Jesus, their attitude about the Bible changes.
“OK, Tim – don’t you see how you have contradicted yourself? If a Judeo-Christian ethic arises from believing the Bible and believing the Bible arises from faith in Christ, doesn’t that mean that a Judeo-Christian ethic can only be sustained when most of the people believe in Christ?” That is a great objection, and my response is that when the Pilgrims and first settlers came over from Europe, they came from cultures steeped in the Judeo-Christian ethic. Whether Roman Catholic or Protestant, these cultures nourished a Judeo-Christian ethic for well over a millennium. Even those who weren’t Christians and didn’t believe the Bible continued to operate within the Judeo-Christian heritage of their ancestors. Yet when that cultural worldview is not nurtured by faith in Christ and belief in the Bible, there is cultural disintegration – and this is what we see today. As people abandon Christ, they abandon the Bible. As they abandon the Bible, they abandon the Judeo-Christian ethic. The worldview created by the Bible no longer dominates and is being replaced by personal preference, anchored in nothing more than an individual’s personal choices as informed by their desires. This has taken centuries to develop and unfold and the past few decades have witnessed the dramatic decline of the Judeo-Christian culture and the birth of the culture of personal preference.
What is the Church to do? Seek to pass laws that force people to live by the Judeo-Christian ethic? In some cases, yes. Yet laws do not change hearts. Churches that insist on a political response to cultural decay become cultural warriors and not spiritual centers of rescue, redemption, and renewal. The Church is to preach the gospel to all nations and disciple the nations in the Lordship of Christ. “But what if no one listens.” Continue to preach the gospel and disciple the nations in the Lordship of Christ. There is no Plan B. The gospel is the only Plan.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A State is a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. Is there a Christian attitude toward the State?
Some people idolize the State. They look to the State and expect the State to support them from cradle to grave – or at least that’s the way it should be, in their thinking. This is part of the thinking behind the push toward a more expansive socialism than is now practiced in America – free education, up to and including university training. Free childcare. Free job training. Guaranteed Basic Income for all. Free healthcare. Etc. The State takes care of its citizens from cradle to grave. In essence, the State replaces God.
Some people demonize the State. America is to blame for all the problems in the world. Her enslavement of black people and attempted genocide of indigenous peoples condemns her past, corrupts her present, and cripples her future. America deserves all the civic unrest within her and her meddling in the affairs of other nations earns her the rightful scorn of the world community. America is an arrogant bully that needs to be put in her place. In essence, America can go to hell.
Some people sanctify the State. The State should be the muscle of the Church, enforcing Christian morality on the entire population. The teaching of Christian Nationalism begins with the basic premise that America is a city set on a hill – meant to be a blessing for the entire world. Yet this basic premise is its major flaw – there is a huge crack in the foundation of Christian Nationalism. Jesus said that the Church is the city set on a hell – meant to be a blessing for the whole world. Christian Nationalism takes the promises Jesus made to the Church and transfers them to America! Who gave them the authority to do this!? The Church, not the State is the city set on a hill. Christian Nationalism is a rank heresy in that it makes America God’s intended blessing for the world and not the Church in her preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church is not the State, and the State is not the Church. The State bears the Sword; the Church bears the Cup of Christ. The State visits wrath upon the wrongdoer; the Church visits mercy upon the wrongdoer. A Church with the Sword of State in her hand will soon put down the Cup of Christ because it takes two hands to swing the Sword of State. A Church with the Sword of the State in her hand is an ugly, wicked thing.
Some people acknowledge the State to be what it is – an institution ordained by God overseen by sinful people. Because of this, the State, which is meant to benefit its citizens, can become oppressive and tyrannical. The Christian doctrine of sin instructs us to not put too much weight upon fallible people overseeing God ordained institutions. This is true of both Church and Family, too. Both Church and Family are institutions ordained by God overseen by sinful people and therefore can become oppressive and not fulfill their intended purpose.
God intended the Family to be a life-giving, nurturing institution. When children leave home, they should do so as straight arrows shot from a proven bow. Yet many homes are not life-giving, but death-dealing. Many children leave home not as straight arrows, but crooked and bent and defeated – they don’t soar, they limp. There is a great cry in their hearts for a faithful mom and dad who will love them and nurture them into maturity.
God intended the Church to be a life-giving, nurturing institution. The Church is a city set on a hill – she is meant to be a beacon guiding people to Jesus Christ. Yet, because the Church is overseen by sinful people, sometimes a church becomes oppressive, and the people aren’t blessed and spiritually cared for. Sometimes her pastors don’t take care of the people but expect the people to care for them.
The Christian doctrine of sin informs us not to put too much weight upon the State or the Church or the Family. An acknowledgement of all these institutions to be what they are – ordained of God yet overseen by sinful people – will keep us from unrealistic expectations.
If we can’t totally trust the State or the Church or the Family, who or what can be trusted? Is there anywhere we can rest the weight of our being? God has shown Himself to be faithful in Jesus Christ. What’s different about Jesus - why can we trust Him? Because He has no sin! Unlike institutions ordained by God yet overseen by sinful people, Jesus is the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. I don’t have to have unrealistic expectations of State or Church or Family because I have put my faith in Jesus Christ. State and Church and Family can and have disappointed me – Jesus never has!
October 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Someone has said that if you want to say something relevant, say something eternal. The Church is in danger of losing Her eternal voice in Her frantic scramble to say something culturally relevant. The Church has grown near-sighted and eternity has become blurred. It seems we can only see that which is close and have lost the ability to see above and beyond the immediate. Therefore, we speak to what is immediate and are mute when it comes to what is above and beyond.
The Church can only speak with a single voice when the Church has a single message. But the Church doesn’t have a single message, therefore She cannot speak with a single voice. The result is that the culture hears different messages from the Church. The Church has become a Dummy.
The Church has become a Dummy sitting on the knee of the Republican Party mouthing the Republican Party line. The Church says what the party leadership decides She will say.
The Church has become a Dummy sitting on the knee of the democratic Party mouthing the Democratic Party line. The Church says what the party leadership decides She will say.
The Church has become a Dummy sitting on the knee of those who perpetuate racial and class stereotypes and continue to embitter various classes and ethnicities against one another.
The Church has become a Dummy sitting on the knee of one medical community or another, allowing Her mouth to serve as the voice of those who promote or resist masking and vaccination mandates.
Has the Church forgotten Her mandate, mission, and message? Will the Church ever find her voice again? Will the Church ever crawl off the knee of the powers that be and fall at the feet of God and seek His face? The Church is not the handmaid of politics, or social causes – She is the Handmaid of the Living God, the Bride of Christ. As the Church whores herself out to power, She loses Her voice to speak Truth.
When the culture listens to the Church, it hears the voice of the Republican or the Democratic Party, it hears the voice of ethnic and class anger and bitterness, it hears the voice of a fractured medical community – the one thing it doesn’t hear is the voice of the Living God. This is a brilliant strategy – don’t get rid of the Church, just cut Her tongue out.
“OK, Tim, but isn’t a pastor supposed to offer guidance to those he serves in order to help them think Biblically about these things?” Yes, and I’m glad you brought that up.
- If you can find a message more pressing and necessary to humankind than the gospel of Jesus Christ, that should become the message and passion of the Church.
- Which of these is an eternal issue? None. Therefore, they should never unseat the gospel of Jesus Christ as the message and passion of the Church.
- Personally, I find persuasive and less than persuasive arguments in all of these warring causes. Is there wisdom and folly in both political parties? Yes. Is there wisdom and folly in Critical Race Theory? Yes. Is there wisdom and folly in the various positions taken on masking and vaccinations? Yes. And – there is good and evil in all of these things.
- Therefore, do not allow whatever position you take in these matters to become more important than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Do not allow yourself to become self-righteous and become more passionate about your positions than the eternal message of the Church. Don’t allow yourself to become judgmental toward those who have decided differently than you. Don’t become a Dummy – remain the Servant of the Lord.
- Party membership, masking, and vaccinations are not eternal matters. A Republican who is anti-masking and anti-vaccinations and anti-mandates and rejects Jesus has Hell awaiting him. A Democrat who is pro-masking and pro-vaccinations and pro-mandates and rejects Jesus has Hell awaiting him.
- Choose your position, hold it in love (disagreement doesn’t have to mean division and disunity), don’t become near-sighted so that all you see are the burning issues of today.
If you want to say something relevant, say something eternal. May the Church find Her voice again!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 14, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
That’s what one of our grandsons says when he comes to our house. Tampico is a fruit punch drink. He says it respectfully – there’s an inherent ‘please’ in the tone of his voice – yet his request is the briefest it can be when he is asking for something to drink.
I contrast my grandson’s request for something to drink with some of the prayers that I often hear that go on and on and on – and still further on. Sometimes, when I hear a pause in someone’s prayer and I think that they are mercifully going to bring it to an end, they’re merely taking a deep breath in order to launch into a spasm of further petitioning. This is a request for brevity in prayer.
Charles Spurgeon was at a prayer meeting where one man droned on and on. Finally, he stood up and asked the people to turn in their hymnbooks to a certain hymn and said, “Let’s sing this song while our brother finishes his prayer.”
Jesus told us to beware of practicing our righteousness in such a way as to be noticed by other people. And then He applied this to prayer. As a pastor, I do a lot of public praying. And I don’t want to sound like an intellectual Neanderthal, nor like a spiritual lightweight, nor like a theological dunce. These words of Jesus have fallen on my heart like a Rock. I realize that I do pray in such a way as to be noticed by people, in such a way that they will hear my praying and say, “That man knows God,” or, “That man is deep.” I’ve had to repent and rethink my approach to public praying. I’ve found myself trying to select just the right word – not for God – but for those in the room with me. Yes, those who pray in public should be understood by those praying with them, intelligibility is a principle of public ministry. But praying is an address to God, not to man. I’m sure all of us have heard three-point sermons embodied in a prayer. Prayer is speaking to God, not to man.
Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few. Ecclesiastes 5:2
I think Rule #1 for public praying should be: Let your words be few.
I was speaking with a pastor friend about this and he told me that his attitude toward those praying in public is this:
- The first minute, I am praying with you.
- The second minute, I am praying for you.
- The third minute, I am praying against you.
Now, whether that is too severe or not, you can be the judge – but you get the point.
Am I praying to press into God or to impress other people? You can’t do both. Jesus said so.
Now, there are a few long public prayers in the Bible. Solomon’s dedication of the temple prayer is lengthy, as are Daniel’s and Ezra’s prayer of confession of sin. Obviously, we need to be Spirit-led in these matters, and yet Solomon’s exhortation that our words be few and Jesus’ warning about grandstanding in prayer need to be taken seriously and given due weight.
We are not to pray in order to be noticed by other people. We are not to pray in such a way that when the prayer is over and the Amen is said that people are thinking of us instead of thinking of God and worshipping Him. Prayer should lift us and those who do hear us into the presence of God. Unfortunately, it is possible to engage in the deepest act of faith – communion with God – while at the same time seeking to feed the deepest corruption of the flesh. Do you need to repent of praying in such a way that draws attention to yourself and not to God?
We are not to pray to be noticed by other people, yet at the same time public prayer is to be heard by other people. And this is the whole point – what do they hear? What do they come into contact with when you pray publicly? Do they come into contact with a vain, empty soul that desperately needs to be affirmed by others, or do they come into contact with the living God? Do they experience someone grasping for praise of self or with someone who has left self behind and is lost in the wonder of God? When you pray, are people sucked into the emptiness of your soul or are they lifted into the glory of God?
In giving instruction about prayer, Jesus said that the Gentiles suppose they will be heard because of their many words. I think a lot of us pray like the Gentiles that Jesus warns us about. I’ll be at a meeting and the leader may say, “Hey, Tim, will you open our time in prayer, please.” Or, “Let’s go around the circle and pray.” I have a decision to make – do I try and impress those in the meeting with my knowledge of the Bible and the depth of my relationship with God and with how much I care about whatever it is we are praying about – or do I orient my heart to God and simply speak to Him? You face the same choice. Let’s press into God and give up trying to impress people. Let God fill you – because other people can’t. Other people are like idols – we think they can fill us, but they leave us empty. God is the only one who can fill you.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
This last Sunday we had the San Jose/ Oakland Teen Challenge Choir with us. One of the women shared that her brother, and then her mother, had committed suicide. This catapulted her into years of drug and alcohol abuse, and she lost her family, her children, her job, her house, her car, her friends – everything that could be taken from her was taken from her. And then Jesus found her! What sin had stripped from her, Jesus is restoring to her! She has learned how to walk with the pain of her loss and Jesus is sustaining her day by day.
My sermon that Sunday was an exposition of Isaiah 40:27-31. Verse 31 states that if you wait on the Lord, you will gain new strength and this strength will be manifested in three ways. You will mount up on wings like eagles; you will run and not grow weary; you will walk and not faint. As an eagle, you will soar over those things that you couldn’t get past. While running, you will power through some of the circumstances of your life that have worn you out. When walking, you will learn to live with some things that will never leave you and you won’t grow weary, and you’ll stay the course.
Please note that this order of spiritual development is counter intuitive. I learned this while reading a book by a Canadian pastor. I wish I could remember the name of the book and its pastor-author. We start off life learning to walk, and then we advance into running, and finally, we graduate to soaring. It’s like an airplane that taxis to its runway, and then barrels down the runway, and finally soars over the landscape. And yet Isaiah presents the development of spiritual life going in the opposite trajectory. We begin our life as new creations in Christ soaring through the heavenlies and are lifted above a lot of things which are left behind. And then we hit the ground running and power through a lot of opposition and leave it in the rearview mirror. And then we settle into a daily walk with Christ through all the ho-hum of life. We learn that there are some things we can’t get over, there are some things that we’ll never power-through, and we’ll have to carry with us for the rest of lives.
Take, for example, this woman from the Teen Challenge Choir. The suicide deaths of both a brother and a mother are something you don’t get over. Nor is this something you can power through and leave in the rear-view mirror. This is something that sticks to your soul and never lets go. This is something that you have to learn to live with and walk with every day – it’s part of your story. The weight of it can weary you – but don’t forget the promise: if you wait on the Lord, He will strengthen you to walk with those things that can’t be left behind or powered-through. When you should be sinking, you’re walking on the water for Christ sustains you!
Isaiah tells us that youths will grow weary and that vigorous young men will stumble. This is also counter intuitive. It’s older people who grow weary and stumble. And while this is physically true, it’s not spiritually true. I am 68 years old, and the things that wore me out and caused me to stumble along at age 28 don’t even register on my soul today. I trust God more at age 68 than at age 28. God has proven Himself faithful again and again and again. Those who have seen the faithfulness of God and have lived in the goodness of God over decades of time have matured in their faith. A young man might be able to bench press three hundred pounds, and an older man might be able to bench press 50 pounds – but an older man or woman who has walked in the goodness of God can bench press the things of life that crush younger people who are not trusting the Lord.
Here is the promise: if you who wait on, hope in the Lord, you will gain new strength: you’ll soar like an eagle, you’ll run through the things of life and not grow weary, and what can’t be run-through and left behind, you’ll walk and not faint. Even as the heartaches and disappointments of life accumulate, even as dreams are shattered, and hearts are broken, and you become disillusioned with people and with yourself – you will walk and not faint. As the load increases, so does the strength of the Lord. Yes, leave your burdens behind, but those that can’t be left behind don’t have to weigh you down. As you wait on and hope in the Lord, He will sustain you and you will have a glorious walk with Jesus Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 28, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
If someone can’t worship God without 120 decibels of volume and strobe lights and a fog machine, they are not a worshipper, they are a Pavlovian dog. Mood and music have a role to play in the worship of the Church, but they are not the most important ingredient. (I find it interesting that some people criticize contemporary Christian music for all its bells and whistles and then they go to their worship service and insist on candles and incense and robes!) I am not criticizing mood and music – I am criticizing the priority and emphasis that some place upon mood and music as if mood and music give rise to a worshipful soul. It is not low light or strobe lights or candlelight that gives birth to worship. It is not smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense – it’s revelation that gives birth to worship. The genesis of worship is given us in the book of Revelation.
And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within; and day and night they do not cease to say, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME." Revelation 4:8
Please note that they do not cease to say, "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME." This is repetition, but it’s not vain repetition, for they mean it every time they say it. And they don’t say it from rote memory, they recite it due to revelation. They look at God and say, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY…” And then they look at God again and say, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY...” They look at God again and say, “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY…” Repeat for all eternity. Each time they see God, they see something new of His infinite glory and the cry of HOLY is forced from them by the revelation of God.
Without the revelation of God, smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense are just smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense. If the worship leader is depending on smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense to coax the Church to worship, the Church is in trouble. Without the revelation of God, we will argue about which smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense are pleasing to God and which are most deeply rooted in tradition. With the revelation of God, the Church will worship with or without all the props. Without the revelation of God, we are left with technique. Without the revelation of God, the Church doesn’t worship, it just sings songs. The revelation of God is the single greatest factor in worship – and smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense don’t reveal God. The four living creatures in heaven have a holy God constantly set before them – which gives birth to their worship. How can pastors and worship leaders set the living God before the people?
God is revealed in His Word. Pastors should always teach the Bible in such a way that God is magnified in the minds and hearts of the people. Pastors are to give the Church a big vision of a big God. People with a big vision of a big God don’t have to be coaxed into worship – praise readily erupts from them. The words of worship songs can be means of revealing the holiness and love and mercy and power of our Creator and Redeemer. The words of worship songs remind the soul and stir up the passions that are expressed in worship. God is also revealed in His works. Pastors and worship leaders should always be bragging on the God who redeems and rescues and renews and restores. Those who see the work of God don’t have to be coaxed into worship.
If you are struggling to dial in the right formula of smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense and lighting in which to facilitate the worship at your church, may I suggest that you spend your time on something more fundamental. Again, if the people in your church do not see God in all His glorious holiness, you’re going to have to depend on technique and mood to stir them up – turn down the lights and turn up the volume. People who live in the revelation of God, those to whom God is real don’t require the curated moods of contemporary worship.
I appreciate our worship leader at Calvary Fremont. We have about 150 people on Sunday mornings, and we meet in the sanctuary. We have about 25 people on Wednesday nights, and we meet in the café. I think we sing louder on Wednesdays than we do on Sundays – at least it seems that way to me. I told our worship leader that I so appreciate the passion that he brings to our midweek service. He’s as passionate in his worship on Wednesdays as he is on Sundays. He said to me, “I only have one speed.” Thus says the man who has seen God. He doesn’t craft worship one way on Sunday and another way on Wednesday. People who see God don’t craft worship – they worship.
Yes, I know – things like this can be nuanced a dozen different ways. Yet please hear the basic argument. The basic argument is that smells and sounds and bells and whistles and fog and incense and lighting don’t lead people into worship – these things lead people into a particular mood and atmosphere. People who haven’t seen God don’t worship God because of all these things. Fog and incense do not reveal a holy God. They may set a somber or festive mood, but moods don’t reveal God. These things may evoke an emotional response – but don’t confuse this with worship. God is revealed in His Word and in His work. Worship is birthed out of revelation. When Paul and Silas were shackled in a Roman prison, they worshipped the God who had revealed Himself to them. The mood and lighting were terrible – but they worshipped, nonetheless. They saw what the four living creatures saw, and they cried out, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is THE LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS AND WHO IS AND WHO IS TO COME."
OK – let me have it. But be kind!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 24, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
If you haven’t done it, you’ve seen it. Mom or dad can’t get one year old Billy to eat what’s good for him (strained carrots/ baby cereal, etc.) and so they have to fake him out – they have to make him think that what he really hates is really good. And, of course, it is good for him – except it’s doesn’t taste good. If he could talk, he would say it’s ‘pooh-pooh.’
To make little Billy open up and do what’s good for him we have developed some pretty impressive delivery methods. My specialty was the airplane buzz move where the lips were the runway which I would buzz a couple of times until my Billy would laugh and then I would shove in the offensive stuff. But my little Billy got wise pretty quick and developed immunities to my delivery methods which just forced me to be even more creative. I developed the itsy-bitsy-spider, the charging bull, and the hide-and-seek delivery method. (I was working on my black-belt in baby feeding.) A lot of energy and imagination goes into the delivery systems which, if little Billy knew what was good for him, could be dispensed with.
You can take Billy out of toddlerhood, but sometimes toddlerhood doesn’t come out of Billy. Fast forward 25 years. Billy is exiting church on a Sunday morning and a friend going into the 2nd service asks, “How was the worship, Billy?” Billy replies, “Ah, not that good. They had no drummer and the bass was too loud and the keyboardist stayed on that mournful organ voice too long and they sang ‘Blessed be Your Name’ way too slow. Finally, I just gave up and stood there waiting for it to be over.”
Fast forward to the following Sunday. Billy emerges from the 1st service and the same friend says, “Hey, Billy, how was the worship today?” Billy responds, “It was an acoustic set with a percussionist. It didn’t rock. Too mellow for me. They said a couple of the songs were Maranatha choruses that were really big in their day. Whatever. I really wasn’t into it.”
Fast forward to the following Sunday. “Hey, Billy, how was the worship?” Billy, with excitement, “It was great! The lead guitarist was laying down some hot riffs. And they set a floor mic right next to the bass drum – so cool. They only did Tomlin and Hillsong. Oh man, I was so into it – I just closed my eyes and raised my hands. It’s so great to worship Jesus.”
Billy is a spiritual toddler. He has to be ‘faked out’ to worship God. He has to be coaxed into doing that which is healthy for his soul. Music poorly done and music not his liking leaves a bad taste in his mouth and he won’t open his mouth to worship Jesus unless the music is just right. Unless worship, and all that accompanies it, is delivered in a package that suits him, he will stand there and cross his arms and close his mouth and Jesus won’t hear one peep of praise from him. But if Billy gets his bass drum and electric guitar and his driving beat – he’s all about God. Billy is a spiritual toddler. (And it works the other way, too – it’s a multi-generational phenomena. If Sam and Peggy don’t get their piano and organ music and Fanny Crosby hymns and have to listen to those dab-nabbit guitars, they won’t worship God. “No, God, I will not worship You unless I can worship in a way that conforms to my preference and tastes.” This, too, is toddler worship.)
OK, why am I so hard on Billy? Because I used to be Billy! Unless the music and the songs and the way they were performed fit my niche preferences, I would spend most of the time in a critical spirit toward those who were leading – and Jesus would receive no praise from me.
Here’s where I am today. “Tim, how was the worship?” “Ah, the worship was awesome!” Even though the band was not hitting on all cylinders that day, even though the absence of the drummer threw off the bass and rhythm guitars, even though the melodies and harmonies of the singers clashed, I worshipped God. I have purposed that wherever I go, whoever is leading, however it is led, I will lift my heart and voice (and maybe my hands) and worship God. My worship of God is independent of the music that is supposed to aid my worship.
When the question is asked, “How was the worship?”, I think what is meant is, “How was the worship band? Did they bring it? Were they hot? Did you get revved up and passionate and did you lose yourself in the experience of worship?” I don’t think I’m too far off the mark there. And, please don’t get me wrong – I want the music to be spot on. But I need to say that though the music did not help me to worship, but I worshipped nonetheless. I don’t want to participate in toddler worship. Even though the music, style, beat, and songs don’t please me, I am not going to stand there with arms folded, mouth closed, enduring the duration of this mediocre performance. My attitude now is, “It is what it is.” I am going to use this occasion to worship the mighty God who created and redeemed me. God is worthy of my worship wherever I am. If, in the middle of a mediocre musical presentation I open my mouth and worship my God, worship has taken place. God is glorified. You don’t have to coax me or fake me out or pamper me to get me to worship God. The worship of God flows from me even though nothing may be flowing from the platform except noisy gongs and clanging cymbals. Though the instruments are out of tune, the singers are off key, and the melody line is wrong – I will worship.
God is worthy even when the music is not. The motive to worship has to be greater than the music of worship. My motive to worship has to be greater than the means of worship. It is easy to get to the place where we depend on the music to supply the motive of worship. Music is to be a handmaiden to worship, but for many, she has become queen and worship the handmaiden. Music should be the grease on the wheels of worship, but I wonder if we are depending on the music to be the motor that turns the wheels. My love for God should be my motive to worship. Music should assist my worship, not be the motor that drives it. When all is said and done, if I am depending on the music to get Billy to worship, I am aiding and abetting toddler worship. If I am depending on the music to motivate my worship, I am a spiritual toddler.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There’s only one person in all the world who is smarter than God – and that’s the fool. The fool is smarter, the fool is wiser, the fool has greater insight than God – at least that’s what she thinks, that’s what he tells himself. Now, you don’t believe that he’s smarter than God, but that doesn’t matter to the fool – he’s smarter than you, too. In the Bible, the fool isn’t the person who is intellectually challenged or mentally handicapped, but the one who is morally depraved. The fool doesn’t listen to God and won’t listen to you.
Now this doesn’t mean that the fool is as evil as she can be – it just means she values her reason above the revelation of God. That’s the essence of the fool. Maybe you know a fool.
- God says that life in the womb is precious and is to be protected and valued. A fool says that a baby in the womb only has value if the mother says the baby has value. The fool sees life in the womb as bits of tissue that can be removed and dispensed with.
- God says that sex is for marriage only. The fool says that he can have sex with anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyhow.
- God says that He created humankind in His image – male and female He created them in His image. The fool says, “I don’t think so.” I GOOGLED: How many genders are there? One site noted that there are 12 genders. There is anatomical sex, cisgender, transgender, cishet, non-binary, intersex, genderqueer, gender-fluid, gender-conforming, gender-expansive, agender, and gendervoid. Another website listed 58 options for gender identity.
- God says to not commit adultery or lust for someone not your spouse. Don’t murder or hate anyone. Don’t divorce your spouse except for adultery. The fool thinks, says, and does otherwise.
You can find people who think they are smarter than God in prisons and gutters, in Universities and in government offices. Fools come in all colors and sizes and genders and races and classes and levels of education – there are even some in the Church! Maybe you know one. “Well, Pastor Tim – those you describe as being fools think you’re a fool for your straight-and-narrow approach to life.” I get that. My foolishness is due to the fact that I don’t agree with them. Their foolishness is due to the fact that they consider themselves unaccountable to God.
The book of Proverbs uses the words ‘fool(s)’ and ‘foolishness’ 81times. Here’s the first use of the word ‘fool’ in the Proverbs –
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
When you ask someone what it means to fear the Lord, you’re going to get a lot of answers. But at the center of most of those answers is the notion of accountability. We could paraphrase Proverbs 1:7 this way – “Accountability to the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; fools despise accountability.”
You are accountable to the one(s) whom you answer to. I answer to a lot of people.
- I am answerable to my wife. She has the right to know where I am and who I am with and what I am doing 24/7. I am answerable for how I spend my time, who I spend it with, how I spend our money, etc. That doesn’t mean she controls me, it means that I am accountable to her for my life. And I’m glad – I want to be and need to be accountable. I once heard Bob Mumford say that it’s easier to walk with God when someone’s looking over your shoulder!
- I am answerable to my children. I am accountable to them for how I treat their mother and their children.
- I am answerable to the elders of the church I serve. I can’t do whatever I want at the church and expect them to just rubber-stamp it. I am accountable to them and we share a joint-accountability in how we oversee the ministry of the church and steward its resources.
- I am answerable to my pastor-peers. I am accountable to them and they have the right and the responsibility to call and check up on me and correct me if necessary.
The unaccountable life is the foolish life. The first step out of folly is to step into accountability. Accountability means that there are boundaries I live within. The fool doesn’t want to live within boundaries. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. What does it mean fear the Lord? Live in accountability to Him. One of the most sobering things I can tell anyone is that they will one day stand before God and give an account for their lives. Fools will quake; the wise will rejoice.
The Church is to go and make disciples of all the nations. The first step of discipleship is confessing that Jesus is Lord. And in that confession is the implicit recognition that I am accountable to Him. Salvation brings with it the obligations of accountability. The Church is the Bride of Christ and is accountable to Christ. When bride and groom repeat their vows to another and assent to the covenant promises of marriage, they bind themselves into an accountable relationship. Is this accountability meant to hinder them? No! Accountability is a glorious thing! The promises of marriage can only be experienced within a framework of covenant accountability. The boundaries of accountability don’t bring restraint, but liberation.
Don’t be a fool. Don’t try to be smarter than God. Accountability to God is the beginning of wisdom.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 17, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The word ‘endure’ is a compound word with Latin roots. “En” means ‘in.’ And “dure” carries the sense of ‘hard.’ To endure is to ‘remain in a hard place.’ But who wants to do that? I prefer soft places to hard places. I prefer getting out of hard places to remaining in hard places. If I have a headache, the last thing I want to do is endure it. I want to take pills and get out from underneath it. If I have something out of whack with my body, I don’t want to remain in pain – I want to go to the doctor and have her cut it out and get rid of it, or put it back in the place it belongs – and then give me pills!
We’re not real good at enduring hard places. A boring show – turn it off. Too hot – turn on the air conditioner. Reading a book you disagree with or challenges you – throw it across the room! Too much pain – take a pill. Unfruitful marriage – get a divorce. Problems in the church – find a new one. We’re pretty good at getting out of hard places and into soft places – until the new soft place becomes an old hard place – and we’re off again. Remain in a hard place? No way.
There’s no comfort in a hard place. COVID has made things hard – which means there’s no comfort in COVID. When we talk about ‘getting-back-to-normal’, this is code for ‘getting-back-to-a-soft place.’ Personally, I long for a soft place. COVID has made us have hard words, hard feelings, and hard break-ups. Closing the church was hard. Opening the church was hard. Wearing masks was/is hard. Not wearing masks was/is hard. Vaccinations – pro or con – is hard. Being considered a tool or a fool is hard. Deaths and sickness and job loss and income loss have been hard. COVID has been hard to endure, and yet with all the unfolding dynamics of the disease and the social dislocation it has caused, it looks like we’re going to be remaining in this hard place into the foreseeable future.
There’s no comfort in a hard place. I guess it would be a contradiction to talk about a comfortable hard place. Yet that’s exactly what the Bible does – it talks about a comfortable hard place. Listen to Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:6 –
But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer…
To be afflicted is to be squashed and squeezed. And certainly that, in part, describes the hard place many find themselves in. To be quarantined is to be squeezed into the narrow confines of home. A medical earthquake has released a social tsunami and so many soft places have been swept away. Paul was hounded from town to town with death stalking him close behind. He was afflicted – he was in a hard place. Yet he was also comforted – God came to him in his affliction. Paul experienced the soft presence of God in the hard place of ministering to a hostile crowd who wanted him dead! And Paul says this same comfort, this same soft presence of God can be yours! But please note that God’s comfort comes with explicit directions. It’s like reading the instructions on the packaging of something you bought – how to use this product. No, God’s peace and comfort isn’t a product – but you do have to follow the directions that come with it.
What are the directions for experiencing the soft presence of God in the hard place of affliction? Note what Paul says – the soft presence of God is effective when you patiently endure suffering and afflictions! What? The soft presence of God only works when you endure – remain in the hard place – of suffering and affliction. You don’t have to be delivered from the hard place you’re in to experience the soft place of the presence of God. In fact, Paul says, again – the comfort of God’s presence is only effective when you remain in the hard place.
The soft place of God’s presence is the glorious experience of those who patiently endure – remain in the hard place – of suffering and affliction. God so often doesn’t deliver us from hard places – He delivers us in hard places. He doesn’t take us from the hard place – He comes to us in the hard place. ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death – You are with me.’ God didn’t deliver David from the Valley of the Shadow of Death – He came to David while He was walking in that Valley. God prepared a table, not in heaven – but in the presence of David’s enemies! Comfort in affliction!
The greatest vision and purest desire of the follower of Jesus isn’t to get out of a Hard Place, but to experience the Glory of the Presence of God. The Psalmist said, ‘The nearness of God is my good.’ He didn’t measure how far he was from a Hard Place, he measures how close God was to him. Though the Hard Place afflicted him, the Presence of God comforted him – and that was more than enough.
We are in a season of affliction, which also means that we are in a season of comfort. The comfort of God – the soft presence of God will sustain in the Wilderness of the Hard Place. There can be rivers of living water flowing from you even when there is a drought in the land. You can feast on the goodness and the nearness of God even when there is a famine in the land. The hard place of the season we’re in is more than met by the soft, comforting presence of God. Many Christians have allowed the Hard Place to create in them a Hard Heart. The soft presence of God will help keep your heart soft and in the love of God and in the place of loving people regardless of where they stand on all the issues.
Call upon the name of the Lord. He will hear you and draw near to you. He so desires to sustain your weary soul through the desert of this moment. Tell him of the Hard Place you’re in and ask Him for His soft comforting presence. The comfort of God makes the Hard Place bearable, breathable, bountiful. God will open rivers in the desert for you. When you pass through the fire, it will not burn you. When you pass through the waters, they will not overwhelm you. You will be a blessing to others. And those without the comfort of God need you to be a blessing to them. Comfort others as Christ has comforted you. Help them find comfort in a Hard Place. Help them experience the presence of Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 10, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“All religions teach the same thing.” I agree (somewhat).
Except for the nature of God, the nature of man, the nature & means & necessity of salvation, the nature & reality of heaven and hell – yes, all religions teach the same thing. Which points to the fact that all religions don’t teach the same thing. When it comes to living a morally pure and virtuous life – yes, all religions pretty much teach the same thing. But religion isn’t primarily about morality and virtue – it’s about God and man and sin and forgiveness and salvation and heaven and hell. And this is where all religions part company.
Why would someone say, “All religions teach the same thing”?
- Maybe they truly believe that.
- Maybe they heard someone they respect say that and so they now say it, too.
- Maybe they know it’s not true, but it’s a way to silence conscience and avoid challenging conversations.
Saying “All religions teach the same thing” is like saying, “All food tastes the same.” My palate would disagree.
We Christians are fond of saying, “We’re not into religion, we’re into relationship with God.” I’ve said that before and I’ll probably say it again. And I know I’ve heard you say it. Yet I was curious as to what exactly the word ‘religion’ meant. So I looked it up. It is a compound word. “Re” means again. The second part of the word ‘religion’ comes from the Latin word for ligaments that binds things together. The word ‘religion’ literally means: ‘to bind together again.’ That’s beautiful. Whether we like it or not, Christianity is a religion in the purest sense of that word. Christianity points the way back to God. It points to a God who is making His way back to us. Adam & Eve had sweet fellowship with God in the Garden until sin separated man from God and the resulting story of the Bible is a religious story – getting man and God back together again.
That’s the essence of religion. And all religions point to different pathways of restored fellowship with God. Hinduism has one way of bonding with God, Islam has another way, Judaism has a way of bonding with God, and Christianity teaches yet another way of bonding with and walking with God. The nature of God is different in all the world religions. The nature of man is differently understood in the religions of the world. The way of salvation and the nature of eternal life are differently understood among the world religions. No, all religions do not teach the same thing. Hinduism doesn’t teach what Christianity teaches. This is like saying that a pickle tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios. Islam does not teach what Buddhism does. This is like saying that eggs taste like a Snicker’s candy bar.
Christ is in the center and at the margins of Christianity and there is no one like Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ is the sinless, spotless, lamb of God who died for the sins of the world and rose from the dead on the third day, who presented Himself alive to His followers and ascended to heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God. Buddha wasn’t prophesied and anticipated. Mohammad wasn’t virgin born. Hindu priests didn’t live a sinless life. Confucius worked no miracles. Moses wasn’t crucified for our sins. None of them rose from the dead. Christ is unique. He is not one among many – He is One above all.
Saying “All religions are the same” is like saying, “All books tell the same story.” If all books told the same story, I’d only have to buy one book. I would only have one book on my shelf. The thing is, all religions tell different stories, have varying narratives with different beginnings and endings, and are populated by different actors. Yes, Christianity is just one among many religions – but it’s one above all.
“Of course you would say that – you’re a Christian pastor.” You’re absolutely correct – I am biased. So, check it out for yourself. Was Buddha prophesied to come in Hindu literature? Does the Quran make claims that Mohammad was virgin born? How many miracles were performed by Confucius? Does the Bible claim that Moses was crucified for our sins – or did he die because of his own sin? Which of these founders of world religions rose from the dead? Where is it claimed that they sit at the right hand of God in heaven? Yet all these things are true in the case of Jesus of Nazareth.
Of all the religions in the world, of all the stories ever told, of all the people who have walked upon this earth – Christ is unique. His birth and power and suffering and crucifixion and resurrection were all foretold hundreds of years before they unfolded in history. He came to show us the holy and loving nature of God, to redeem the sinful nature of man, and to gift us with His salvation and save us from hell and bring us to heaven for all eternity. What a Savior! Thank You, Jesus!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 7, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Texas just passed a ban on abortions after six weeks. The expected pushback is taking place and in one picture I saw a sign that read: ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE. Hmmm…let’s take a look at this.
Here are two definitions of abortion:
- the expulsion of a fetus from the uterus before it has reached the stage of viability
- the removal of pregnancy tissue, products of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus
Here are three means of abortion:
- Up to 15 weeks' gestation, suction-aspiration or vacuum aspiration are the most common surgical methods of induced abortion. Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) consists of removing the fetus or embryo, placenta, and membranes by suction using a manual syringe, while electric vacuum aspiration (EVA) uses an electric pump.
- Dilation and curettage (D&C) refers to opening the cervix (dilation) and removing tissue (curettage) via suction or sharp instruments.
- Dilation and evacuation (D&E), used after 12 to 16 weeks, consists of opening the cervix and emptying the uterus using surgical instruments and suction. D&E is performed vaginally and does not require an incision. Intact dilation and extraction (D&X) refers to a variant of D&E sometimes used after 18 to 20 weeks when removal of an intact fetus improves surgical safety or for other reasons.
Here is the definition of health:
- the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit
- freedom from physical disease or pain
- a condition in which someone or something is thriving or doing well
ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE. Not for the 1,199,960 aborted babies in 2017. They become decidedly unhealthy via abortion. They become unsound in body, mind, and spirit. Abortion is the imposition of physical pain. After abortion, a baby is neither thriving nor doing well.
For the baby, abortion is the opposite of healthcare. Our culture feeds on lies and deception. Truly Isaiah said -
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20-21
“Well, Pastor Tim, the definition of ‘health’ you provided included the condition of the mind and spirit. Abortion is healthcare for the pregnant woman who is depressed by her pregnancy and can’t face the cumbersome responsibilities of motherhood.”
Abortion doesn’t rid the mother of any disease or sickness. Abortion is not the healing of the body (except in the rare event of a baby threatening the mother’s physical life). What about mental health? One study I read reported that 95% of women who have had an abortion feel positive about it five years later and experience no lingering regret or negative emotional trauma. Yet those working with post-abortive women believe this to be a flawed study. They report that approximately 40% of post-abortive women experience traumatic responses to abortion; however, statistics reveal that 80% will experience some level of symptoms. Some psychologists believe the statistic is actually as high as 100% of women who suffer some measure of trauma.
Abortion is anti-healthcare for the baby and is anti-healthcare for the mother. Abortion sets up a woman for psychological and emotional trauma for years to come. Writing in Christianity Today (January 22, 2020), Maria Baer writes: “In the past 20 years, abortion recovery groups have multiplied in churches nationwide. Surrendering the Secret has trained about 2,500 leaders in churches and crisis pregnancy centers. Another leading recovery ministry, Rachel’s Vineyard, hosts about 1,000 retreats annually in 48 states and 57 other countries.”
Why do I write this? We are living in a day where evil is called good and good is called evil. We are living in a day when the bitter is called sweet and the sweet is called bitter. We are living in a day when a male is called a female and a female is called a male. Chromosomes are bundles of tightly coiled DNA located within the nucleus of almost every cell in our body. A male has XY chromosomes, and a female has XX chromosomes. DNA, gonads, and genitalia make a person a male or a female – that’s the science. Yet our science-loving culture has abandoned science, and though science says this person is a male or a female, we’re told that science doesn’t determine gender, feelings determine gender. So, let me get this right. If I don’t follow the science when it comes to climate change, I’m an idiot. If I don’t follow the science when it comes to gender, I’m enlightened. What’s the result? I’m confused! I guess I’ll just have to place my brain in a baggie and only believe what the cultural elites tell me to believe. But wait – I think they’re confused, too!
Have you had an abortion? Christ will cleanse and forgive you. Come to Christ. Are you male? Are you female? Rejoice in how God has created you. Call light, light. Call the bitter, bitter. Call the sweet, sweet. Don’t be clever in your own sight.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 2, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont – (this is a repost from a year ago today – with a slight update)
I want to speak up for pastors in this post.
Paul tells us that love believes all things. What this means is that love gives people the benefit of the doubt and that unless I have knowledge to the contrary, I trust you and what you’re saying, and I trust your motives. If you show up at my church on Sunday morning and tell me you’re visiting from Southern California having come up to see your parents, I have no reason not to believe you. If you tell me you’re on a mission from Mars to recruit volunteers to colonize one of the moons of Mars…well…I think not. Love believes all things, but love isn’t gullible.
There is a serious crisis in the Body of Christ – we no longer believe all things. No, we haven’t grown gullible, but there are widening cracks of judgment and suspicion. There is a crisis of love and a growth in questioning each others’ motives. Pastors are acutely aware of this. Your pastor is faced with a number of decisions, each of which has a downside. When it comes to pastors, we are in a lose-lose season of time.
- If we open our churches, we are judged, and people will leave the church.
- If we don’t open our churches, we are judged, and people will leave the church.
- If we open our churches and require masks, some are offended and will leave the church.
- If we open our churches and don’t require masks, some are offended and will leave the church.
- If we meet outside, we are judged. If we meet inside, we are judged. If we remain livestream only, we are judged.
- If we are pro-vaccinations, we are judged. If we are anti-vaccinations, we are judged. If we believe it’s a personal decision each person needs to make for themselves, we are judged.
- And there are those who make their opinions known to the pastor. And this isn’t a burdensome thing in itself unless this opinion is accompanied by an expectation of compliance and the assurance of judgment if not.
Please give your pastor(s) a break!!! We are doing the best we can. We don’t get up in the morning and tell ourselves that we’re going to make the worst decisions possible to get the most amount of people ticked off at us. We are accused of not having enough faith or being unloving or not caring for the community…and on it goes. This is grievous and does not reflect the heart of God.
“But what if I disagree with the decision my pastor and the elders of the church have made?”
- If love believes all things, then don’t doubt their honesty and question their motives. You can disagree with someone’s decision without being suspicious of their motives and doubting their honesty.
- Believe that they are making the best decision they can based upon the information they have, influenced by the responsibilities they shoulder, informed by the values they embrace, impacted by the family of churches they belong to, advised by the leaders surrounding them, and affected by their personal history. Believe me – that’s a lot of ingredients for one stew. Two people can have the same information, yet because of the ingredients in their personal stew they will respond to that information differently.
- “How can I walk with someone I disagree with?” You’re married, aren’t you?
- Your pastor has walked with you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and in the Ditch of Stupid Decisions and through the Gutter of Sinful Choices. He has loved you, counseled you, prayed with and for you, and has assured you of his acceptance and availability – and even better – of God’s covenant love for you in Jesus Christ. Your pastor has been the face of Christ to you.
Can you say, in good conscience, “I disagree with the decision(s) my pastor has made. I wish he had navigated us through this crisis a different way. But I love my pastor and my church, and God has placed us in this fellowship to care for us, to grow us, and to use us for His glory.” Is it possible (or am I just totally out of touch with reality) for someone to say, “I believe my pastor has made a wrong decision. And I know he’s going to get a lot of flack for it, but I don’t doubt his honesty and I am not suspicious of his motives. I’m going to stand by my pastor and encourage him and be a blessing to him during this season of time.” Now someone might say, “I can’t do that. That would be disingenuous of me.” I say, “You do it for your children all the time. That’s what it means to be part of a family – failure isn’t fatal.” And here’s the thing – the Church is a family.
I am amply aware that this post smacks of self-preservation in that I am a pastor. And I know that many who read this post are part of the Calvary Chapel Fremont family. I am not writing this to elicit their sympathy for me by the simple fact that Calvary Chapel Fremont has the best congregants in the world! I’ve received some pushback from the various decisions that have been made, yet this pushback is from thinking people who want to know what helped inform the decision to do this or that. We discuss it; they make their opinion known; sometimes they still disagree – and don’t huff off. They are wise enough to know that there are different ways of looking at the challenges we face, and they are mature enough that when they don’t get their way, they don’t leave the church. And they love me – they don’t doubt my honesty or are suspicious of my motives and they want to be a blessing to me and the church as we shoot these rapids. May their tribe increase!
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and give your pastor a hug (I mean a fist-bump) – Pastor Tim
August 21, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
On August 21, 1976, Fran and I stood before God and witnesses and said, “I do.” 45 years later, we still do.
How have we managed to remain married after so many years? Repentance and forgiveness. And I’m sure I’ve repented more times than her – because I’ve needed to. (Never underestimate your ability to be a complete jerk!) Without repentance – without the acknowledgment of sin – offense accumulates like dirty dishes in the sink that pile up. Without forgiveness, offense morphs into a relationship destroying bacteria that eats away at the tissue of affection and the ligaments of covenantal connection. Repentance acknowledges sin and forgiveness washes away its offense.
Both repentance and forgiveness require trust. Repentance requires trust in that you expose your failure to someone else with the possibility of rejection. Forgiveness requires trust in that you allow someone who has failed you back into your life with the possibility you will be wounded again. Both repentance and forgiveness are acts of faith.
Both repentance and forgiveness assume something. Repentance assumes the desire to be accepted and reconciled. Forgiveness assumes the desire to let the offense go in order to be reconciled. The word forgiveness literally means “to let go.” Repentance and forgiveness are doors of hope into the future. When these doors close, there is no tomorrow. There’s only a repetition of today with dirty dishes continuing to pile up on the kitchen counter.
Both repentance and forgiveness are acts of humility. Repentance requires humility in that I have to take an honest look at myself – one that sees beyond the myth I have created for myself. (Never underestimate your ability to be a complete jerk!) Forgiveness requires humility in that pride would say, “I don’t deserve this pain I have to deal with being married to you.” Pride leads to unforgiveness whereas humility will extend to others what God in Christ has extended to us – ongoing, freely given forgiveness.
Both repentance and forgiveness reflect the covenant relationship God has with us in Christ. Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” How has Jesus loved me? Fully, freely, with a never ending finality. I owe my wife no less than what I have received from Christ. My wife owes me no less than what she has received from Christ. The best thing Fran has going for her is that I love Jesus more than I love her. Therefore, His love can flow through me to her. The best thing I have going for me is that Fran loves Jesus more than she loves me. Therefore, His love flows through her to me.
The Church, like marriage, is a covenant community. We are one with God in Christ and we are one with one another in Christ. I pray that there can be forgiveness and repentance, a desire for reconciliation, and humility in the Church. (Never underestimate your ability to be a complete jerk!) Do you need to repent of something to someone? Then repent – trust God and humble yourself. Do you need to forgive someone of something? Then forgive – trust God and humble yourself. May the covenant love of God in Christ flow through the Church.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 18, 2021
August 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Common sense has always been and still is the best way to understand the Bible. And yet many people find it hard to understand the Bible. Here’s why –
- The Bible tells us to be peacemakers and then it tells us to expose evil – which will make us troublemakers.
- The Bible says that love covers a multitude of sin and yet we are to expose evil.
- The Bible tells us in one place not to eat shrimp and lobster and then in another place says that it’s OK.
- In Romans 12 the Bible says to bless the wrongdoer and then Romans 13says to punish the wrongdoer.
- The Bible says to obey the government and the Bible says to disobey the government. Etc.
So, do I make peace or make trouble? Do I eat shrimp or keep it out of my diet? Do I bless or punish the evildoer? Do I obey or disobey the government? It can be confusing – but it doesn’t need to be. Believe it or not, you’ve already acquired the necessary thinking skills to figure this thing out. Yes, you can be an astute theologian.
Think of it like this – when you drive around town you see different speed limit signs. In one place in your city the sign will read 40 MPH. Just across the intersection the sign will read 35 MPH. Further down the road in another place in your city the sign will read 25 MPH when children are present. In yet another place in your city the sign will read 65 MPH. What on earth is going on? Why can’t the civil authorities make up their mind as to the speed limit? What is it? How fast am I allowed to go? Is it 40 MPH or 35 MPH or 65 MPH? These signs contradict each other in that they say different things. How can they all be right when they contradict each other? And the person or persons posting these signs must be very confused. Someone could reason within themselves that whoever posted these signs doesn’t know what they are doing and therefore they are going to reject all of it and do their own thing.
But no one does that. Why? Because common sense makes sense of it all. We all know that different conditions call for different speeds. A residential neighborhood calls for one speed limit. A school zone calls for another speed limit. An industrial or commercial area calls for yet another speed limit whereas in a parking lot you drive the slowest and on a freeway you drive the fastest. Differing conditions and situations call for differing speed limits. There’s no inherent contradiction – there’s an intentional coordination. No one is confused or has a crisis of confidence in their civil authority. It all makes perfect sense. So, do I go 65 MPH or 40 MPH or 35 MPH or 25 MPH? It all depends…
So, with the Bible –
- Should I obey or disobey the government? It all depends on what they’re asking you to do.
- Should I cover up sin or expose it? It all depends on the context you find yourself in.
- Should I eat shellfish or not? It all depends on what covenant you are operating under.
- Should I bless the wrongdoer or punish him? It all depends on whether you are a private citizen or an agent of the government.
“Pastor Tim, you make it all sound so simple, but in real life Biblical principles aren’t as cut-and-dried as speed limit signs. I wish the will of God was like speed limit signs.” I agree – the Bible isn’t as cut-and-dried as speed limit signs, yet at the same time it’s not as agonizingly convoluted and full of contradictory directions as some make it out to be. There’s no inherent contradiction – there is intentional coordination. With prayer and thinking and with the wisdom and counsel of brothers and sisters, you’ll be able to discern the will of God for you. Yet this is exactly what so many believers lack – prayer and thinking and the wisdom and counsel of brothers and sisters. Here’s the difference between speed limit signs and the will of God: speed limit signs are prominently posted where all can see and read them. God reveals His will in the Bible, and you discern its individual application to you through the Holy Spirit in prayer and thinking and the wisdom and counsel of brothers and sisters. Those who struggle most with the will of God are those who don’t read their Bibles, don’t ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten them, don’t pray and think through an issue, and don’t access the wise counsel of brothers and sisters. We want to know the will of God in a flash of time – like reading a speed limit sign. But here’s how Proverbs 2:1-6 tells us to lay hold of the mind of God –
My son, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you, make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
Knowing the will of God isn’t like taking half-a-second to read a speed limit sign. It’s like seeing a sign that says: Historical Marker Ahead. You can’t read it on the fly. You have to pull over and stop and get out of the car and read it. I did this recently in Mississippi and stopped and a read historical marker that told me that at that spot in 1916 during a Mississippi River flood, a certain man launched his boat during that horrific storm and saved 67 people from drowning. No, knowing the will of God in His Word by His Spirit isn’t a fast read – but it’s not a confusion of contradiction, either. Get to know your Bible. Get to know your God through your Bible and the Holy Spirit and prayer and thinking and the wise counsel of the brothers and sisters in your church. God has a word for you in your situation.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 13, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Jesus was both! Actually, the only trouble He had was with those who didn’t want His peace. Are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker? In my last blog I made a case that both the Church and the world desperately need peacemakers to wade into broken relationships and a toxic environment poisoned with suspicion and bring the peace of Christ. Maybe our biggest threat was climate change, but now it’s culture change. An overheated climate will not sustain life and life cannot flourish in an overheated culture.
The 7th Beatitude in the Sermon on the Mount is, “Blessed are the pacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” There are six Beatitudes before being a peacemaker. They are: being poor in spirit, mourning, being gentle, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, being merciful, and being pure in heart. If these six hallmarks of spiritual maturity are beginning to blossom in your character, you will be a peacemaker. If any of these six are missing or are in low ebb in your soul, being a peacemaker won’t come easy nor will it be something you necessarily value. You are a person of peace before you are a peacemaker.
What are the practical character traits of a peacemaker? Check out Romans 12:17-21 –
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. “But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. I probably lost about 70% of you right there! I think that the theme for half the movies out there is ‘pay back.’ Just read the description of movies on Netflix or Amazon Prime. So many are revenge movies because somebody did somebody wrong and now it’s pay back time.
Why pay back? “Because you did me wrong and now you owe me something. You have offended me and I must punish you. I must hurt you as deeply as you have hurt me. It’s an eye-for-an-eye, pal. It’s the law of the jungle.” But here’s the heart of a peacemaker; here’s the law of the Kingdom of God – “You did me wrong, but you don’t owe me, I owe you. I owe you blessing and kindness. Yes, you offended me, but I don’t want to punish you – I want to bless you!” What!!?? What planet are you from? Planet Jesus.
You cannot be a peacemaker if you are offended by the sin, the unwise decisions, and the perceived foolishness of others. If you think that those who are against COVID19 vaccinations are complete idiots, you can’t be a peacemaker. If you think that those who have approve of COVID19 vaccinations are fools and puppets, you can’t be a peacemaker. If you see your main goal as trying to persuade people to think the way you do, you can’t be a peacemaker. If you avoid people who don’t think the way you do, you can’t be a peacemaker. If you can’t move past what others think about masking and vaccinations, churches opening or closing, or who they voted for for President – you can’t be a peacemaker. A peacemaker looks beyond what it is to what could be. A peacemaker isn’t out to punish enemies, but to make friends. Are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Pay back is about putting people in their place. If you are all about putting people in their place, you are more troublemaker than peacemaker.
The Bible doesn’t deny that evil was done to you. You are not being asked to reinterpret the event and paint it white. The Bible doesn’t say that evil wasn’t done to you; it says to not return evil for evil. When your next door neighbor throws garbage on your lawn, don’t throw it back. When your fellow employee makes you the butt of his joke, don’t make him the butt of your joke. When someone belittles you for an opinion you hold and tells you to follow the science or calls you racist or sexist or homophobe or whatever, don’t pay back name calling with name calling. We’re not in Junior High anymore. We’re sons and daughters of the King of the Universe and have been called to be His emissaries – His peacemakers. And we can’t be making peace when we’re making trouble.
As you can see, peacemaking doesn’t begin with peacemaking – it begins by being a person of peace within yourself – your soul is at rest. Peacemaking isn’t first of all some kind of a skill set like a police negotiator might learn, it’s a condition of the soul. A peacemaker is at rest in the middle of the storm. She is not offended when evil is done to her and the wind and the waves push her to pay back. She knows that Jesus has her back and her main purpose isn’t to punish an enemy, but to make a friend through the manifestation of blessing and mercy. You know, that sounds a lot like Jesus! When we were yet sinners (enemies of God) Christ died for us – the Just for the unjust. Take up your cross daily, die to sin, and make friends of enemies. And you will be called sons of God. It’s not the law of the jungle, it’s the law of the Kingdom!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 11, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont
Not only do wars rob the world of peace, so do medical pandemics, social pandemonium, & partisan politics. COVID 19, the race riots, and the election of 2020 combined together to create the Perfect Storm that left behind much damage. The damage of the storm lasts much longer than the storm itself. After the wind has stopped blowing and the waves have ceased rolling and the water finally subsides, there is mud and mold, muck and mayhem everywhere. Clean-up crews & rebuilding teams go into storm damaged areas to clean up and rebuild. Just like houses knocked off their foundations and downed power lines and toppled trees, after the Perfect Storm of 2020, broken trust and shattered relationships and hurting people are everywhere. Suspicion is everywhere. And the extent of the damage continues to unfold. Relationships are abandoned over masking and family ties are broken because some won’t be vaccinated. And just as clean-up crews and rebuilding teams are needed after hurricanes, there is a tremendous need for peacemakers to help our nation and its families and its churches recover from the Perfect Storm of 2020.
Adam Clarke was a British Methodist theologian and Bible commentator and he writes that the word ‘peacemaker’ carries the sense of: ‘to join, to connect into one, to set at one again.’ “For as war distracts and divides nations, families, and individuals from each other, making them pursue different objects and different interests, so peace restores them to a state of unity, giving them one object and one interest.”
Peacemaking heals division and binds up the brokenness. Peacemaking takes those who are taking their stand on different ground and seeks to bring them together on common ground.
In the Bible, in the book of Acts, chapter nine, Saul (who becomes the apostle Paul) is persecuting the church and seeking the death penalty for Christians. Jesus intercepts him on the road to Damascus and Saul is wonderfully converted to Christ. When he comes to Jerusalem he wants to connect with the apostles that Jesus chose. But they are suspicious of him – no doubt they think that his wanting to meet with them is just a ploy to arrest them and ultimately kill them. There’s a man named Barnabas who believes that Saul has truly become a follower of Jesus. Barnabas takes Saul to the apostles and describes his conversion and persuades them that Saul is no longer a threat, but a brother. They’re convinced! Barnabas is a peacemaker. He brought the apostles and Saul together on common ground.
The greatest tragedy for the Church in 2020 is that the ground has shifted beneath us. Causes and not Christ have become common ground. It is no longer enough that you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. You now have to confess Jesus and believe in the resurrection and be an anti-masker or pro-masker or preach vaccinations or preach against them. The common ground is no longer Christ, but a cause. No longer does the creed only include the eternal truth about the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, but we have added clauses about being a Democrat or a Republican. Common ground is no longer faith in Christ, common ground now is faith in Christ and your political philosophy and the cultural causes you champion. And the irony is that as common ground has grown, fewer and fewer people can stand on it for they do not believe in or hold to your particular additions to the common ground of faith in Christ.
I don’t think there is one person in America who hasn’t been deeply touched by the Perfect Storm of 2020 in one way or another. You have been diagnosed with COVID, or you have been slapped for being ‘woke’ or not ‘woke’ enough, or you have been slammed for voting for Trump of Biden. On top of this you have been angry about mask mandates or upset with those who don’t adhere to them as strictly as you do. Or you have been persecuted by those who want you to be vaccinated or maybe you’re the persecutor! Yes, there is a lot of mud and muck and mold and mayhem to recover from. We need peacemakers – not pundits or philosophers or politicians or persecutors. We need peacemakers – not social justice warriors, or critical race theorists, or political partisans.
There is a great need for peacemakers who stand only on the common ground of faith in Christ and are calling people to the simple common ground of faith in Christ. We need peacemakers who aren’t calling people to stand on their political ground or to their cultural causes, but to Christ and Christ alone. Peacemakers have not been infected with the parasites of political partisanship or various brands of cultural causes. Common ground in Christ transcends and can’t be collapsed into one political party or a cluster of cultural causes.
Church, God has not called us to political partisanship nor has He called us to champion cultural causes. Yes, we can belong to political parties and favor one policy over another and yes, we can promote one cultural cause over another – but we can’t allow political positions or cultural causes to eclipse the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can’t make our political positions or cultural causes a part of the gospel we preach nor can we allow them to become the common ground we stand on. We preach Christ alone. We stand on Christ alone. Anything else makes the Solid Rock a place of sinking sand.
Be blessed and stay safe and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 23, 2021
July 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
On Monday of this week, I blogged about the growth of atheism in America and the decline of Christianity. But know this – America doesn’t set the pace for the whole world. Consider what’s unfolding in the rest of the world -
In China, there were about four million Christians before the 1949 Communist Revolution. Today, there are about 100 million Christians in China and an estimate of 5,000 people a day putting their faith in Jesus. An atheistic communist party coupled with rapid economic development and an increasingly educated populace have created a spiritual vacuum that is being filled by faith in Christ. Our God is moving around the world.
There were only nine million Christians were in Africa in 1900. Today, there are about 500 million Christians. About 49% of the African continent follow Christ. Our God is moving around the world.
Before 1979, only 500 Christians could be found in Iran. But since the 1979 Iranian Revolution – when Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah – the harshness of Islam and the Islamic government of Iran has been driving much of its population to Christianity. Our God is moving around the world.
I heard one man say that the Church is growing the fastest in the places it is most suppressed. What is suppressing the Church? Atheistic states that see Christianity as a threat to their very existence are persecuting the Church. Islamic states that see Christianity as a threat to their very existence are persecuting the Church. What is causing a spiritual vacuum in the hearts of the people? Economic prosperity that can purchase things but can’t satisfy the heart. Rising educational levels that can inform the head but can’t transform the heart. Christ is showing that He can satisfy and transform the hearts of men and women. A suppressed Church and an empty secularism fuel the revitalization of the Church. Our God is moving in the various cultures of the world that cannot deliver what they promise.
Could the decline of the Church in America lead to the suppression of the Church in America? We can only hope so. Yet my greater hope is that the God who is moving around the world would revisit our nation with an outpouring of His marvelous mercy and glorious grace. Atheism (freedom from religion), economic prosperity, and rising levels of education result in a spiritual vacuum that can never hope to begin to compete with the promises of Christ.
Certain people can be done with the Church. Certain people may think that the Church is a failed institution. Many can turn their back on the Church and consider us a historical relic. Yet God is eternally invested in His Church. We have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. At the end of the age, when the smoke clears and the dust settles, the Church will be clothed in the white garments of the righteousness of Christ and this world, and the things of this world will only be a memory. A day will come when the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Beloved – hold fast your testimony, it has a great reward.
I am reading a very edifying and interesting book entitled, “Reading While Black.” One of the questions the author deals with is why black slaves, believed in the same Bible as did the white slave owners who used the Bible to justify slavery. You would think that black people would reject the document that seemingly justified their oppression and harsh treatment. But the black community knew that these very Scriptures held the key to their deliverance and emancipation. They knew that the slave owners were fraudulently interpreting the Bible to enslave those whom God had set free. They didn’t repudiate the Church that the white man belonged to, for they belonged to that same universal communion of saints. Regarding American slavery – it has come to an end, slave owners are no more, and the twisted interpretations supporting that evil enterprise have been repudiated. Only a fool believes that one man can enslave another. It amazes me that the Church has not been rejected by the black population in America. Of course, some blacks repudiate it – as do some white and some Chinese and some Mexicans, etc.
The Church has endured two millennia of persecution from without and prejudice from within. Christ will never forsake the Bride He died to save. Jesus will never abandon what so many seem to be abandoning in America. Jesus is fully and eternally invested in His Church. And though the Church in America is going through a season of decline, the Church around the world is growing and flourishing. Yes, I belong to the Church in America, and I belong to the universal communion of saints.
Christian, continue to live faithfully and pray fervently for our nation and the rest of the world.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 20, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
God wants you to live a simple life. The word ‘simple’ comes from the Latin, meaning ‘one.’ The word ‘complex’ also comes from the Latin and it means ‘two or more.’ I think the word ‘complex’ describes these COVID months more realistically than the word ‘simple.’ Things have been far from simple this last year. There have been so many moving parts that it reminds me of when treasure hunters discover a treasure and then all kinds of hidden devices try to keep them from laying hold of it. Whirring saws come out from the walls threatening to cut them in two; and then parts of the floor open up seeking to swallow them up; and then poison darts aimed at them are released to incapacitate them. The whole thing is menacing and intimidating. Hmm… that sounds like 2020 and onward in a nutshell. There’s been a whole lot of bucking and weaving and ducking and jumping around. There’s been some blood shed, too. Things have not been simple.
The Lord knows that life is complex – that it’s made up of two or more things. Yet at the same time, God desires that you live a simple life – even in the midst of complexity. How can you live simply in the midst of complexity? Let’s see how we can have a single heart for God when life has so many moving parts.
In John 9 the story is told of Jesus healing a man blind from birth. When the religious authorities accused Jesus of being a sinner, the healed man said, “Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; ONE THING I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” He only knew ONE THING – Jesus had touched him and had given him light! He had a simple heart, a single-minded heart. He knew ONE THING – and that ONE THING became the basis for his evangelism – Jesus touched me and changed my life! May Jesus continue to touch you and increasingly give you light in these crazy times.
Paul had a simple heart, a single-minded heart, a ONE THING heart. He writes in Philippians 3:13 – “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but ONE THING I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead… Paul wanted only ONE THING – to lay hold of all that God had for him. He wanted to lay hold of the person and perfection and power and passion of Jesus Christ his Lord. In these complex times, may your single purpose be to know the Lord in all His perfections.
1,000 years before Paul, David said in Psalm 27:4 – “ONE THING I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD and to meditate in His temple.” David’s one desire was to see the Lord. As life swirls around and maybe even sometimes knocks you off your feet, may the desire of your heart be single, may it be simple, may you want ONE THING – to see the Lord in all His glory and beauty.
Jesus was at the home of Martha and Mary, and Martha was bustling around the kitchen cooking up something good for Jesus. But Mary wasn’t helping her! She was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to His wisdom. Martha complained to Jesus and told Jesus to tell Mary to get up and help her. But Jesus said to Martha – “…only ONE THING is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” The single-hearted, the simple-hearted, the pure-hearted know that there is only ONE THING that is necessary – to hear Jesus. May it be your simple passion to hear Jesus in these days when FOX and CNN and ABC and CBS and PBS and NBC and BLM and the NRA are all trying to talk at you.
A young man came up to Jesus and told Him he wanted to follow Him. Jesus perceived that this young man’s wealth would interfere with his desire to be a follower. Jesus said to him, “ONE THING you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Jesus knew that this man’s great possessions would complicate his life. Jesus wanted to reduce him to a ONE THING kind of life. The greatest wealth is a ONE THING life – a life in pursuit of Christ.
ONE THING I know. ONE THING I do. ONE THING I desire. ONE THINGis necessary. ONE THING you lack. Let go of all those things that prevent Him from touching you and prevent you from touching Him and seeing Him and desiring Him and hearing Him.
C.T. Studd was someone who was sold out. He was a world-famous cricket player and was saved under the ministry of D.L. Moody. He gave his life and wealth fully to Christ. He went to China under Hudson Taylor and while there, inherited a sum of what today would be $500,000.00. He gave it away in 24 hours! He didn’t want anything in his hands that would keep him from the ONE THING God had called him to do. C.T. Studd knew ONE THING, did ONE THING, gave up all for the ONE THING. He thought only ONE THING was necessary and he sought that ONE THING. More than anything else, there is a desperate need for ‘ONE-THING’ Christians. May you live a ONE THING life – a simple life fixed on Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 19, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
We hear reports that while Christianity is shrinking, atheism and religious indifference are growing. Secularism is increasing and Christianity is decreasing. Hmmm…
Philip Jenkins, writing in Patheos, quotes Callum Brown: The Western World is becoming atheist. In the space of three generations churchgoing and religious belief have become alien to millions. We are in the midst of one of humankind’s great cultural changes.
He then quotes David Vaos: Religion is in decline across the Western world. Whether measured by belonging, believing, participation in services, or how important it is felt to be, religion is losing ground. Older generations die out and are replaced by less religious younger generations.
Jenkins concludes: If such views are correct, then Christianity has a specific expiration date.
I am a pastor – I am not a qualified statistician or a professionally trained sociologist. And I know that social trends and cultural values are the result of complex historical causes and philosophical trends. But with the decline of Christianity, and the rise of atheism and secularism, we should also note a rise in the use of antidepressants, suicide, illegal drug usage, and alcoholism. Yes, I’m aware that correlation isn’t causation, but at the same time to chalk it up to mere coincidence is a bit short-sighted. As atheism and secularism increase and Christianity declines –
- The percentage of people using antidepressants rose 64% between 1999 and 2014.
- Heroin use in America has tripled from 2003 to 2014.
- The annual U.S. suicide rate increased 24% between 1999 and 2014, from 10.5 to 13.0 suicides per 100,000 people.
- A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry finds that the rate of “alcoholism,” rose by a shocking 49% in the first decade of the 2000s.
If there is a connection between the rise of atheism and secularism and the increase in the use of antidepressants, suicide, illegal drug usage, and alcoholism – what is that connection? Why is the connection not just mere coincidence?
First of all, Christianity gives a person meaning and purpose – it’s built in. Atheism and secularism are void of meaning and purpose – you have to add them. In Christianity, you discover meaning and purpose. In secularism, you have to invent your own meaning and purpose – this is why existentialism is the companion of atheism and secularism. Christianity is a home fully furnished whereas atheism and secularism are four bare walls.
Secondly, along with meaning and purpose, a relationship with Christ also brings comfort and peace in times of trouble and turbulence. When you’re shooting the rapids of life and things get tough, many resort to drugs and alcohol to deaden the pain of life. Some even turn to suicide to end the pain. Self-medication is the prescription of atheism and secularism. The presence of Christ in the life of the believer gives them solace and security. It’s true, when people turn to Christ, drug abuse, suicide, and alcoholism decrease. God’s comfort and peace give solace and security in the rapids of life.
Thirdly, not only does a relationship with Jesus Christ give meaning and purpose in life and comfort and peace in times of trial, Christianity also imparts a body of eternal truth. Atheism and secularism only traffic in historically conditioned and individually determined preferences. In Christianity, you discover the truth. In atheism and secularism, you have to invent it. The preferences of atheism and secularism can never rise to the level of the truth of Christianity. The Church doesn’t have to thrash around in every generation to discover what is solid and sure. Right and wrong are not historically conditioned social values that change with each new cultural hiccup.
Finally, Christianity recognizes the intrinsic worth of each individual. Everyone, all people, each person is made in the image of God. All are image bearers of the Creator. Atheism and secularism are unable to affirm the value of each individual in that we are seen to be the result of the purposeless, meaningless, rudderless process of evolution. Evolution cannot bestow what it does not possess.
Without meaning and purpose, comfort and peace, unchanging truth, and intrinsic worth – the soul is a nomad. Christianity intrinsically comes with all of this whereas atheism and secularism come with none of these characteristics of Christianity. Christianity comes fully loaded whereas atheism is an empty shell that must be filled by each individual. Should it surprise us that the markers of cultural decline are rising even as atheism and secularism are ascending? Atheism will collapse under the weight of its own emptiness. This is what leads me to believe that the rise of atheism and secularism are not paving the way for Christianity’s expiration date, but they are actually preparing for their own collapse and grooming our nation for a glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit as people who are stripped bare by atheism and secularism call out to the living God for purpose and meaning, comfort and peace, unchanging truth, and intrinsic value.
Amen, may it be so. Pour out Your Spirit, Lord. Turn the wilderness into a garden – in the strong name of Jesus.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 12, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There’s a revival going on right under our noses. Unfortunately, it's the devil’s revival.
In God’s revival, sins are forgiven and forsaken, people are cleansed and accepted, wounds are healed, the broken-hearted are bound up, and failed relationships are restored.
- In the devil’s revival, sins are remembered and exposed, people are denounced, canceled, fired, and shunned. Broken people are shattered, wounds are ripped open, and relationships are ripped apart.
In God’s revival, your past sin is forgiven, and its condemning power is nullified.
- In the devil’s revival, your past sin is remembered, and its condemning power is multiplied.
In God’s revival, old things have passed away and new things have come.
- In the devil’s revival, your past catches up with you & destroys you.
In God’s revival, you are taught new ways to love people.
- In the devil’s revival, you are taught new ways to hate people and attack them.
In God’s revival, you are taught to forgive and release people from their offenses against you.
- In the devil’s revival, you are taught new ways to be offended by people.
In God’s revival, your debt of sin is freely forgiven
- In the devil’s revival, your sin is never forgiven, you are guilty for sins you didn’t commit, and you have to repay debts that are not yours.
In God’s revival, Christ has paid the full and complete price for all your sins.
- In the devil’s revival, you will never stop having to pay for all your sins.
In God’s revival, your greatest sin is buried, and you are forgiven
- In the devil’s revival, your slightest infraction (though decades old) is exposed, and you are condemned.
In God’s revival, as far as the east is from the west, so your sin is removed from you.
- In the devil’s revival, east and west and north and south are scoured for your sins and then they are published on social media.
In God’s revival, you confess your own sins.
- In the devil’s revival, you confess the sins of others.
In God’s revival, your sins and lawless deeds are remembered no more.
- In the devil’s revival, your sins and lawless deeds and remembered, catalogued, and filed to be used against you.
The guidebook for God’s revival is the Bible.
- The guidebook for the devil’s revival is Critical Race Theory.
God’s revival is a manifestation of the kingdom of heaven.
- The devil’s revival is a manifestation of the kingdom of hell.
We are not living in days of mercy – we are living in days of cruel judgment. Hell has been unleashed upon the earth and there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Yet, we should be grateful for this stark unmasking of the devil’s work. This manifestation of the devil’s darkness will bring people’s hearts to long for God’s light.
It’s akin to what’s happening in Iran these days. Gene Veith reports that in 2013, there were 370,000 Christians in Iran. This increased to 720,000 by 2017. In 2021, the number extends one million. The Iranian regime considers Christianity to be an existential threat. It’s interesting to note that before 1979, only 500 Christians could be found in Iran. But since the 1979 Iranian Revolution – when Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah – the harshness of Islam and the Islamic government of Iran has been driving much of its population to Christianity. The manifestation of darkness is bringing the hearts of the people to long for the light of God in Christ.
As hell’s dominion locks our culture into bitterness, judgment, unforgiveness, and accusation, the gospel of Christ will shine as a light in a dark place. Believers, now is not the time to draw back and be timid. Now is not the time to hide in caves and holes in the ground. Now is not the time to negotiate terms of peace with hell’s dominion. It is time to venture forth as did Jonathan and his armor bearer and claim the day for God’s kingdom of light and peace. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only remedy to the spreading darkness. The creeping shadow of hell’s dominion only yields to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Proclaim it boldly and watch for God’s revival. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. May the darkness flee and may the shadows depart in the light of Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 9, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
At a recent pastor’s conference, one of the speakers asked the attendees what troubled them most about 2020. Most of those who responded mentioned the division which they have seen in their churches. And who could disagree with that? This has been a grievous experience for pastor and people alike and I want to drill down a little bit into this. Yes, there is division, but what is fueling this division? Division just doesn’t happen – it is the effect of a cause. What caused, what is causing division in the church? And it’s more severe than just division we’re experiencing – it’s a spirit of divisiveness. We’re going through a season of divisiveness which is being fueled by fragile egos.
Division is separation due to disagreement. Divisiveness is separation accompanied by hostility and accusation and denunciation. A man in the church asked to speak with myself and the elders. He disagreed with some of the things I had written in my blog articles. He laid out his areas of disagreement with me and the elders and informed us that his disagreement cut so deep that he and his family were leaving the church. His disagreement resulted in division, in separation – but there was no divisiveness in what he did. There was no hostility, no accusation, no denunciation. His departure grieved me, but the way he departed reflected a level of maturity that didn’t wound. Division is the result of different ideas and how significant those ideas are to a person. Divisiveness is the result of a fragile ego, a brittle personality. Division leaves a gap whereas divisiveness leaves a wound. Division hurts whereas divisiveness scars. So, why do so many feel so righteous in wounding and scarring one another? Fragile egos.
What is a fragile ego? Ego is the Greek word for ‘I.’ Those with fragile egos are offended when you disagree with them because that means you think they are wrong or stupid or ignorant or lack virtue. Your disagreement with them has stripped them naked and they feel completely exposed. If you are right and they are wrong, their self-worth plummets for it is wrapped up in being right about this or that. (It’s interesting that we have spent decades trying to build up people’s egos, their self-esteem, and all the while egos have becoming increasingly more fragile and easily discomposed.)
In addition, evolution teaches us we have no inherent value or meaning and that there is no purpose for our lives except that which we impose upon it (existentialism). Atheism tells us that no God created us or is interested in us or loves us or plans to redeem us. I have no meaning or purpose and I have no hope. All I’m left with is me, I, ego. And since there is no God to be my advocate and no inherent meaning or purpose to support me – I’m all I’ve got. And if me, I, ego is threatened – I’m going to violently react. I am my first and last line of defense. I think something like that is happening here – even in the church, where you would expect just the opposite to be true due to having a purpose and a meaning and a value that is conveyed through relationship with God. I think that many believers have inadvertently downloaded secular thinking into their operating system. And I think this is so because of the way they have behaved themselves during the upheavals of 2020.
- If you didn’t agree with some people about the deadliness of COVID, you were denounced as evil and a murderer – even by Christians.
- If you didn’t agree with the government’s response and follow all their mandates, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If you didn’t agree with Black Lives Matter, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If you agreed with Black Lives Matter, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If you voted for Trump, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If you voted for Biden, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If your church was open during COVID, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If your church was closed during COVID, you were denounced as evil and a buffoon – even by Christians.
- If you required masks…you get it…
Accusation and condemnation were being hurled like cherry bombs on the 4th of July. Broken people visited their brokenness upon others. Not only would people tell you that they disagreed with you, but added that you were an idiot, a coward, and a tool. Yes, even pastors joined the cherry bomb throwing party. When your worth is wrapped up in people agreeing with you – and they don’t – you have to wound them and draw blood. Alfred Lord Tennyson has a poem with the line, “Nature red in tooth and claw.” We can say, “2020 red in tooth and claw.” We can say, “The Church red in tooth and claw.”
Since my identity is in Christ, I don’t require you to agree with me nor do I need you to agree with me. If you attack and wound me, I don’t need to attack back. If I am exposed as being wrong, I will be embarrassed – but that’s it. If you persuade me that I am wrong, I’ll admit it and change my mind. I have more than me going for me! It’s not just me and my ego – it’s me and Jesus! Jesus is a strong fortress, the righteous run into Him and are saved! The devil is the accuser of the brethren. It’s a sad day when saints with fragile egos do the devil’s job. Let’s not bite and devour one another. May Jesus strengthen your ego so that you may display Christian maturity and graciousness in speech.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 8, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont
I discovered a genuine, undeniable contradiction in the Bible – and I think you’re going to like it!
Chapters 30-40 of Exodus describe the making of all the furniture of the tabernacle and the placement of these things in the tabernacle. The tabernacle of Moses had three divisions. In the Courtyard of the tabernacle there was the altar of sacrifice and the brazen sea. These represent the washing and cleansing of the water and the blood. (Remember what came forth from Jesus when the soldier plunged the spear into His side as He was hanging on the cross.)
In the Holy Place was the golden candlestick, the table of showbread, and the golden altar of incense. These represent the illumination of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and prayer. In the Holy of Holies was the ark of the covenant, which contained the ten commandments, and the mercy seat. These represent the righteousness of God and the mercy of God – the holiness of God and the love of God. God said that He would meet with them above the mercy seat – that was His throne – the place of His presence.
Where is the golden altar of incense? In the Holy Place in front of the veil separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. If you look at any image of the tabernacle of Moses or the temple of Solomon, the golden altar of incense is clearly in the Holy Place, set in the front of the veil separating the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. Now read Hebrews 9:2-4…
For there was a tabernacle prepared, the outer one, in which were the lampstand and the table and the sacred bread; this is called the holy place. Behind the second veil there was a tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies, having a golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod which budded, and the tables of the covenant…
Did you catch that? Old Testament passages describing the golden altar of incense clearly place it in the Holy Place. Just look at all the images depicting its placement! There is a concurrence of agreement that it is in the Holy Place. And then we read where the author of Hebrews places the golden altar of incense in the Holy of Holies. And all who have read the book of Hebrews intuit that the author of Hebrews is an expert in the Old Testament scriptures. How could someone so wise and knowledgeable make such a glaring mistake? So – here’s the genuine, undeniable contradiction: the Old Testament places the golden altar of incense in the Holy Place whereas the New Testament places it in the Holy of Holies. Which is right? Who is wrong? They can’t both be right, can they?
Here’s what’s happening. The Old Testament focuses on the physical placement of the golden altar of incense whereas the New Testament focuses on its spiritual purpose. Though the golden altar of incense is in the Holy Place, prayer, which the golden altar of incense symbolizes, brings you into the Holy of Holies. Prayer brings you into the throne room of God, into His presence! Awesome! Yes, there is a contradiction of fact concerning its placement, yet this is resolved in the explanation of its purpose. Physically, it’s on one side of the veil, spiritually, it’s on the other side of the veil. I like the Holy Place where there is the Word of God being illuminated by the Holy Spirit. And I’m drawn further in – into the Holy of Holies – into the very presence of God. As I open my Bible to read, I’m in the Holy Place; as I lift up my voice in prayer, I’m in the Holy of Holies. As I pray my way through the Word of God, there is nothing but the holiness and mercy of God.
I love it! Prayer brings you before the throne of God, into His presence, straight to the mercy seat – straight to Jesus Christ who loves you and gave Himself for you. Prayer brings you to that place where Christ presented His blood in heaven. When you pray, you enter into the Holy of Holies. Listen, if there’s one thing the devil wants to do is to keep you out of the Holy of Holies; we wants to keep you from prayer and fellowship with God. I’ve told Calvary Chapel Fremont many times, “It’s easier to think of someone for an hour than to pray for them for a minute.” When you think of someone, your mind is on a horizontal plane, but when you pray for someone, your mind and heart are directed vertically, upward, into heavenly realms. This is where there are principalities and powers and wickedness in heavenly places. Your prayers are resisted by the devil and his henchmen. Spiritual warfare is real in prayer. Your enemy wants to keep you from the armory, the place of encouragement, the place of healing and strength. Is it any wonder that you often grow weary in prayer as heavenly winds are launched against you. Satan wants to keep you from prayer, for in prayer, you stand on the holy ground of the full, finished, final work of God for you in Jesus Christ.
When it comes to the placement of the golden altar of incense, the contradiction in fact is resolved in the explanation of purpose. The author of Hebrews tells us that the golden altar of incense – that symbol of prayer arising to God – takes us into the very presence of God who is enthroned above the mercy seat. When you pray, you are in the heavenlies, in the throne room of God, standing on holy ground.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 6, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Genie Jesus will mess you up! Believe it or not, even after boatloads of teaching on prayer, people still approach prayer as if they found an old lamp on the beach and rubbed it and out pops the resident genie. “You’ve got three wishes – blah, blah, blah,” says the genie. We like Genie Jesus. Genie Jesus is our servant. We command Genie Jesus. Genie Jesus exists to do our will. But when Genis Jesus doesn’t live up to the hype, we grow weary of prayer and become frustrated in our prayer life. Many come to the conclusion that prayer doesn’t work and it ends up as an ornamental part of their Christian life – ritual prayer at mealtime and bedtime. Listen – Genie Jesus will mess you up every time.
What is the antidote to Genie Jesus? The words out of our mouths should be, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.” This is key to a healthy prayer life that has no room for genies. Prayer is not bending God to our will. Prayer is submitting our will to His. It’s not Genie Jesus, it’s Genie Christian. We don’t lay hold of Him and bend Him to our will, He gets hold of us and bends us to His will. We fulfill His desires and commands. Who’s the genie now? Healthy prayer isn’t somehow giving God His marching orders for the day, it’s wrestling your will into a place of surrender, submission, and obedience to His will – to obey His commands and claim His promises.
Romans 8:31 tells us that God is for us – and He is for us in ways that He determines, not in ways we determine. God determines what we need & then teaches us to pray for these things. You don’t determine how God is for you – you bow your will to God and invite God to be for you in ways He has ordained. Think of it in terms of your parents – a child is completely frustrated if they think their parents are genies to grant their wishes. God is for you in the same way your parents are for you. And your parents are for you in ways they determine, not you.
Parents are for you in ways that disrupt bent of your will. They tell you when to go to bed – whether you like it or not. They tell you what chores you will do – whether you like it or not. If you tell them that they are violating your free will, they will laugh at you. They will actually laugh at you. By disrupting the bent of their children’s wills, parents shape and train the will. Sounds a lot like God. This is an unfathomable mercy.
Parents are for you in ways that frustrate your desires. You can’t eat what you want when you want in the quantities you want. They make you go outside and play. They make you go to church. If you tell them that you are not pleased with them, they will laugh at you. They will actually laugh at you. By frustrating your desires and not allowing a glut of indulgence, your parents are forming your desires. A man was asked what was the worst thing about growing up. He said, “Being forced to practice the banjo an hour a day.” He was then asked what was the best that happened to him growing up. He said, “Being forced to practice the banjo an hour a day.” What he was forced to do became what he loved to do. Sounds a lot like God. You don’t always get what you desire; He fashions your desires. This is an unfathomable mercy. (If God is sadistic, when we get to heaven He’ll play back for us all our prayer requests!)
Parents are for you in ways that stretch you. My parents required me to play sports. Let’s see – I got thrown in judo, pinned in wrestling, and sat on the bench in football and baseball and basketball. And then I was required to learn an instrument. I played trumpet from 5th – 10th grade. I started right when Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass were coming out. I still have Tijuana Taxi in my fingers. My parents stretched me to uncomfortable lengths because they wanted me to have a vision of my potential. Sounds a lot like God. He doesn’t always allow you to say within your comfort zone. He stretches you to give you a vision of your potential. This is an unfathomable mercy.
Parents are for you in ways that you think are against you – just like God. God will disrupt the bent of your will, He will frustrate your desires, and He will make you uncomfortable and stretch you. This is a mercy. Genie Jesus will pamper and coddle you. Almighty God will bend you and stretch you and frustrate you and bring you to despair and allow you to come to an understanding of your own emptiness. God determines how He is for you – you don’t determine how God is for you. This is why healthy prayer always begins with the surrender and submission of the will. The genie says, “What do you want me to do for you?” The Christian says, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” This is an unfathomable mercy.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
July 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
These are the days of Noah!
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. Genesis 7:11
All things that could be shaken, were shaken. All things that could be swept away were swept away. A new world was waiting to be born and in the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the 2nd month, on the 17th day of the month – the water broke. This baby’s coming!
Even as the water broke in Noah’s day, so the water broke in 2020 and our world entered into birth pains. The fountains of the great deep burst open and the floodgates of the sky were opened – and a new world is in the birth canal, struggling to see the light. The contractions are closer together and increasing in intensity. From the medical birth pangs of COVID to the racial birth pangs of the George Floyd Murder to the political birth pangs of the 2020 election to the social birth pangs of masking and distancing to the philosophical birth pangs of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter to the sexual birth pangs of transgenderism to the legal birth pangs of churches fighting to remain open – the contractions are more frequent and intense.
And the Church can’t stand by and watch all this happen as a disinterested party. Like it or not, the Church is part of the Culture; the Church is a part of the social fabric of a community and a nation. The Church is in the birth canal with the nation, being squeezed and forced down that channel, waiting to be pushed out. Any pastor can tell you that the fountains of the great deep and the floodgates of the sky have overflowed the Church and deeply impacted it. The powerful contractions of a new world waiting to be born have left their mark on the Church.
Churches have divided over whether to open or close due to COVID. Christians have divided over whether to mask or not mask, socially distance or not, to vaccinate or not. Some churches have embraced Critical Race Theory while others decry it. Some churches have made a gospel cause of BLM whereas others consider it heresy. Some churches are apologizing for white supremacy while other churches look on in horror. The Trump-Biden series of labor pains have left a permanent mark on the Church. The sexual revolution contractions, from celebrating the gay lifestyle to blessing transgenderism, have divided whole denominations. The Church post-COVID, will look a lot different from how it did pre-COVID. Some churches have become woke. Other churches remain awake. Some churches continue their slumber,
The Church is the Bride of Christ and yet, until Jesus returns for His Bride, she remains a cultural institution affected by what affects culture. Hitler and the Nazis forced a split in the Church in Germany. Chinese Communists forced a split in the Church in China. The Church cannot remain separate from Culture. And the question the Church faces in every Culture in every Epoch is: Is the Church an arm of the State or does the Church stand separate from State coercion and policies? Different churches have answered this question in different ways. But the thing is – they had to answer; they had to respond. They couldn’t stand on the sidelines nor could they observe from the bleachers. In life, there are no sidelines or bleachers, the field takes up all possible space.
There are two forces seeking to give shape to the Church. One is the Word of God and the Spirit of God. The other is the causes and concerns of Culture. The Word of God and the Spirit of God are eternal and ageless. The causes and concerns of Culture are changing and shifting. If the Church submits to Culture, her concerns will be changing and shifting and what she values today will not be what she values tomorrow. If the Church submits to the Word of God and the Spirit of God she will never depart from the truth of God. Then, with God’s truth firmly in hand, she can examine the shifting values of Culture and either receive or reject them. Today, many churches are rejecting what other churches are receiving – and vice-versa. The Church cannot escape participation in Culture – there is no sideline and there are no bleachers.
I went to a pastor’s conference in So. Cal. last week and one of the speakers made the statement that people want their churches to align with their views sociologically and ideologically. For many people, sociology and ideology are more important than theology. This means that what they say about the Culture holds more weight than what the Bible says about the Culture. For many, gone is the day when theology was Queen and sociology and ideology were Prince and Princess. Today, Prince Sociology and Princess Ideology have locked Queen Theology in the Tower to silence her voice. Yet many continue to look to Queen Theology for guidance in the things of the Word of God. And here’s the good news – though the Queen is vilified and scorned, those who are guided by her will look like the Church of God when this cultural moment is over. And when the new world is born, those who are molded by the Word of God and the Spirit of God will remain the Church of God while Prince Sociology and Princess Ideology will grow old and die.
As we go through these excruciating labor pains with the rest of the Culture, hold fast to the Word of God and the Spirit of God and don’t allow yourself to be molded by the world. Don’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 28, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A shout-out to pastors who have been serving in the night watch – this is for you…
To you who have borne the heat of the day and the weight of the work and and the fatiguing labor – well done!
To you who have borne with the complaints of the saints and the scorn of the world and the whisper campaign of the devil – well done!
To you who have lost relationships and have been accused and condemned and slandered – Christ comforts you.
To you whose churches have grown and whose churches have shrunk and whose churches have closed – well done! You’ve fought the good fight. May you lift up your soul to Christ and find His peace. God’s not done with you.
To you who have wrestled with depression and self accusation and the floods have rolled over your soul – there is One who stands with you!
To you who have grappled with doubts and struggled with fears and toiled with anxiety – well done!
To you who have gone down into the Valley of Elah and emerged with the giant’s head – well done!
To you who have labored hard in prayer and in the Word, with pleading and exhortation – well done!
To you who have said stupid things and then rethought and repented – well done!
To you who have said stupid things and have doubled down – repent!
To you who have said hurtful things that have wounded others and then have sought forgiveness and reconciliation – well done!
To you who have said hurtful things that have wounded others and have justified yourself – repent!
If you have failed in your pastoral duties, if you have bowed to temptation – seek forgiveness and receive it – and move on.
If you have not been as thoughtful and sensitive and patient and kind as you should have been – seek God’s forgiveness – and move on.
If you have allowed culture to mock you and bully you so that you aligned yourself with other than the Kingdom of God – repent and move on.
When you move on, the devil can’t move in. When you define yourself by your failures and stumbling and missed cues – the devil moves into your failures and snares your soul. When you move on, the devil can’t move in.
To you who have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, misquoted, and maligned – move on.
To you who have Zoomed and livestreamed and pre-recorded and closed and opened and moved outside and masked and socially distanced and moved inside and roped off every other row and tormented over whether to sing or not to sing – the Lord has never left nor has He ceased to rejoice over you.
To you who have fought The Mask Wars and have lived to tell about it – well done!
To you who will never see some of the people again due to the sifting and shifting that has taken place – I weep with you.
To you who grieve the departure of some of the people into the wilderness of the world – I grieve with you.
To you who mourn the emerging indifference of some of the people and the barrenness of their soul – I mourn with you.
To you who have kept Jesus and the love of God at the forefront of your ministry and have refused to bow to the golden statue of King Culture – well done!
To you who have refused to bow to the Golden Calf of religious and spiritual compromise – well done!
To you who have not given yourself to hatred and bitterness and resentment – well done! Hate and bitterness and resentment are like a motel flashing the VACANCY sign. The devil loves hate and bitterness and resentment. These are like the Presidential Suite to him – there’s so much room for him to stretch out.
“Come bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night, in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands, in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord!
Thank you for serving through the night watch – well done!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Can I lie about getting the vaccine?
A pastor called me the other day and told me that there were some in the church he serves who are going to lose their jobs if they are not vaccinated. They wanted to know if they could lie about receiving the vaccination in that they are ideologically opposed to it. They cited a couple of references in the Bible where people lied about something, and it appeared that God blessed them for it.
I think there are a lot of people, Christian and non-Christian, who are thinking about taking this particular route when it comes to the vaccine. The thinking is: it is unethical and outside the scope of State and Business and Industry to require this of me, and so I am not going to cooperate with an unethical request, and therefore I am justified if I lie about receiving the vaccine. Many have reasoned with their conscience along these lines and have been successful in persuading their conscience. And the thinking is: my conscience agrees with me and if I can get the Bible and the pastor on my side, I’ve got it made. A threefold strand is not easily broken!
So, are you Biblically justified to lie if an unethical request is made of you? Let’s look at the instances cited by those claiming Biblical justification.
In Exodus 1, so many baby boys were being born to the Hebrews in Egyptian captivity that the Egyptians ordered the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill the boys when they were born. These two women refused to do so and lied to the Egyptians about it. The Bible says that God was good to the midwives.
In Joshua 2, Rahab gives shelter to the Hebrew men spying out Jerico. When the leaders of Jerico ask her where the spies are, she lies about it and misdirects the men of Jerico. She and her household were saved from the destruction of Jerico, and Rahab becomes one of the ancestors of Messiah Himself!
What do these two stories have on common? If Shiphrah and Puah had done what they were directed to do, innocent baby boys would have been murdered. If Rahab had not lied, righteous Hebrew men would have been murdered. The lies spoken were to protect life. Let me be very clear – I believe it is justified to tell a lie only if life is at stake – and we have Biblical precedent for that. Let’s go further – here’s Proverbs 26:4-5 –
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him.
Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes. “
Here’s is an example that is not theoretical. It is World War2 in Germany, and you are a Christian, and you are hiding Jews in your basement. Nazi soldiers knock on your door and ask if you are hiding any Jews. What do you say? You have been raised in church your whole life and have been taught that lying is a sin – what do you say? Hopefully, Proverbs 26:4-5 would come to mind, and you would realize that the person standing in front of you asking that question is a fool. What constitutes him being a fool? He wants to murder innocent people. He wants to murder a Jew for simply being a Jew. He is a fool. The Bible says that if you answer him according to his folly, you’ll be a fool, too. Answer him as his folly deserves.
If you tell the government official that you are hiding a Jew, you make the fool a murderer, you allow the Jew to be murdered, and you become complicit in the murder of an innocent person. In lying and saying, “No, there are no Jews here,” you keep the fool from becoming a murderer, you prevent the Jew from being murdered, and you escape complicity in a murder. Let me be very clear – if I were in a situation like this, I would lie to the glory of God. I would lie and my conscience would sing of my righteousness.
My pastor friends and I have talked about this before, and I have received vehement pushback. I’ve been accused of giving people permission to sin. One pastor considers me a heretic for my position on this thing. I told them to remind me not to hide at their houses if I am ever on the run! They’d give me up in a heartbeat! “What, you want to murder Tim? Tim, come out here, there’s someone who wants to see you!” Yikes!! Listen – a man who wants to murder an innocent man is a fool. He doesn’t deserve the truth. In this situation a lie serves the purpose of God more than the truth. No, this is not situational ethics – it’s Biblical exegesis.
Yes, I know these are strong words – I want to be a trumpet that gives a clear signal. The only time in the Bible where a lie is not a sin is when innocent life is being protected. So, back to the original question: can a person lie and claim they have received the vaccination when they haven’t received it? I don’t know what your conscience says, but the Bible says, “No.” Life isn’t at stake. “But I will violate my conscience if I receive the vaccination.” You violate your conscience, probably, when you pay taxes. When you buy the things you buy knowing how they are made and who makes them. When you watch your TV and streaming videos. If you fear violating your conscience, then refuse the vaccination and receive the penalty that comes with that and work through it. A good name is better than silver and gold.
Paul tells us to be mature in our thinking, but in evil, to be infants. I’ve never known an infant to tell a lie. Lying, other than to save a life, is evil. Be an infant in lying.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 21, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
For some, the noose is tightening. These three snapshots are from ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom).
- Steve and Bridget Tennes, owners of Country Mill Farms, were banned from participating in the East Lansing Farmer’s Market after they communicated their religious beliefs about marriage on Facebook. On July 27, the case goes to trial to determine whether the City of East Lansing violated their First Amendment rights.
- In Egypt, Rami Kamel, a Coptic (Egyptian) Christian, has been held in pre-trial solitary detention since 2019 because he documented the government’s discrimination of the Coptic community. A court recently denied a motion to release Rami from solitary confinement and extended his pre-trial imprisonment.
- In Switzerland, a Christian convert from Islam faces deportation back to Pakistan, where he could be severely punished for ”apostasy.” His request for asylum was denied, so he has taken his case to the highest human rights court in Europe.
It’s easy to see the disdain that the world has for people of faith. It’s easy (at least it’s easy for me) to either become angry or to despair. Psalm 37:1-9 speaks deeply to followers of Jesus at times like these -
Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass and fade like the green herb. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.
I can’t help but think that Jesus crafted the 8th Beatitude from Psalm 37.
“Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:10-12
Jesus pronounces a blessing over those whom I would pronounce a woe. I would pronounce a blessing on the one who gets out of persecution whereas Jesus gives a blessing to the one going through it. When the noose is tightening around their necks, Jesus calls out to them to rejoice and be glad. “Yours is the kingdom. There’s a reward in heaven for you.” Rejoice and be glad? Are you kidding me? If I were to say that to someone in the hangman’s noose I would be tarred and feathered for being callously insensitive. But Jesus exampled suffering for us. If you’re going to suffer, may as well do it right! Hebrews 12 tells us that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross by despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Jesus did try to find a way out of suffering and He prayed to the Father that the cup (crucifixion) might pass from Him. He tried to find a way out and maybe even a work-around, but He knew that His Father would not give Him a way out or even a work-around – He knew His Father would give Him a way through the suffering He was to undergo.
There should be two responses to the persecution, the suffering of the saints –
- We should look around us and seek to dismantle the unrighteous social/political/religious structures that seek to harm those who don’t think and believe as they do. We can legitimately petition the courts to find a way out of suffering. Paul did this – he appealed to Caesar.
- We should look ahead to the joy set before us. If there is no way out, there is a way through. Jesus was aware of the joy set before Him and this helped Him endure the suffering of the cross. Yet this is a difficult move for our souls to make. Suffering seems to blind the eyes and steal a person’s vision – the future becomes very hazy. We can’t see through the pain of the suffering. Suffering is everything. And if one thing is everything, there is nothing else. The only thing I see set before me is suffering and its consequences. If I see a future after suffering, it’s not a resurrection, but a future marred and pitted by the suffering I am currently experiencing.
As the noose of cultural displeasure tightens around the neck of the church, let’s remember the kingdom and our rewards in heaven and let’s love the ones who hold the ropes. Whether those with ancient religious hatred or the newly woke or those with ongoing secular indifference – let’s love those who hold the ropes. Let’s pray for the Tennes in Michigan and Rami Kamel in Egypt and this convert from Islam to Christ in Switzerland awaiting deportation to Pakistan. We can pray and write letters and protest, yet the Lord tells us to turn from anger and wrath – it will only move us to act in the flesh and compound the problem. As the noose tightens, may His grace and mercy hold us even firmer. There is a way through and there’s a kingdom awaiting.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Why can’t Jesus be just a tad bit nicer? Here’s what I mean -
In prayer and devotions before worship practice this last Sunday morning, we were discussing Peter walking (trying to walk) on the water. When Peter got his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink, Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” If Jesus had been aware of how much damage critical words can inflict upon fragile egos, He would have taken another approach. The Therapeutic Jesus would have been more affirming and soothing to someone who had experienced such a fright as Peter had. The Therapeutic Jesus would have said, “Nice try, Peter. I give you an “A” for effort. None of the other disciples even attempted what you did. You’re so brave. On your first attempt to walk on water you made quite a splash! And don’t worry, there’s a trophy waiting for you back in Capernaum because you’re a winner and not a loser!” The Therapeutic Jesus would have comforted and consoled Peter instead of pointing out what he lacked.
Or how about when Jesus cleansed the temple and turned over the tables of the money-changers and ran off all the animal salesmen with a scourge of cords. Chaos ensued as people stumbled over each other to get out of Jesus’ way. He cried out, “Take these things away; stop making My Father’s house a place of business!” Jesus could have been a little nicer, don’t you think? The Therapeutic Jesus would have stood on the middle of the temple courtyard and cried, “You guys are really hurting My feelings. And think of how upset God mut be when He sees His children breaking the rules. It’s not nice to cheat pilgrims out of their money. Please think about what you’re doing.” There would have been no stampede, no chaos. No one would stumble over anyone else trying to get out of Jesus’ way. The Therapeutic Jesus would have been totally ignored.
But Jesus is not one to be ignored. And He is not one to pull His punches in order to spare feelings. He’s been accused of utilizing violence and employing shaming techniques to bully others in order to get His way. He’s been faulted for not being the Therapeutic Jesus.
We’ve all heard the phrase – no pain, no gain. This is in play here. There is learning that makes the brain hurt and the mind experience the pain of cognitive overload. If our teachers didn’t academically challenge us to keep learning, we wouldn’t get much further than 2+2 = 4. How many of us got lost in Algebra 2 due to brain pain? There are physical accomplishments that only come through severe discipline of the body. There are lessons of life and faith that can only be learned through emotional trauma – like being rebuked by Jesus. I don’t want the Therapeutic Jesus, I want the Jesus who isn’t afraid to wound me.
And because of this, I don’t want a Therapeutic Preacher. I don’t want a preacher who will take a scourge of cords and turn it into a lollipop. If Jesus needs to be hard with me and say hard things to me, I don’t want the Therapeutic Preacher to take the hard word and make it a sugar-coated, ego affirming word. If necessary, I want a preacher who will kick my butt and pull no punches. I don’t want a preacher who is intentionally harsh or deliberately abrasive, but I want one who is not afraid to hurt my feelings for fear of wounding me. Sometimes we need to be wounded. Sometimes God wants to jump on us and wrestle with us all night and pop our hip out of joint so we spend the rest of our lives walking with a limp.
And while I’m on the theme – I don’t want a Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul Preacher whose only purpose is to move me emotionally with heart-felt stories. I want a preacher who can move me, but move me in all the capacities of my soul – emotional, intellectual, and volitional. If his only goal is to emotionally move me, he won’t move me too far for too long. But if my whole soul is moved, a new day will dawn for me.
I don’t want a Professor Preacher whose only ability is to fill my head with Bible knowledge. I love Bible knowledge and I want more and more, yet the pulpit is not a lectern for the sermon is not a lecture. Amazing as it may sound, some can fill your head with Bible info and never bring you face-to-face with the living God.
“Well, Tim, it must be nice to be the perfect preacher.” Frankly, I wouldn’t know. I am amazed that anyone can sit and listen to me for five minutes. Amazing! I have been guilty of all I’ve criticized above – this is why this is all so painfully real to me. I have been the Therapeutic Preacher, the Chicken-Soup-for-the-Soul Preacher, and I’ve been the Professor Preacher. God has been gracious to me and has been merciful toward those I have afflicted with my Multiple Personality Preacher Disorder. I think the people say to one another each week, “Who is he going to show up as this week? May the Living God who raised Jesus from the dead have mercy on our souls!
Believe me, you don’t want the nice Jesus who massages your ego and gives out little trophies every Sunday. May there be life-giving, soul-forming, hell-breaking preaching in the church you attend. The Enthroned Jesus will wound you and heal you; He’ll speak a hard word and a kind word. May you be prepared for all that the Spirit would speak to you.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 14, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I just watched a movie called “Core.” It seems that the earth’s liquid core stopped spinning around the earth’s solid core. As a result, there was electro-magnetic chaos on the face of the earth – where humans live. An expedition was mounted to travel to the earth’s core to jumpstart the liquid core so that it would begin it’s spin cycle and stabilize the electro-magnetic balance needed for life on earth. Spoiler alert: they were successful (but not without a lot of drama).
What is the core of the Christian faith? What, if it ceases to operate, will cripple the Christian faith? There is the objective answer: the core of the Christian faith is the death, burial, resurrection, and resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ. And, of course, who could argue with that? If there is no risen Christ there is no Christian faith. There is also the subjective answer. Not historically, but experientially, what is the core of the Chrisitan faith? What Jesus did on the cross for us is the objective, historical necessity for the Christian faith. But what is the experiential, subjective core of the Christian faith inside the life of a believer? What is the Holy Spirit seeking to develop in you? We could point to love and faith, a life of service and humility, etc., – but I want to explore a particular cluster of qualities that the Holy Spirit is working to produce in you.
We should all be familiar with the Beatitudes that begin the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The eight Beatitudes form the core of the Christian life and they are somewhat counterintuitive – but no one ever accused Jesus of being obvious. He came into an upside down world and so when He spoke upside-up, it looked upside-down to His listeners. (No wonder He was so misunderstood.) If these eight Beatitudes are not at the center of your spiritual life, things will be erratic for you even as they were for those in the “Core.” These virtues that Jesus blesses at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount don’t have to be fully formed in you – but they have to be forming. If they are not even being formed in you – fall on your knees and cry out to God, or call your fellowship friends at your church and get prayer and conversation going about this, or call your pastor and set up a meeting. If the core’s not there then the bottom has fallen out – or it was never there in the first place.
I don’t know if the first Beatitude has to be the first, but it sure seems foundational to me: Blessed are the poor in spirit… Talk about counterintuitive! What do you mean, “poor in spirit”? I have the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of the Living God dwells in me! The God who created everything I can see (and a lot of other things), the God who redeemed me through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the God who sits on the heavenly throne of the universe lives in me! The God who conquered death and hell and sin and the grave and the devil loves me! I am rich! I am blessed! I could, and you could, go on and on. And yet as Jesus identifies the core virtues of His followers, the first one is ‘poor in spirit.’ Hmmm…
You are poor in spirit when you look within and recognize your sin and weakness. And this isn’t some kind of hyper-humble mumbo-jumbo. Paul writes Timothy and identifies himself as the Chief of Sinners. Amazing! The one who, after Jesus Christ, has done the most to define and give shape to the Christian faith refers to himself as the Chief of Sinners. If you came upon a tribe of sinners and said, “Take me to your chief,” they would introduce you to the apostle Paul!
The Lord desires to bring you to where you recognize your poverty of spirit…
- Peter was full of himself. Yet when he saw the glory of Jesus, he cried out, “Depart from me for I am a sinful man.”
- Isaiah saw his poverty of spirit when he saw the glory of God and he cried out that he was a man of unclean lips.
- Paul declared that he was Chief of Sinners even though he was the influential apostle.
The greatest people in the Bible saw their poverty of spirit, and those who don’t – those who are full of themselves – face the rebuke of God. The church in Laodicea was full of themselves. Revelation 3:16-17 says: …you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, "I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing," and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked… This is the opposite of poor in spirit.
What the church in Laodicea thought to be advanced spirituality was in reality a degenerate spirituality. They needed to hear what Paul said to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 4:7 – For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
Those who are full of themselves consider themselves to be self-sufficient and wonder why others can’t be like them and see things the way they do. A spirit of self-sufficiency is a spirit of pride that brings division wherever it goes. The body of Christ is divided today and a part of the reason is a spirit of self-sufficiency. If we were like Isaiah and Peter and Paul, we would see our sin and weakness and fall at the feet of the living God crying out for mercy and grace. But instead, we are at each others’ throats – lecturing, judging, rebuking, dismissing.
Poverty of spirit will help to bring healing to the wounded Body of Christ. Poverty of spirit will help to bring wholeness to the fractured Body of Christ. Poverty of spirit will help to bring Christ to the Body of Christ. Poverty of spirit receives the blessing of God. God is attracted to the one who is poor in spirit.
Some are of the opinion that Jesus fashioned the first Beatitude after Isaiah 66:2 – and I wouldn’t argue with them. “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.”
Be blessed and stay safe, be contrite of spirit and tremble at His Word and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 11, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The devil doesn’t care what you believe, he cares about what you love. The devil doesn’t want to fine-talk you out of your faith, he wants to sweet-talk you into your lusts. He is concerned with your passions and not with your principles. It’s much easier for him to stir up the desires of your heart than to change your mind about what you believe. It’s so much easier for him to get you to look at pornography than it would be to persuade you to change your value system that says pornography is unrighteous in that it objectifies women and disrupts the intimacy of the marriage bed – among other negative consequences. It’s much easier for him to tempt you to harbor resentment toward the person who wronged you than it would be for him to change your belief that harboring resentment is sin. He doesn’t have to change your mind before he can corrupt your heart. The devil knows how to skirt around the security alarms of your mind and pick the safe of your heart.
It seems to me that the devil is working hard all week to influence your heart and we preachers work hard for 45 minutes on a Sunday morning to impact your head. The devil seeks to corrupt your desires and the preacher seeks to correct your thinking. And here’s the thing – both can be successful at the same time. The devil is successful in that you have corrupt desires and the preacher is successful in that you have correct thinking. Yes, it’s possible for correct thinking and corrupt desires to exist at the same time in the same person – just examine your own experience. And here’s the thing – you think that because you have correct thinking that you are a “good” Christian, that you are a “faithful” follower of Jesus. But in thinking this, you deceived. Followers of Jesus are to think rightly and love rightly. The goal of the preacher shouldn’t be to just bring your thinking under the Lordship of Jesus, but your desires, too. We are to think like Jesus and love like Jesus.
The serpent in the garden challenged Eve about God’s prohibition of eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The serpent tempted Eve and persuaded her that it was OK to eat the fruit. But he didn’t rely merely on the fine-talk of logical argument, he employed the sweet-talk of appealing to her desires. Here’s the result of Eve’s temptation -
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate… Genesis 3:6
Eve was not carried away by argument alone – her passions were stirred by the images presented her. Her desires were inflamed by false promises. Resisting temptation is never a debate in which you find yourself sparring with a skilled verbal opponent. Resisting temptation has to do with struggling against floodwaters that have been unleashed against you. All week long the devil is releasing his floodwaters against you. You live in a world of images – and a lot of them are provocative. What you see with your eyes soaks into your soul so much more than what you hear with your ears. They don’t say “a picture is worth a thousand words” for nothing. My ears struggle to comprehend what my eyes grasp in a flash of time.
John the Apostle was quite aware of the passions of the heart being out of sync with truth that is in our heads. He was aware of the devil’s sweet-talk.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 1 John 2:16
The flesh, the eyes, the lust, the boastful pride! These passions are alive in your heart. You need preaching that will not only confront the lies you embrace in your mind, you need preaching that will destabilize and unseat the lust and pride and passions of your heart. You need preaching that not only convinces you of the idols in your heart, you need preaching that smashes the idols in your heart, too. I want my preaching to bring you to not only know God’s will but to also desire God’s will and then do God’s will. Know. Desire. Do. Knowing God’s will doesn’t always result in doing God’s will. When you know one thing and desire another thing, most people default to their desires. Desire is a greater motivator than knowledge. We need preaching that changes our desires and brings them under the Lordship of Jesus.
The greatest compliment I have ever received is when a man came up to me after service and said, “When I leave Calvary Fremont, I want to live for God.” He didn’t say, “Great sermon, Pastor.” He didn’t say, “I know so much more now than I did before.” He said that he wanted to live for Christ. That’s the language of desire. That’s the language of the heart. Preaching intended to inform the mind doesn’t always make the end journey where it forms the heart. Yes, we trust that the Holy Spirit is at work in those who hear the Word of God, yet we know that heart formation doesn’t always occur. Again, just examine your own experience. Your head is way ahead of your heart in the things of God. May you who hear the Word of God preached be in a spirit of prayer during the preaching moment and ask God to use that word to smash the idols of your heart and shape it for God. May you who preach the Word of the Lord preach in such a way as to address both mind and heart and ask God to use that word to smash the idols of the heart and shape it for God.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 9, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I’ve often heard preachers say that the longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart. This statement has always bothered me. The length suggested from head to heart seemed too great. I wondered if anybody had ever taken a scientific approach to this commonplace pulpit statement. And so in a mood to contribute to the ever growing body of scientific knowledge, I took a tape measure and stood in front of my bathroom mirror. I placed the open end of the tape measure on the middle of my forehead and pulled the tape down 18 inches. It extended to the bottom of my sternum. Just as I expected all these years – 18 inches isn’t the distance from my head to my heart, but from my head to the bottom of the middle of my ribcage.
In the spirit of scientific methodology, I repeated the same experiment in the same room, with the same ambient temperature, using the same tape measure. I calculated for wind speed, rotation of the earth, and electro-magnetic differentiation. And then I extended the tape and measured again and guess what I discovered – yep, you guessed it – same result. According to my calculations, my heart is 12 inches from my head, not the 18 inches of popular fiction. I just cut the longest journey down by one-third! I formulate it this way: 12=H2H. That’s almost as profound as E=MC2. Almost.
I even calculated for Aging Man Syndrome. I went to the doctor a couple of years ago and the nurse measured me. She asked, “How tall are you?” I told her that I was 5 feet 11 inches. She measured me and said, “No, you’re 5 feet 9.5 inches.” I had no idea I had shrunk 1.5 inches. She told me that she measured one man who told her he was 6 feet 4 inches and he turned out to be 5 feet 10 inches! She wanted to know the last time he was measured. He said that it was when he was inducted into the US Army in WW2! Even accounting for Aging Man Syndrome, my heart is 12 inches from my head.
Now, why mention all of this? I think that one of my main tasks as a preacher is to take what you know in your head and by means of the sermon to push it down into your heart. (Actually, having your heart only 12 inches from your head and not the traditional 18 inches makes my job easier!) I didn’t always think like this. I used to think that my task as a preacher was to tell you new stuff – stuff you didn’t know about God and Jesus and the Bible and life. Then I thought of my task as taking that which you already knew and retelling it to you in a fresh way so that you thought it was something you didn’t already know, but was in fact something you already did know. This would be like taking broccoli and putting a little bit of Ranch dressing on it and having you go, “Oh, that’s good,” but all the while it’s still broccoli. We preachers can be clever.
Now both of these approaches assume a couple of things. 1) That you need God’s Word in your mind to transform your mind – the way you think and how you view the world. And this is absolutely true. But there’s a second assumption – 2) You live out of your head. Let’s combine these two: you need God’s Word in your head because you live out of your head. You need God’s Word in your mind because you live life according to the Biblical values formed in you by the preaching and the teaching of God’s Word. I still believe that, yet I think there is something more powerful shaping your life than your values – it’s what you desire. Values arise from the mind, but desires rise from the heart. I don’t know if it’s always been true, but our culture is living from their hearts and not their heads. Desires more than values are the gyroscopes that inform and guide us. In fact, many would say that since there are no objective values – values that are true for everyone everywhere – all we are left with are personal desires and preferences. Many have (unwittingly) jettisoned their values or have collapsed their values into their desires. They say, “What I desire is what I value and what I value is what I desire.”
Hopefully, you can see why I consider one of my main tasks in preaching as pushing what you know in your head down into your heart, pressing down using all my sermonic muscles. I think that truth can remain firmly planted in the mind even as the heart churns with the tempests of passion and desire and lust and greed. The mind can pray the Lord’s Prayer and confess the Apostle’s Creed while the heart is being undermined by demonic lies and pulled apart by hurricane-force temptation. Your mind can tell you that you need fruits and vegetables while your body craves and yearns for chocolate and soda. I want you to get past knowing about God’s will to desiring God’s will. I just don’t want my preaching to inform your mind, but form your heart, as well. “Lord Jesus, help me to do this.” What a tragedy when a person never desires what they believe! What a tragedy when head and heart are out of alignment! What a daily battle ensues within such a person! O the glory when the truth in the head is synced up with the desire in the heart! When head and heart are out of sync, the Christian life is the hardest thing in the world. When head and heart are in sync, the Christian life is the sweetest life to be lived.
Preaching needs to be theological, yet it has to be more than just a data dump. There has been a big emphasis in the last 20 years on narrative preaching and so a lot of guys are telling stories and, to me, it sounds more like Chicken Soup for the Soul kind of stuff. I don’t want to only address myself to your mind or just to your fleeting emotions to make you feel good or draw a tear or two. May God’s Word come through me in such a fashion that darkness is vanished, the devil is run off, the power of hell is broken, and your heart – the very core of your being – falls in love with God and with His Son Jesus Christ and your heart is shaped by that love. I want to preach in such a way that the desires of your heart are rewired and your heart can sing along with your head of the grace and mercy of God. Rigorous scientific experimentation has established that your heart is only 12 inches from your head. Be assured that this preacher, and hopefully every preacher, will be taking their pulpit time and by the Word of the Lord taking the Word of the Lord and pressing it down from head to heart that it may go from the realm of Truth into the dimension of Life – Abundant Life in Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 4, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Why is our culture so fixated on genitalia? How did we end up here, or maybe better put, there? This is a brief, and therefore generalized look at how our deepest thinkers have brought us to the crotch as the highest expression of human nature. .
It begins with epistemology: how do we know what we know? Let’s ask the question: “How do you know the Bible is true?” This question has been answered differently in various historical eras.
- Pre-modern: “I know the Bible is true because the Church tells me it is true. My parents tell me it is true.”
- Modern: “I know the Bible is true because my mind tells me it’s true. I’ve studied it out.”
- Post-modern: “I know the Bible is true because it speaks to me deep in my heart. It just feels right.”
Note the shift in authority through these historical eras. In the pre-modern stage, authority is external to the individual and the individual looks to and trusts in that authority whether it be parents or Church or King or State or Tradition. In the modern stage, authority is vested in the rational capacity of each individual. No longer do I depend upon mom and dad or the Pope – I have to prove it to myself. In the post-modern stage, authority has migrated from a person’s rational facility to their affective capacity – their feelings and intuition.
There’s a further filter to look through as to how we have become fixated on issues of the crotch. Religion with its revealed texts has to do with the Truth. Science with its various processes has to do with Facts. Post-modernity is all about Preferences. Modern man is not concerned with absolute Truth or with scientific Fact – King Truth and Queen Fact have been assassinated and Prince Preference has ascended the throne. Long live the Prince! Religion with its Truth has failed in its promise to bring peace to the world. The Enlightenment with its emphasis on Reason and Science has failed to unite all people. With the failure of Revealed Truth and Reasoned Facts, all we’re left with is Individual Preference. Today, to question a person’s Preference is a direct assault upon the core of their being.
Truth and Fact have been thrown out of the car and Preference has taken the wheel. Let’s add another layer which can be illustrated by the old quip about psychiatry. Psychiatry literally means “the healing of the soul.” But there came a point where psychiatry lost its soul and began to focus on the mind. After a while, psychiatry lost its mind and began to focus on medicating the body. How accurate this is can be debated, but it illustrates the point which brings us to the fixation upon the physical nature of man which brings modern man to a fascination with the crotch and all things genitalia.
Carl Trueman’s book, “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self,” is a must read for any serious student of our culture. To understand what flows from the 1960s in America we have to understand philosophical thinking from the 1760s. He traces, in great detail, how sex has gone from something people do to something people are. It is not exclusively an activity, it has become deeper – it is now our identity. As Truth and Fact are bleeding out on the highway after being thrown out of the car, Preference is at the wheel. Without Truth or Fact to offer any guidance, Preference defaults to Passion and Pleasures and Delights and Desires and Urges and Intuitions and Feelings. And come on, what’s more pleasurable and delightful than sexual release? Sex has changed history and started wars – it is a power that is always to be reckoned with down the millennia of human history. Sex has always been the elephant in the room that no one talks about, but Jean-Jacque Rousseau began to talk about the elephant in the 1760s and Freud and others took up the discussion and today all we talk about is the elephant. The elephant is everything and everywhere.
Western culture has left behind the authority of Church and Parents and the authority of Reason and has left us with our Feelings. Western culture has abandoned Truth and Fact and we are left with Preference. It has dumped Soul and Mind and left us with the Body. Our deepest thinkers have stripped us down to our Feelings and our Preferences and our Bodies. What does the Body feel and what does the Body prefer? That’s right – is it any wonder that we are left with a genitalia fascination and a crotch infatuation? What else does Preference have to work with seeing that Soul and Mind and Truth and Fact and external authority are no longer respected? Body is the only thing that’s left.
Western culture has lost its Soul and its Mind and everything has become Body. Modern man has been gutted out and cut down and is but a shadow of his created glory. Our deepest thinkers have dragged us from the depths of the spiritual into the shallows of the physical. What shall we as Christians do? We should live in the deep end and not be dragged into the shallows. Delight in the endless, bottomless Love and Truth of God. Psalm 1:1-2 remains the pathway for the followers of Jesus.
“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.”
The counsel of the wicked will will drag you from the spiritual to the physical and land you in the seat scoffers. But as you delight in the Word of God and meditate in the Word of God, you’ll remain in the things of the Spirit without being dragged into the things of the flesh – the body. Stay deep, my friend.
Be blessed and stay safe and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
June 3, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I recently read a blog that traced America’s slide into being a post-Christian nation. The author argued that the ultimate consequences of this will be devastating to our nation. One of the responses to this man’s post pointed to Europe as being well ahead of America in its post-Christian experience and noted that things aren’t falling apart over there. The strong implication was that America isn’t facing the grim future that the author of the blog was indicating. I thought that this was an interesting response and began to look into Europe’s post-Christian experience.
I discovered that eight of the world’s ten happiest nations are in Europe. “Happiest nation” status is determined by GDP (gross domestic product) per capita, life expectancy, social support, trust and corruption, perceived freedom to make life decisions, and generosity. The ten happiest nations are Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Luxembourg, New Zealand, and Austria. I thought I would do a little digging into Finland – the world’s happiest nation.
I looked at the rate of suicides. Suicide rates in Finland are half what they were in the 1990s, but they remain well above the European average. One third of all deaths among 15 to 24 year-olds are caused by suicide.
Here are the suicide rates per world region. Out of 100,000 people, how many commit suicide? Africa 11.2 / Americas 9.0 / South-East Asia 10.2 / Europe 10.5 / Eastern Mediterranean 6.4 / Western Pacific 7.2 Global average 9.0. After Africa, Europe has the world’s highest suicide rate at 10.5 per 100,000, whereas Finland is 13.4 per 100,000.
I looked into the use of anti-depressants. Seven of the ten happiest nations are in the top 20 in anti-depressant usage.
I looked into illegal drug usage. With people staying home and reduced availability of drugs on the market during the pandemic, many European countries reported a decreased use in drugs during the pandemic. However, in Finland, drug abuse has seen a surprising increase during the pandemic. Drug-related offences also “exploded” in March and April, according to police figures. Drug-related deaths in Finland have doubled in the last twenty years, with the proportion of deaths of people under the age of 30 rising from 33% to 49%. According to 2017 estimates, For men under the age of 40, the most common cause of death – after suicide – is overdose.
I looked into civil freedoms. Finland is a liberal democracy that holds to freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but this is being eroded. The Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola, diocesan dean and bishop-elect of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF), has been charged by Finland’s prosecutor general with incitement against a group of people. The charges stem from a 2004 booklet that articulates historic Christian teaching on human sexuality. Finland’s prosecutor general began an investigation of the ELMDF in 2019 for its booklet, “Male and Female He Created Them: Homosexual Relationships Challenge the Christian Concept of Humanity.” The booklet argues that homosexual activity must be identified as sin by the church on the basis of the teachings of Scripture. The author, Dr. Päivi Räsänen — a Finnish member of Parliament — further argues that a failure to recognize sin as sin undermines the very need for a Savior.
Dr. Päivi Räsänen says: “I believe that ultimately the purpose of these attacks is to eliminate the Word of God and discard the law od God. It is very problematic that expressing Christian beliefs is often seen as insulting in the West. For example, marriage between a man and a woman has become a concept that is understood as restrictive, even threatening, Concepts such as man and woman, mother and father are dearly loved concepts…The attempt to break down the gender system based on two different genders hurts especially children. It is unfortunate how uncritically the ideology of sexual diversity and LGBT activism has been supported and endorsed even by churches.”
“Recent actions in Finland have created an international scandal which continues to grow,” said the Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill, general secretary of the International Lutheran Council. “The implications of the decision to charge Juhana Pohjola and Päivi Räsänen are clear: if the authorities are willing to do this to a respected pastor, reverend doctor, and bishop-elect, as well as a member of Parliament and former minister of the Interior, then that sends a message of fear and intimidation to everyone in Finland who follows the Scripture’s teaching on human sexuality.”
Happiest nation in the world? Not for long. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” I’ll end this with a portion from the second Psalm –
“Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!" He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them... Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; take warning, O judges of the earth…Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him! Psalm 2:1-4,10-12
Be blessed and stay safe and follow Jesus and remember: happy is the people whose God is the Lord – Pastor Tim
June 1, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I have indisputable, irrefutable, undeniable, unquestionable, incontrovertible evidence that evolution is a wrong-headed theory through which to understand the development of the human species. Simply stated: we are not evolving, we are devolving.
Here’s a good working definition of evolution from the Oxford English Dictionary: “the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form”. A popular picture of this is the one celled organism floating in a pre-biotic soup becoming a fish that swims in the primordial sea becoming an animal that lumbers across the land becoming an ape that swings in the trees becoming a savage with knuckles scraping on the ground becoming you and me. Yet I think we have sufficient evidence to indicate that humans aren’t evolving into more complex forms but devolving into a brutishness that would astound the knuckle scraping savage.
David Stove, in his book “Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity, and Other Fables of Evolution” lays this out quite nicely. He writes of horses being “tamed” or “broken” or “broken in.” This is to make them responsive to the system of discipline that humans desire to impose upon them. Yet the state of these horses before being “tamed” or “broken in” wasn’t a “wild” state. It was simply a different state of social discipline imposed upon them by other horses in the state in which they were born. And this “wild” state was not one of anarchy and indiscipline and individual self-seeking. Indeed, all animals, he argues, have social rules to which they conform – be it the ant or the ape or the wolf or the horse. They belong to a community and this community comes with rules and obligations. All nature is governed by law.
Evolution is supposed to not only develop the physical capacities and strengths of various species, it does this through these species learning how to live together in harmony to enhance their survivability. After all, if it’s every man (woman) for himself, we’d always be at each others’ throats. Whether it’s animal instinct or human reason, various theories describe how cooperation has arisen within the animal kingdom to assist not only individual survivability, but species survivability. Yet for humans, these laws are being thrown out. There’s a new Sheriff in town!
Autonomous individuality is on the rise. Today we are all Kings and Queens. No more is a person under the authority of their biology, their parents, their school, their society, their culture, their church, or their government. Any rule imposing any limitation to what is considered human flourishing is suspect. Today, even law is against the law. The new Sheriff is the ideological Left who has rewritten the book on human nature. Male can be female. Female can be male. Those with male DNA can compete, on a par, against those with female DNA. History can be rewritten. The family can be banished. Reason is banished and passion is Queen. Humanity is devolving into every man/woman/co-gendered/cis gendered for themselves.
I rejoice at this! This rebellion against God and law and reason and all valid authority can only end in the Sea of Emptiness and Despair. Just wait – a vast cry for Bread will arise from those eating only emptiness and vapor. You and I were created by God for God and nothing else will satisfy in the long run. I read about a family where the kids begged to have ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The parents refused, of course. But as the pleading and begging continued day after day, the parents relented – for they knew what would happen. “OK, ice cream it is for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”The kids were beyond thrilled. The laws of healthy nutrition and balanced diets were banished as their passions and preferences prevailed. Breakfast was like heaven on earth – all the ice cream they could eat. Lunch was a paradise – with all the ice cream they could eat. Snack time didn’t meet with as much enthusiasm as the cartons of chocolate and vanilla and Butterfinger ice cream were laid out on the counter. By dinner time they were begging for meat and broccoli!
Wait for it, it’s coming. The nations will cry out for God. Those who have eaten their full of their own self-prescribed diet will be starving. Let’s be ready with the gospel and the love of God and the reality of salvation and the hope of heaven. Individual autonomy, atheism, lawlessness will never cause a nation to thrive for long. The technology that can transform a body’s genitalia can never satisfy a soul. Our current foray into individual autonomy is not the next evolutionary step for humankind, it is a devolution into darkness and emptiness.
When I say that today even law is against the law, I mean the deepest, most profound laws of human nature. I don’t mean civil laws – not stopping at red lights remains a violation and insider trading is still unethical and stealing money out of the offering bags is still an offense. But eternal law, law that isn’t codified because it predates all law, law governing human nature – the core of who we are – is being abandoned. A bill will come due that society cannot pay and can only be absolved at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. I am very aware that to many I am a knuckle-dragging, judgmental, fundamentalist, progress-blocking, head-stuck-in-the-sand Evangelical Christian – I am all that’s wrong with America. I am willing to bear this short-sighted judgment directed at me by the culturally woke. There has been some concern raised about how the COVID-19 vaccine may alter human DNA. I think this has been debunked as an overconcern. Yet more dangerous than an injection that can alter human DNA is a culture wide acceptance of a philosophy that overturns the laws of human nature. Unmoored from nature and nature’s God, we are not evolving but devolving and drifting toward a dark future that can only be rescued by the love of God in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus in these troubled times and hang in there – Pastor Tim
May 27, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
In 1998, the American car company Chrysler was acquired by Daimler-Benz of Germany and became known as Daimler-Chrysler. The joke goes like this: How do you pronounce Daimler-Chrysler in German? Answer: The Chrysler is silent.
I think this goes a long way in describing what happens in many Christians’ lives. What do I mean? On April 9, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down all limits on the size of church gatherings. No longer can governors and counties mandate how many people can attend church services – not 10% of capacity or 25% of capacity, etc. This is a win for the Church and for all Americans. And we rejoice that the Supreme Court ruled the way they did. We appealed to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court came through. But what is missing in all this? God. Wouldn’t it be better, and more accurate, to say that God showed favor toward His Church through the Supreme Court? After all, James 1:17 informs us that all good things are from the hand of God. This ruling is a good thing. It comes from the hand of God.
“Come on, Tim, isn’t that a hyper-spirituality?” No – it’s a healthy spirituality. I’m not willing to make God the Silent Partner. Another application – vaccines are protecting people. No – God is protecting people by means of the vaccine. Again, a healthy spirituality. Are vaccines that protect people from diseases a good thing? Undoubtedly. Therefore they are from the hand of God. Unfortunately, God is the all too Silent Partner in many people’s perspective on circumstances. Even as the Chrysler of Daimler-Chrysler is silent in German, so God goes unmentioned by so many. And the Unmentioned eventually becomes the Unseen, or God is the Unmentioned because He is the Unseen. But the Unseen is Seen by those who walk by faith and not by sight.
OK, sure, you could get really silly with this and become hyper-spiritual. Instead of saying, “I’m going to take the car to the mechanic,” you could say, “I am going to take the car so graciously supplied by God to the mechanic so mercifully provided by God.” Do that long enough and people won’t want to be around you! Yet the fear of the excess of the mention of God shouldn’t keep us from the opposite extreme of the absence of the acknowledgment of God’s hand in all good things.
Here’s Romans 1:19 – “…because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.”Paul then describes how God has made Himself known through the things He has made. It’s not Creation that reveals God, it is God who reveals Himself through Creation. Creation is mute and dumb - like our hands. God uses Creation for sign language as we use our hands for sign language. My hands aren’t signing something to you, I am communicating with you through the signs I make with my hands. I’m the author and my hands are my instrument. It’s not that Creation speaks of God – God speaks through Creation. It is the hands of Creation we see, but the voice of God we hear. The Supreme Court and vaccines and Creation are the instruments the Author uses to bless us. Let’s not attribute to the instrument what belongs to the Author.
God is all too often reduced to the Silent Partner, even in the lives of Christians. This is illustrated by a story in 1 Samuel 4. Israel has gone to battle against the Philistines and they they lost the battle and they are grief-stricken, wondering what’s gone wrong. They conclude that they were defeated because they lacked the blessing of God. To secure the blessing of God they send for the Ark of the Covenant. They send for it and say, “…that it may come among us and deliver us from the power of our enemies.” They were depending on an “It” and not on “Him.” They viewed the Ark of the Covenant as a good-luck charm, as a rabbit’s foot. Anyway, they were defeated again and the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant – but that’s another story, one involving hemorrhoids, believe it or not. In the battle with the Philistines, God became a Thing and He became an It. Israel depersonalized God and He became the Silenced Partner.
Israel saw the Ark of the Covenant, but not the God of the Ark of the Covenant. They depersonalized God. He who was Unseen went Unmentioned because He was Unnoticed. The Church is to notice God in all things. David says, “You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me… If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me.” Psalm 139:5, 8-10
David sees God everywhere and makes notice of God in everything. He sees God behind him and in front of him and above him and below him. David sees God in the heights and depths and in the lengths and widths – he even sees God in the dark! And He who is Seen is Mentioned. Unfortunately, He who is not Seen goes Unmentioned.
David sees God as a Loud Partner, not a Silent Partner. Not obnoxiously loud like a three year old who gets on the platform after church and bangs on the cymbals of the drum set. In Christ, God is loud. And clear. And He is clearly the Author of all blessing in your life. James 1:17 says so and we should say no less.
Thank You, Jesus, for all You have done, all You are doing, all You will do, all You have given, and all You will give.
May all of our eyes be open to the God who is behind us and before us and below us and above us and all around us.
Be blessed and stay healthy and notice God and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 24, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The Body Politic has its hands around the neck of the Body of Christ.
How did this happen? How has the David of Politics been able to fell the Goliath of the Church? What has enabled the Delilah of Culture to shear the Samson of the Church? It’s because the Church has lost sight of the purpose of God, which is to love God and people. If the stone of hate enters our heads and if we are shorn of the love of God, our strength will depart, and we will fail. The greatest commandment is love. The greatest reality is love. The reason God teaches us is that we may love. This is our inheritance and birthright, but just as Esau despised his birthright, so has the Church.
You cannot love someone and vilify and despise them at the same time. What do I mean? Well, over there on that side of the café sits a clown who supported Trump and on the other side of the café is a buffoon who supported Biden. They despise one another. The Biden supporter cannot understand how the Trump supporter could advocate for such an evil man who spoke multiple lies daily and created a political narrative that exacerbated the COVID crisis and winked at racism and encouraged political violence. Only an amoral idiot high-school dropout would support Trump. And the Trump supporter cannot understand how the Biden supporter could advocate for a man who wants to widen abortion rights and kill more babies, is soft on Socialism, hates the middle class, and allows the crisis at the border to continue unabated. Only an immoral globalist bleeding heart would support Biden.
These two men sitting on opposite sides of the cafe are political and ideological opponents - each regards the other as an enemy and will not even say HI to one another. Oh, and by the way did I mention that each of them is a Christian? And in the middle of the café sits a man with two horns and a long tail can’t stop laughing – he’s quite pleased with himself.
The devil read in the Bible where the Moabites and the Ammonites and the Edomites attacked Israel. But the Lord caused confusion among their ranks and the Moabites and Ammonites and Edomites started fighting one another and destroyed themselves. Israel only had to stand and see the salvation of God. The devil read that and said, “Hmmm, I’m going to try that one day.” That day has arrived, and the Church has turned on itself and is biting and devouring one another.
Are you aware that some (not all) Republican Christians hate Democrat Christians? It’s true. Here’s the thinking: the Democrat Christian is the enemy of America and the enemy of America is my enemy. And some (not all) Democrat Christians hate Republican Christians. Here’s the thinking: the Republican Christian is the enemy of America and the enemy of America is my enemy. Yes, the Body Politic has its hands around the neck of the Body of Christ. Believe it or not, there are churches where Republicans are not welcome and churches where Democrats are not welcome. It’s true. Of course, that’s not on their website under ABOUT US – but just listen to their rhetoric and it will become quite apparent. You are accepted not because Christ has accepted you, but because you have the correct political views. And if you have the incorrect political views, you are not only philosophically wrong, you are are morally evil. Sin is no longer defined as an offense against God, but an offense against our country. Some are more zealous for America than for the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God only refuses entrance to unrepentant sinners. Some churches refuse entrance to Republicans and Democrats. Some churches only extend a welcome to the Woke while others have no welcome for the Woke.
Many would argue that they have to treat Democrats and Republicans as the enemy – that’s the loving thing to do. They have to forcefully advocate for this country by treating the enemy of this country as their personal enemy – that’s the loving thing to do for our nation. But when hating your enemy is an act of love, then me being with another woman is an act of marital faithfulness. Jesus told us to love our enemies – yet we make the politically and culturally necessary exceptions. Many Christians hate atheists for the damage they are doing to our educational systems and for advocating for the sexual libertinism that has corrupted our nation and for turning people away from the Christian faith. Many Christians hate Muslims because of their militancy against Israel, their persecution of Christians, and their desire to impose Sharia law on the whole world. Please listen to this if you have animosity toward Muslims (or anyone else) – this will set you free: Muslims are not the enemy, they are the victims of the enemy. Atheists are not the enemy, they are the victims of the enemy. Your political opponent is not your enemy, they are victims of the enemy – and possibly you are, too!
Paul says that we don’t fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places – we fight against the devil. But the devil is a genius! The devil is the enemy of the Church and Democrats and Republicans and Atheists and Muslims – he hates all people. But he gets us all to turn on one another and destroy each other. And all the while he’s sitting in that café, drinking a cappuccino, and chortling away.
Brothers and sisters, God has called us to love. He has called you to love Democrats and Republicans and Atheists and Muslims – and even your mother-in-law! If you hate someone, please know that your biggest problem isn’t them – it’s you. You cannot win to Christ someone you hate and loathe. Don’t let your politics choke out your faith. Don’t let your love for America put a chokehold on your love for the enemies of America. Yes, we are to love the enemies of America and the enemies of the Church. The enemies of America and the Church are victims of the enemy. Church, don’t be an Esau and despise your birthright. Don’t be a Samson raised up by God who is then slammed down by allowing the Delilah of the world to shear you of the love of God for all people.
Be blessed and stay safe and love God and love people – Pastor Tim
May 21, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“Turn this pornography into bread,” teases the devil. “I know you’re hungry and crave satisfaction. Here is your Manna.”
I know why the devil tempts you – because you’ll fall for it. Jesus didn’t fall for it. He didn’t give in to the temptation to satisfy Himself when all the kingdoms of the world were offered to Him. And He didn’t give in to the pressure to satisfy Himself when a loaf of bread was offered to Him. You daily face relentless pressure to put yourself first – to please and satisfy and fulfill yourself by any means possible. And the devil presses upon you to step outside of God’s will to do so. He’ll tell you that it’s no big deal to step out of God’s will to please yourself – don’t be so Pharisaical and holier-than-thou. And we fall for it. Or we fall into it. However you describe it – it’s a fall.
After fasting for forty days, Jesus became hungry. The devil tempted Him to turn a stone into bread and satisfy his legitimate hunger. I’ve asked people before, “Would you be tempted to turn a stone into a loaf of bread.” And pretty much everyone has said, “Yes.” But not me. And it’s not because I’m so spiritual – it’s because I can’t do it! I might be tempted to steal a loaf of bread (I could do that) – but not turn a stone into bread. I’ve never fasted for forty days, but I’ve been really hungry before and it never once crossed my mind to turn a stone into a loaf of bread. I haven’t even been tempted to turn a piece of wood into a bacon cheeseburger. But Jesus could do it (not the bacon cheeseburger, that wouldn’t have been kosher) – He could have turned a stone into a loaf of bread. And so the temptation was real.
The first temptation has to be first. Why would the devil try to snag Jesus by offering Him the whole world when He could derail Him with one loaf of bread!? If I can kill you with one bullet, why drop an atom bomb on you? In the history of the world, more people have been killed by single bullets than by atom bombs. The strategy that failed on Jesus works on everyone else. We’re not tempted to turn stones into bread, but we are tempted to turn other things into bread. Even as Jesus was tempted to take that which was not bread and turn it into bread, so are we. We are enticed to make our own Homemade Manna.
The devil has just the recipe for you – Homemade Manna. The devil knows you want to satisfy your hunger and he says, “Turn this pornography into bread. Let your soul feed on that.” And millions upon millions seek to satisfy their hunger in this way and their souls shrivel and dry up and what was supposed to result in satisfaction and nourishment only gives rise to guilt and shame and brokenness. That which was meant to stimulate becomes a depressant. No Manna here.
“If you are hungering for satisfaction in life, drink enough alcohol and it will turn into bread.” And millions upon millions consume bottle after bottle to the point of drunkenness in their vain attempt to turn it into Manna. Yet all they are left with is emptiness and regrets and brokenness. No Manna here.
“If you take this pill, snort this line, smoke this substance, inject this liquid – it will turn into Manna for your soul.” And millions are left broken in bondage in their vain attempt to turn stones into bread. No manna here. The devil tempts everyone to take that which is not bread and turn it into bread. And we are led like lambs to the slaughter. Jesus offers the Bread of Life. He is the Bread of Life. The devil offers the Bread of Death. The life he promised Eve turned into death. It has ever been so.
“If you can be this wealthy, get this thin, become this strong, run this fast, jump this high, be this smart, earn this degree, impress these people, achieve this goal, accomplish this task, fulfill this dream, own this possession, get into (or out of) this relationship, become this famous – you’ll be feasting on Manna.” And so like hamsters running furiously on the wheels in their cages and getting nowhere, we’re on the Devil’s Wheel getting further and further from that which is Manna and further and further into Mania where satisfaction and fulfillment are lost sight of and the greatest hope is mere survival. No Manna here.
The devil is at it again – but on a much grander scale. “America, turn politics into bread. Turn hatred and suspicion into bread.” And we fall for it. If we can get just the right man into the White House, just the right party into power, if we can despise just the right people, topple just the right statues, cancel just the right celebrities, and support just the right causes – the soul of America will be eating bread. That which we thought was Bread ended up just being gravel in our mouths. Our Homemade Manna has resulted in more hatred and division and suspicion and misunderstanding and polarization. From the White House to the United Nations, from our Universities to our Think Tanks, from Capitalism to Socialism, from BLM to CRT, from the NRA to the CDC – no Manna here!
You and I can never take that which is not bread and turn it into bread. Our Homemade Manna will always become various forms of Mania. The only way for us to get bread for our souls is to take Him who is the Bread of Life. Like Israel in the wilderness who didn’t farm the land and grow their own wheat but gathered the bread that fell on the camp at night – you and I are not to take the ingredients of this world and make Homemade Manna. We are to take hold of Him who is the Bread of Life. We are to take Him who is given. Whatever meaning and fulfillment and satisfaction you seek to achieve on your own will turn into gravel in your mouth. The Bread of Life becomes eternal life and abundant life. Manna here.
Be blessed and stay safe and eat the Bread of Life – Pastor Tim
May 20, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Love is simple.
Love is profound.
Love is patient and kind.
That’s it – love is patient and kind. There are many things love is not and many things it does and doesn’t do – but the essence of love is just two things – love is patient and love is kind. Check it out yourself – 1 Corinthians 13.
The first rule in relationships is patience. This is where love begins. If there is no patience, there can be no love. Patience means I slow down to the pace of other people so that I can walk with them. It’s like merging onto the freeway – I have to adjust my speed to the other cars. If not, there could be trouble. I wish I had my own lane, but I don’t. Patience is amply illustrated in Matthew 18:26. One man owed another man a large sum of money he couldn’t repay. Here’s the text -
So the slave fell to the ground and prostrated himself before him, saying, ‘Have patience with me and I will repay you everything.’ Matthew 18:26
The slave asked his master to slow down, to adjust his timeline, to keep pace with his ability to repay. He didn’t ask the master to adjust his demands, just his timeline. “Slow down, let me set the pace.” Sometimes people give me their phone number and they say it so fast my brain doesn’t keep pace with them. I ask them to slow down to the pace of my sluggish brain and slow-moving hand. In reality, I’m asking them to exercise patience. A couple of other churches use our facility and a few weeks back one of them left a door propped open all night. Yikes! That’s potentially catastrophic. This is more than leaving a light on or not turning off the AC unit or not cleaning up as they should. I fined them $1,000.00. The man in charge gave me $400 and asked if they could make payments. He asked me not to adjust the fine, but the timeline. He asked me to be patient with them. Patience is the first rule in relationships. Patience is the beginning of love.
God becoming a man is the ultimate act of patience. God, who is going at infinite speed, slows down to a snail’s pace in order to walk with us. Amazing patience! Amazing love! I’ve heard that hell is listening to a six-year-old tell you about a movie he just saw. He goes on and on and on – and you just want him to get the THE END. Patience slows down and keeps eye contact and listens all the way through. If you cannot be slowed down, you cannot love.
The second rule in relationships is kindness. Love is patient and love is kind. Kind doesn’t mean nice. I once heard this description of church. “Church is where a nice man tells nice people how to be even nicer.” Ha! Not even close. Kindness is practical helpfulness. Jacob Bright was walking along the road and he saw his neighbor whose horse had just died. Many came by and stood and told the man how sorry they were that his horse had died. Jacob Bright took off his hat and put a $5 bill in it and said, “I am sorry five dollars worth, how sorry are you?” The hat was passed and the man was able to purchase another horse. That’s kindness. That’s practical helpfulness. There are 10,000 acts of kindness waiting to be done.
Patience is the first rule in relationships, it’s the beginning of love because if you are not patient you cannot be kind. Kindness follows patience – as I slow down, I let you in my life. Jesus allowed Himself to be interrupted. Being in a hurry and preoccupied is a hindrance to kindness. A man was mugged on the road to Jericho and a priest and a Levite hurried by, offering no assistance. They had no patience, they wouldn’t slow down, and therefore they could exercise no kindness. A Samaritan came along and exercised patience and kindness. He stopped and took in the man’s story (that’s patience), and he provided medical assistance (that’s kindness – that’s practical helpfulness).
Love is patient and love is kind. Hurting couples with toxic marriages come into my office and at the bottom of the hurt is impatience and unkindness. I see my task as largely trying to reimplement patience and kindness. Patience and kindness (the essence of love) can transform a marriage and keep it hitting on all eight cylinders. Husband, love is simple and love is profound. If you walk in patience and kindness toward your wife she will be blessed out of her socks. Wives, love is simple and love is profound. If you walk in patience and kindness toward your husband he will be blessed out of his socks. Whether you’re from Mars or Venus, whatever your love language is – patience and kindness are the essence of love. Love has two working parts – patience and kindness. It’s so profoundly simple and simply profound!
How do you know you’re being transformed into the image of Jesus? The Holy Spirit is developing love – patience and kindness. Now abide faith, hope, and love – and the greatest is love (patience and kindness). Paul says that the goal of our instruction is patience and kindness. Love is simple. Love is profound. To paraphrase someone (I don’t know who) – in all thy getting, get patience and kindness.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 19, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Autopsy of an apostate -
In Jeremiah 36, the prophet Jeremiah prophesies and Baruch, his secretary, writes it all down on a scroll. Baruch then reads this in the temple. The temple officials hear this and told themselves that the king’s officials need to hear this. Baruch reads it to the king’s officials and they said that King Jehoiakim needs to hear this. Jeremiah’s prophecies are read to the king and after a few sentences Jehoiakim takes the scroll and cuts it with a knife and throws it into the fire over the protestations of his officials. He destroyed the Word of God. Or did he?
King Jehoiakim was the son of godly King Josiah. In the days of Josiah there was a great reform in the land. Places of idolatry were torn down and the temple in Jerusalem was repaired of the damage and neglect it had sustained under previous kings. Josiah was a man of God and a man of the Word. Not so his son Jehoiakim. His son tore down what his father had built and rejected what his father had cherished. Many Jehoiakims today are abandoning their fathers’ faith, shredding the Bible and throwing it into the fire. Some are being told that when they leave the church and their fathers’ faith to leave loud. Many are heeding this advice and Jehoiakims are all over social media advertising that they have left the faith.
What is it that makes a Jehoiakim? What’s discovered when an autopsy is done on faith that has died? There are many reasons given for the death of faith – let me sketch out one for you here. Even as there are many causes for physical death and post-mortems reveal what a person died of, so there are many reasons that faith goes belly-up. Here is one post-mortem.
Step One – investing contemporary cultural norms with an authority they don’t have
What the culture says is right becomes the baseline norm for a contemporary Jehoiakim. If culture approves of homosexuality and gender fluidity and abortion and collectivist ideas and an amoral evolutionary development for humankind – well, that’s the way it ought to be. What the majority approve of in terms of what constitutes human flourishing is the norm and carries an inherent authority that is to mold thinking and guide behavior.
Step Two – reinterpreting the Bible using contemporary culture as your authority
After immersion in the cultural norms, a Jehoiakim takes his/her Bible and interprets what is read not by the intention of the author nor in the context of the original hearers, but in light of contemporary culture. If the Bible is critical of current cultural norms, the Biblical norm is explained away as being culturally conditioned for its time and not for such a time as this. The Bible’s criticisms of certain behaviors are localized and temporalized. Meaning – that was for them at that time in that place under those circumstances. Time and place and circumstances have changed and so the original intention of the author des not speak to us in this day. The Bible can guide our thinking, but it cannot bind our conscience. Thus is the reasoning of a Jehoiakim.
Step Three – abandoning the authority of Scripture altogether
The thing is, when the Bible doesn’t bind your conscience it no longer guides your steps. When the Bible is not God’s Word to man but only man’s thoughts about God, it’s just a short step to abandoning the Scripture altogether.
This is the post-mortem on a contemporary Jehoiakim – one who forsook the faith by departing from the Word of God.
It only took Jehoiakim a few flicks of the wrist to cut up the scroll of the prophecies of Jeremiah and throw them into the fire. He destroyed the Word of God. Or did he? He certainly destroyed the scroll, but did he do away with the Word of God?
Here’s Jeremiah 36:32 “Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to Baruch the son of Neriah, the scribe, and he wrote on it at the dictation of Jeremiah all the words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire; and many similar words were added to them.”
You can cut up a scroll and you can burn a Bible, but the Word of God is indestructible. Communist and Muslim countries have found this to be true. You can have Bible burnings, but you can’t have Word of God burnings! The Word keeps coming and flowing and overcoming and overflowing!! Go ahead, burn all the Bibles you can find, but you won’t do any damage to the Word of God.
It is discouraging to hear or read of someone raised in the Christian faith and then maybe even becoming a youth pastor or worship leader or senior pastor and then go all Jehoiakim on us. How did this happen? I refer you to the autopsy above.
May your conscience be bound to the Word of God. Cultures come and go. Someone has said that if you marry the spirit of the age you’ll soon be a widower. Cultures and cultural norms come and go, but the Word of our glorious faithful God lasts forever.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 18, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
A lot of kids raised in the Christian faith walk away from the Christian faith when they go off to college. A lot of kids who have confessed Jesus as Savior and Lord no longer confess Jesus as Savior and Lord when they attend university. After some time spent in the halls of higher learning, those who were raised to believe the Bible no longer believe the Bible. To prepare for the onslaught their faith will encounter at university, many Christian high school graduates have been taught something along the following scheme -
- “When your college professor says that the Bible is just a collection of writings penned by men, here’s what you say…”
- “When your philosophy teacher mocks the idea of a personal God, you say this…”
- “When your science instructor informs you that all we see is the result of time + chance + matter, here’s how you can respond…”
When the college professor says A, you say B. And then when she says C, you say D. Yet as we all know, most conversations are pretty spontaneous things with a life of their own and they are difficult to chart out in advance. Yet this is the kind of training some Christian youth receive before they ship off for university. Unfortunately, it’s not very helpful. I was talking with a college freshman on the East Coast a number of years back and his comment was precisely that conversations and arguments are largely unscripted and unpredictable. The college professor may say A, but when you respond with B, he responds with G, and a little of M and N mixed in – and you are lost because you weren’t prepared for G and M and N. His point was that his teachers have a Ph.D. and how can a college freshman compete against that? How can there be any kind of parity between a college freshman and someone with 10-12 years more of advanced education? It’s a point well made.
We approach the challenge of our youth going to college as Daniel going into the lions’ den or David facing Goliath. How will they be able to stand against the lions and the giants? They’re going in alone and they will be eaten alive or have their heads knocked off. We ask the perfectly normal and absolutely necessary question: What can we do here that will help them stand for Christ there? What must we do today that will make them strong for tomorrow? How can we help insure our kids will continue to love Jesus and live for Jesus when they leave home to work or go off to college? The same three things that make and keep you strong are the same three things that will make and keep them strong.
Converted to Christ
Jesus said that He is the way and the truth and the life. Most churches do quite well in the first two areas, but don’t score as highly in the third.
- Jesus is the Way – by His sinless life, His sacrificial death, and His death-shattering resurrection, Jesus has opened the way to God.
- Jesus is the Truth – as the Living Word of God, His life and His sayings inform our thinking and form our souls.
- Jesus is the Life – by His Spirit, Jesus lives in us and transforms us and empowers us and communes with us.
The overwhelming majority of our youth know Jesus as the Way and the Truth in that this is what is most often emphasized. And many have repented of their sins and put their faith in Jesus. Yet I wonder how many of them have had a life-changing encounter with the living God. All who name the name of Jesus are to know Him in His fullness – as the Way and the Truth and the Life. To know Jesus as the Life is to live in communion with the living God.
Communion with the living God by His Word
The Word of God informs our minds and by the Spirit transforms our souls. Where there is the Word of God there is the work of God. “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” The Word became the work. Where there is no Word of God there is no work of God. An experiential knowledge of God’s Word and His work – His faithfulness and goodness, His grace and mercy, His patience and kindness is a defense against the lies of the enemy. Yes – learn philosophy and apologetics (a defense of the faith), learn to think through the attacks that assault the Christian faith, learn how to respond to the arguments professors and others employ to undermine your faith in Christ. And as you do so, commune with the God who has revealed Himself in the Living Word, Jesus Christ, and in the written Word, the Bible.
Connected to Church
We don’t send our children out into life as David’s coming up against Goliath or as Daniels thrown into the lions’ den. We send our children out as members of Christ and of the Body of Christ. The best thing, the best thing, the best thing for one going off to university is to connect them with a Christ-centered, Bible-believing, Spirit-filled church in the city to which they are going. Yes – teach them to stand, but also teach them to connect with other Davids and Daniels. They are not alone – nor should they be alone. Connection with other believers is life-giving and soul-satisfying.
This is good counsel for anyone – whether in a Christian commune or on a secular campus: be converted to Jesus; live in communion with the living God; get connected with like-minded believers.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 14, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The pastor who called me today from a conservative county in central California was in tears. Most of his leadership are anti-maskers and anti-vaccers and are bitter about a stolen election and still consider Trump their President and speak of the “plandemic”. He wasn’t in tears because they held these opinions, he was in tears because they pushed and advocated these positions to others in the church. He wasn’t in tears because he is fundamentally opposed to their opinions (though he didn’t speak about his position on these things) – he was in tears because the main thing was no longer the main thing. At every pastors’ conference there’s always someone who says, “Men, remember – keep the main thing the main thing.” Of course, since Jesus is the main thing, the main thing is to keep Jesus the main thing. Yet the ‘word of the cross’ has taken second place behind words of conspiracy. Jesus used to be the melody of the church, but now He’s a back-up singer tasked with harmony. Yet Jesus doesn’t sing harmony to anyone’s melody. Jesus is the melody of the Church and when Jesus isn’t the melody, that church is off key. A lot of churches are off key these days.
For some churches, even Calvary Chapels, if you are not anti-mask and anti-vaccine and don’t believe the election was stolen and that COVID is an inflated hoax – you’re the enemy. You’re all that’s wrong with America. And some of these people are convinced that masks and vaccinations and elections and pandemics are gospel issues. And if you have a wrong position on masks and vaccines, etc., then you have the gospel wrong. I know I’m using strong language and that probably no one would identify themselves the way that I have described them, but the “feeling” of the church, the “atmosphere” of the church, indeed the rhetoric of the church communicates strong disapproval for anyone not in step with the political/medical views of the majority of the people.
If a non-Christian Democrat walked into some churches, the people in those churches would be more grieved that they’re a Democrat than that they don’t know Christ and are hell-bound. They would spend more time haranguing them about Democratic Party antics in the last election that in presenting them with the good news that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them.
Here is Paul’s wise pastoral advice to a young pastor: “As I urged you upon my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus so that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith.
But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1:3-5
Does your advocacy of no masks and no vaccines and plandemics and stolen elections (or vice-versa) serve the goal of teaching God’s people how to love God and love people? Don’t fool yourself – the answer is No! You might make some converts, but then you alienate others. You may get some converts, but they’re not converts to Christ – they’re converts to your opinions. They’re your disciples! If you deem it more necessary to convert people to your position of mask or no mask, vaccine or no vaccine, pandemic or plandemic – then you are an enemy of the gospel. If the Main thing is now the minor thing, if the Melody is now the harmony, if a cause has replaced Christ – then you are an enemy of the gospel. If you think that your opinion is more urgently needed at this present hour than the word of the cross – you are an enemy of the gospel. May you repent so that your lampstand is not removed.
If you are leading or serving in a church – may Christ be seen in you and heard from you. If it’s all about masks, Christ is veiled. If it’s all about vaccinations, you are inoculating the people against Christ. People are hurting and broken and in need of the Holy Spirit’s healing ministry. If you are more passionate about masks than about Messiah, if you are more worked up about vaccines than the victory of Jesus over sin and hell and death and the grave and the devil, if you have a greater concern about government conspiracies to rob people of their freedom than the devil’s conspiracy to rob people of love, joy, peace, and salvation – what a horrible abuse of your calling!
I like watching “The Blacklist.” I would be horrified and so bummed out if I were to turn on the latest episode and Raymond Reddington (the main character) were to come on and begin to present to the viewing audience his opinion on masks and vaccines. I would scream at the TV, “Shut up! I don’t care about your views on masks and vaccines. I want to find out if you’re really N-13 and if Elizabeth will be able to finally kill you.” Pastor, do you really think the people care about your views on masks and vaccines and pandemics? Really? I would be horrified and so bummed out if I had a Sunday off and came to your church and you told me to open my Bible and then I had to listen to you throw a fit about masks and vaccines. I came to hear an eternal word; I came to hear about Jesus Christ sent from God. I came broken and in need of meeting with God. I came to hear about an enemy defeated and sin forgiven and a coming kingdom. I came to hear about heaven and hell and salvation and damnation and the fact that eternity is breaking in even as we sit in church – and then I am assaulted by your rant about masks and vaccines. What a horrible abuse of the pulpit!
If you’re preaching or leading or serving in the church of Jesus – make it about Jesus! If you wear a mask – preach Jesus. If you don’t wear a mask – preach Jesus. If you’re vaccinated – preach Jesus. If you are not vaccinated – preach Jesus. Revival will not come to America when people are converted to your political/medical opinions. Revival will come to our nation when people are won to Jesus Christ. Preach Jesus!
Be safe, stay healthy, and preach Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 13, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I saw a friend of mine today whom I haven’t seen in at least a couple of years. We attended a pastor’s prayer meeting together. I have been pastoring in Fremont for 24 years and Pastor Terry Inman of Harbor Light (Assembly of God) has been pastoring here for 27 years. After the meeting, as we were taking our leave, I said to him, “You’re still my hero.” He knew exactly what I was referring to. Let me tell you the backstory.
In 2001, one of my sons graduated from the high school associated with Harbor Light. He was angry with a couple of teachers at the school and so he and three other boys vandalized a couple of classrooms at the school. One of the boys started a fire which was quickly put out (or so they thought) and then they went out and were somehow able to buy some beer and came back to drink it at a little park area next to the church and school. To their surprise, a fire was blazing in the classrooms and the Fire Department was pulling up to extinguish the flames. The fire caused $1.8 million in damage.
It didn’t take long for the culprits to be identified and my son was arrested and carted away to Juvenile Hall. To say that we were shocked would be criminal understatement. It was a gut punch that took all the wind out of my wife and me. We were grieving for our son and embarrassed at the same time. This was the heaviest weight we had ever borne in our marriage and family. And still, 20 years later, it was the heaviest sorrow and grief we’ve ever undergone as a couple. Our son’s plans for the military branch he wanted were derailed and the serious charges he was facing threatened to take a big chunk out of his life. We were beside ourselves. Fortunately, the Lord was beside us, too.
We were informed that we were going to be sued for the $1.8 million in damages by the church/school’s insurance company. I thought, “May as well be a billion. How could we ever pay that?”Then we were told that we would be sued instead for $450,000 – one fourth of the cost, since there were four boys. I thought, “May as well be $1.8 million. How could we ever pay that?” Then I was told that we would be sued for only $25,000. I thought, “May as well be $450,000. Where am I going to come up with $25,000?”Then I was told that Pastor Terry Inman informed his insurance company in no uncertain terms that they would not sue me for a penny.
Now I don’t know if Terry received any pushback from the insurance company or his board, but I am so grateful for the mercy extended to us. Terry never once made me feel less as a father or as a pastor throughout this whole nightmare. There was never any condemnation or rebuke or shaming and never once did I feel any personal animosity or a sense of disappointment.
Pastor Terry was and is a very influential member of out Tri-City ministerial community. Never once did he badmouth me to the pastors and was always gracious to me when I was present at our gatherings. And let me hasten to add that the whole ministerial community extended grace and love to me and my family at the same time. We were covered with care and concern and I can’t help but think that they were following Pastor Terry’s lead in this.
I know that Christianity and the body of Christ have been raked over the coals ad infinitum for hypocrisy and double standards and judgementalism, but I tasted nothing but pure unmitigated mercy and grace. Pastor Terry covered me and my family and exampled mercy and grace. To me, this is Christianity at it its finest. This is what it means to be a follower of Jesus – to be a person of mercy. In the moment of my greatest sorrow and deepest vulnerability, when condemnation and censure could have easily overwhelmed me and my wife, we were covered by the grace of God incarnated in Pastor Terry. We needed rescuing, and Pastor Terry rescued us.
People in crisis don’t need your judgment or your shaming or you reminding them of their failure – they are very aware of their calamity and misfortune. We are surrounded by people in crisis who are so desperate to drink from the river of God’s grace. I look back at the time of our deepest sorrow and see the greatest demonstration of God’s grace. I look back to the wilderness of our most profound grief and see the river of mercy that was opened to us. This is why I told Terry, “You’re still my hero.” Thank you Pastor Terry! Thank you Jesus!
Be safe, stay healthy, be someone’s hero, and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 10, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
How do you spell confusion? V-A-C-C-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.
From a March 8, 2021 CDC Update: "In public spaces, fully vaccinated people should continue to follow guidance to protect themselves & others, including wearing a well-fitted mask, physical distancing (at least 6 feet), avoiding crowds, avoiding poorly ventilated spaces, covering coughs & sneezes, washing hands often, & following any applicable workplace or school guidance. Fully vaccinated people should still watch for symptoms of COVID-19, especially following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19."
Hmmm… Either the CDC has a very confused copy writer or they don’t have much confidence in the vaccinations.
Bulletin: To avoid being seen naked, please remain within the confines of your home. To prevent people seeing you naked, please make sure that your body is appropriately covered. After you are fully clothed, please remain inside your home to avoid being seen naked. You can’t be too careful!
What if a product advertised itself thusly: “If you are easily burned in the sun, use our product with SPF 50. Even after using our product with SPF 50, avoid direct sunlight to prevent sunburn.” Either this is a very confused copy writer or this company doesn’t have much confidence in their product.
Would you buy that sun screen? What would you think of the mental clarity of the person who composed that piece about not going outside even after putting on clothes? I would not buy that product and I would assume that the person who composed the piece about wearing clothes was a comedy writer for some kind of TV program.
This post isn’t pro- or anti-vaccination. This post is about cultural double standards and government overreach. We’re hearing and reading more and more about mandatory vaccinations.
- You can’t work here if you’re not vaccinated. You can’t travel to certain places if you’re not vaccinated. You can’t travel by certain conveyances if you’re not vaccinated.
- This will soon be seen on online dating profiles: I like long quiet walks and puppy dogs and vaccinated men.
Now here’s the crazy thing – those advocating for mandatory vaccinations enforced by government coercion are the same people who say, “No one can tell me what to do with my body.”
- “Government, get out of my womb! If I choose to terminate the life inside me, I will.”
- “Government, get out of my bedroom!”
- “Government, get out of my genes! If I want to identify as a woman, I will. If I want to identify as a man, I will.”
And then, in a head-spinning, vertigo inducing display of convenient double standard, these advocates of individual libertarianism turn right around and argue that the government doesn’t have to stay out of your bloodstream. Government has to stay out of a woman’s womb, out of the bedroom, and out of people’s genes – but they have a right to forcefully enter your bloodstream against your desire and against your objections and against your will. (Please give me a minute while I catch my breath and regain my balance and lose this ringing in my ears.)
Mandated vaccinations are outside the scope of the Biblical role of government –
For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Romans 13:3-4
It is not evil to be anti-vaccination and the government should not coerce conscience (that itself is evil). The government should be in the business of persuasion and not coercion. And here’s why: Medical and Scientific Expert A presents mountains of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of vaccinations. Medical and Scientific Expert B presents mountains of evidence demonstrating the dangers of vaccinations. There is nowhere near a public consensus on the necessity and efficacy of the vaccinations. As we’ve seen above – even the CDC is less than confident!
I’ve got an idea – let people decide for themselves! This isn’t a pro- or anti-vaccination post, it’s a post underscoring your individual & personal dignity which (should) protect you from government intrusion & the ethics police. It’s also a post meant to encourage you not to judge another on this matter. Get out of their bloodstream – they don’t want you there! What gives you the right & the competency to determine for others what should circulate in their veins? Do you really consider yourself to be morally or spiritually superior to the person who doesn’t see eye-to-eye with you on these things. Really? Let’s determine to be patient with one another through these difficult days. Little children: love one another.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 7, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Five verses tell the history of the world.
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:1-2
Why are the nations in an uproar And the peoples devising a vain thing?
The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers take counsel together
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us tear their fetters apart And cast away their cords from us!” Psalm 2:1-3
The first two psalms tell the story of the two paths humankind has walked down through the corridors of history. There are those who love the Word of God and those who hate the Word of God. Those who love the Word delight in it and meditate on it day and night. Those who hate the Word gather together and devise ways of undoing God’s Word. To the one who loves the Word, it is sweet as honey. To the one who hates the Word, it is oppressive as prison chains.
How do we discern the cultural, political, and philosophical eruptions taking place around us that seek to remodel our thinking and values and behavior? Very simply – do the advocates of the various cultural and political and philosophical eruptions love the Word of God or hate the Word of God? Are they seeking to conform their thinking and philosophy to the Word of God or are they seeking to undermine and cast off the Word of God? If they are seeking to undermine and cast off the Word of God, the response of the follower of Jesus is clearly spelled out. We are not to walk in their counsel nor stand in their path not sit where they sit. Pretty straight forward. Let’s apply this -
Do the advocates of abortion delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do the supporters of gun ownership delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do the promoters of Critical Race Theory delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do the activists of Cancel Culture delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do the members of Black Lives Matter delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do advocates of homosexuality and multiple genders delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do Capitalists delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do Socialists delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do advocates of Open Borders or Restricted Borders delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Do advocates of White Guilt and White Privilege delight in the Word of God or do they seek to cast it far from them?
Yes, I know – many of these things can be argued either way (depending on who’s having the conversation) and they can be nuanced in a thousand different hues. But let’s look at all this in the light of the Word of God. Isaiah cries out: “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.” Isaiah 8:20
As Psalm 1 people, we don’t take the best of the Bible and the best of Critical Race Theory and the best of Contemporary Thinking on Sexual Matters and blend them all together and come up with a Postmodern Smoothie palatable to everybody – no one would be pleased.
- “I taste too much of the prophet Isaiah in this.”
- “The White Guilt flavor is very bitter.”
- “Ah, just the right balance of cis-gender and non-binary transsexualism, but I would have liked at least a hint of Intersectionality.”
As followers of Jesus, we are not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers. We are to delight in God’s Word. Delighting in God’s Word means that we measure and assess all things according to it. If something lines up with God’s Word – submit to it! If it goes outside the line of God’s Word, don’t follow it – stay inside the lines of God’s Word. Don’t abandon your Birthright. Don’t throw away the Owner’s Manual. Don’t crumple up your Marching Orders. Don’t run after the Popular or the Sexy or the Passionate or the Intellectual. Follow hard after Jesus. Don’t be turned to the left or to the right. Or I should say, to the Left or to the Right. Our philosophy should be: To the Law and to the Testimony – if they don’t speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn.
Yes, we should read what other people write and listen to what they say. But just because the Universities and Good Morning America give them a thumbs-up doesn’t mean they have the Bible’s Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Christian, why would you follow after and give credence to one who has no light? Why would you support those who take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed to tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords?
Note how Psalm Two ends: “Now therefore, O kings, show discernment; take warning, O judges of the earth. Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalm 2:10-12
Be safe and stay healthy, show discernment and worship the Son of God – Pastor Tim
May 6, 2021
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
The Great Awokening!
“Don’t you mean ‘The Great Awakening’?” No. The Great Awokening and The Great Awakening are only one letter apart in spelling, yet they are worlds apart in substance. The Great Awakening was the forerunner of a certain kind of world and The Great Awokening is the forerunner of a much different kind of world. One resulted in the regeneration of souls, the other in the degeneration of souls. Let me explain my bold statement.
The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized and passion for religion had grown stale. The result of the Great Awakening was that multiplied thousands connected to God and churches were planted and thrived. The Great Awokening results in people disconnected to God and the withering of the churches.
What does it mean to be ‘woke’? The Urban Dictionary defines it as “being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)”. In other words, it means to be awake to sensitive social issues, such as racism. And this is a positive thing – yet at the same time it’s a negative thing in that it basically becomes the only thing. When there are a lot of things that need to be emphasized and you only focus on one thing – that one thing becomes a negative thing in that it hogs all the air time that should be given to other things, too. When one thing becomes the only thing, it becomes the downfall of itself. It’s kind of like a philosophical suicide. This is yet to be realized – but it will be.
Now, someone who is perceptive will point out that I have just commented on a flaw in how many churches have practiced their Christianity. And I would agree with them. In not being tuned in to the racial tension in our nation, some of the Church has been unable to be a healing presence. And I, along with many other pastors, have had our eyes opened – but that doesn’t mean we’re ‘woke.’ And if being ‘woke’ was only describing a growing awareness of various social inequities, I wouldn’t find much to fuss with. But ‘woke’ means much more than that. And because of this, I consider myself flowing in the stream of The Great Awakening and not The Great Awokening due to the significant differences between them. To be awake to God is one thing, whereas to be woke to social dynamics is something else altogether. (I am very aware of an infinite nuances that can be applied to the following list – but here is its raw form.)
To be awake is to be sensitive to God. To be woke is to be sensitive to social inequities and injustices (perceived or otherwise).
To be awake is to be released from guilt and shame. To be woke is to become aware of your compounded guilt and shame which you can never be rid of.
To be awake makes peace between people. To be woke builds walls between people as unremovable class and racial structures are concreted into place.
To be awake topples the offensive idols of the heart. To be woke topples the offensive statues of history.
To be awake is a preface to the Kingdom of God. To be woke is a preface to the Kingdom of Man.
To be awake reveals the glory of God. To be woke reveals the evils of men (white men).
To be awake is to declare that change is possible. To be woke is to declare the irredeemable permanence of flaws.
To be awake is to champion a Biblical lifestyle. To be woke is to champion a lifestyle not formed by Scripture.
To be awake is to know that your sins are cancelled. To be woke is to know that your sins can never be cancelled.
To be awake is to begin to have your prejudices and biases confronted and removed. To be woke is to have your prejudices and biases validated and confirmed.
To be awake is to begin to struggle against all injustice. To be woke is to establish a new injustice – hatred and cancellation of all you consider to be oppressors. This isn’t justice, this is injustice. To be woke is to serve injustice.
Grace overflows in the Great Awakening. Judgment and accusation overflow in the Great Awokening.
The Great Awakening enthroned God. The Great Awokening dethrones God. The Great Awokening is almost like a satanic revival. It is not a giant step forward for our nation – it is a horrible fall into the chains of hate and suspicion and truncated freedoms. The Great Awokening sees the Bible as the tool of the oppressors.
Don’t be naïve – two kingdoms are at war. And I don’t mean Capitalism and Socialism or Republicans and Democrats. The clashing kingdoms may have political expressions, but they are spiritual in substance and identity.
Bias against and justification of bias toward Blacks is not justice. Bias and justification of bias toward White is not justice. Bias against and justification of bias against the Police or any other institution is not justice. Listen to Amos –
But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24
Woke culture is an unjust culture in that it doesn’t embody the Biblical vision. The vision of the prophet can never be realized in a woke culture. The Great Awokening needs to give way to a New Great Awakening.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
May 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Because God is faithful, you and I can be full of faith. We have a 3-fold witness to the faithfulness of God -
- The Bible says that God is faithful.
- Israel says that God is faithful.
- The Church says that God is faithful.
Alfred Edersheim, in his magisterial “The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah,” highlights the bondages and deliverances of Israel. For centuries, Israel were hopeless bondsmen in Egypt – but with mighty signs and a parted sea God brought them out of Egypt. Later in their history, they hung up their harps and wept while in exile, having been swallowed by the colossal Babylonian Empire – but right on time, according to prophecy, they marched back to the Promised Land. Further on in their history, the Syrian Empire, led by Antiochus Epiphanes sought to forbid their religion, desecrated the temple by offering a pig on the altar, and sought to enact heathen rites. Yet far away in the mountains of Ephraim, God had raised for them a most unlikely help. After a series of brilliant victories over the flower of the Syrian army, Judas the Maccabee, God's Hammer, had purified the Temple. It was a glorious victory, yet not a permanent one.
Sometime later, the juggernaut of the Roman Empire trampled the whole world under its iron boot and Israel had to pay tribute and suffer occupation. Rome eventually destroyed Jerusalem and burnt the temple and scattered the Jews to the four winds. But whereas Rome fell; the Jews remain. More recently, the fire-breathing Third Reich tried its hand at annihilating the Jews – and we all know how that ended.
Where is the Egyptian Kingdom today? Crumbled into dust. Where is the Babylonian Empire today? Buried in the sands of Iraq. Where is the Syrian Empire today? To be read of in books. Where is the Roman Empire today? Fallen into ruin. Where is the Third Reich today? Smashed to smithereens. Where is Israel today? Prospering throughout the earth and flourishing in their ancient homeland. God is faithful!
And this shouldn’t surprise us. God told Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse." Genesis 12:3
Whatever nation has cursed Israel has felt a hammer-blow from God. In our time, whatever success Iran and its proxies may have in their murderous hatred of Israel, I know their future. Hammer-blow. Dust.
This brings us to the Church. She has faced fierce hatred and persecution down through the centuries. She remains. Jesus has said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. Jesus has said to us that He will never leave us or forsake us.
Even as Israel has had her persecutors and destroyers, so the Church of Jesus Christ. Pagan Monarchs and Secular Marxists and Religious Muslims have all sought to close the book on the Church and yet the Church flourishes. Communism is a failed theory and millions of Muslims are coming to Christ worldwide. And though there is an upswing in secularism/ paganism – I know that these, too, will end up in some historic landfill. And the Church will survive and thrive.
Though there seems to be an irrational, impenetrable, inscrutable curtain descending upon our nation and it seems as if one way of life is ending while another has already been born and is struggling out of its birth sack – I already know the outcome. No, I don’t know the details, but I know the outcome – this too shall pass. God has ever been and will always be faithful to His people and His purposes for them and His promises to them. We do not need to fear though the earth shake and the mountains fall into the sea. The Church has been there before. And we’re still here.
Some are asking the question: “Is this it? Is this when the people of God cease to be? Is this when the darkness swallows the light?”Some said this when Egypt enslaved Israel, when Babylon swallowed Israel, when Syria overran Israel, when Rome trampled Israel underfoot, when Hitler sought to incinerate an entire race. It was said when Rome murdered Christians and Communists imprisoned believers and Islam executes followers of Jesus. “Is this it? Is it over for people of faith?” Someone has said concerning attacks upon the Bible that many hammers have been worn out on the anvil of God’s Word. So with Israel and so with the Church. Many hammers have been broken in attempting to smash God’s people. God is faithful, you and I can be full of faith.
Not only are the heavens above declaring the glory of God – so is history here below! Don’t wring your hands – raise your hands in worship and praise and surrender and in expectation of God doing a wonderful thing in these last days. Look up and be encouraged. Also, look back and be reassured by the God who has promised and the God who has performed and will perform again and yet again! Can any political party stop the God who raised Jesus from the dead? Can the Supreme Court overrule the purpose of God and the power of the Holy Spirit? Can any cultural moment intimidate the God who created the heavens and the earth? I won’t answer those questions – for you already know the answer. When the smoke of history clears and the dust of time settles, we will have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken! Because God is faithful, you and I can be full of faith.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – and do not be afraid! Pastor Tim
May 4, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Hurray for the Atheist!
The following exchange took place in a 2010 interview. Marilyn Sewell had been the minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland for 17 years. Christopher Hitchens has gained notoriety for being an outspoken atheist.
MS: The religion you cite in your book is generally the fundamentalist faith of various kinds. I’m a liberal Christian, and I don’t take the Bible stories literally. I don’t believe in the doctrine of atonement (that Jesus died for our sins). Do you make any distinction between fundamentalist faith and liberal religion?
CH: I would say that if you don’t believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ and Messiah, and that he rose again from the dead and by his sacrifice our sins are forgiven, you’re really not in any meaningful sense a Christian.
MS: Let me go someplace else… Paul Tillich argues that God is “the ground of being.” It’s his response to Freud’s belief that religion is mere wish fulfillment and comes from humans’ fear of death. What do you think of Tillich’s concept of God?”
CH: I would classify that under the heading of “statements that have no meaning—at all.” Paul says, very clearly, that if it is not true that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, then Christians are of all people the most unhappy. If none of that’s true, and you seem to say it isn’t, I have no quarrel with you. You’re not going to come to my door trying convince me either. Nor are you trying to get a tax break from the government. Nor are you trying to have it taught to my children in school. If all Christians were like you I wouldn’t have to write the book.
WOW! VERY INTERESTING! Both the Heretic and the Atheist reject the atonement of Christ, the resurrection of Jesus, the authority of the Bible, etc., yet one still considers themselves a Christian! The Atheist argues that if every Christian were like the Heretic, he’d be out of a job!
The Atheist is a better theologian than the Heretic! Hitchens said it better than me: “If you don’t believe in the resurrection and the forgiveness of sin, you’re not in any meaningful sense a Christian.” Hurray for the Atheist! Both the Heretic and the Atheist are consistent in their unbelief, yet the Atheist is more consistent in his thinking and in his understanding of historic Christianity than is the Heretic. (A heretic is one who believes contrary to the fundamental tenets of a religion he/she claims to belong to.)
What’s my point? This is a time for clear thinking and confident faith. The Atheist has one dimension – clear thinking, but no confident faith. The Heretic has neither dimension – no clear thinking or confident faith. You and I are to have both dimensions – clear thinking and confident faith. We are to have a meaningful faith. We believe in the God who can forgive sins and the God who died and rose again and the God who indwells and transforms us. That’s pretty meaningful! Yet both the Atheist and the Heretic would say that we are Fanatics. So be it.
- Don’t allow postmodern doublespeak undermine your faith.
- Don’t allow heretical garblespeak talk you out of your faith.
- Don’t allow progressive culturespeak to purr its way into soul and sever the artery of your faith.
- Don’t allow pig-headed bullyspeak intimidate you out of your faith in Christ.
Our culture is in upheaval. What was morally unacceptable yesterday is acceptable today. What was morally acceptable yesterday is morally unacceptable today. So many are losing their footing – they’re losing their clear thinking and confident faith. The ground is giving way and so many aren’t sure where to stand any longer. What to do? David put it best –
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. Psalm 46:1-3
The earth is changing; the mountains are slipping into the heart of the sea; the waters are roaring and foaming; the mountains are quaking at its swelling pride. Yet God is unshakeable, immovable, and untroubled. God is our shelter and our strength. He was revealed Himself in Christ, for in Christ all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form. Christ is our shelter and our strength for it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him. Christ is unshakeable, immovable, and untroubled.
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude… Hebrews 12:28
Be safe and stay healthy, follow Jesus and think clearly and believe confidently and do not be shaken – Pastor Tim
April 28, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
Of wasps and cesspools and déjà vu…
George Orwell, the author of “1984” and “Animal Farm” wrote this in 1940: “I thought of a rather cruel trick I once played on a wasp. He was sucking jam on my plate, and I cut him in half. He paid no attention, merely went on with his meal, while a tiny stream of jam trickled out of his severed esophagus. Only when he tried to fly away did he grasp the dreadful thing that had happened to him. It is the same with modern man. The thing that has been cut away is his soul.”
I use this piece at the funerals and memorial services I conduct – it preaches. But Orwell did not write this to give pastors something to say at funerals. This was a social commentary on his times. Now, the severed wasp piece sounds like something an evangelical Christian might have said, but Orwell was nothing of the kind. He believed that religious belief needed to be abandoned in that it only served to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. He speaks of the world’s philosophies sawing off the branch we’ve been sitting on and not falling onto a bed of roses, but into a cesspool of barbed wire. He writes that in the space of ten years (1930-1940) civilization had slid back into the Stone Age. I think he was justified in thinking this. In 1940, Japan was raping China, Germany was raping Europe, and the USSR was raping herself (in preparation for raping the world). For Orwell, this was the Stone Age. Ideological Cavemen with global ambitions were on the loose. All had visions of utopia before them – but behind them ran a river of the blood of millions. Utopias always have blood in their foundations – which is why they don’t last long. When a person has been killed and silenced, their blood continues to cry out. Voices can be muted, but blood cannot be muzzled. A river of blood doesn’t make for a stable foundation. Quite the contrary.
One more Orwell quote from ‘Notes on the Way’: “There is [little] question now of averting a collectivist society. The only question is whether it is to be founded on willing cooperation or on the machine-gun.”
Remember, he wrote this over 80 years ago – in 1940. And he wasn’t predicting our times, he was commenting on his times – which could be our times. Yes, the intellectual and cultural climate was very different from today – the word ‘postmodern’ had not been coined yet. Ideas and cultures change, but men don’t. Pride, greed, visions of empire, and intolerance marked the dictators of the early to mid 20th century even as they mark the enlightened elites of today. Hirohito and Hitler and Stalin were into Cancel Culture – they would cancel their opponents with guns and gas and gulags. Hirohito and Hitler and Stalin are gone, but Cancel Culture remains. If you and I don’t buy into the Socialist (collectivist) agenda, if we don’t agree with and affirm moral perversion, we will be cancelled. No, our bodies won’t be raked by machine gun fire nor will we be incinerated or abducted in the middle of the night (yet), but contrary voices are being silenced by having accounts cancelled on various social media platforms and dissent from emerging cultural norms can be a costly affair.
We are told that if we don’t believe and affirm what the cultural elites believe and affirm, negative consequences will follow. A Curtain of Fear is descending on our nation from Key West to Kodiak and from Bangor to Baja. If millions can be coerced, millions won’t need to be murdered. If millions can be asphyxiated with fear, millions won’t need to be asphyxiated with gas. If millions can be imprisoned in their homes, millions won’t need to be shipped off to the gulags. Suburbia is the new gulag that incarcerates the body and fear is the modern gas that immobilizes the soul.
What’s my point? (I’ve been asking myself the same question!) History may be turning a corner, but it’s the same corner she turned 80 years ago! Edmund Burke said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Yogi Berra agrees: “It’s déjà vu all over again.” Indeed it is. Hitler and Stalin hated the God of the Bible and they hated the Church. The elites of today hate the God of the Bible and they hate the Church. Hitler and Stalin had to sideline the Church in order to control their nations. Hitler and Stalin and today’s cultural elites are the wasps who have been cut in half. They sucked the sweetness out of life and then tried to fly away…only at death did they realize the dreadful thing that had happened to them – their souls had been cut away.
The true Church of Jesus Christ will not be silenced, will not be severed in two, will not be smothered by a Curtain of Fear. The Lord restores my soul. The Lord takes my severed soul and cleanses it and heals it and empowers it and gives it new eyes – eyes to see the truth of God and the lies of tyrants. He gives us mouths to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ into a world ripped apart by controversy and hatred and pettiness and fear. The world has been at this historical moment before – yes the players and ideas are different, but the greed and pride and lust and intolerance are the same. Man is born with a severed soul and only Christ can save and heal and restore.
Hold your Bible ground! Don’t give in. Don’t give up. Don’t give out.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Something has always bothered me about the ministry. Sometimes I feel like I’m caught in an endless loop – doing and saying the same things over and over again. I think of scientists who make new discoveries and increase the sum total of human knowledge or of philosophers who usher us into new dimensions of thinking about “deep things” or of doctors who pioneer groundbreaking remedies and procedures that serve to battle new and rare diseases. And then there’s me – caught on the carousel of pastoral ministry, going round and round. I know – poor me.
Millions of people have been studying the Bible for over 2,000 years – brilliant men and women – some of them geniuses. What am I going to discover that they haven’t already discovered? What am I going to say that they haven’t already said? I once thought I had a significantly unique insight that I had never heard or read anywhere else. It was great. God had given this nugget to me. Then I was reading an 18th century commentary – and I found the very insight I was seeking to develop. Solomon was right, “There’s nothing new under the sun.”
But then I realized that God has not called me to increase the sum total of human knowledge or usher others into new dimensions of thinking about “deep things” or pioneer groundbreaking procedures to combat sickness and disease. God has called me to be an anchor. Yes, a lead weight (not a dead weight) – not in the sense of slowing down whatever progress is being made, but in the sense of keeping people rooted and not drifting – in the sense of keeping people anchored to God. Bad things happen when you are not anchored to God. Bad things unfold when you become unmoored from the Lord and begin to drift. Pastors are constantly bringing to bear on hearts and minds the things of God. Pastors don’t want to slow you down, nor do they want to weigh you down – they want to keep you rooted in and attached to the most significant Reality in all the universe.
We’ve all seen the space movies where one of the crew is outside the ship making repairs and something happens and they become untethered from the ship and begin to drift into space, to be swallowed by the vast darkness. Not good – yet this is happening to so many when it comes to Truth. It’s the pastors job to tackle you, lasso you, chase you down and get you tethered to and anchored in the Truth of God and to the Person of God. The pastor isn’t to keep you grounded in the past – that’s a traditionalism that resists fresh outpourings of the Spirit that God seeks to give. The pastor is to keep you anchored in Christ. A normal anchor sinks downward and finds something on the ocean floor to hook to to keep the ship from drifting. A pastoral anchor arises upward and seeks to connect with the unchanging God.
And this is where the feeling of being on a carousel comes in. The Church hasn’t devised groundbreaking ways of seeking to keep itself anchored to God. The Church hasn’t developed robust new technologies that serve to maintain people in a faithful walk with God. We have the old ways, the ancient paths, the ageless ropes that anchor us to God. And so we pastors work these ropes and constantly talk about God’s love and man’s need. We go round and round speaking about sin and grace and repentance and worship and truth and falsehood and pride and self-deception and service and stewardship. And then we say the same things (hopefully in fresh ways) again and again, over and over. All of this to keep you tethered to eternity so that you don’t drift into the vastness of sin and we never see you again in that sin has swallowed you and you are lost forever. Paul says this about the pastoral carousel: “To write the same things again is no trouble to me, and it is a safeguard for you.” Philippians 3:1
As we hear of pioneering discoveries taking us in new directions, as “deep thinkers” forge new ways of thinking about “deep stuff”, as groundbreaking medical methods help to take us into an unknown viral future, allow God to speak to you through your pastor. Feel the tug of the Anchor as you do so. As we’re forging ahead, let’s follow the counsel of the apostle Paul – “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”Colossians 3:1-2
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 20, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Dear Reluctant to Return to Church,
This is a difficult letter to write in that I run the risk of you thinking I am motivated by self-interest. After all, the more people attending church translates into larger offerings. And that’s the usual formula – yet in 2020 when church attendance plummeted due to COVID, even accounting for those online, Calvary Fremont had its best year financially. Weird – and praise the Lord! Given that reality, I should possibly encourage you to stay away from church and just send in your money! I don’t write out of self-interest nor out of anger, but out of concern.
This may be a difficult letter to read because you think I’m picking on you or coming against you in judgment. And with attention being paid to power differentials in culture, as the pastor, I am in a position to shame you and attempt to coerce you with guilt and a sense of duty. But let me assure you, this isn’t a power play. OK, with that out of the way, let’s press on.
Some of you are reluctant to return to church because you are still in the high-risk category. Either due to age or co-morbidities, you are exercising caution by remaining at home on Sundays. I get that – I really do. I would encourage you to watch the livestream of the service and continue to read your Bible and pray and serve God in those things He has given you to do.
Some of you are reluctant to return because you haven’t yet been vaccinated and want to be sure that you’re not taking undue risk. I get that and I would issue you the same exhortation as above in terms of tuning in online and Bible reading and prayer.
Some of you are reluctant to return because we require the wearing of masks. This is of concern to me in that you’ll mask up to go to stores and shops and to run errands, etc., but you won’t when it comes to attending services. You’ll mask up to go buy food to feed your body, but you won’t mask up to feed your soul. Your conscientious refusal to wear a mask doesn’t keep you from masking up for Costco and Safeway and Target, but it keeps you from church. This I don’t get.
Some of you are reluctant to return to church because you have children and that strong parental instinct to keep your children safe from all harm keeps you from attending and possibly exposing your kids to the virus. You’re waiting until vaccination reaches a saturation point and new COVID cases fall beneath a particular threshold. I get it. What I don’t get is parents who take their children to private schools and stores and parks and sporting events and entertainment venues, yet won’t attend Sunday services when they formerly did. I would ask you to examine your hearts and reasonings and motives. Both you and your children need to be among God’s people on the Lord’s Day to pray and worship and for Bible study.
Some of you are reluctant to return to church because a year without church on Sundays has turned into something of a routine habit. It’s hard to break out of old ways into new ways. You can’t think of any medical or conscientious reason not to attend, except that non-attendance has become the routine and the norm and you’re quite comfortable with the way things are. It’s not that church attendance was bothersome or annoying before, it’s just that you’ve routinized a way of life due to COVID and you’re comfortable with how life patterns have emerged and developed over the past year. I encourage you to break into the old-new habit of attending church with your family.
Some of you are reluctant to return to church because people there voted for Trump or Biden and you are deeply offended at this. Or you don’t attend because they don’t agree with your view on masks or BLM. This concerns me. I want to sternly shout out, “Grow up!” But I’m a pastor and I shouldn’t be sternly shouting, “Grow up!” So let me take off my pastor’s hat and put on the prophet’s robe and sternly shout out, “Grow up!” Sure, you can start attending another church, yet someone there voted for Trump or Biden and doesn’t agree with your take on masks and BLM – and there you are, back at square one. There isn’t a command in the Bible for everybody to agree with you, but there is a command in the Bible for you to love everyone. And love doesn’t stay at home.
My overall concern isn’t that you attend church, per se, but it’s that you are obedient to the commands of Christ. You are never the loser when you obey Jesus regardless of the price. Most of us have discovered that the cost of disobedience is far higher than the cost of obedience.
In the strong name of Jesus – Pastor Tim
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus. It would great to see you this Sunday!!
April 19, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Spoiler Alert: I’ll be discussing the final scene of Season Two, Episode Three of The Chosen. So stop reading now if you want to see it first for yourself. For all others – read on.
The scene is very simple: the disciples are sitting around a campfire arguing about petty things and who among them is the greatest and then they hear a noise behind them and turn to see a completely exhausted Jesus barely dragging Himself into camp after a full day of ministry. Jesus sort of waves at them and indicates that He is going immediately to bed. There is silence around the campfire.
This scene serves as a GIANT REBUKE to the Church – and a GIANT REBUKE to me (and probably you, too.) Jesus was so spent by His labors that He didn’t have time, energy, or interest in sitting around campfires drilling down into pettiness and trivialities. It was written of Jesus: “Zeal for Your house has consumed Me.” It is written of me: “Zeal for being right (and others knowing I am right) has consumed me.”
I wonder if Jesus is pro-churches meeting or anti-churches meeting, if He’s pro-mask or anti-mask, if He’s pro-social distancing or anti-social distancing, if He’s pro-vax or anti-vax? But I’ll never know – Jesus is doing what Jesus has always done while we sit around our theological campfires and discuss the spiritual ramifications of meeting and masking and distancing and vaxing and who’s right and who’s wrong and who’s bold and who’s fearful and who’s wise and who’s foolish. Jesus walks right by us and refuses to participate in the discussion. I do believe that He’ll minister to the leadership of each church as to what direction they need to take, but I do not believe that He’s going to point to any one church and hold them up as an example of how to get all of this right. Here’s my take -
If you mask and zeal for His house has consumed you – you’ve got it right.
If you don’t mask and zeal for His house has consumed you – you’ve got it right.
If you vaccinate and zeal for His house has consumed you – you’ve got it right.
If you don’t vaccinate and zeal for His house has consumed you – you’ve got it right.
If you get meeting and masking and distancing and vaxing right – if you get all of these things right and zeal for His house doesn’t consume you – you’ve got it wrong.
We’re all trying to take the right position on these things – and this is fine. But we can get so offended and bent out-of-shape when others don’t see it as we do and we can think they’re either fearful or foolish or faithless. We sit around our campfires and continue to move peripheral issues to the center and major on minors. We drill down into the pettiness of these things and seek to establish our view and our preference as the greatest – and Jesus just walks on by. And we thought that if He was just here, He’d be able to clear up the disagreement. Well, He just walked by and is leaving us to our pettiness and trivialities – He’s got other things to do. We want Him to come over to our campfires; He wants us to come with Him to the work. When a zeal about meeting and masks and distancing and vaxing consume you and not zeal for the house of God, no matter how right you are, you are wrong. When a zeal to be right eclipses a zeal for God’s house, you’re missing it. We’re called to follow Jesus – which means we have to get up from the campfire.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 13, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
King Saul put a hit out on David. Why? David was a threat to his kingdom. The people preferred a Champion with steel in his bones to a mediocre King with Jell-O for a spine. No, the people hadn’t risen up to make David king nor had David incited the people to rise up – but this is what Saul feared. So King Saul sent men to watch David’s house so they could kill him at the first opportunity.
David writes of this in Psalm 59: “Fierce men launch an attack against me. They return at evening and howl like a dog. Because of his strength I will watch for you.”
There are strong forces intent on killing David and because they are intimidating, David is looking to the Lord.
Later in the Psalm, David writes: They return at evening, they howl like a dog. But as for me, I shall sing of You strength.
When the enemy attacked David, David was alarmed – he was forced to watch for the Lord. When the enemy returned, David had connected with God in a very powerful way – so much so that he sings of the strength of the Lord. Between the first and second assaults of his enemies, David connected with God and God filled him with strength. And when the Lord filled David’s soul with strength, his mouth was also filled with song and praise.
The plan of King Saul backfired – instead of killing David, what he did strengthened and helped David. The plans of the enemy so often backfire. Instead of weakening us, the trials and tribulations and troubles of our lives result in strengthening and helping us. As a result of King Saul’s persecution, David became stronger. As a result of the assault of the devil on you and all the other stuff that life throws at you, you can become stronger in the things of God. What was meant to tear you down, builds you up. What the enemy intended for evil, God intends for good.
I don’t think the devil sent COVID, but it has fiercely assaulted us. It keeps returning and howling like a dog. May you watch for the Lord and may you find His strength and may His song fill your heart and His praise fill your mouth. Like David, may the enemy of your soul find you singing of the greatness and goodness of the Lord.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 12, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
What’s better – to believe in God or to believe in man?
I can’t remember the name of the movie, but it was set in WW2 and German soldiers were quite brutally loading Jewish men, women, and children into boxcars headed for the ovens of a concentration camp. It was a desperate scene. They had no pity for young or old, infirm or healthy – all were treated like cattle. And this was after years of anti-Semitic discrimination, cruelty, exclusionary policies, and open persecution. Conditions for the Jews had gone downhill from tolerable to inconvenient to unkind to unlawful to outright criminally immoral. As they were being loaded into the boxcars, a young Jewish man turned to an old bearded rabbi and asked, “How can you believe in God any more?” The rabbi simply responded, “How can you believe in man any more?” Which, logically, leads us to “The Lord of the Rings.”
At the end of “The Return of the King,” Gandalf the Wizard says: “The Third Age of the world is ended, and the new age is begun…For the time comes of the Dominion of Men, and the Elder Kindred shall fade or depart.”
From Gandalf’s point of view, the Third Age of the world was inhabited by elves and dwarves and trolls and fairies and wizards (of both the good and evil variety) and quite a few other enchanted beings. But the Age of Enchantment is coming to a close and the time for the Dominion of Man has come. Which, logically, leads us to the International Geological Congress.
Some scientists think Gandalf got it right. Headline: Scientists declare Earth has entered the 'Age of Man.’ An influential scientific panel voted in 2016 at the International Geological Congress in Cape Town to recognize the start of the Anthropocene Epoch. Humans have ushered in a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene – the term means 'Age of Man' and its origin will be back-dated to the middle of the 20th-century to mark when humans started irrevocably damaging the planet. Many experts agree the Anthropocene has begun, but how to classify the origin of this geological epoch is hotly debated. Did it begin with the explosion of the first hydrogen bomb or with the explosion of chicken farming?
Both Fantasy and Reality declare that the Age of Man has come. The Age of Man heralded by Gandalf is an age of peace whereas the Age of Man announced by the International Geological Congress is an age of deterioration, decay, and destruction. Both the Wizard and the Wise agree that this is the Age of Man, but they disagree on the nature of the age – peace or putrefaction, regeneration or degeneration, things will get better or things will get worse? The Bible sides with the Geological Congress, indicating that things will proceed from bad to worse in that man is motivated by selfishness, greed, and a drive to dominate others. But this view of man’s nature has been severely challenged by the intellectual elite. Emerging from the 19th century, both philosopher and theologian declared that every day in every way man is getting better and better. This was said on the eve of the bloodiest century in world history – the 20th. Man, in his selfishness and greed, slaughtered untold millions in the 20th century in his mad quest to dominate the world. Man may have begun to irrevocably damage the planet in the mid-20th century, but man has always sought to irrevocably damage other men on their march to some sort of Empire or Utopia or Paradise. All the Empires of Man have imploded and the all the Utopias have withered into Dystopias and all the Paradises have become overgrown with the weeds of of unrealistic promise. And yet, despite the testimony of all history, and more specifically, recent history – despite the rivers of blood and seas choked with corpses and and the oceans of collapsed civilizations – we are assured of man’s basic goodness.
Agreeing with the Wizard and the Scientists, the philosophical and intellectual elite of the West also say that the Age of Man has come and are confident that it will be a time of peace like never before. The Age of Faith has given way to the Age of Reason. We no longer believe in the oppressive God of Religion – we believe in the enlightened Man of Reason. Man’s kinder and gentler and wiser nature will rule the day. We’ve learned the lessons of the past and will avoid the blunders of history. There will be peace in our time. But, of course, it will be a peace that comes at the expense of censoring and silencing and cancelling and oppressing those who disagree with their vision of what America should look like. Free speech will be (and is being) suspended. Freedom of association will be (and is being) suspended. It’s a peace for the conformers and discrimination and marginalization and demonization and incarceration for the non-conformists. Hmmm – sounds like every other period of human history. It’s not a new song – it’s the same song, 98th verse. It’s the Domination Hymn and it has as many verses as there are megalomaniacs in the world.
At one point in “The Lord of the Rings,” a butt-ugly Orc says, “The Age of Man is over. The time for the Orc has come.” I might be tempted to say, “The Age of Faith is over. The Age of the Orc has come.” Except that the age of the Orcman has been active since the Fall of Man. It’s the one historical constant. Man in his selfishness and greed will seek to dominate other men and bring them to see the superiority of how they see the world. I think the question of the young Jewish man to the old bearded rabbi was a fair one, “How can you believe in God anymore?” I think the rabbi’s response to be more than adequate response, “How can you believe in man anymore?” Of the two, I still believe in God.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 8, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Accept no substitutes.
When I was a teenager, I liked to make chocolate chip cookies. The recipe called for a teaspoon of vanilla extract, but we didn’t have any. Fortunately, we had some lemon extract, and I thought, “What could go wrong?” I think you can finish the story. It all ended up in the trash can!
America has been transitioning from a Judeo-Christian ethic to a purely humanistic ethic for some time now. Our nation hasn’t abandoned morality, we’ve only rebranded it. We couldn’t live with the knowledge that we are an immoral people, and so the New Morality is just that – a morality – but a notably different morality. We haven’t abandoned morality, we’ve only refined it for a new millennia. Yet I think what’s been substituted is like lemon extract.
To offset the immoral pursuit of abortion – of the lowering of man to but only an evolved animal absent of purpose and meaning and inherent morality – our culture has created a substitute morality. To quiet the rebellion of conscience against the enormous hideous evil of abortion – the violent, elective termination of a very human life – many advocate for the ethical treatment of chickens and pigs and dogs. They consider themselves noble, they congratulate themselves for the purity of their moral vision when they purchase cage free eggs and fair-trade coffee, while at the same time advocating for the destruction of human life in the womb. Saving whales has a higher moral imperative than saving human life. And to offset the damage this does to conscience, America has ethicized its objects of consumption.
In “Adam and Eve After the Pill”, Mary Eberstadt writes of Betty and her granddaughter Jennifer. Betty considers sex outside of marriage to be immoral, but has no qualms of conscience in eating meat. Fast-forward 40 years to her granddaughter Jennifer who has no qualms about sex outside of marriage, but consults her conscience in her choice of food. For Betty, sex outside marriage is a matter of morality, but food choices are a matter of preference. For Jennifer, sex outside marriage is a matter of preference, but food choices are a matter of morality. There has been a shift in the moral fabric of American life.
To offset the intellectual and moral and cultural pushback to unconstrained sexual behavior and unscientific gender bending, we champion the homeless and the marginalized and the victimized. As many chain themselves to destructive pursuits they seek to unchain the impoverished and the uneducated and the unfortunate.
The follower of Jesus is to uphold the value of all human life AND engage in and advocate for the ethical treatment of animals. The follower of Jesus is to walk in sexual sanity AND be compassionate and generous toward the poor. The evangelical Christian community has not been as energetic in their advocacy of the ethical treatment of animals and compassion toward the poor as the Scriptures warrant. Yet these are clearly taught in the Bible.
A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, but even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.Proverbs 12:10
For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.' Deuteronomy 15:11
And for neglecting these things we should accept the rebuke of the world and seek to amend our ways. In one way, we have been as selective in our morality as those I am criticizing in this article. Yet there is a difference between a neglected morality and a rejected morality. Those who have rejected selected portions of the Judeo-Christian ethic do not consider themselves immoral, but have embraced a partial morality and have elevated and enlarged the partial to make up for those portions of the Judeo-Christian ethic they have rejected.
Maybe a better illustration in understanding the changing moral landscape of Western Culture wouldn’t be the substitution of lemon extract for vanilla extract, but the omission of any kind of extract at all. I’m putting together the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies and since I don’t have any vanilla extract, I leave it out – I don’t substitute anything for it. After all, I’ve included the flour, eggs, butter, salt, and the chocolate chips. What could go wrong? You’ll find out when you go to eat it. What could go wrong in removing sexual sanity and respect for all of human life – born and unborn? We’re tasting it now.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Christians have been bullied by some atheist scientists for a long time.
Scientist: “You Christians are so naïve to believe in the resurrection of Jesus. It’s impossible for the dead to return to life. There is no scientific proof for it. That takes more faith than I possess.”
Christian: “You scientists are so naïve to believe that something came from nothing, or that order came from chaos, or that life came from non-life. That’s impossible. There is no scientific proof for these claims. To believe these things requires more faith than I possess.”
Scientist: “These things happened, therefore they’re possible.”
Christian: “The resurrection of Jesus happened, therefore it’s possible.”
Scientist: “Did you see Jesus rise from dead? Where’s your evidence?”
Christian: “Did you see something come from nothing? Did you witness order emerge from chaos? Did you observe life come from non-life? Where’s your evidence?”
Scientist: “All things come from nothing.”
Christian: “All thing comes from God.”
It takes as much faith to be an atheist scientist as it does to be a Christian. This isn’t to imply that both the atheist scientist and the Christian have no real evidence for the claims they make and both are just blind leaps of faith. Christianity is to be measured using the laws of history, whereas scientific claims are measured by different criteria. The resurrection of Jesus is a historical claim, not a scientific one. That water boils at 100 degrees Celsius is a scientific claim, not a historical one. Science cannot prove or disprove the historical claim that Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. Science cannot prove or disprove the historical claim that Jesus rose from dead. Yet the atheist scientist, arguing from presupposition that there is no God and not from evidence, declares that resurrection from the dead is impossible.
It’s interesting that some scientists right now are working on their own genre of impossibility. The principle of quantum mechanics suggests that particles can exist in two separate locations at the same time. Now particles are matter, yet I’ve always thought that matter could only be in one place at one time. This is the whole premise of the alibi. If the police thought I committed a crime, but I can prove I was miles away at the time the crime occurred, I have an alibi and therefore am no longer a suspect. But in a quantum world, the alibi goes out the window. What we thought were rules constraining matter no longer apply. What we thought was impossible is possible in a quantum world. Miracles are possible in God’s world.
Some would argue that the impossible is possible when it actually happens. I agree. This is why I believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It actually happened. The impossible happened – which means it’s not impossible – at least for God.
None of this is meant to disparage scientists, much less science. Science is a noble pursuit. Yet science is not free of its creedal statements – statements of faith.
Some scientists have this creed – “I believe science will answer all of man’s questions about origins and meaning and purpose.” There is no evidence for this. This is a faith statement – it’s a statement of hope. It is very unscientific.
Some scientists have this creed – “If it’s not matter, it doesn’t matter.” There is no evidence for this. This is a faith statement. In fact, the one saying this should not be listened to for his/her thoughts are not matter – they can’t be seen or weighed or tasted or felt. Their thoughts aren’t matter, therefore they don’t matter.
Some scientists present themselves as hard-nosed materialists. And yet this is a metaphysical claim – there’s no proof that only matter exists and only matter matters. Non-matter matters, too. Meaning and purpose and morality and love aren’t matter – yet they matter – they exist. Matter without the non-matter of purpose and meaning and morality and love would be matter that didn’t matter much.
All of us – Christians and atheist scientists – inhabit the same world where matter matters and non-matter matters. They are not mutually exclusive – they don’t cancel each other out. They blend together in the wonderful symphony of life. We live in material bodies inhabited by immaterial souls waiting in hope for the full promise of eternal life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!
Be safe and stay healthy, don’t be bullied and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 3, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
I’ve never really had a problem with God – my problem has always been with me. Being raised in a conservative Christian home by two committed parents, I soaked and marinated in the Bible and church and Sunday School. The Bible and the Christian God were never foreign to me – God and the Bible and Jesus were the philosophical and spiritual air I breathed. I was raised on stories of Noah and Abraham and David and Ruth and Moses and Peter, Paul, and Mary. Serpents and burning bushes and donkeys that spoke, seas and rivers that parted, and dead people that came back to life were the staples of my imagination. All of these stories were illustrated for us kids using flannel-graph (think of a low-tech Power Point!) I was never on the outside of Christian culture and its accompanying worldview – I never saw it as foreign or exotic or problematical or narrow-minded or anti-science or bigoted or any other of the dozens of pejoratives aimed against Christianity by her multiplied critics. Christianity was, for me, the way people should believe and the way life should be lived. Yet all wasn’t as rosy as this might make it sound. There was a mighty wrestling match going on inside of me. But it is probably different than you think.
My challenge has never really been to find the sense of Christianity, but to bring to heel the nonsense within me that resists the things of God. I’ve wrestled intellectually with the problem of evil, but I’ve never wrestled with it existentially like I’ve wrestled with my own sin and weakness and pettiness. Meaning – the problem of evil never presented a threat to my faith; my fallen desires have presented a threat to my faith. I’ve never told myself that if I can’t reconcile the reality of evil with the reality of the goodness of God, I can’t believe, in good faith. That’s never been a show-stopper for me. I’ve told myself that if I can’t reconcile the two, this doesn’t mean that a good God doesn’t exist, it just means I can’t reconcile these two things. It says nothing about God, it says something about me. More than reconciling God and evil, my challenge is reconciling my will to God’s will. I’ve never struggled with God’s will – only mine. My problem isn’t that I think God’s will is demanding, my problem is that my will is too demanding. My problem isn’t God; my problem is me.
“Contradictions” in the Bible have never kept me awake at night. The contradictions of my heart have made me lose sleep. If I don’t have a response to an alleged contradiction, I know that there are people out there smarter than me who have answered this or who will answer this. When someone says that verse A says this and verse B says that and they don’t agree, I find it more problematical when the Bible says A and my heart says B. Reconciling my heart to the Bible has been a far more soul-consuming task than reconciling the Bible to itself. A heart that truly believes in God is a heart that’s committed. My problem isn’t with God, but with commitment. I don’t wrestle with God, I wrestle with surrendering to God. I’m really not wrestling with God, I’m wrestling with my own will – or my will is wrestling with me – or my desires are wrestling with me. I’ve never really had a problem with God – my problem has always been me.
So many who struggle in their faith are told that they are wrestling with God – I wonder if this is always true. We turn our struggle into an intellectual quest which may or may not yield satisfying answers. We’ve been led to believe that if we don’t receive satisfying answers, there is a warrant to withhold our commitment to Christ. The thing is, I have questions for which I don’t have satisfying answers. This doesn’t mean that there are no satisfying answers, much less does it mean that God is unworthy to be trusted – all it means is that I don’t have satisfying answers to some of my questions. Yet locating the struggle completely in the head brings us to ignore our hearts – and this is where the real struggle is taking place. It’s interesting that scientists who hold to one particular viewpoint don’t abandon the pursuit of scientific knowledge when their viewpoint is challenged and overturned. They don’t declare that science contradicts itself and can’t be trusted. They just press ahead for a coherent solution to the problem at hand. Just because they can’t get a hold on science doesn’t mean science is a foolish pursuit. In fact, it is a noble thing to forge ahead when all is gray and the shadows are deep.
This is not to imply that all who have the same background I do don’t have an existential struggle with unanswered questions which give rise to faith-choking tensions, nor is it meant to imply that those who come from a spiritually indifferent or antagonistic background do. Many raised in the church have intellectual struggles and many who come to Christ from an unchurched background don’t. I’m just telling you my story. I know there are many (possibly even you) who have had to overcome personal wounds and fight hand-to-hand combat with philosophical objections and tunnel through intellectual cave-ins before surrendering to Jesus Christ. And I respect that. But I’ve always been on the inside. I’ve never really struggled with my head – only with my heart and my will. I don’t have a problem with God – I have a problem with me. It’s possible that your real struggle isn’t with God – it’s with you.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
April 2, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
It seemed like the darkest of times – the prophetic voice had been silent for 400 years, the iron boot of the Roman Empire trampled down the known world, the shadows of Greek philosophy left the mind unenlightened, the maze of pagan superstition deadened the heart, the robes of religious ritual and legalism smothered the soul, the chains of sin and ignorance bound man in his guilt and shame – it was the darkest of times. But what we see as the darkest of times, God saw as the fullness of time. Paul the Apostle tells us that in the fullness of time God sent forth His own Son born of a woman, born under the law.
The angel Gabriel came to a young virgin living in the hill country of Judea. He greeted her and told her that she would conceive and bear a Son and that she was to name Him Jesus. He would save His people from their sins and God would give Him the throne of His father David and of His kingdom there would be no end.
Mary was astonished as these words and wondered how these things could be in that she was a virgin. Gabriel told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and that the power of the Most High would overshadow her – for nothing is impossible for God.
Her fiancé Joseph discovered that she was pregnant and considered divorcing her, but an angel told him that this was the hand of God. They married and journeyed to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. The Light of the World didn’t make His entrance as a blazing fireball from Heaven, but as a Spark – a Spark born in a stable.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:1, 14
Angels cheered and shouted “Hallelujah”; shepherds wondered and worshipped; wise men brought gifts and bowed before Him; Satan shuddered; kings quivered – and the world was changed forever.
He was revealed to Israel, but Israel rejected Him and called for His crucifixion. Angels grieved; Satan rejoiced; kings celebrated – and the world was changed forever. All knew that Christ had died. No one knew that Christ had died for our sins according to the Scriptures. This is why it’s called Good Friday.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 29, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There are three challenges facing every follower of Jesus.
Challenge #1 A Culture that is moving away from a Judeo-Christian ethic -
A Judeo-Christian ethic is one where moral values are shaped and defined by the Bible. Until about the mid-20th century, Americans (both Christians and non-Christians) largely agreed with this ethic (even if they didn’t always follow it). I don’t think that America was ever a “Christian” nation where the majority of the population were churched, much less born-again, but there was a prevailing ethic derived from Scripture where abortion, homosexuality, adultery, non-traditional marriage, pre-marital sex, living together, transgenderism, greed, pornography, relaxed drug laws, etc., were considered wrong and wrong-headed. This is no longer the case.
There has been a massive transvaluation and the prevailing Judeo-Christian ethic has been overturned. Where before it was wrong and wrong-headed to allow or pursue the list of vices in the previous paragraph, it is now wrong and wrong-headed to oppose these practices and those who pursue them. And this puts tremendous pressure on the follower of Jesus. Who wants to constantly knock heads with everyone around you? Who wants to constantly be at odds with friends and family? Who wants to be seen as an intellectual Neanderthal and an intolerant bigot? In battle, the point of a sword pressed against your throat is enough to make the toughest combatant surrender and become pliant. In the culture war, whether in the university or at work or on social media, the sustained pressure of scorn and ridicule and hatred against you can be enough to bring many to surrender to Culture and no longer resist the transvaluation of all things.
Challenge #2 A Government that is moving away from the Constitution -
Many legal scholars believe that the government’s response to the COVID crisis, whether under the Trump or Biden administrations, has violated Constitutional protections, subjecting Americans to unconstitutional Governmental overreach. Many churches have felt the heavy hand of Government as similar organizations have been treated more favorably than they have. Lawsuits have been filed specifically for the purpose of restoring Constitutional protections.
I recently read an article asserting that the Supreme Court has on its agenda a stricter interpretation of the 4th Amendment which grants the right to bear arms. I don’t know if something like this is on the docket – but it speaks to the fears of Constitutional tinkering. Here’s an excerpt from an article in the Drake Law Review V67 #4 2019
The U.S. Constitution is now 230 years old, and it is showing its age. Its text is inadequate to the needs of a large, populous twenty-first century nation. The government is carefully insulated from the democratic preferences of the population. It fails to vest the central government with the tools needed to manage and regulate a vast, complicated, and interrelated society and economy. On the other hand, it guarantees its citizens protection of only a limited set of human rights.
Both Law and Government are created by Culture and don’t create Culture. If a Culture is moving away from a Judeo-Christian ethic, so is Law and Government. This will prove be an ongoing, growing challenge for the followers of Jesus.
Challenge #3 Churches that are moving away from the Scriptures -
I addressed this in some detail a couple of weeks ago. Yes, it’s true – a growing number of churches are moving away from the understanding that the Bible is the Word of God. In their thinking, the Bible is the word of man about God. Therefore, it has no intrinsic authority – it is not binding upon the conscience today. Churches that are moving away from the Scripture will find themselves being swept up in the unyielding current of Culture and Law and Government. A church that gets caught in the current of Culture will no longer be a voice for God but a voice for that Culture. Those churches that continue to hold to and confess the authority of the Word of God will be seen as backward fundamentalists, enemies of Culture, rebellious to Government, and contemptuous of Law. (To which I say, “So what?” No, really, “So what?”) What makes Culture, Law, and Government authoritative and binding upon the conscience of the Christian?
Churches moving away from the authority of Scripture are becoming secular like the Culture and Law and Government and though they may use Biblical language, it is devoid of any significant Christian meaning.
In Ancient Athens, the orator Demosthenes attempted to rouse up the Athenians to resist the march of Philip of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great) across Greece as he defeated armies and conquered various city-states. The people of Athens were unconvinced that Philip would reach as far as them or that he meant them any harm. In one of his speeches Demosthenes cried out, “He who fashions weapons against you is already at war with you.” I think it’s safe to say that Culture and Government and Law and even some churches are on the march against the Church of Jesus. They’re certainly fashioning weapons against us. There is encouragement from Paul in this matter –
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.Ephesians 6:10-13
Be safe and stay healthy, stand firm and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 26, 2021
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
Vincent Van Gogh was a pastor. It’s true.
Van Gogh wanted to become a preacher like his father. In January of 1879, when he was 25, Vincent obtained a temporary position as a preacher, appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church Evangelism Committee. He became the pastor of a poor mining village in southwestern Belgium, in an area known as the Borinage. The miners of the Borinage lived in abject poverty, led brutally hard lives, and died far too young.
Van Gogh was given a tour of one of the mines early on and wrote about it: “I went on a very interesting excursion not long ago; the fact is, I spent 6 hours in a mine. In one of the oldest and most dangerous mines in the area no less, called Marcasse. This mine has a bad name because many die in it, whether going down or coming up, or by suffocation or gas exploding, or because of water in the ground, or because of old passageways caving in and so on. The village itself is a somber place, and at first sight everything around it has something dismal and deathly about it. The workers there are usually emaciated and pale owing to fever, who look exhausted and haggard, weather-beaten and prematurely old, the women generally sallow and withered. All around the mine are poor miners’ dwellings with a couple of dead trees, completely black from the smoke, and thorn-hedges, dung-heaps and rubbish dumps, mountains of unusable coal.”
Sounds like the land of Mordor where Sauron lurked in the Lord of the Rings. In this hellhole, Vincent visited the sick and injured and gave Bible studies to the miners. He lived above a bakery where he was warm and had three meals a day. He was living in privileged luxury compared to the miners and their families. He became convicted by this and determined to live as the people of his parish were living. He moved into what was virtually a hut and didn’t allow himself anything beyond what the poor miners had. His life of abject poverty and inadequate nourishment led to hunger and sickness. I don’t think this was due to his mental and emotional eccentricities – eccentricities which would later emerge to dominate his life – his radical identification with the people was driven by theological and spiritual conviction.
By his example of identifying with them and laboring beside them, the people of the village came to love and trust him and would gather round for Bible study and services. Once, while very sick, Van Gogh was lying on his bed in his hut and the people of the village crowded in and all around the place to be part of the service and to hear the Bible study. Some of the members of the Executive Committee of the Dutch Reformed Church showed up unannounced and were appalled to see their minister living in such squalid conditions and holding forth services in such a fashion. They said, “Vincent, you have set this work back 50 years.” And with that they dismissed him from the ministry. Dejected, Vincent sat around and begin to sketch the people and scenes around him and thought that maybe he had a talent for that sort of thing. Indeed he did. Today, all modern art is based upon him. But he was a pastor before he was a painter. And he didn’t leave the ministry because he was disillusioned and disappointed – others were disillusioned and disappointed with him.
Years later, Vincent was living in some sort of compound and he struck up a conversation with a journalist who was traveling through. The journalist mentioned that he had recently been in the Borinage on some sort of an assignment for his newspaper. Van Gogh said that he had spent a couple of years there some time ago. As they talked further, the journalist got all excited and he said, “O my – you’re the young man who was pastoring there for a while. The people of the village refer to you as ‘the second coming of Christ’”.
Amazing! Vincent Van Gogh had sought to live an incarnational life – a life that identified with the struggles and brokenness and poverty of those he ministered to. He won their love and their trust – the people saw Jesus in him – indeed, they saw him as Jesus! He toiled with them and suffered with them and cried with them and shared their brokenness. Even as Christ emptied Himself in order to walk among men, so Van Gogh emptied himself to walk with the miners of the Borinage. What the Dutch Reformed Church saw as a failure and embarrassment the people of the Borinage saw as a manifestation of Jesus Christ. Here’s a scene from the gospels -
Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Matthew 20:25-28
Jesus still shines through broken people who don’t think of rank and hierarchy and position and pecking order. Jesus shines through those who identify with the broken and suffering, the lost and the hopeless. Yes, it would be heresy, but possibly a forgivable one, if people, in considering you and your life, referred to you as the second coming of Christ.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 24, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
When trouble draws near, the Lord is near.
Those who follow after wickedness draw near… You are near, O LORD… Psalm 119:150-151
At one point, those who follow after wickedness were far from David – but now they are drawing near, they’re getting closer. Trouble is sometimes far off and sometimes it is drawing near, closing in. But what about the Lord? The Lord is always near to you – He doesn’t need to draw near. He doesn’t need to close the gap between you and Him; He doesn’t need to pick up speed in order to be at your side – He has never left you or forsaken you. Pastor Chuck Smith used to say, “No matter how far you are from God, He is only one step from you.” There’s that old quip: Wherever you go – there you are. We can also say: Wherever you go, there God is.
David gives voice to this same truth in Psalm 139 –
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me. Psalm 139:7-10
Wherever I go, there God is – and He’s always there before me. I read a book years ago entitled, “The Man Who Walked Through Time.” This man hiked the Grand Canyon from Havasupai Village and finally emerged at Mather Point. That’s about a 36 mile hike through the canyon – and this is no stroll in the park. This is treacherous, dangerous, unforgiving terrain. There was a point where he thought that he was hiking in a place no man had ever been before. He was kind of awe-struck by this thought and his achievement. Then he looked down and saw a shoeprint clearly outlined in the dirt.
There was a professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff who was obsessed with hiking the Grand Canyon every chance he could. He knew the canyon inside and out. He was familiar with the known and maintained trails, the lesser-known trails, and many that he had trailblazed himself. Our hiker looked down, saw the shoeprint, and knew immediately that it had to have been made by this university professor who was more obsessed than he was with the canyon. Our hiker didn’t become angry or resentful, he thought to himself that the professor deserved to be there first due to his devotion to the canyon. It actually comforted him to know that someone had gone before him.
God revealed Himself to the prophet Jeremiah. “Am I a God who is near,” declares the Lord, and not a God far off?” Jeremiah 23:23
Yes, He is a God who is near. God is where you are going. God is nearer than the ground you walk on, nearer than the air you breathe, nearer than the thoughts you think. The Lord is nearer than the trouble that is drawing near to you. Our problem is that we see the trouble and we don’t see the Lord. We walk by sight and not by faith. We allow the immediate to crowd out the ultimate, the natural to undermine the supernatural, the enemy to blind us to our Friend. Like the man who walked through time, we think we’re in a place that God hasn’t been and even more than that – doesn’t want to be. I can imagine the Lord putting His hands to His mouth and calling out, “You’re on your own!” I know – horrible thought. We can comfort ourselves with what David wrote – “…if I make mt bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.” Sheol was the place of the dead. Sheol was the end of the line. It doesn’t get any lower than Sheol. God. Is. There. When trouble draws near, the Lord is near.
How did you survive the disease, disruptions, and divisions of 2020? The Lord is near. Trouble draws near, but the Lord is near. God is closer than trouble. God is faster than trouble. God is stronger than trouble. I used to say on Sunday mornings, “Leave you cares and worries at the door and let’s worship Jesus and draw near to Him.” And then I thought to myself that this is a rather silly exhortation. If you leave all your troubles and cares and worries at the door when you come into service, they’ll just jump back on you when you leave service. You’ll leave no different than how you came – weighed down with all your baggage. Now I encourage the people not to leave their troubles and worries and cares at the door, but to bring them in with them, into the presence of Jesus and call upon the God who is near. When trouble draws near, the Lord is near.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Is hoarding toilet paper a sin? A theological inquiry…
There’s a TV show called “Hoarders” where emotionally unhealthy, and possibly even mentally unbalanced people hang on to every scrap of material object their hands have ever touched. Their homes are choked with useless and unnecessary items that are in various states of disrepair and decrepitude. It sure seems like those who do this are a bit off center. Yet what about those who hoard toilet paper – are they emotionally unhealthy, even possibly mentally unbalanced? Maybe, but toilet paper is neither useless or unnecessary. (For a few weeks in 2020 it was worth its weight in gold!) Yet when the word ‘hoarding’ is used in the same sentence with toilet paper, the negative connotations of hoarding overshadow the positive aspects of toilet paper, forcing us (against our will and better judgment) to reluctantly admit that hoarding toilet paper is an improper thing to do – maybe even the behavior of an emotionally unhealthy, mentally unbalanced person. I began carrying the business cards of area psychiatrists so that I could given them to people in whose carts were piled two or more packages of toilet paper. I would hand it to them and lean-in and whisper, “You are so broken, get some help.”
Another word for hoarding, and one less dishonorable, is stockpiling. Let’s use this word and dispense with the negative baggage attached to hoarding. Indeed, if you tuned into a TV program titled ‘Stockpilers’, you would probably expect to see pantry shelves filled to overflowing with tidy rows of canned peaches and baked beans and various soups – and not the random piles of useless junk often seen in the homes of hoarders. So, is it a sin to stockpile toilet paper?
One aspect of sin is a lack of faith - is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of faith? Ask yourself this - is common sense and practicality a lack of faith? Is preparing for a time of scarcity an absence of faith? Listen to Solomon:
“Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise, which, having no chief, officer or ruler, prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.” Proverbs 6:6-8
But then someone may counter with, ‘’It would be better to listen to Jesus –‘
"But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:30-34
Will Jesus take care your toilet paper needs? During the darkest moments of the pandemic when not one square of toilet paper could be found on any shelf in any store in any of the nine Bay Area counties, I never received one panicked call from anyone asking me to pray for them because they were out of toilet paper and didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Not one agonized father phoned me, saying in an anguished voice, “But what am I going to tell the children?”
Another aspect of sin is surrender to fear. Is stockpiling driven by fear? I know that if I feared I would run out of toilet paper, I’d stockpile it. Fear can motivate people to do wise things. If you fear that the pain in your head is more than a headache, it’s wise to go the doctor. If you fear that your child is visiting some dodgy websites, it’s wise to search his or her online history. If you fear you have COVID, it’s wise to get tested. Not all fear is sin – some fears are valid. Is fear that you will run out of toilet paper a valid fear? Search your deepest heart and answer truthfully.
So, is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of faith? Maybe – but not necessarily. Is stockpiling toilet paper driven by fear? Maybe – but I’m not convinced that this is sin in itself. Yet the most important question remains to be asked: is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of love? If I have more than I need and you have nothing, if my stockpiling deprives you of what you need, is this a lack of love? Why do people snatch up as much toilet paper as they can when there is news of a shortage? Precisely because you’ll snatch it up first if you can and therefore deprive them of one of life’s necessities. This is where, I think, fear becomes sin that leads to a lovelessness that justifies stockpiling at the expense of others.
I walked into one store some time ago to buy toilet paper and saw a man emerge from an aisle with two packages in his cart. I thought, “Praise the Lord, I’ve crossed the Jordan and made it to the Promise Land.” But I quickly realized that he had taken the last two packages. I wanted to chase him down and lay hands upon him quickly and repeatedly. I felt like he had defrauded me, sinned against me. “What about my needs?” I cried in a loud voice as I fell to my knees in the middle of the aisle and drew unwanted attention. Very soon after this, stores began to assign armed personnel to make sure customers only put one package in their carts. Some stores even placed German Shepherd sniffer dogs at the exits trained to smell out two or more packages of the stuff. The stores saw the damage visited upon the human psyche when there was no toilet paper to be found. Glassy-eyed men and women desperately wandered up and down one aisle after another in search of even one scrap of paper. America has been traumatized by more than just COVID. Even something as mundane and inconsequential as toilet paper became a national symbol of all that went haywire in 2020.
So, is it sin to stockpile toilet paper? Is it driven by a lack of faith or by the presence of fear or by a selfish callousness? I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. What do you think? What’s your theology of stockpiling toilet paper?
Be safe and stay healthy and walk in love and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 22, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Is hoarding toilet paper a sin? A theological inquiry…
There’s a TV show called “Hoarders” where emotionally unhealthy, and possibly even mentally unbalanced people hang on to every scrap of material object their hands have ever touched. Their homes are choked with useless and unnecessary items that are in various states of disrepair and decrepitude. It sure seems like those who do this are a bit off center. Yet what about those who hoard toilet paper – are they emotionally unhealthy, even possibly mentally unbalanced? Maybe, but toilet paper is neither useless or unnecessary. (For a few weeks in 2020 it was worth its weight in gold!) Yet when the word ‘hoarding’ is used in the same sentence with toilet paper, the negative connotations of hoarding overshadow the positive aspects of toilet paper, forcing us (against our will and better judgment) to reluctantly admit that hoarding toilet paper is an improper thing to do – maybe even the behavior of an emotionally unhealthy, mentally unbalanced person. I began carrying the business cards of area psychiatrists so that I could given them to people in whose carts were piled two or more packages of toilet paper. I would hand it to them and lean-in and whisper, “You are so broken, get some help.”
Another word for hoarding, and one less dishonorable, is stockpiling. Let’s use this word and dispense with the negative baggage attached to hoarding. Indeed, if you tuned into a TV program titled ‘Stockpilers’, you would probably expect to see pantry shelves filled to overflowing with tidy rows of canned peaches and baked beans and various soups – and not the random piles of useless junk often seen in the homes of hoarders. So, is it a sin to stockpile toilet paper?
One aspect of sin is a lack of faith - is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of faith? Ask yourself this - is common sense and practicality a lack of faith? Is preparing for a time of scarcity an absence of faith? Listen to Solomon:
“Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise, which, having no chief, officer or ruler, prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.” Proverbs 6:6-8
But then someone may counter with, ‘’It would be better to listen to Jesus –‘
"But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:30-34
Will Jesus take care your toilet paper needs? During the darkest moments of the pandemic when not one square of toilet paper could be found on any shelf in any store in any of the nine Bay Area counties, I never received one panicked call from anyone asking me to pray for them because they were out of toilet paper and didn’t know what to do or where to turn. Not one agonized father phoned me, saying in an anguished voice, “But what am I going to tell the children?”
Another aspect of sin is surrender to fear. Is stockpiling driven by fear? I know that if I feared I would run out of toilet paper, I’d stockpile it. Fear can motivate people to do wise things. If you fear that the pain in your head is more than a headache, it’s wise to go the doctor. If you fear that your child is visiting some dodgy websites, it’s wise to search his or her online history. If you fear you have COVID, it’s wise to get tested. Not all fear is sin – some fears are valid. Is fear that you will run out of toilet paper a valid fear? Search your deepest heart and answer truthfully.
So, is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of faith? Maybe – but not necessarily. Is stockpiling toilet paper driven by fear? Maybe – but I’m not convinced that this is sin in itself. Yet the most important question remains to be asked: is stockpiling toilet paper a lack of love? If I have more than I need and you have nothing, if my stockpiling deprives you of what you need, is this a lack of love? Why do people snatch up as much toilet paper as they can when there is news of a shortage? Precisely because you’ll snatch it up first if you can and therefore deprive them of one of life’s necessities. This is where, I think, fear becomes sin that leads to a lovelessness that justifies stockpiling at the expense of others.
I walked into one store some time ago to buy toilet paper and saw a man emerge from an aisle with two packages in his cart. I thought, “Praise the Lord, I’ve crossed the Jordan and made it to the Promise Land.” But I quickly realized that he had taken the last two packages. I wanted to chase him down and lay hands upon him quickly and repeatedly. I felt like he had defrauded me, sinned against me. “What about my needs?” I cried in a loud voice as I fell to my knees in the middle of the aisle and drew unwanted attention. Very soon after this, stores began to assign armed personnel to make sure customers only put one package in their carts. Some stores even placed German Shepherd sniffer dogs at the exits trained to smell out two or more packages of the stuff. The stores saw the damage visited upon the human psyche when there was no toilet paper to be found. Glassy-eyed men and women desperately wandered up and down one aisle after another in search of even one scrap of paper. America has been traumatized by more than just COVID. Even something as mundane and inconsequential as toilet paper became a national symbol of all that went haywire in 2020.
So, is it sin to stockpile toilet paper? Is it driven by a lack of faith or by the presence of fear or by a selfish callousness? I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. What do you think? What’s your theology of stockpiling toilet paper?
Be safe and stay healthy and walk in love and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 16, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“Let’s get rid of the Bible.” This idea has been around for a long time – at least for 3,000 years. David write:
Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!" Psalm 2:1-3
There’s a price to pay for getting rid of the Bible and casting away its cords.
GK Chesterton quote: “If men will not be governed by the Ten Commandments, they shall be governed by the ten thousand commandments”
My wife and I have only one rule in our marriage: love one another. That’s it. (Except that it’s my job to empty the ice cube trays – it hurts her hands.) OK – that’s really it. We don’t have a rule that says I have to stay away from other women and that she has to stay away from other men. We don’t have a rule for that because love makes it a given. We don’t have a rule that says we don’t hide money from each other so we can selfishly spend it on ourselves. We don’t have a rule for that because love makes it a given. We only need the one rule, love – for love stays away from other women and men and love doesn’t hide money. Love is the fulfillment of the law for love is the embodiment of the law. Love doesn’t eliminate law – it follows it and fulfills it. Obeying the Bible will lead you into love.
When you get rid of the Bible, as Chesterton writes, you don’t eliminate commandments – you multiply them. When God doesn’t define reality and when God isn’t the standard for sin, six billion people make up their own rules about right and wrong and good and evil – or one globe encompassing government will.
When you get rid of the Bible, you don’t get rid of judgment – you give birth to Cancel Culture. When you get rid of the Bible you don’t eliminate a standard – you substitute another standard whereby you judge others.
When you get rid of the Bible, you don’t eliminate the oppressive notion of sin – you multiply individual sensitivities that are far more oppressive. When you get rid of the Bible you don’t eliminate judgment – you multiply offenses.
People who condemn God for being judgmental of sin, for imposing His view of right and wrong and good and evil immediately turn right around and impose their version of right and wrong and good and evil and judge others for not conforming to it. God is oppressive; they are enlightened. The Bible is the past; they are the future. God is unloving in His judgment; their judgment is full of woke enlightenment motivated by a real desire for a global kumbaya. When you get rid of the Bible you don’t eliminate oppression – you multiply it. Subtraction is actually multiplication – that’s moral math.
Listen to David Berlinski writing in “The Devil’s Delusion” –
“Nobel Prize recipient Steven Weinberg said: ‘Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things, But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.’ No one of his hearers asked the question: Just who imposed on the suffering human race poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for Zyklon B, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental ballistic missiles, military space platforms, and nuclear weapons? Hint: it wasn’t the Vatican.”
“What Hitler did not believe and what Stalin did not believe and what Mao did not believe and what the SS did not believe and what the Gestapo did not believe and what the NKVD did not believe and what the commissars, functionaries, swaggering executioners, Nazi doctors, Communist Party theoreticians, intellectuals, Brown Shirts, Black Shirts, gauleiters, and a thousand party hacks did not believe was that God was watching what they were doing. This is the meaning of a secular society – God is not watching.”
When you get rid of the Bible you get Hitler and Stalin and Mao and the SS and the Gestapo who all believed that God was not watching. Germany, Russia, and China got rid of the Bible and in their place didn’t create a just society – just the opposite – they got oppression and judgment and poverty and millions murdered as they imposed their version of right and wrong and good and evil.
“Let’s get rid of the Bible.” Let’s not.
Be safe and stay healthy and read your Bible and pray every day and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Forgive and forget – psychologically impossible (the forget part), yet emotionally healthy (the forgive part).
2020 probably wracked up more personal offenses in America, per capita, than any other year in our history. (And that’s not just a preacher’s use of hyperbole.) More people got more offended at more people over more things than ever in our 245 years of being a nation. 2020 was the year of the perfect storm – the medical pandemic caused by COVID collided with the social pandemonium precipitated by the death of George Floyd which was then slammed into by the political polarization between Democrat and Republican in an election year. These were driven by the hurricane force winds of social media and a 24 hour news cycle which churned into every hamlet and home in America, whipping up a frenzy of offsetting opinions, leaving behind the scum of offense across our land. The resulting tensions fractured friendships, ruptured families, divided churches, and traumatized a nation. Not since the Civil War can we truly be called the Divided States of America. We need unity and civil discourse and there can be no unity or civil discourse without forgiveness.
The word ‘forgive’ in the Greek literally means ‘to let go.’ Forgiveness means that I am holding something against you and I let it go – it’s no longer something my soul is hanging onto. Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it holds great promise in enlarging the future. When I forgive you, it doesn’t mean that you are right and I am wrong (far from it) – or vice-versa if you forgive me. It doesn’t mean that I’ve changed my mind and now think that you held the right opinion and I am coming over to your position. Forgiveness means I’ve changed my heart toward you.
Forgiveness has to do with letting go of judgment against one another. And judgment is due to some sin or offense that has taken place. One of the difficulties in talking about sin is that what the Bible declares to be sin has gone through a major remodeling job of late. People who used to think that sex was for marriage only and would eat red meat, now regularly have sex outside of marriage and for conscience’s sake won’t eat red meat. Sex outside of marriage is no longer a sin, but eating a hamburger is. Those who will terminate a baby’s life in the womb without compunction will scream in your face and charge you with great moral offense if you kill a whale. To get rid of the Bible is not to get rid of the category of sin. In the Bible, one person, God, defines what sin is. Without the Bible, six billion people define what sin is. To get rid of the Bible doesn’t remove sin – it multiplies it! If you think that life with the Bible is unbearable, just wait until we get rid of the Bible. Oh, we don’t have to wait! With the Bible, we only feared God’s judgment. Without the Bible, we have to fear the judgment of six billion people.
- We are offended by those who are pro-Trump and those who are pro-Biden.
- We are offended by those who say we should wear masks and those who say we shouldn’t.
- We are offended by those who say that if you’re white, you’re a racist and offended by those who don’t agree with that.
- We are offended by those who want to make reparation payments to the children of slaves and offended by those who don’t.
- We are offended by those who say Black Lives Matter and those who say All Lives Matter.
- We are offended by those who want to change the names of public schools and offended by those who don’t.
- We are offended by those who find one failing in the life of an individual and launch Cancel Culture upon them and we are offended by those who aren’t offended by these things.
- We are offended by males insisting they are male and females insisting they are female.
If I’m offended at you, it’s more than just the fact that you may have hurt my feelings or wounded my pride – that happens all the time. To be offended is to experience bitter resentment toward another. If my feelings are hurt or my pride is wounded – I’m the one who is suffering. If I’m offended – I want you to suffer. I hold judgment against you and you need to pay. Get rid of the Bible and you don’t do away with judgment – you get Cancel Culture. Forgiveness has to do with letting go of judgment against one another. When forgiveness isn’t offered, judgment is inevitable. Someone has said that unforgiveness is when you drink poison and wait for the other person to die.
Stop dying and forgive those who have sinned against you, those who have offended you. It may very well be that those who have offended you haven’t really sinned against you, they’ve only given voice to a different system of values or a philosophy you differ with. The problem may not be them – it may be you! Go figure! Regardless of who has the problem, when you let go of judgment and begin to tolerate and even love those who differ with you, the problem becomes less onerous and burdensome. Without forgiveness, I only see an enemy – I don’t see someone created in the image of God. It’s easy to move in judgment against someone I don’t see made in the image of God, reflecting His handiwork. But when I see you for who you really are – I leave judgment in the hands of God. Don’t worry – if someone needs to be judged, God will do a much better job of it than you will. Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it holds great promise in enlarging the future. “Little children, love one another.” I think the apostle John would even say, “Little children, love the other.” Move from being offended into forgiveness and into freedom. Think of someone who has offended you – forgive them – let go of your judgment against them.
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 13, 2021
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
A year ago today was my first blog. On 3.13.20 some of us were in Israel as America began shutting down and church services were cancelled and businesses were closing their doors and a cold wind of anxious unknowing began to blow across the country – down from the mountains and across the plains and into cities and every home. It’s like the whole nation was shuttering their windows and locking their doors and retreating down into the storm cellar until the C19 Hurricane blew through. Who knew that its winds would be this strong and last this long. Who knew that its devastation – medical and economical and psychological and emotional and legal and political – would be so widespread and its destruction would touch every facet of life in America, indeed the whole world. Like water, finding its lowest point and rising upward, C19 has soaked into bodies and minds and homes and churches and businesses and public spaces. It was a tsunami none anticipated, its waters are only now receding, its destruction incalculable.
I bow my knees before the Father and thank Him for your preservation. I thank Him for His faithfulness. I thank Him for the covenant He has made with me (and you) in Christ to never leave or forsake us. Maybe we should all feel like Noah and his family as the ark came to rest on Mt. Ararat and that momentous day when the door of the ark was finally opened and they ventured out for the first time in about a year. They emerged without fear of being swept away in the flood. Yes, I know C19 is still stalking the land and there is still need for precaution – but I see a rainbow beginning to form.
So here we go retro. I have written 174 blogs since March 13, 2020. Here is my first blog from exactly one year ago today.
March 13, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
It’s early in the morning at Nof Ginosar on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and I can’t sleep. 😔But all is not lost. With all the corona virus anxiety and the cancelling of services to help containment it’s good to know that heaven has not been cancelled!! There’s going to be a large gathering before the throne and there will be no social distancing then. It will be all hugs and smiles then.
Also, the Christian life has not been cancelled. The love of God has not been cancelled!! We are still to walk in patience and kindness toward one another - even more so at a time such as this.
And though worship services have been cancelled, worship hasn’t been cancelled. May your heart be filled with love towards God and may your song to Him fill the air.
Likewise, Bible reading and prayer haven’t been cancelled. May the peace of Christ fill your heart and mind as you pray about everything and worry about nothing.
In the strong name of Jesus - Pastor Tim Brown
March 11, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There is nothing progressive or Christian about Progressive Christianity.
Culture says that Jesus is one among many and not One above all.
Progressive Christianity says that Jesus is one among many and not One above all.
Culture says that Jesus was nothing more than a wise teacher and a moral exemplar.
Progressive Christianity says that Jesus was nothing more than a wise teacher and a moral exemplar.
Culture says that Jesus was not God made manifest in the flesh.
Progressive Christianity says that Jesus was not God made manifest in the flesh.
Culture has no bloody cross and empty tomb.
Progressive Christianity has no bloody cross and empty tomb.
Culture says that the Bible is not the inspired word of God.
Progressive Christianity says that the Bible is not the inspired word of God.
Culture says that truth is relative and that all religions are the same.
Progressive Christianity says that truth is relative and that all religions are the same.
Culture says that life in the womb can be terminated whenever and for whatever reason.
Progressive Christianity says that life in the womb can be terminated whenever and for whatever reason.
Culture says that men can have sex with men and women can have sex with women and men can become women and women can become men, but gay can’t become straight.
Progressive Christianity says that men can have sex with men and women can have sex with women and men can become women and women can become men, but gay can’t become straight.
Culture (at least part of it) says that all Life is Sacred – Jesus isn’t Sacred, Life is Sacred.
Progressive Christianity says that all Life is Sacred – Jesus isn’t Sacred, Life is Sacred.
Culture says that people are basically good and don’t need a Savior.
Progressive Christianity says that people are basically good and don’t need a Savior.
The Blood-Bought Church of Jesus Christ stands counter to all that Culture and Progressive Christianity claim. We say: Jesus isn’t one among many, He is One above all; Jesus was more than a wise teacher and moral exemplar, He was God in the flesh; we confess the substitutionary atonement of the cross and rejoice in the empty tomb; we believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God; we say that truth is absolute and that all religions are not the same; we hold that life in the womb is sacred and cannot be terminated whenever and for whatever reason – the life inside the womb is just that, life, and all life is Sacred; we believe that men can’t have sex with men and women can’t have sex with women and that men can’t become women and that women can’t become men and that gay can become straight; we confess that people are basically sinful and need a Savior.
Progressive Christianity is not just one more version of historic Christianity – it is the repudiation and rejection of historic Christianity. There is nothing progressive or Christian about Progressive Christianity – it is Culture baptized into religious language. It is a Cultural Christianity – except there is nothing distinctly Christian about it. Progressive Christianity is Cultural Religion, a Humanistic Spirituality – nothing more. Progressive Christianity is Christianity married to Culture. Culture is the husband and Progressive Christianity is the wife. And here the wife is submitting to her husband in everything. The Bride of Christ has become the Bride of Culture – and their offspring will not be the children of God.
Church – be aware, pray for those who identify with this movement, stand strong, and don’t be swept up in the current madness. Jude, the brother of Jesus, writes for such a time as this -
“I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” Jude 1:3-4
Be safe and stay healthy and contend for the once-for-all faith and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 10, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I have been asked a few times recently what is meant by the phrase “progressive Christianity.” The following is from a website promoting and championing progressive Christianity. This is progressive Christianity in their own words.
8 Principles of Progressive Christianity: By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean that we are Christians who…
- Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;
- Affirm that the teaching of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life and that we draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;
- Seek a community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to: conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, believers and agnostics, women and men, those of all sexual orientations and gender identities, those of all classes and abilities;
- Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;
- Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;
- Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth; and
- Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.
OK, there you have it – progressive Christianity defined and described by itself and not its detractors. It affirms homosexuality and trans-genderism and Muslims and Hindus – all lifestyle choices and all religions. It’s all good. What the Bible says about the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and creation sexuality means little or nothing to them. What to make of it?
Dr. Michael Kruger, a conservative Christian theologian, has written “What is Progressive Christianity?” The full article can be found here: Here is a synopsis of what he writes -
- Progressive Christianity Has a Low View of Christ
One of the hallmarks of progressive Christianity is the way they view Jesus. The orthodox view of Jesus, of course, is that he’s the divine Son of God and worthy of our worship and worthy of our adoration and to be praised as God. But, of course, that’s not what progressive Christians believe. They believe that Jesus isn’t so much the divine Son of God, but rather just a moral example for us to follow. Jesus is more of a big brother that sets a pattern that we walk in his footsteps. Jesus is just a picture of what we can be and what we can do and his main point is just to set an example for us. The lowering of Jesus is the first mark of progressive Christianity.
- Progressive Christianity Is Focused on Moralism, Not Salvation
The highest goal of the Christian life for progressive Christianity is that you just have to be a good person. Tightly tied to that, as I’ve already suggested, is a second mark, which is this big focus on moralism. If you don’t have any sort of sense of Jesus as someone to be worshiped, then he’s just someone to be emulated, so the highest goal of the Christian life for progressive Christianity is that you just have to be a good person, be kind to your neighbor. You’re not really left with the gospel of salvation; you’re left with a moral code, and it really reduces it to sort of this moralistic religion.
- Progressive Christianity Downplays Our Fallenness
The third mark is tightly interwoven with that, too, which is if you think you can be a good person, you must have a very low view of sin, which is another thing that progressive Christianity has. It’s this idea that people aren’t really that fallen and they’re not really that bad, there’s not really anything marring us, that we’re all good people at the core and therefore really do have an opportunity to be even better. You’ll find that in progressive Christian circles, there’s a downplaying of the word sin; there’s certainly no interest in talking about the wrath of God on sin. God is not portrayed as at all disturbed by or upset with sin. These are sort of the classic hallmarks of progressive Christianity.
Let me add a fourth observation to Dr. Kruger’s list: Progressive Christianity Demotes The Bible. The Bible is not the word of God to men – it’s the word of man about God. Progressive Christianity demotes Jesus – He’s not One above all, he’s one among many; the Bible and sin are devalued and they promote human goodness and the Sacred and the truth of all religions and texts. It feels like a hybrid of New Age religion and Old Age paganism. As Dr. Kruger comments: At the end of the day, it’s really not good news at all.
For those of us who have been around for a while – this sounds and feels like 20th-century theological liberalism dressed up for the 21st century. What is progressive about a Christianity that is moving away from Christ and the Bible? This sounds more like regressive Christianity! “So, Pastor Tim, just so I’m clear – are progressive Christians Christians?” Let me answer this way: If a Christian is someone who has repented of their sin and put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, then, NO – they are not Christians. “That’s pretty harsh.” NO – it’s pretty true. And it’s probably the best and kindest thing I can say in order to point them back to the Christ they are making progress away from.
We played a game as kids that when you tried to find something, the others would say, “Warm, warmer, or cool, getting colder.” As progressive Christians move farther and farther from Christ, they are getting “cold, colder, icy, frozen.”
Be safe and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 9, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Protestants and Catholics have had any number of theological disagreements over the last 500 years, yet there has been sustained ethical agreement throughout this same time. To state it another way – we have had, and do have, deep disagreements about how God does what He does, yet a long-lasting common confession on who God is. We disagree on how God dispenses His grace; we agree on the holiness of God. Our agreement on the holiness of God affects our thinking about ethics – what is right and wrong. We agree on issues of life and sexuality. Protestants and Catholics have shared the same thinking about abortion, homosexuality, and the many ideas that cluster around the whole area of sexuality.
The video clip embedded in this post will shock and amaze & quite possibly shame and/or anger you. It should thrill you and put a boldness in your soul to speak up and out for the things of God regardless of who is saying otherwise and regardless of the price you will pay. Start to listen at the 13:45 minute mark and listen for about eight-ten minutes. I praise God for the boldness of this Roman Catholic priest. He says what every man and woman of God should say.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 8, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Psychosis is a real thing – even in the Church. Psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. Some in the Church have lost touch with the reality of Christ.
I received a call from someone who got the church number from our website and he told me that he didn’t have the assurance of salvation and that he didn’t feel saved. I asked him if he has confessed Jesus as Lord and if believes in his heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. He affirmed he did and told me he was recently baptized at his church – but he still didn’t feel saved and was without assurance. This is spiritual psychosis – he has lost touch with the saving reality of Jesus Christ. He told me that his pastor told him that unless he had the assurance of his salvation, he wasn’t saved.
I was reluctant to do so, yet said that I was not in agreement with what his pastor told him. His salvation wasn’t dependent upon his feelings of assurance, but upon the Assurer of his salvation - Jesus. I used a couple of analogies to show him what I meant.
What if your mother called you and said that she didn’t have the assurance that she was your mother. I know, she wouldn’t do that, but humor me. Following the pastoral counsel you received, you’d have to say, “Well, if you don’t have the assurance that you’re my mom, then you’re not my mom.” Hmmm – that sounds weird. You wouldn’t do that. You would seek to assure her that she is your mom. “But I don’t feel like I’m your mom. I don’t have that assurance in my heart.” This frustrates you because you’re not sure how to relate to someone having a break with reality. (Now you know how we pastors can sometimes feel lost in what people say to us!) You let her know that she’s your mom whether she feels like it or not. You assure her that you’re assured whether she’s assured or not. Facts are stubborn things and it’s an unchangeable fact that she’s your mom.
Or maybe you find yourself on my boat and I require that you wear a life preserver. After a bit you tell me that you don’t have the assurance that your preserver will actually keep you afloat in case you wind up in the water. I assure that it’s a quality vest and it is being properly worn - there’s nothing to worry about. “But I don’t feel like it will save me.” It doesn’t matter how you feel – your feelings won’t affect the performance of the preserver. Let’s imagine the worst – the boat capsizes and we’re thrown overboard and find ourselves floating, being upheld by our life preservers. Can someone in this situation panic, though they are safely kept from drowning? Sure.
- “But I feel like I could slip below the water at any time.” Except that you’re not.
- “I don’t feel like I’m safe right now.” Except that you are.
Do people panic though they are safely protected and preserved? Yes, human nature being what it is, sometimes feelings are not persuaded by facts. Can someone who is secure in Christ feel like they are not secure? Yes. Is that an indication that they are not secure? No. It’s an indication of spiritual psychosis – a break with reality.
Honestly, dealing with a spiritual psychotic can be a wearing thing in that they locate their security in how they feel about their salvation and not in Him who has saved them. Somewhere along the line they received the message that their feelings are of greater authority than Jesus Christ. They’ve come to trust their feelings more than the promises of God. Can part of this be due to spiritual warfare – the lies of the enemy? Absolutely! Can part of this be attributed to spiritual immaturity? Sure. Can part of this be traced to bad teaching? Unfortunately, yes.
Regardless of the roots of spiritual psychosis, we always point to Jesus and the finished work of the cross and the empty tomb. Listen – your mom is still your mom even if she doesn’t think she’s your mom. That life preserver will keep you afloat even if you think it won’t keep you afloat. Jesus secures your salvation even if you don’t feel secure. Your salvation is dependent upon the finished work of Christ and your finicky feelings can’t change that. If psychosis is a break with reality, getting reconnected to the reality of Jesus will bring peace to your soul.
Good news – I received a message from the man who called me. He wrote that his soul has come into the peace of Christ because he is now leaning on Jesus and not on his feelings. Praise the Lord!
Be safe and stay healthy and keep in touch with Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Gene Veith, writing in Patheos, offers the following. James Davison Hunter is a Christian and a well-respected social scientist at the University of Virginia. He and some colleagues at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture have conducted a research project studying today’s polarized political culture. The report is, Democracy in Dark Times: The 2020 IASC Survey of American Political Culture.
Veith writes: I’d like to share a rather astounding finding from the study about the way evangelicals, who were once so prominent in American culture, are now perceived: “In any society or group, there are those who are “in” and those who are “out”— that is, inside the shared agreements of understanding and social practice, or outside them. The “cultural other” is an individual or, more than likely, an entire group, whose beliefs and practices place them outside of “normal” or “acceptable” society. Their way of thinking and of life offends the sensibilities and ideals of the dominant group, and in this sense, they are stigmatized in the extreme. As such, the “cultural other” is regarded as not just outside of the in-group, but so far outside that their very presence represents a profound ethical violation that might even be experienced as repugnant to those who are not part of it. This would now seem to be how many people outside of Evangelicalism have come to think about the modern-day Evangelical movement and those who comprise it.”
OK – so that’s the report. One of the findings of “Democracy in Dark Times” is that Evangelicals, once respected and considered ‘in’, are no longer respected and considered ‘out’, even ‘repugnant.’ I have no reason to challenge the conclusion of Hunter and his colleagues. What I would like to do is remark on the possible significance of this. My first impression is, “So what?” My “so what?” is not meant to be dismissive of this conclusion and the intellectual endeavor made to arrive at it, but is meant to be dismissive of any who would bite their nails over the reality of it. So what that the culture views you as the “cultural other”? Let me requote a sentence from the report: “Their way of thinking and of life offends the sensibilities and ideals of the dominant group, and in this sense, they are stigmatized in the extreme.”
Was Jesus considered a “cultural other?” The crucifixion should be answer enough to that.
Were the apostles considered “cultural others”? Imprisonment & persecution & execution is answer enough.
Was the early church considered “cultural others?” Exclusion & imprisonment & persecution & execution answers that.
Jesus and the apostles and the early church never held roundtables or conferences where they addressed the question: “How can we make ourselves culturally acceptable to the social elites?” Their roundtables and conferences addressed the question: “How can we make everyone else as different as we are?”
We should rejoice at the conclusion of this research project by Hunter and friends. Except that the conclusion isn’t that Evangelicals are odd-fellows because they follow Jesus. Evangelicals are out-of-step with the dominant culture because, for the most part, they voted for Trump – this is what makes them repugnant. Jesus and the apostles and the early church were marginalized because of following God. This report says that Evangelicals are being marginalized for voting for Trump. Hmmm. What to make of this? Here’s a number of random musings in no particular order…
- So what if an Evangelical saw Trump as a better choice than Biden. That’s nothing to be ashamed of or apologize for regardless of how others measure that choice.
- There is no shame in voting for Trump – for me, the shame is in the Church making Trump a Messianic figure; the shame is in reducing faith in Christ to the support of a man; the shame is in thinking the Republican party is a Christian party.
- There is no shame in voting for Trump – for me, the shame is in vilifying his opponent and any who would stand in the way of his vision for America; the shame is in equating Trump’s vision of America with God’s preference for America. In my theology, God’s preference for America leaves both Trump and Biden far behind.
- Evangelicals are being marginalized for preferring Trump’s personal immorality to Biden’s political immorality which supports the killing of infants in the womb without restriction and the removal of any and all restraints on sexual libertinism. These things give the middle finger to God and the Bible. And let me hasten to add that Trump’s personal immorality gives the finger to God and the Bible, too. For many, the election came down to the lesser of two fingers.
It seems to me, in the current social/political climate, that anybody who didn’t vote for Biden should be considered a “cultural other” – whether a conservative non-Christian Black, or an agnostic Hispanic Republican, or an atheist soccer mom for Trump. I don’t mind being considered a “cultural other”, I just want to be considered so for the right reason. And the right reason has nothing to do with politics – it has to do with an insistence upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Instead of fighting against wickedness in heavenly places, the Church is fighting against flesh and blood. Spiritual warfare has become political warfare. Some would shake their head at me and insist that political warfare is spiritual warfare – no, it’s not. Political warfare has to do with voting out the man or woman you don’t like. Spiritual warfare is casting out demons. Political warfare is fighting against flesh and blood and therefore cannot be spiritual warfare in that spiritual warfare is fighting against wickedness in heavenly places. Last I checked, neither Biden or Trump are in heavenly places. Lower places come to mind.
Be blessed and stay healthy and don’t worry how people label you and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 4, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
In the Bible, the multiplication of languages resulted in the division of the people. They scattered abroad and this subtracted from their harmony and added to their confusion. The Tower of Babel stands as a symbol for division and confusion and tribalism – all of which breed misunderstanding and hostility.
When I was studying with Wycliffe Bible Translators to be a missionary-linguist, I learned that there were 6,500 languages in the world. I discovered that there were 6,499 languages that I couldn’t speak or understand. Since then, I’ve discovered other languages that I don’t speak or understand. 2020 has seen another Tower of Babel constructed which has resulted in a multiplication of languages eventuating in the division of the people. To the existing languages of French and Swahili and Cantonese, we can add Postmodern Deconstructionism and Autonomous Individualism and Critical Race Theory and Social Justice Rhetoric (with regional dialects) and White Supremacy and QAnon and Feminism and GenderSpeak and Identity Politics and Socialism and Woke and Globalism and Intersectionality. These Babel sounds fill the airwaves and instead of people understanding one another and coming together, greater confusion and division results – all of which breeds misunderstanding and hostility.
When someone tells me that I can’t look at a baby’s genitalia and conclude that this baby is male or female – I am confused. I don’t get it. They speak a language I don’t understand.
When someone tells me that feelings and desires determine gender and that the science of DNA and chromosomes have no bearing on the matter – I am confused. I don’t get it.
When someone tells me that they can dismember a life growing in their womb and discard it into the trash can – I am confused. I don’t get it. If it’s their body – who would do that to a healthy member of their body? A growing life doesn’t have the moral equivalence of a diseased kidney. Sure, you can do what you want with your body (there are limits, of course), but the life growing inside you isn’t your body. It’s in your body, but it isn’t your body – unless, of course, you have two heads and four eyes and twenty toes. Good grief, the life growing inside you only has 50% of your DNA. No, that’s not you – it’s another. I do not understand the language of abortion.
When someone tells me that they have a more virtuous vision of what society should look like, but they need my money to fulfill their vision and then proceed to forcefully take it from me – I am confused. I don’t get it.
When someone tells me that I am a racist by virtue of my skin color – I am confused. I don’t get it. This turns on its head the most popular thing Martin Luther King Jr. said during the Civil Rights era – “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Well, don’t open your eyes now, Martin, skin color means more than character. Outward form means more than inner essence. Identity Politics is the lazy man’s politics. They speak a language I don’t understand.
When someone tells me that if I voted for Trump I am not a Christian – I am confused. I don’t get it.
When someone tells me that if I voted for Biden I am not a Christian – I am confused. I don’t get it.
As you can probably tell by now, I walk around confused most of the time!
- Men aren’t men (unless they want to be).
- Women aren’t women (unless they want to be).
- Life in the womb has no value (unless you want it to have value).
- I can take your money by force to fund my social vision (and it doesn’t matter what you want).
- Depending on who you voted for, you’re not a Christian (because I say so).
I’ve walked the streets of Russia and Nepal and Ghana and Israel and wasn’t able to understand the languages being spoken. I walked the streets of London once and was hard-pressed to understand even that! America has become like a foreign country to me – I hear so many moral/social/political languages that confuse me.
Here’s my thought, though. With the various moral/social/political languages come differing moral/social/political visions. It’s very possible that even as those at the Tower of Babel were scattered abroad due to the confusion of the multiplication of languages – so today. Even as the multiplication of languages led to the division and misunderstanding and hostility of the people – so today.
There’s a line from “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” that declares, “… above its sad and lowly plains, they bend on hovering wing, and ever o'er its Babel sounds the blessed angels sing.” Let’s you and I join the angel choir and sing of Jesus and the cross of redemption and the empty tomb. The language of Identity Politics speaks only to some. The language of White Supremacy or GenderSpeak speaks only to some. The gospel speaks to all. Let the gospel be your language in the midst of our current Babel cacophony.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
March 2, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Don’t get your hopes up!
A pastor friend on a blog we both belong to posted an article by John MacArthur entitled, “The End of Frivolous Religion?” (If you want, you can read the entire article here: Here’s his opening.
“All the trouble and inconvenience that came with 2020’s string of calamities could actually have one surprising benefit: it might deal a death blow to America’s obsession with flippant, man-centered, self-serving, and fraudulent religion. I’m thinking of trends like so-called “seeker-driven Christianity,” the irreverent brand of entertainment-as-religion that has dominated evangelical megachurches for three decades or longer. Some of the best-known seeker churches boast massive congregations, but they haven’t actually met in person for almost a full year. Their leaders say they have no plans to resume public meetings until fears about the coronavirus are gone from the talking points of secular society. That makes perfect sense — for them. They have followed and imitated the culture for so long, how could they credibly resist the current drift?”
He goes on to describe what he sees to be the weakness and Biblical compromise of much of contemporary Christianity. My pastor friend asks the question, based on MacArthur’s article: “It seems that if there has been any upside to the pandemic restrictions, it is that it has tended to separate the wheat from the chaff in the church. What do you think?”
Here’s my response to my friend’s question prompted by MacArthur’s article.
The “End of Frivolous Religion?” Maybe – if so, only for a couple of weeks! Why do I say that? The ancient world had its worldwide pandemic (the flood) and everything shut down for over a year. All the businesses failed and went under! There was the promise of real reform in the air when Noah and family emerged from the ark after a year of quarantine. Pure religion and a just society were again possible in this Great Reset. Yet we all know the story – Noah gets drunk; Noah gets naked; Noah gets exposed; Canaan gets cursed; etc. Human nature being what human nature is, there will never be an end to frivolous religion nor of folly in the Church. And though those Seeker Sensitive churches may not be meeting together physically, their virtual presence is still quite impressive. And frivolousness is frivolousness whether it’s live or live-streamed, if indeed it is frivolous. So, the end of frivolous religion? I think maybe that’s something reserved for after the rapture of the church!
Have you heard of the Great Reset initiative? It is described this way by those who are promoting it. “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.”
It continues: “As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being.” (
This is a secular, post-flood (post-COVID) vision of a just society. Is it virtuous to have such a vision? Yes. Is such a vision unrealistic? Given the course of human history, what do you think? Given the reality of human nature, what do you think? Can man build a social utopia? History is littered with the charred remains of multiple attempts at establishing utopias. Do you know what the word ‘utopia’ literally means? Utopia = ‘no place.’ Utopias are aptly named. Where is there a utopia today? Nowhere. No place.
What happens in the Great Reset initiative if you disagree with the state of global relations, or the direction of national economies, or the priorities of societies or the new social contract? That utopia will be no place for you. Like every other grand vision of a just society, grave injustices will be visited upon those who don’t fall in step behind the elites running the program. I can tell you now, the Great Reset will become the Great Regret. I guarantee it.
Will a purified church emerge post-COVID? Don’t get your hopes up.
Will a just society emerge post-COVID? Don’t get your hopes up.
Man defiles and corrupts and ruins all he touches.
The Blessed Hope of the Church has always been the return of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom of God has always been the Church’s conception of a just society.
If anyone comes to you with less than these, don’t get your hopes up because your hopes will soon be shattered.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 24, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Let me be honest with you. I’m feeling depressed. I am normally very positive and not given to mood swings – but I’m down and it feels so dark because it is so alien to my experience. Depression is not a path I walk and I am not familiar with its dips and turns. Depression isn’t something I pop in and out of on a regular basis.
I don’t know if it’s coming out of COVID with some of the lingering physical effects keeping me from feeling energetic, or if it’s due to a period of sustained isolation without any ministry outlet or real fellowship, or me feeling sorry for myself thinking that my life is of negligible influence. I was telling my wife that I have read my Bible and prayed everyday during my COVID quarantine and yet I feel distant from God. The Psalmist said, “The nearness of God is my good.” I believe this and desire to experience it again.
I’ve been living in Psalm 42 & 43 – both of which contain this:
Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why have you become disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him
For the help of His presence. Psalm 42:5; 43:5
Yes, I know – don’t doubt in the darkness what you’ve heard in the light. I’ve preached that and believe that and have full assurance that His presence is sustaining me and will continue to sustain me regardless of the funk I feel.
I hesitated to write this blog because there are some who will think I’m angling for pity and sympathy. I don’t think this is what prompted the sons of Korah to pen Psalms 42 & 43 – and it’s not my motivation. I also hesitated to write this blog because I know that I will probably receive some well-intentioned pity and sympathy – and this isn’t what I’m after.
Another reason I hesitated to write about this is because there are some who would judge me for not being spiritual enough and allowing the circumstances of life to get me down. To that I say, “Whatever.” Another reluctance I felt is that there are those who think I should keep this quiet – don’t discourage the saints with your confessions of depression.
Yet another reason to hesitate before hitting the SEND button is that there are those who regularly battle with profound and sustained depression and these will think that I am merely describing something like an emotional head cold. I can only hope that they are right.
I am writing to encourage all who are in any darkness of depression to look to God and cry out to God. James says –
Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises. James 5:13
Are you depressed? Pray and cry out to God as the sons of Korah did in Psalm 42 & 43. Don’t fake being cheerful when you are suffering with depression. Hope in God for you shall again praise Him for the help of His presence. Regardless of what you and I experience, God is God and He does not change. There is no shadow of turning with Him.
If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,"
Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You. Psalm 139:11-12
The darkness that enshrouds and threatens to overwhelm me is overwhelmed in His light and by His light. My darkness is not dark to God. I am bathed in the light of God. I may be wandering in deep shadows, but God knows exactly where I am. He has never turned from me; He has never left me; He has never put any distance between Himself and me. The Son dwells in His own and the Father dwells in His Son. The nearness of God is my good.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 16, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
Fran and I have been married about 16,240 days – that’s 44½ years. Through better and worse, poor and no so poor, in sickness and in health – the Lord has sustained us. Being cooped up in the house together for two weeks of COVID quarantine has only highlighted, in my mind, (maybe not hers!) the very real health and strength of our marriage. Through the years we’ve had the stressors of our own selfishness and immaturity, financial uncertainty, children, grandchildren, extended family, the church, and the demands of ministry to cope with – and we still love and enjoy one another! When I officiate at weddings, I pass on to the couple what has provided Fran and me stability through the decades.
After creating Adam, God said that it was not good for him to live and labor alone. You know the story – God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and God took one of his ribs and fashioned it into a woman. When Adam saw the woman, he said, “Bingo!” (Actually, God created a man and then said, “I can do better than that.” Then He created a woman!) I tell the couple getting married that God didn’t bring Eve to Adam so that she could serve Adam and wait on him hand and foot. God didn’t create her so she could cook his breakfast and find the remote when he lost it or bring him a beer as he sat in his easy chair. The reason God created Eve was so Adam could have someone to serve. Here’s my reasoning –
Adam was created in the image of God.
- God is a Spirit and Adam had a spirit – spirituality is part of what it means to be made in the image of God.
- God has emotions and Adam had emotions – an emotional capacity is part of what it means to be made in the image of God.
- God has a mind as did Adam – rationality is part of what it means to be made in the image of God.
- God is neither male nor female, yet he Has the ability to bring forth new life. Gender is part of what it means to be made in the image of God.
God is a lover and a giver. To be made in the image of God is to be created a lover and a giver. Now we know why it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone – he had no one to serve, no one to love, no one to pour into. It would only be good for Adam if there was someone he could serve and thus make manifest the image of God. All the animals were paraded before Adam to see what he would call them, but for Adam there was not a helper found. Implication – he was looking for a mate and couldn’t find one. He just couldn’t see himself being happy with an elephant or a monkey – and certainly not a musk ox!
God brings Eve to him and he cries out, “Bingo!” Finally – someone who corresponds to him in every way. Adam can relate to Eve spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically (sexually). She’s a perfect fit! All that Adam has to give, he can give to her. All that he has to pour out, he can pour into her. I tell the groom standing before me that he will not be happy and fulfilled until he is serving his bride with every capacity he has. I tell him that he won’t be fulfilled unless she comes first.
Now, here’s the thing – Eve was created in the image of God as much as Adam. “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Being created in the image of God, Eve was a lover and a giver, too. She would not be fulfilled as Adam poured into her, but only as she poured into Adam and sought to bring blessing and goodness to his life. And here is the Biblical picture of marriage – two people trying to out-love, out-serve, and out-give to one another. The Biblical picture of marriage is two people who consider the other more important than themselves and the desires of the other are more valuable than theirs. Wherever there is a divorce, one or both have stopped serving the other.
Times are tough for marriages because the tenor of times emphasizes rights over responsibilities. The philosophical season we are in says that there is nothing or no one more important than you – not your spouse, not your children, no one. The lie that is stuffed in our ears and clogs our hearts and sickens our souls and shreds our relationships insinuates that you can only be fulfilled and happy when others recognize you and serve you and pour into you. We’re told that the way to unhappiness is the servitude of allowing others to have power over you. This lie is from the pit of hell. I think that the autonomous individual is half-way to hell already. The marriage of two autonomous individuals is doomed from the start because the Biblical insistence is: the two shall become one. In too many marriages the two remain two. Too bad.
A woman went to a Christian counselor seeking advice about divorcing her husband. He could see that she was dead-set on doing this and so he offered this counsel. “Don’t divorce him right away. He’s hurt you and you want to hurt him back. Do this – for the next six months treat him like a king! Pour into his life and seek to bless him in every way you can. And then when you do divorce him six months from now, it will really hurt him.” She thought that was great advice and told him that she would do that. A year later he saw her and asked her how life was as a single woman. She said, “Are you kidding me!? I followed your advice and treated him like a king and then he started treating me like a queen and now things couldn’t be better!” The counselor went on his way rejoicing.
I’m so incredibly blessed by our 16,240 days of marriage. I’m looking forward to day 16,241.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 15, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
As most, if not all of you know, both Fran and I have tested positive for COVID. She can enter the land of the living today, whereas I have another week of home-bound isolation. We’re doing fine through all the aches and pains and fevers and chills and headaches and stuffy noses and coughs. Thank you for all the prayers and the offers of help. I am certainly aware that this can be a deadly disease, yet I’ve never been over-anxious about it, even after testing positive. I’ve so fully immersed myself in Psalm 139 in years past and have so thoroughly marinated my soul in its truth that I don’t need to get to a quiet place to rehearse its assurance in that its assurance presents itself to my soul unbidden – even as white blood cells fight viruses and bacteria without having to be consciously called into action.
You have enclosed me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot attain to it.
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.
If I take the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will lay hold of me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will overwhelm me,
And the light around me will be night,”
Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day.
Darkness and light are alike to You. Psalm 139:5-12
The night is as bright as day! God’s glory illumines all. In heaven there is no night – all is light in the Lord! I thank God for the Light that envelopes my soul and speaks peace to my mind. My desire is that you are so filled with the Word of God that its assurances and promises and encouragements send light into your soul as the sun above, running its course as a strong man, illuminates the earth. May the Word of God cover your soul to its greatest depths as the seas cover the planet like a blanket. May the Word of God mightily flow into your soul and renew it as all the rivers and streams and creeks flow into the oceans and renew them. May you be filled with His light, blanketed in His love, renewed in His grace. May the Holy Spirit reveal Christ to you in all His glory and may your soul be ravished by His love for you.
Yesterday, RB preached on 1 John 4:19, “We love, because He first loved us.” God is always first. We are comforted because He has comforted us. We are blessed because He has blessed us. We are saved because He has saved us. With or without COVID, God is God. In life and in death, Jesus is Savior.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
February 11, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
An exquisite Roman torture was to tie a corpse to a condemned man. The rotting flesh of the dead man would begin to eat away at the living flesh of the condemned man and he would die a horrific death. Here’s a description provided by Jacques Brunschwig describing the elaborate details of the punishment as used by the Etruscans (predecessors of the Romans).
A living man or woman was tied to a rotting corpse, face to face, mouth to mouth, limb to limb, with an obsessive exactitude in which each part of the body corresponded with its matching putrefying counterpart. Shackled to their rotting double, the man or woman was left to decay. To avoid the starvation of the victim, the Etruscan robbers continued to feed the victim appropriately. Only once the superficial difference between the corpse and the living body started to rot away through the agency of worms, which bridged the two bodies, establishing a differential continuity between them, did the Etruscans stop feeding the living. Once both the living and the dead had turned black through putrefaction, the Etruscans deemed it appropriate to unshackle the bodies.
I know – INSANE! Yet what an apt description of what is happening to those churches and believers who unshackle themselves from the authority of the Scripture and bind themselves to the philosophies of man. There has been a wholesale departure from Scriptural authority by the culture for well over a 100 years and many churches and believers, being convinced or intimidated by the culture, are following suit.
There has been a massive assault on the Bible’s authority in the last 140 years. Many now conclude that the Bible is not the word of God to man, it is the word of man about God. It is inspired in some spots and fallible in other spots. Pastor Adrian Rogers called this ‘leopard theology.’ Some tell you that the Bible is inspired in spots and they are qualified to spot those spots! The result is: you can’t trust the Bible. Once someone accepts this premise, he or she is ripe for the rotting corpse of culture.
“The rotting corpse of culture – that’s kind of harsh, Pastor! That sounds really judgmental!” Let me ask you this: Do you think that the dominant culture in America is the same as the culture of the Kingdom of God? Do you think that the values of most Americans are the values of God as revealed in the Scriptures? Decidedly not. In my last blog I wrote that Christians should not burn with anger when evildoers win the day – but that doesn’t mean we can’t burn with truth. I don’t want to raise my fist, but I do want to raise my voice. Here’s the truth that I want to burn into your soul - if you align with culture more than the Word of God, where culture departs from God, you will depart from God. Departing from the truth of God results in decay of the soul.
Our culture has departed from God’s Word in the area of sexuality – homosexuality, multiple genders, transgenderism – all are abominations. To embrace these evil practices is to tie yourself to the rotting corpse of culture. To give hearty approval to those who are shredding Biblical morality is to tie yourself to the rotting corpse of a Christ-rejecting culture.
Some Presbyterian, Methodist, and Episcopal denominations are being ripped apart by the affirmation of homosexuality and the hearty approval given to all manner of sexual deviancy being advanced today. Those conservative churches that are separating from the heretical, progressive churches say to them, “We are not leaving you because you affirm homosexuality. We are separating from you because you have departed from the authority of Scripture. You are apostate.” They are not burning with anger, but they are burning with the truth!
Our culture has departed from God’s Word in the area of human dignity. Hundreds of years of oppressing the black man and indigenous Americans has produced death in American culture. This last summer the bill came due for this yet again – there has been and will be a reckoning for the oppression visited by the dominant culture upon slaves and the marginalized. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows that he shall also reap. If you sow to the flesh, you shall reap corruption from the flesh. If you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life.” This is true of an individual and a nation.
Am I advocating that Christians isolate themselves from the dominant culture like the Fundamentalists of 100 years ago? Not at all. I am advocating for an engagement with culture by followers of Jesus who are burning with the truth. In 2 Kings 4, there is a 12 year old boy who has died and Elisha the prophet goes into his room and stretches himself out on the boy – mouth on mouth, eyes on eyes, hands on hands. He does this twice and the boy is restored to life. Note that the death of the boy didn’t enter Elisha, but the life of Elisha entered the boy! What a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ who became like we are in every way, except for sin. Jesus stretched Himself out on mankind who was dead in sins and trespasses and made us alive together with Him!
If you engage with culture having given up the truth of God’s Word and given in to culture’s rejection of absolute truth, culture’s death will enter you – it won’t be pretty. If you engage with culture burning with the truth of God’s word and the love of God’s Son – beautiful things will happen.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and burn with His truth – Pastor Tim
February 8, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
We in California know that brush fires can cause extensive damage – but eventually they are put out or burn out. A brush fire burns out whereas a volcano burns on deep within its cratered walls and contains the threat of the possibility of an eruption whose damage dwarfs that of a brush fire. A lot of people are angry about what they perceived to be an unrighteous election result – they fussed and fumed – but they got over it. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who hold and nurture their anger in the same way a volcano refreshes its fumes and fires and ash pits. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of Christian volcanoes. Some are smoldering and venting ash, some are in the lava dome build-up stage, while others are erupting and sending their deadly gasses out into the atmosphere. Sometimes an ‘on-fire’ Christian isn’t such a good thing. David tells us –
“Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers.” Psalm 37:1
We think of fretting as being overwhelmed with anxiety. In the Hebrew, ‘to fret’ is to burn with anger. David says, “Don’t burn with anger toward those who are getting away with breaking the law.” This is a passage that can help guide many through the muddle they feel they are in. A sizeable portion of the American populace, and many of these are Christians, believe that Biden and the Democrates stole the election from Trump and the Republicans – and they’re mad about it – in fact, many are burning with anger, while others are erupting. “How can we let such an outrage stand?” they ask.
Let’s assume, for argument’s sake, that this charge is true – that the Democrats did steal the election and that they are the evildoers and and those who carry out wicked schemes. How should the follower of Jesus respond to this? David continues -
“Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing.” Psalm 37:7-8
Three times in Psalm 37 David writes, “Do not fret” which means “do not burn with anger.” Now, if anyone could burn with anger, it would be David. If anyone had cause to get all fired up, it was him. Unjustly accused and unjustly attacked and unjustly chased and unfairly treated and unrighteously slandered and only a few feet from being murdered on more than one occasion. King Saul – demonized and deadly – set his anger upon David and tried to kill him multiple times. King Saul burned with anger and was consumed with jealousy toward David. King Saul was the volcano! I wish King Saul had read the Psalms of David! David wrote not to burn with anger nor be consumed with jealousy. He wrote this out of him own experience and his own struggle with these two very powerful influences. He concluded that to burn with anger leads only to wrongdoing. If you’re burning with anger it will drive you to become what you hate. If you burn with anger you will eventually erupt and explode – like a volcano. The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
Do not burn with anger and do not nurture the lava of righteous indignation if an election is stolen. Do not get all fired up when the righteous lose, when the oppressor wins, when the losers are oppressed. “But, Pastor Tim – that’s when we should get all fired up. I think you’re a passive, mamby-pamby, cowardly, hide-your-head-in-the-sand pastor.” OK – thanks for that. But I’m more interested in what God has to say about this. How should followers of Jesus act when those who don’t follow Jesus get away with the sin? David tells us -
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it…Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him… Psalm 37:3-5,7
You’re not the only one concerned with evildoers and wrongdoers – so is the Lord. The Lord assures David in v9 that ‘evildoers will be cut off.’ So, do we just passively wait around for God to do His thing? No – we have a participatory republic and you can petition the court for the redress of grievances, you can march and protest. You can also identify with and minister to the victims of the evildoers and the wrongdoers. The Church isn’t to be an active volcano with fiery hot lava pouring out of us and horribly burning and disfiguring all we touch. The Church is to be a River of Living Water flowing through the land bringing rest and refreshment wherever we go. People should run to the Church and not from it.
You may think it’s righteous and just and part of the uniform of a passionate prophet to burn with zeal for the Lord – and it is. Yet anger is much easier to kindle and maintain in our souls than the fire of holy zeal and so many don’t know the difference between fleshly fire and spiritual zeal. A fleshly fire is kindled because my side lost and the other side won. A spiritual zeal is kindled when God’s law is trampled and God’s glory is scorned and people are oppressed and victimized. A fleshly fire seeks to punish wrongdoers whereas a spiritual zeal seeks to cleanse wrongdoers. May you not be a volcano spewing venom and spite. May you be a Stream of Life bringing grace and mercy and the message of repentance and forgiveness to evildoers and those you think stole an election.
What is the Word of the Lord to His Bride? “Do not burn with anger. Do not burn with anger. Do not burn with anger.”
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
PS – don’t burn with anger!
February 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The new norm is abnormal.
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.” G.K. Chesterton
In 2020, a Utah Republican put forward a bill to decriminalize polygamy, receiving unanimous consent almost immediately from a key Senate committee. “Law and culture say the male-female aspect of marriage violates justice and equality.” Ryan T. Anderson, scholar and author of “What is Marriage” and “When Harry Became Sally” said, “we haven’t ‘expanded’ marriage, we’ve fundamentally redefined what it is. And those redefinitions have no principled stopping point. If the law redefines marriage to say the male-female aspect is arbitrary, what principle will be left to retain monogamy?” There is none. We now believe in anything. This certainly seems to follow Chesterton’s dictum above.
LifeSiteNews reports that the word “family” now has no readily available meaning, and as such, the goalposts are shifting accordingly. On July 1, 2020 the NY Times reported that the City Council of Somerville, Massachusetts “now grants polyamorous groups the rights held by spouses in marriage, such as the right to confer health insurance benefits or make hospital visits.” (Polyamorous: characterized by or involved in the practice of engaging in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships, with the consent of all the people involved.) This seems to follow Chesterton’s dictum above.
Not only have marriage and family become more elastic in our brave new world - notions of gender have been turned upside down and inside out – literally. Something to note about the gender revolution is how anti-science it is. And this is big because if you don’t believe in science, you’re a moron. If you don’t believe in evolution, you’re anti-science; if you deny climate change, you’re anti-science. How could someone deny evolution or climate change, the evidence is so plain that anybody can see it – at least that’s what the argument is. And I don’t want to argue with the argument, I want to point out the inconsistent application of the argument. Here’s what I mean –
Person A is born with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. According to science – that’s a male. Person A is born with male gonads (testes). According to science – that’s a male. Person A is born with external sex organs (penis). According to science – that’s a male. Here are three indisputable, iron-clad, scientific indications that Person A is a male. DNA doesn’t lie. Maleness is scientifically established; the evidence is so plain that everybody can see it – but not everybody sees it. “Not so fast,” say the advocates of the gender revolution, “we don’t follow science when it comes to this. We follow our feelings, desires, and intuitions. Maleness and femaleness is a social construct that imposes an arbitrary role upon us and oppresses us.” OK – but don’t pretend that you’re champions of evidentiary, impartial science. When science suits you, you refer to it as authoritative and cast yourself as an enlightened intellectual. When science doesn’t suit you, you dismiss it as non-authoritative and cast yourself as mythically heroic, facing down the guardians of a bygone tradition. This certainly seems to follow Chesterton’s dictum above.
When our preschool children and grandchildren took up their first crayons and opened their first coloring book, it was cute when they colored outside the lines. It’s not so cute when adults do it. Malachi rebuked Israel for turning aside from God’s statues. A statute is a boundary. Malachi rebuked Israel for coloring outside the lines. The new elastic definitions and practices of marriage, family, and gender take us far outside the lines established for them in the Bible. Our nation, our world is ripe for judgment. No, the apocalypse hasn’t come yet, but it will. Praise God for His patience and mercy.
Paul gives us a heads-up about the times we’re living in: “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5
Yes, I know, we’ve been living in the last days for 2,000 years. Throughout history people have been giving ample evidence for Chesterton’s dictum. In the last few decades the speed of moral corruption has increased and the nature of moral corruption has reached new depths. I read an article that stated humans are causing the earth to wobble on its axis more than it usually does. The release of greenhouse gasses is causing the poles to seasonally melt more than they do and that much water sloshing around on a spinning globe is causing a greater wobble. Put that into a moral framework and you can imagine the effect of so many people coloring outside the lines. Paul put it like this: “But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.” Romans 2:5 No, the apocalypse isn’t here yet – but we’re closer than we’ve ever been.
As followers of Jesus, let’s preach the gospel and seek justice and be responsible believers and citizens. Let’s also lift up our heads, because our redemption draws near.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus as you make your way through this brave, yet naïve, new world – Pastor Tim
February 4, 2021
Get rid of that belly-dancer!
I listened to a sermon where a youth pastor related going to lunch after Sunday service with some folk and a belly dancer was making her way through the tables. He wrote a letter to the restaurant owner telling him that unless he changed his form of entertainment, his church was going to shut him down! I groaned when I heard this. I think there was a better way to handle that. Remember when Peter cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest? Yeah – that was ugly. It’s always ugly when the Church takes up the sword and acts the bully!
There are a lot of Peters out there swinging swords and bloody ears are everywhere. God never called the Church to be a bully! God never called you to be a bully to those who disagree with you and take a different position. It’s always ugly when the Church seeks to punish those She perceives to be her enemies instead of praying for them and loving them. “Pastor Tim, are you saying that the Church should not oppose evil?” No, not at all. I’m saying that we shouldn’t oppose evil with the sword, with threats, in the power of the flesh. The State carries the Sword of Justice; the Church bears the Cup of Christ. If you have to put down the Cup of Christ to oppose evil, you are opposing evil in the strength of the flesh. If the Church has to set aside the Cup of Christ – She is no longer the Church. And no – you can’t carry the Cup of Christ in one hand and the Sword of Justice in the other.
“Pastor Tim, are you saying that the Church shouldn’t be concerned with justice?” No, not at all. I’m saying that justice should be pursued while carrying the Cup of Christ in both hands. The Church should use the means of Christ to attain the ends of Christ. If I have to hack and hew and mow down and shed blood to see Christ glorified and the kingdom of God established on the earth – then neither Christ is glorified or is the kingdom of God being established. If I have to take the jawbone of a donkey and start swinging, a lot of Philistines will get hurt, yet Philistia will still be there.
Jesus wanted to go into a Samaritan village to get some rest and provisions, but because He and His team were Jews on their way to Jerusalem, the Samaritans turned them aside. Here’s what happened next -
When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of;
for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." Luke 9:54-56
I think that’s a word for the Church today. If they could, some in the Church would have called fire down upon Trump. And there are those in the Church who would burn Biden down and smoke him out if they could. And why not – a flamethrower seems more efficient than a sword. You don’t know what spirit you are of. Jesus didn’t come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.
There’s only one time I see a sword in Jesus’ hands and that’s in Revelation 19 at the Second Coming. The sword isn’t in my hand, or in your hand – it’s in the hands of Christ at the end of the age. We’re not there yet and you’re not Jesus, so please – put down your sword. “But, Pastor Tim – we’re at war with the forces of darkness.” Yes, I know – I read that, too. And I believe it! But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We have the truth of God in His Word. We have the love of God in the gospel. We have the power of God in the Holy Spirit. We have the ear of God in prayer. We have the word of the cross – the weakness and the foolishness of God! Who could ask for more!?
It is time to sheathe the sword of sarcasm, throw down the sword of anger, put away the sword of outrage. It’s time to trust in the God who holds all your days in His hands and who captures all your tears in His bottle. It’s time to restore the broken relationships and mend the shattered fences. Let’s pound our swords into plowshares and sow the good word of God’s love in Christ. Let’s rebuild the ancient ruins and as far as it depends on us, be at peace with all men. If the Church isn’t going to do the things that make for peace – who will?
So many fear that “they” are going to get away with “it.” OK – so what can you do about it? Yell louder? Sign more petitions? Call for more inquests? Yes, as Christian citizens we have recourse to speak into our political structure. And if you do so, do so as a Christian citizen – with the Cup of Christ in your hands pursuing righteous justice. If you take up the sword of sarcasm or anger or outrage all you will do is cut off ears – and people don’t hear so well without their ears.
David has a good word for us – “Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass and fade like the green herb.” Psalm 37:1-2
My theology says that no one gets away with anything. They may get away with it today and tomorrow, but all will stand before God and give an account of their lives. That’s sobering. God doesn’t pay at the end of everyday, but in the end, God pays. The wheels of God’s justice grind slowly, but they grind surely.
David continues his musings – “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. For evildoers will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord, they will inherit the land.” Psalm 37:7-9
Put down the Sword of Justice and take up the Cup of Christ and follow Jesus into the world – Pastor Tim
Febuary 3, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There are many who profess belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ yet, at the same time, do not confess Him as Lord. They are convinced that Jesus is who the Bible says He is and He did what the Bible says He did, and more – they even believe that they are sinners – but are not convicted of their sin and therefore do not repent and follow Jesus. Many even go on to say that they believe what the Bible says about hell, and believe that they will go to hell if they don’t follow Christ – yet they refuse to surrender to Jesus. You say, “That’s nuts! Who does that?”
This shouldn’t come as a shocker. Self-destructive behavior is a common occurrence. Many know that the seed they’re sowing will only reap a bitter harvest, but their belief isn’t enough to halt their behavior.
- The addict knows that the alcohol or cocaine or gambling is ruining his life – yet there’s no stopping him.
- The adulteress knows her heart is becoming further estranged from her husband – yet there’s no stopping her.
- The man looking at porn knows that it is damaging his intimate relations with his wife – yet on he goes.
Why would someone profess belief in the truth of Jesus and not bow the knee to Jesus? Because they believe the life they are living without bowing the knee to Jesus is richer and fuller and more satisfying than the life they would experience in bowing the knee to Jesus. This is a common rationale.
- The addict knows that the alcohol or cocaine or gambling is ruining his life – yet the satisfaction and thrill derived from these behaviors is preferred to the sanity of sobriety.
- The adulteress knows her heart is becoming further estranged from her husband – yet the affirmation and thrill of illicit relationships gives greater satisfaction than a life of marital purity and exclusivity.
- The man looking at porn knows that it is damaging his intimate relations with his wife – yet the thrill of release on his terms offers greater pleasure than that to be had with his wife.
And the frustrating thing is that you don’t have to convince someone involved in self-destructive behavior where it’s leading. But because sin hardens the heart and blinds the eyes, conviction and repentance are not forthcoming. The question has been asked, “Why don’t more Ph.D.’s believe in Jesus?” For the same reason more high school drop-outs don’t – sin hardens the heart and blinds the eyes.
In my opinion, the thing that keeps the vast majority of people from bowing the knee to Jesus isn’t intellectual difficulties or philosophical reservations – it’s sin. They don’t want to bow the knee to Jesus because they’ll have to stop sleeping around, and forego living an autonomous, independent, and unaccountable life. The thought of the Lordship of Jesus shakes them to their core – and it should! When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He says, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.
“Deny myself!? Lose my life!? Does Jesus have any idea of what century I’m living in? Every pleasure and delight known to man is so readily accessible and can be pursued with some measure of anonymity – are you kidding me!? To follow Jesus would mean a total reorientation of what my life is about.”
Now you’re starting to get it. The Lordship of Jesus is meant to shake you to your core! But here’s the lie you’ve been sold – that if you follow Jesus your life will go from living color to black and white; it will go from steak and lobster and wine to bread and water; it will go from sex-on-demand to the very predictable patterns of marital monotony. Actually, in bowing the knee to Jesus you’ll step out from the darkness into the Light and you will partake of true Food and Drink and experience the joy of righteous living as you discover the real meaning and purpose of life as God created it to be.
It’s not enough to profess the fact that you believe what the Bible says about Jesus – you need to confess Him as Lord and commit yourself to Him. The Latin has two words that make this distinction quite well – assensus and fiducia. Assensus means agreement whereas fiducia means trust. Here’s a good illustration. I am standing on top of a bridge with a bungee cord fastened securely around my ankles. I say, “I believe that this bungee cord will keep me from crashing onto the rocks below when I jump.” That’s assensus. When I jump off the bridge – that’s fiducia. So it is with Jesus – assensus does not save; fiducia saves.
Here’s what the Holy Spirit is after in you – “…that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved…” Romans 10:9. Don’t just agree with the Bible – believe the Bible. God, in Christ, will hold you tight and not let go. Confess Jesus as Lord and taste true Food and true Drink and experience real Life.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 29, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Here is why our nation is teetering on moral and spiritual and cultural collapse.
Touchstone Magazine (Jan-Feb 2021) has a snippet from T.S. Eliot’s “Thoughts After Lambeth.” Here’s the selection –
“The world is trying the experiment of attempting to form a civilized but non-Christian mentality. The experiment will fail; but we must be very patient in awaiting its collapse; meanwhile redeeming the time: so that the Faith may be preserved alive through the dark ages before us; to renew and rebuild civilization, and save the World from suicide.”
Our nation was founded upon the Judeo-Christian worldview: there is a God; there is absolute, objective, God-given truth; there is right and wrong; men and women are created in the image of God – therefore life is sacred; there is unalterable law; each individual has a personal responsibility for him/herself; we have a responsibility for one another; marriage is sacred; family is to be protected; sexuality is to run in its created channels. These are the foundation stones of western civilization. When the foundation stones crumble, the house built upon them collapses. How can the house remain standing when the foundation stones are removed?
Look at it this way. Here’s a house that is built upon six foundation stones. Each stone is a different color – blue, red, green, yellow, pink, and brown. It’s a colorful, creative, and strong foundation – it will bear much weight. But then someone comes along and makes the case that blue is out of fashion and belongs to yesteryear and so it needs to be removed. It can’t be repainted, only removed. And so it is – the house sags. Macho man comes along and the pink stone has to go – the house sags and leans. And so on until each foundation stone is removed. “Well certainly they replace the removed stones, don’t they?” Yes, they do – yet they’re not big enough or strong enough or deep enough to prevent the sag and the lean and the eventual collapse. As T.S. Eliot observed – the experiment will fail and the collapse will come.
For many, there is no God; there is no objective, God-given truth – truth is subjective and individual; right and wrong are relative; evolution assaults the creation story of men and women being created in the image of God – life isn’t sacred and people don’t have inherent dignity (thus abortion); life has no inherent meaning; marriage is what we say it is; family is a social construct; morality is a social construct; our bodies are our own and we will determine our sexual partners and practices. The Christian mentality has given way to the non-Christian mentality. The stones have been removed and the house is sagging and leaning and nearing collapse. The experiment has failed.
Look at our nation – politically divided down the middle, philosophically and religiously – all over the place. We are marching against one another, shouting at one another, censoring one another, shooting one another. We’ve gone from, “We have God’s truth” to “You have your truth and I have my truth” to “I don’t want to hear your truth and I forbid you speaking your truth.” When principles are gone, all that’s left is power – power-plays and power-grabs.
T.S. Eliot had argued, in his 1931 religious essay “Thoughts After Lambeth,” that young people needed to be taught “chastity, humility, austerity, and discipline.” Stephen Spender wrote him to dispute that notion in June of 1932. Below is a portion of Eliot’s rebuttal.
“What really matters is not what I think about the Church today, or about Capitalism, or military processions, or about Communism; what matters is whether I believe in Original Sin. I know that there are plenty of material injustices to be set right, and I want them to be set right; nevertheless I believe that the world will always be an unpleasant place, a place of trial for individual souls, and that the vast majority of its population will always be a compound of knave and blockhead, chiefly moved by vanity and fear, and kept quiet by laziness.”
I, too, believe in Original Sin. And the logic of Original Sin banishes mankind from Paradise and drives him into the Wilderness and pushes him into the Grave. I, also, believe in Jesus who raises us from the Grave and leads us through the Wilderness and lifts us into Paradise. As our nation follows the logic of Original Sin, let’s follow the logic of Jesus. As Eliot exhorts us, let’s redeem the time and preserve the Faith and renew and rebuild civilization and save the World from suicide.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 28, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Do you really have to gripe as much as you do!?
I joined Robert’s 7:00 AM Men’s Zoom Group Tuesday morning and they were reading Psalm 70. Verse 5 reads:
I am afflicted and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay.
David is the author of this psalm and he’s in trouble and cries out to God for help. One man on the Zoom call asked the question, “Why is David always crying out to God for help. Is God doing this to him?” I took him to mean, “Is God causing all this hassle for David, or what’s going on?” We talked about a few things and then Robert, an elder in our church and the leader of this group, said something that really struck me as quite profound. He said. “Isn’t it amazing that so many people in the Bible who could have griped and complained for all the garbage in their lives, didn’t.” I immediately thought, “Wow, that’s right.” This doesn’t mean that no one in the Bible complained about their lot in life. Job was full of complaint, and the people in the wilderness griped and moaned to the Lord, and the Psalms have their fair share of complaint – yet so many who could have filled heaven with bitterness and disappointment didn’t do so.
If anybody in the Bible did have a legitimate right to complain it was Joseph. He was hated by his brothers, sold into slavery, unjustly accused of sexual sin, thrown into prison and forgotten – he deserved none of it and yet experienced all of it. If anyone could speak out against this so-called God who was supposed to love His own, it was Joseph. But Joseph had such a vision of God, was so connected to God, was so soaked in God that he trusted God all the way through and clung to Him through all the insult, injury, and injustice. After years of unjust suffering and intense rejection, God promoted him to #2 man in Egypt, just below Pharaoh. When he finally met up with his brothers who had hated him and sold him into slavery and kick-started years of misery, he said this to them.
“Please come closer to me.” And they came closer. And he said, “I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance. Now, therefore, it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his household and ruler over all the land of Egypt. Genesis 45:4-8
I think that, after Jesus Christ, Joseph is the most beautiful person in the Bible. He basically said, “What I know about God makes it impossible for me to complain. I know that God will be faithful to His promises.” Look at his hold on God in the passage above. He says –
- You sold me, but God sent me…
- God sent me before you to preserve you…
- You didn’t send me here, God did…
Likewise, God may send you through sorrow and through heartache and through trials, and troubles, and tribulations – yet God’s hand remains upon you. You may be sent through bruising and brokenness – yet God’s hand remains upon you. Man may use and abuse you, but you remain sent by God. The sin of others against you cannot remove the hand of God from you. Joseph didn’t allow the sin of man to blind him to the purpose and plan of God.
The Psalmist put it like this:
“Bless our God, O peoples, and sound His praise abroad, who keeps us in life and does not allow our feet to slip. For You have tried us, O God; You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; You laid an oppressive burden upon our loins. You made men ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, yet You brought us out into a place of abundance.” Psalm 66:8-12
God brought Joseph into a place of abundance. Joseph could have written that Psalm.
“Are you saying that if I’m full of complaint and griping that I’m not trusting in God the way I should?” Well, since you asked, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I am glad that we can gripe and complain to the Lord. Am I shaming or scolding you for griping and complaining. No – I’m just pointing you to a better way forward. I memorized Isaiah 26:3 in King James English – “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, for he trusteth in Thee.”
Robert’s bigger point in his insight about complaining is that we look at this or that Bible character and are upset or outraged that God could allow this to happen and we bristle at this. We take up an offense against God for allowing this Bible character to be treated in such a fashion. But that Bible character isn’t offended or upset or outraged because this or that happened. Their soul is kept in perfect peace!
Be blessed and stay healthy and may you find yourself in perfect peace as you follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 26, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There are three sermons any pastor can preach that will exponentially increase the guilt level of the congregation he serves. Messages on effective prayer and sacrificial giving and faithful service are always sure to draw a tepid “Come on, preach it, Pastor” from those are convicted in these things. The reason we don’t rise to the level we should in these matters is due to lack of faith and absence of passion. But we tell ourselves that we lack time and money and talent – yet deep down we know we’re just blowing smoke. It’s amazing that some who have no time, take time to pray regularly. And some who have no money, give generously. And some who have no talent, serve faithfully. Faith and passion are very creative!
I’m sure there are a lot of reasons God’s people don’t pray, and one of them is the fact that we feel we don’t pray very well. I don’t play basketball because I don’t play it well. I don’t play chess because I don’t play it well. I don’t play handball because – you know why. Many would say, “I don’t pray because I don’t pray well.” I get it. The following two verses will help you to pray well.
"Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, that he will come and attack me and the mothers with the children. "For You said, 'I will surely prosper you and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which is too great to be numbered.'" Genesis 32:11-12
Here is why Jacob is praying. He’s coming back to Canaan after being away for 20 years, but he has to face Esau – his brother whom he defrauded. He is afraid that Esau still has a grudge against him and means to do him harm. He takes his fears to the Lord in the passage above.
- He makes his request: he asks for rescue from the anger and power of Esau.
- He says what his problem is: he is afraid of what Esau might do to him.
- He states the reason why God should rescue him: because God promised to bless him. (And, of course, that promise couldn’t come true if he were dead.)
Did you notice that? Jacob reminded God of the promise He Himself had made. Jacob prayed the promises of God. This is an effective and Biblical way to pray. This will help you to pray well.
Parents are very aware of this approach to asking for things.
- Your daughter says, “Remember yesterday when you promised to take me to the park tomorrow? Well, today is yesterday’s tomorrow.”
- Your son says, “Dad, remember you said that you would take me to the A’s game this Saturday? Tomorrow is Saturday.”
Your kids quote you to you. That’s unfair – and pretty effective! They don’t have to yell and cry and pout. They don’t have to lay out five reasons why you should do what they’re asking you to do. They’re asking you to do what you said you would do. They don’t have to try and persuade you with logic or anger of dimply smiles. All they need to do is remind you of what you said and that’s it – that’s genius! You can pray genius prayers! Remind God of His promises and tell Him that you’re counting on Him to be faithful.
Let’s follow the example of David as recorded is Psalm 5:3.
In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.
David prayed and lifted his head up and eagerly watched for the work of God. Genius!
Be blessed and stay safe and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 19, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Don’t become what you despise.
For four years, Donald Trump was resisted, challenged, and defied every step of the way. No matter what he did or say or pronounce, he was met with derision and disrespect. He could do nothing right. Everything was put in the most negative light. I saw a cartoon where Trump was walking on water and the caption read: Trump Can’t Swim! I thought it was funny and telling at the same time. It perfectly communicated the mood of many people – Trump is to be criticized and condemned in everything he does. And, as the cartoon demonstrates, this is often driven by animus and hostility and not prudent moral judgment.
When I was in Bible College, I worked at a gas station. This was a full-service station – there were no self-serve gas stations at that time. I would work the gas pump, check the oil, and wash the windshield. And I noticed something about myself. If people were nice to me, I would be nice to them. If they were rude and discourteous, they would get the same from me. God showed me that I was allowing them to determine who I would be. It wasn’t the Holy Spirit who controlled me – it was other people. I was wanting to display the character of love of Christ to all, yet here I was allowing their mood to determine my mood. From that moment on, I sought to display the kindness of Christ to all – regardless of how they treated me. What’s my point?
Here’s my point – I detested how President Trump was treated; I am not now going to turn around and treat President Biden in the same fashion – I detest this, too. If there is objective, verifiable wrong-doing, go for it – but a prosecution driven by hostility and animus is not the Spirit of Jesus. Many contend that we are a nation of law and many contend that Trump broke the law. Many now contend that Biden, with the election scandal, is the unworthy benefactor of law-breaking. Yet criminal wrongdoing is determined by the courts – that’s the law. If you contend that you uphold the law – be consistent. You rejoiced when inquiries and courts ruled in Trump’s favor – extend the same to Biden. It’s one thing to hate the policies of a man or a party – it’s another thing to hate the man.
To resist, challenge, and defy Biden every step of the way is not the Spirit of Jesus. If you don’t like certain policies – contact your Congressman or Senator. Become a vocal advocate of alternate policies – but don’t get caught up in causes motivated by animus and hostility to the man. “But I see Biden as my enemy.” OK. Jesus said to love your enemies and bless those who curse you. Many resisted Trump because he was Trump. I refuse to resist Biden because he is Biden. I will not do to Biden what was done to Trump. I will do to others as I want them to do to me. Someone may say, “Turnabout is fair play.” No, it’s not – it’s unrighteous behavior. As followers of Jesus, we are called to something higher than payback.
I will pray for President Biden – I will ask God for his salvation and the salvation of his cabinet and the Congress and the Supreme Court. I will pray that he would not serve himself or be a mere tool of his party – but make righteous decisions for the whole nation. Many have taken to the streets to declare this, that, and the other. Now it’s time to go to our knees and cry out to God. The Bible says that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Let’s cry out for righteousness in high places.
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Romans 12:1-18
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
Church, let’s do the things that make for peace and healing.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 13, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Is Joe Biden the choice of God or the choice of the people?
Here are Bible verses on Biden being the choice of God –
For not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert comes exaltation; but God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another. Psalm 75:6-7
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Romans 13:1
It could be argued that God has raised up Joe Biden when it could have been otherwise. Certainly God could have frustrated Joe Biden’s ascent to the Presidency – right? Is Joe more powerful than God? There may be those who can rig an election, but no one can rig providence.
Here is a Bible verse indicating that people get the ruler they choose and therefore deserve. Samuel is addressing Israel -
"…you have today rejected your God, who delivers you from all your calamities and your distresses; yet you have said, 'No, but set a king over us!'" 1 Samuel 10:19
God was opposed to Israel having a king, yet in accommodating the demands of the people, God gave them Saul to be king. Saul turned out to be a vain man who set his personal interests above those of his nation and didn’t have a heart for God. The people got the king they deserved – one whose heart was distant from God’s heart even as their hearts were distant from God. Saul did not lead with integrity nor did he set an example of godliness and piety. Not so the next king of Israel. David was chosen by God and the nation got the king they needed, not necessarily the one they wanted.
Is Joe Biden a King Saul or a King David? “Is Joe Biden the choice of God or the choice of the people?” Maybe we can blend the two options together in a single response – God gives a nation the leadership they deserve. Here we see maintained a balance between God’s providence and man’s choosing. Yet regardless of how well someone like me tries to think through this Biblically, there will always be those who reject the possibility that Joe Biden is God’s will for America at this time and there will always be those who enthusiastically endorse that particular notion – even as Donald Trump is seen as a savior from heaven or a scourge from hell.
I know that I raised the initial question as to whether Joe Biden is God’s choice or the people’s choice, but honestly – I don’t know – and, frankly, it really doesn’t matter to me. I don’t know if Joe Biden is a King Saul or a King David. (To be honest, I think they’re all King Sauls.) If Joe Biden is God’s choice, how will I live my life and pursue God any different than I’m doing now? If Joe Biden is not God’s choice, how will I live my life and pursue God any different than I’m doing now? Am I supposed to go around and try and convince people that Joe Biden is or is not God’s choice? Sorry – I’ve got better things to do. Of the many Christians who are lamenting for our nation because of its current political condition, how many of them have wept over this nation due to its spiritual condition? Regardless of what you think – the devil is far worse than Joe Biden and the devil’s plans for America make Joe Biden look like a saint.
Church, your enemy is not Joe Biden and the Democrats. We fight not against flesh and blood (but you wouldn’t know it listening to some quarters of the Church). I don’t know what his eternal destination is, but Joe Biden is not the beast that comes up out of the abyss. We’ve had an intense political season that was spiced up with some pungent ingredients. But the smoke is clearing and the dust is settling and Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President of the United States on January 20th. We will pray for him and ask that he is a President that serves God and serves the people – all the people. Let’s pray that Joe Biden can become a King David and let’s pray that the Church will be the Body of Christ. May Joe Biden rule well and may the Church pray well and preach the gospel effectively.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
January 5, 2021
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Job found himself stripped of his wealth and his family and his health, but the one thing that the devil couldn’t strip from him was his self-righteousness – only God can do this. We’ve all heard of the patience of Job. God allowed the devil to plow into him – and he did. Abraham’s wealth was stripped from him and his ten children were murdered by a marauding party. What was his response? Look at the patience and faith of Job.
He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God. Job 1:21-22
When this happened, the devil asked God if he could plow into him some more – and he did. Abraham’s health was stripped from him. Here’s the record –
Then Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. And he took a potsherd to scrape himself while he was sitting among the ashes. Job 2:7-8
A potsherd is a piece of broken pottery. So, here’s Job – stripped of wealth and children and health – sitting on a pile of ashes and scraping the pus of the boils off his body with a piece of broken pottery. Yuck! Yet look at the patience and faith of Job.
Then his wife said to him, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!" But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. Job 2:9-10
Yes, the patience and faith of Job are legendary – until we get to chapter three.
Afterward Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth. And Job said, "Let the day perish on which I was to be born, and the night which said, 'A boy is conceived.' Job 3:1-3
Yes, patient, faithful Job really said that. And for much of the rest of the book Job is impatient with God and his faith grows thin. Job became a Fist-Shaker. Though there are a few high points of faith in the book of Job, most of the book has him shaking his fist at God. But in the end of the book, God reveals Himself to Job and Job is humbled before the Lord and all the blessing of wealth and health and children are restored to him. In the beginning of the book, Satan seeks to bring Job low in order to destroy his faith in God and at the end of the book, God seeks to bring Job low in order to restore his faith.
Probably not since WW2 have so many people suffered and endured the same set of unpredictable and ever-evolving circumstances as in 2020. We’ve been brought low through disease and death and debt and depression. Medical pandemic and social pandemonium and political partisanship has brought America to the same pile of ashes that Job sat upon as we seek to scrape the residue of 2020 off our collective body. Many have become Fist-Shakers. The faith of many has been tested and more than a few have entered 2021 shaking their fist at God. Yet there’s good news!
God loves Fist-Shakers and is not offended at them nor intimidated by them. Those who shake their fists at God at least acknowledge His existence and His presence and His ability to do something about whatever needs to be done. (That’s a tolerably good beginning to faith!) Yet, as Job revealed from chapter three until the end of the book, Fist-Shakers are pretty full of themselves. Job found himself stripped of his wealth and his family and his health, but the one thing that the devil couldn’t strip from him was his self-righteousness. Throughout the book of Job, Job maintains that he is innocent and that God is wrong in taking from him all that was taken from him. Basically, Job said, “God’s got a lot of explaining to do.” This is something self-righteous Fist-Shakers say.
At the end of the book, God reveals Himself to Job and speaks to Him and sets Him straight. After one of the most powerful encounters between God and man in the Bible, Job says to God, "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You; therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes." Job 42:5-6 That is not something that self-righteous Fist-Shakers say.
May you begin 2021 in the same manner that Job finished the book named after him – with a hearing ear becoming a seeing eye and a self-righteousness replaced by a God-righteousness. May shaking fists of anger and defiance be replaced by arms raised in worship and adoration.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 31, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
10 times in Genesis 1 it is written, “God said.” God spoke and things happened. The Word of God becomes the work of God and where there is no Word of God there is no work of God. If the farmer doesn’t sow his field with seed, there will be no harvest and if you don’t sow your soul with the Word of God, there will no work of God in or through you. Sow God’s Word into your hearts. Read your Bible prayerfully and carefully in 2021. You desperately need it and we live among a people who urgently need to hear the Word of God and see the works of God in and through the people of God.
What does it mean to sow the Word of God into your soul? It means to read prayerfully and attentively with faith and expectation. Those who don’t read prayerfully and attentively with faith and expectation are the most likely to say, “Church is boring. I’m not being fed. Christianity is irrelevant.” But those who properly sow the Word of God into their souls experience the work of the Holy Spirit in and through them because the Word of God becomes the work of God when the Word is received in faith.
You may read and hear the Word of God on a regular basis – and this is good – but it’s not enough. Here’s what I mean. Hebrews 4:2 says: “For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.”
In Hebrews 4:2, the word ‘united’ is used to describe connections between people indicating close friendship or personal attachment. What this means is that the Word of God and faith are meant to be good friends in your soul. The author of Hebrews is saying that the Jews heard the gospel, but since they didn’t listen in faith, the gospel didn’t profit them – it had no effect on them. And when you and I don’t receive the Word of God in faith and prayerful attentiveness, it has no effect on us. As you read, listen in faith and expectation.
10 times in Genesis 1 it is written, “God said.” God spoke and things happened. The Word of God becomes the work of God. You desperately need it and we live among a people who urgently need to hear the Word of God and see the works of God. May the Word of God richly dwell within you and may the work of God be fully realized in and through you. Read your Bible everyday in 2021.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 30, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Cancel Culture is the opposite of Christianity. Here’s what I mean -
When she was a freshman in high school, Mimi Groves, who is white, made a three second video which she posted to Snapchat. In that video she said the ‘N’ word. Jimmy Galligan, a black classmate, saw that video and was able to save it. Fast-forward four years after the video was made. Mimi had applied to and was accepted by the University of Tennessee and was even able to make it on to their fabled cheer-leading squad. After Mimi’s acceptance to UT, Jimmy Galligan posted the four year old, three second clip to social media and what followed was a firestorm.
"The consequences were swift. Over the next two days, Ms. Groves was removed from the university's cheer team. She then withdrew from the school under pressure from admissions officials, who told her they had received hundreds of emails and phone calls from outraged alumni, students and the public." She is now attending a community college. Though she had, in years past, apologized for making the video, though she has marched for Black Lives Matter and raised her voice on the streets for the oppressed and marginalized – it doesn’t matter – just the utterance of one disapproved word has sent her to social hell with no hope of forgiveness or redemption. In the eyes of many she is permanently and irreversibly damaged by uttering this one word when she was 15 years old.
Everybody say, “Hi,” to Cancel Culture!
Cancel Culture scours your past in an effort to unearth even one word that departs from the accepted orthodoxy. Upon discovering a single infraction, that person is cancelled, excommunicated – it’s ‘hasta la vista.’ There is no repentance in Cancel Culture – there is no redemption to be found there. All there is is the purgatory of community college and the banishment from the circles of the elite to the hell of political incorrectness. Like we saw in an earlier blog, neither Abraham Lincoln nor Diane Feinstein have escaped the jaws of the Cancel Culture and its Purity Codes.
This is speculation, but I think that if you were to engage one of the Cancel Culture elites, one who believes in heaven and hell, and ask them how one gets into heaven, they would probably respond with the standard, “If my good deeds outweigh my bad deeds, God will open the doors of heaven to me.” Yet even this sentimental, incorrect view of the entry requirement of heaven is more gracious than the way Cancel Culture operates. In Cancel Culture, one bad deed outweighs all your good deeds. Indeed, as in Mimi Groves’ case, one inappropriate word outweighs all her words of repentance and all her involvement in black justice issues. There is no mercy or redemption for Mimi. Cancel Culture has no contrition, no confessional, no cross – only condemnation.
Cancel Culture is the opposite of Christianity. Cancel Culture seeks out your sins in order to condemn and ruin you whereas Christ seeks to cleanse and redeem you from of all your sins – no matter how dreadful. Cancel Culture is without mercy whereas Christ is full of mercy and grace. If Cancel Culture says “No” to you, Jesus will say “Yes” to you. Yes, there is sin in Christianity – but it’s not fatal. In Cancel Culture, shame leaves a permanent, indelible stain. In Christianity, though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool. Christ doesn’t establish a Cancel Culture, but a Claim Culture – He claims you as His own! God separates you from your sin as far as East is from the West. Cancel Culture puts your sins on a flash drive and sends them to all the major news outlets and social media platforms so they can be rehearsed over and over again so no one will forget what you said or did. Christ calls to all the sinful and broken and unrighteous. Cancel Culture calls only the self-righteous and the squeaky clean. Mimi, if you ever read this – open your heart to Jesus who claims you in order to cleanse you.
Here is my strong confidence – Cancel Culture itself will be cancelled. I don’t know how many seasons it will run, but it is definitely facing cancellation. How do I know? Jesus told me! Here’s what He said in Matthew 7:1-2 -
“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.
Merciless judgment will be met with merciless judgment. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you – and not just by God! History is full of the oppressed turning against those who mercilessly oppress them. Already there is a firestorm against those who have condemned Mimi Groves and against the University of Tennessee’s rush to judgment in rejecting Mimi and against the young man intent on ruining her. But I don’t think the season is over quite yet for Cancel Culture and its Purity Codes. My hope is that the mercy of Christ will shine so beautifully through His Church during this bizarre phase of American history that millions will make their way to the cross of Jesus for sin and shame and guilt.
Be blessed and stay safe and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 29, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Scoot over Christianity – holier-than-thou has arrived. America has a new purity code to conform to that is just as demanding and destructive as any within fundamental Christianity. Some of you are probably familiar with the saying, “I don’t cuss; I don’t chew; I don’t go with girls that do.” Or, “Lips that touch wine shall not touch mine.”Christians have been mocked and vilified and told to leave people alone because it’s so arrogant to impose our moral standards on other people.
Good news (or maybe not) – the world now agrees with the Church. Cancel Culture is the new rival to Christianity with its rules and regulations and performance requirements for sainthood. The flip side of Cancel Culture is a new Purity Code, and if you don’t live up to the Purity Code of Cancel Culture, it doesn’t matter if you’re alive or dead, famous or unknown – you’re excommunicated.
In San Francisco, 42 public schools are going to be renamed because the person or event they are named after doesn’t live up to the Purity Code of the Left. (I’m not making this up.) Some schools needing to be renamed: Washington, Lincoln, Alamo, Diane Feinstein, Junipero Serra, etc. Here are the Guiding Principles for replacing a name. Excommunication for sin against God has been replaced by excommunication for sin against man,
- Anyone directly involved in the colonization of people ● Slave owners or participants in enslavement ●Perpetuators of genocide or slavery ● Those who exploit workers/people ● Those who directly oppressed or abused women, children, queer or transgender people ● Those connected to any human rights or environmental abuses ● Those who are known racists and/or white supremacists and/or espoused racist beliefs
Here are a few examples of the Guiding Principles applied to actual schools –
- A school named after Abraham Lincoln is to be changed because he is not seen as much of a hero at all among many American Indian Nations and Native peoples of the United States, as the majority of his policies proved to be detrimental to them.
- Diane Feinstein, the long-serving U.S. senator and former San Francisco mayor, has an elementary school named after her. Though she’s been a darling of liberals, her name is being removed because she’s responsible for the eviction of a whole Filipino neighborhood, and she allowed police dogs to attack Filipino veteran elders. Additionally, she repeatedly flew the confederate flag in front of SF City Hall.
- Mission High School – all CA missions are sites of slavery and colonization. This school also contains a mural of the colonization and missionization of California Natives with a naked Native child within the mural.
I’m not writing to protest the name changes – I am writing this to point out the blatant hypocrisy of decrying the Purity Code of the Church while at the same time erecting a Code that is just as rigid in its tenets and stern in its pronouncements as any that fundamental Christianity has imposed. I am also writing to point out that just as there has been a violent pushback against the Church’s Purity Codes, so there will come a ferocious backlash against this secular Purity Code. The new names of these schools better be painstakingly researched because if there is found just one racial slur or one act of perceived oppression against anyone, or the use of pornography (which objectifies and oppresses women), or any other dehumanizing behavior or words or involvement, the school with the new name will need to get another new name. The thing is – when you dig into anyone’s life, you will find dirt and mud. No school will be able to be named after anyone – except, of course, Jesus Christ. If we follow the logic of the new Purity Code, soon every school in San Francisco will be named after Jesus Christ. Yet even He once referred to a Gentile as a dog. Sorry, Jesus – You’re out. Yikes! Even God isn’t pure enough for Cancel Culture.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim.
December 24, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
He who brought the greatest hope has the most followers.
He who displayed the mightiest power holds the sweetest promise.
He who revealed the deepest love gains the most worshippers.
He who taught the highest truth wins the most disciples.
He who became a man and walked among us makes us wonder.
He who bore the shame of crucifixion brings us to our knees.
He who broke the chains of sin and hell and death brings us to our feet.
He who ascended to heaven brings us home.
“Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning.”
Merry Christmas!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 18, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The Church is no longer the Home Team.
Growing up in church in the 50s and 60s left me with the sense that Christianity held an influential place in American culture. This may be the very opposite of the reality of things – yet this was the impression I had at the time. My faith was lit on fire in the early 70s in Southern California during the glory days of the Jesus Movement. Someone may ask, “Pastor Tim, were you one of those Jesus freaks?” I would answer, “No, I am one of those Jesus freaks!” Coming into an informed faith at the same time the Jesus Movement was sweeping millions into the Kingdom of God across America only strengthened and expanded my childhood perception that Christianity held an influential place in America and that the popularity of Christianity was only increasing. The Church was the Home Team. It seemed we were looked on with favor.
Fast forward to 2020. I read a stat indicating that 70% of Americans attended church in 1960 whereas up to pre-COVID 2020, that 70% had shrunk to 20%. YIKES! I looked at another graph which indicated that church attendance has pretty much fluctuated between the 40-45% the last forty years. Whichever report is the more accurate, I think it’s safe to say that the Church is no longer the Home Team. We’re not cheered when we take the field and we no longer enjoy the home-field advantage.
The home-field advantage refers to the tendency for teams to win more often when competing at their home facility. The combined winning percentages of home teams range from just above 50% to as high as 70%. One factor that has been found to increase the confidence of home performers is the presence of a supportive audience. The emotional intensity of home audiences also seems to influence decisions made by judges and referees. Several studies have shown that referee decisions tend to favor home competitors, and home-field advantage effects are most evident in sports that rely on subjective scoring by judges.
The Church no longer has the home-field advantage. The culture is no longer friendly to the Church as in former days. A friendly culture has turned into an indifferent and, at times, a hostile culture. Given the broader cultural approval of sexual variation, coupled with the increase in those identifying as agnostics and atheists and the very visible moral failures of the Church, the Church has become the Visiting Team and is booed when She takes the field. Though we are in the 21st century, the Church finds Herself in the spiritual atmosphere of the 1st century. The Church is no longer in “Christian” America, She is once again back in pagan Rome. In the 1st century, the Church was the Visiting Team that came into town to challenge the powers that be. Today, secular America looks a lot like pagan Rome.
Edward Gibbon, in “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, which first appeared in 1776, spells out some of the dynamics of pagan Rome that look much like 21st century America –
Ancient Rome was a moral cesspool filled with the worship of idols and the frenzied pursuit of wealth and sensual pleasures. This should ring a familiar bell with all who are reading this. The Church in America should see Herself not as the beloved Home Team, but as the maligned Visiting Team. The Church in America should see Herself as the Church in pagan Rome did. We live in a crooked and perverse generation – just as the Church in Rome did. Here’s what Paul writes -
Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, Philippians 2:14-15
Beloved, let’s be the blameless and innocent children of God who are above reproach and appear as lights in the world. As the Visiting Team, we are on a foreign field – this is why we are all missionaries, regardless of where we live. Be light in Rome.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 15, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
There are some who contend that a Biden presidency will result in a less free America – and a less free America is a less Christian America. This is a misnomer in that there is no Christian America. America is a secular nation whose root is the Judeo-Christian worldview – but this worldview no longer prevails in that the Judeo-Christian root that gave birth to it is withering. The Constitution of the United States could only have been written by those with a Judeo-Christian worldview. No other religion or philosophy could have produced such a document. The Constitution is the fruit of a Judeo-Christian worldview – and now that the root is withering, the fruit produced by it is in danger of becoming rotten and falling from the tree.
It is being communicated to the Church that a less free America will become a less Christian America. We are told that a Republican administration would preserve the Constitutional rights that will be whittled away during a Biden presidency. This remains to be seen – but Christians with less rights do not have a lesser salvation by reason of this. Christians with fewer rights in America are still fully invested members of the kingdom of God. A Church stripped of Her rights it not stripped of Her salvation. The Church’s existence and Her strength are not to be found in the enumerated rights of the Constitution. In fact, it’s the other way around – the Constitution’s existence and strength are to be found in the Church. Only a ‘Churchy’ people could have written such a document. If the Church has Her God-given rights forcibly taken from Her, is She any less the Church?
Christains in prison for their faith are not free, yet they remain Christian.
A Christian who is taxed at an oppressive rate is no less a Christian because of this.
A Christian who owns a gun and then has it taken away by the government remains a Christian.
Christians who are forbidden the right of free assembly are no less Christian due to government oppression.
A less free America is not a less Christian America. A less free America is a less free America. Don’t buy into the rhetoric that the Church needs a conservative president in order for it to exist and thrive. A conservative President cannot strengthen the identity of the Church and a liberal President (had he a mind to do so) cannot weaken the identity of the Church. Let me be blunt – the Church doesn’t need America in order to thrive and flourish, but America needs the Church in order to thrive and flourish. The Church is salt and light. Without salt there is decay and without light there is darkness. Is America a decaying nation slipping into the darkness? Hmmm…
America is a decaying nation slipping into the darkness and the reason for this can’t be traced to Washington DC and whoever is sitting in the Oval Office. The decay and darkness can be traced to the thousands of decisions made by millions of Americans as they go about their lives. The decay and darkness of America isn’t the result of a bloated Washington or misspent billions of dollars. It’s not the fault of a few, but the responsibility of millions. America is in the grip of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the boastful pride of life.
- The lust of the flesh – this is the pursuit of all things sensual and sexual
- The lust of the eye – this is the expression of greed and materialism
- The boastful pride of life – this is the arrogant claim to live an accountable life. “I can do what I want, when I want, how I want, where I want, with anyone I want – and I don’t have to answer to anyone.”
If Washington DC is the head and the American population is the body – we are rotting from the inside out and not from the top down. “But, Pastor Tim – those politicians are rotten.” Well, where did they come from? From towns and cities in all the 50 states – maybe even your neighborhood. Yes, Washington DC has problems, yet more than that, Washington is symptomatic of a deeper, darker, diabolical problem – a people in pursuit of the sensual and the sexual, giving expression to greed and materialism, and living in the arrogance of an accountable life. A people like this will give themselves to anyone who will allow them their wild pursuits. A people like this will increasingly ignore the Church and treat Her with indifference and/or growing hostility.
The strength of the Church is in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, the power conveyed to Her by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the truth of the Word of God. The Church does not find Her identity and strength in the Constitution or in a favorable administration in Washington. Regardless of what Washington does and where the culture goes, the Church is the Bride of Christ and is loved and nurtured by Him. You don’t need to despair by what Washington does or doesn’t do or by what the culture approves or doesn’t approve. If rights are stripped from the Church – this doesn’t mean that Christ has divorced His Bride – the Church is still the Church. If the culture finds the Church increasingly irrelevant – the Church remains the Church. We have eternal DNA within us that cannot be tinkered with or altered. Christ is alive in His Church and our hope and strength flow from Him – not from the approval of culture or the smile of Washington DC. Let us find our identity in Christ and draw our strength from Him and rejoice in the Lord!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 14, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Here are some of the fears Christians have regarding a Biden presidency –
- America will become a socialist nation. But I have news for you – we already are. There are various definitions and expressions of socialism, but the core principle is the redistribution of wealth. This is when the government forcibly takes from Person A and gives it to Person B. Actually, it’s probably more like – the government takes from Person A, they keep 90% of it and then they give the remaining 10% to Person B. If the redistribution of wealth is the core principle of socialism, America is already a socialist nation.
- Abortion “rights” will be expanded. Abortion became the law of the land in 1973 during a Republican administration. Abortion has been the law of the land through 28 years of Republican administrations and 20 years of Democratic administrations. Yes, there has been some pro-life headway in recent years and in this we can rejoice. But as it is, America is a nation where abortion is enshrined as a Constitutional right. We should struggle against any expansion of abortion “rights”, yet this ship sailed almost 50 years ago and after millions of Christians have prayed millions of prayers and protested millions of hours and given millions of dollars to fight it, it remains the law of the land.
- Biblical sexuality and morality will be undermined. This ship has sailed, too. Same-sex marriage is the law of the land and will remain so. Pornography is one click away on the internet. Muslims cover their women from head to toe in an awkward looking burqa. We shake our heads and say, “What a pity.” In America, we strip our women down to string bikinis and parade them on the beach. The Muslims shake their heads and say, “What a pity.” Amen – what a pity.
Here’s my point – that which we fear will come upon has already arrived. Of course, these things can further progress into greater evil and deeper injustice, but let’s not fool ourselves – these seeds were planted long ago and we are reaping what’s been sown. A Biden presidency won’t make us ripe for the judgment of God – America is ripe now!
Billy Graham wrote: Some years ago, my wife, Ruth, was reading the draft of a book I was writing. When she finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Today, now, America is so far off the Biblical path that we are ripe for judgment. A Biden presidency may take us further into the woods, but we’re already wandering in a spiritual wasteland. There are those who tell us that a Biden presidency will lead us into an America that none of us want. But I’m already in an America I don’t want.
We’re told that our nation won’t be the same – in four years we won’t recognize it. Yet here’s a wonderful truth – the Church will remain the same. I hate to exercise, but if you were somehow able to replace my head with the head of Richard Simmons, the exercise guru, he would be calling the shots and would whip this body into shape. The head determines the direction. Biden as the head of America will take us places where Trump as the head didn’t. But Jesus was and will remain the Head of the Church. Though America can change its head every four years, the Church has had the same Head for 2,000 years. Many things may change for America, yet nothing should change for the Church. We’ve had the same mission and mandate and message for 2,000 years.
Mandate: Go and make disciples of all the nations. Matthew 28:19
Mission: As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. John 20:21
Message: Christ died for our sins, and He was buried, and He was raised on the third day. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
A Biden presidency will not move our nation closer to Jesus. A Trump presidency will not move our nation closer to Jesus. Only the Church can move our nation closer to Jesus. Let’s be the Church.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 11, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The depression caused by COVID, the despair brought about by economic uncertainty, the fear triggered by all the riots, and the division and polarization sparked by partisan politics only serve to strengthen and deepen the bitterness that many people feel. Bitterness finds its roots in a broken heart through failure to attain something or due to a very painful betrayal.
- Mary is bitter because the love of her life married another woman.
- Bob is bitter because a broken ankle that never mended properly brought his brilliant athletic career to an abrupt end.
- Sarah is bitter because someone else got the leading role in the play.
- John is bitter because the church he planted never really got off the ground and his dream for ministry never came to full fruition.
10,000 real life scenarios like this have resulted in millions of bitter people. And now, regardless of who is declared winner of the presidential election, we can move millions more over into the bitter column. Bitterness bruises and breaks people and robs them of joy and peace.
Bitterness is experienced as grudges that keep growing, anger that won’t shrink, a sense of injustice or unfairness that the soul won’t let go of, and a longing for a peace that never comes. And bitterness is like a cancer – it starts small and then it spreads until it fills the heart, darkens the mind, flattens the emotions, and poisons the personality. I think that in America bitterness has metastasized in the body politic. And since bitter people are filled with what they consider to be a righteous anger for having been subject to such cruel injustice and unfairness, they are ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
And there’s a lot of fighting going on. Biden v Trump. Democrat v Republican. Socialism v Capitalism. Mask v no-mask. Live church v virtual church. BLM v blm. Systemic racism v sporadic racism. All whites are racist v that’s dumb. White privilege v class privilege. Vaccine v no vaccine. I think 2020 has added further breeding ground for bitterness – I am bitter about the fact that you don’t agree with me on all these issues. Bitter people make these not just issues to be discussed, but positions to be defended or dismantled. And if you don’t agree with a bitter person, the grudges keep building and the anger won’t go away and the sense of unfairness keeps its grip tight. The fighting in America is going to continue for a long time. We need a peacemaker. Jesus is the ultimate Peacemaker in that He is the ultimate bitterness Overcomer.
When on earth, Jesus failed to attain the faith and affection of Israel. He was betrayed by those closest to Him. Injustice and unfairness brought Jesus to the cross. Jesus experienced a boat-load of those things that make a person bitter. Yet here’s the counter-intuitive truth – Jesus was never bitter. The cancer of bitterness never entered His soul, darkened His mind, or twisted His Spirit. Bitterness didn’t break him. Jesus can show us the way forward as a nation. Jesus can bring healing to the soul of our nation.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Jesus is the ultimate peacemaker and He is the Son of God.
Jesus came that we might have relationship with God. And it is in relationship with God where the cancer of bitterness is healed and the peace of God replaces it. Jesus has experienced all the pains and sorrows and temptations and disappointments that we have – yet they never led to bitterness. The wholeness that is mine in Christ is deeper than my broken heart. The acceptance I have with God and His love that I experience overcomes any betrayal I’ve been subject to. In Christ, disappointment doesn’t develop into bitterness – it moves me to cry out to God. Pain and sorrow doesn’t carve out a place for bitterness in me – it carves out a bigger place for God to come and inhabit. The peace of the Peacemaker settles so deeply into my soul that anger and hatred and the strife they give birth to can’t find any ground to grow in.
I’ve been reading some preachers who tell us that unless Trump wins the election, all is lost for America. What!? Did I miss the memo where Trump is now the Messiah? I knew I should have opened that email from Michael the Archangel. I thought that it had to be SPAM. Yikes! Sure, a new administration will take America in a direction that many of us do not prefer, but all is not lost for America until Jesus is no longer concerned for America. And I did get the memo stating that Jesus is still concerned for America. Praise the Lord! Neither Trump or Biden will end the anger and bitterness that is entrenched in the souls of multiplied tens of millions of Americans – but Jesus can! The Church is to call the world to the peace of Christ. Jesus said, “Come to Me all who are weary and weighed down, and I will give you peace.” Jesus brings us peace with God and then invites us to embrace the peace of God. Jesus is the ultimate Peacemaker. And He has called the Church to be peacemakers, too. Those who follow Jesus are to call people to peace with God through the work of Jesus for them, and we are to call people to the peace of God through the work of the Holy Spirit in them. Jesus died for you. The Spirit is working in you. This is the path of peace. This is Holy Ground.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 10, 2020
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
Jews and Gentiles hated each other probably more than Trump supporters and Biden supporters hate each other! How can peace be established when there is so much hate and scorn for each other? Jesus made peace between Jew and Gentile not by trying to carve out some middle ground of agreement, but by establishing the Holy Ground of grace and forgiveness. This is why Jesus is the ultimate Peacemaker. The 7th Beatitude that Jesus spoke is, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.” Well, if so, how can I be a peacemaker? Great question!
I watched a movie where a big bomb was dubbed “The Peacemaker.” Yet that’s a misnomer – a bomb isn’t a peacemaker, it’s a war-winner. An exploding bomb isn’t a way to make peace with your enemies, but a way to defeat your enemies and force them into a cease-fire which is called peace, but it’s really not peace because hearts are still hostile and bitter and lobbing bombs your way in their minds! A peacemaker doesn’t win wars, he or she wins hearts. Jesus didn’t say, “Blessed are those with the greatest strength and the most guns and makes everyone else cower and fall into line – they shall be called dictators.” Jesus commended the peacemakers, not the cease-fire enforcers.
Jesus is the ultimate Peacemaker. How did Jesus make peace?
“For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity.” Ephesians 2:14-16
Peace came through the two becoming one. Peace didn’t come through a negotiated settlement or mutually agreeable borders. Peace was made via unconditional surrender and erasure of borders. Jesus, in Himself, made the two – Jew and Gentile – into one new man. Some Democratic Christians think they can’t be at peace with other Christians unless they change from the Republican party to the Democratic party. And likewise, many Republican Christians won’t be at peace with Democratic Christians unless they become Republicans. It seems like many think that political agreement is the foundation of our peace. Jesus made the two into one and politics is making the one into two.
Even as Jesus didn’t come to negotiate and compromise in trying to establish a middle ground between Jew and Gentile, even so the Church. The Church’s message isn’t the negotiated middle ground of agreement, but the Holy Ground of grace and forgiveness. Jesus didn’t say, “OK, you Jews, give up A and B and C. And you Gentiles, give up X and Y and Z. If you do that – there can be peace.” Jesus didn’t say that. Jesus says to both Jews and Gentiles, “Give up all your A-Z; repent and surrender to Me. There’s no middle ground, there’s only Holy Ground.”
The Church doesn’t say, “If the Democrats will become pro-life and the Republicans will become pro-homosexual, we can have peace.” The Church isn’t here to negotiate middle ground, but to declare Holy Ground. Ours isn’t a message of a negotiated agreement between two warring factions of people. Ours is a message of radical surrender to the God who created us and the God who is redeeming us in Jesus Christ. The Church isn’t a political referee or negotiator between the two parties. The Church is the Herald of the Gospel that calls us to peace with God through Christ.
Should the Church have a political voice? Of course – and here’s why. Politics is the embodiment of a moral vision and the Bible has a lot to say about morality – what is right and wrong and what is good and evil. The Church has every right to advocate for a government that embodies and champions Biblical morality. And a pro-life policy and Biblical sexuality is good ground to stand on – but it’s not Holy Ground. I’m not here primarily to call people to good ground, but to Holy Ground. I’ve concluded that the political party I voted for isn’t as good as many think it is and that the political party I didn’t vote for isn’t as bad as many think it is. The frenzied rhetoric coming from both sides has overheated our thinking and blurred our vision. And this has happened to the Church to the point where many churches are churning out political scenarios instead of heralding the kingdom of God. Churches are calling people to what they consider to be good ground while Holy Ground fades into the background.
Peacemakers don’t try to get people onto middle ground or even moral ground – peacemakers want to get people onto Holy Ground. Jesus said this - "But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:35-36 Peacemakers are enemy-lovers and both are called the sons of God. I can only be a peacemaker when I have peace with God through Jesus Christ and I love my enemies – as Jesus loved me when I was His enemy. Peace is to be found on the Holy Ground of God’s love and not the middle ground of political negotiation or the ground of moral compromise. I am advocating for a Church that advocates for Holy Ground and whose eyes haven’t been lowered to consider only middle or moral ground. Stand on Holy Ground and advocate for Holy Ground.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
December 7, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
How should a Christian think of and relate to a President and a Party that he/she believes has illegitimately and fraudulently come to power? Regardless of the outcome, there will be those who believe that voter fraud flipped the presidential election of 2020. If Biden prevails and is inaugurated in January 2021, many in the Republican party will cry “Foul” and they will cry this out for four years. If somehow Trump pulls off a last second miracle, the same cry for the same length of time will come from the Democrats. Should followers of Jesus raise their voices in agitation, also?
Lucius’ father died when he was two years old and Lucius took the name Nero when he was adopted at age 13 by his great-uncle, Claudius – the Roman Emperor. Nero’s mother, Agrippina the Younger, had married Claudius after arranging the death of her second husband and was the driving force behind her son’s adoption. She arranged for Nero to wed Claudius’ daughter Octavia in 53, further sidelining the emperor’s son Britannicus. Upon Claudius’ sudden death in 54 (classical sources suggest Agrippina fed him poisoned mushrooms)the 17-year-old Nero ascended the throne. Nero came to the throne of the Roman Empire through murder, intrigue, and subterfuge. Claudius’ biological son, Britannicus – the natural and legal heir – was sidelined and bypassed. Those favoring Britannicus’ claim to the throne were executed. Nero came to the throne in a cloud of conspiracy – many believed he didn’t belong there.
Crazy, godless Nero is not just an interesting historical figure, he was the Roman Caesar during the larger part of the ministry of the apostles Peter and Paul. As such, the way that Peter and Paul related to Nero should help us think through what may be considered by some (on either side) to be fraudulent American political leadership. Here is what they wrote during the reign of Nero -
Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king (emperor). 1 Peter 2:17
Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Romans 13:1
Peter and Paul didn’t argue that Caesar Nero deserved no obedience or respect because he was godless or crazy or an illegitimate ruler. Peter wrote that the emperor should be honored, and Paul wrote that all authority is established by God – not by people. Paul wrote at the beginning of Nero’s reign when he showed himself a rather enlightened ruler and even when Nero slipped into megalomania, both Peter and Paul taught the honor due to governmental authority. Both Peter and Paul had been mistreated by Jewish and Roman authorities. Both authorities had acted in unjust and unreasonable ways towards them. Both served to impede, in their different ways, the advance of the gospel and sought to repress the truth. And yet Peter and Paul regarded Roman authority as exercised by crazy, godless, illegitimate Nero to be legitimate – even God-ordained authority.
Some argue this way: honor authority, not necessarily the man in authority. Salute the uniform, not the man. Not, “Honor Nero,” but “Honor the King.” Honor and respect is due to the office which the man holds, not necessarily to the man who holds the office. Paul illustrated this principle when the high priest Ananias commanded him to be smitten on the mouth. Paul responded by calling him a “whited wall” who perverted Jewish justice. When Paul learned that Ananias was high priest, he said, “I did not know, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people” (Acts 23:5). 346Daniel rightly said that God sets over the kingdom of men “the basest of men” (Dan 4:17), but respect for the office or position of authority is commanded nonetheless.BSac 133:532-P346
Yes, honor and respect is due to the office which the man holds, not necessarily to the man who holds the office. Yet the outcome is the same – a respect and an obedience to human institutions for the sake of Christ. Whoever swears the presidential oath on January 2021 – that should settle it for the Church. Neither Peter or Paul would say of crazy, godless, illegitimate Nero, “Not my Caesar.” And a Christian can’t say, “Not my President.” You can say, “I didn’t vote for the man,” but you can’t say, “Not my President.” Whoever swears the oath in January is the legitimate President whether he came by it legitimately or not. No, this doesn’t mean that the governing authorities embody the will of God – Nero and Roman power structure certainly didn’t. Yes, we can still speak truth to power. Yes, we can redress the government for our grievances. But no, we cannot encourage disrespect or resistance or indifference to whatever governing structure occupies the White House after January 20, 2021 – even if we believe it was illegitimately obtained. Peter and Paul’s thinking about human authority during the reign of crazy, godless, and illegitimate Nero should help us think through our response to this issue today.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and honor the king – Pastor Tim
December 4, 2020
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
In the structure of the eye, the retina’s central portion, known as the macula controls our ability to read, drive a car, recognize faces or colors, and see objects in fine detail. When it is working properly, the macula collects highly detailed images at the center of the field of vision and sends them up the optic nerve to the brain, which interprets them as sight. When the cells of the macula deteriorate, images are not received correctly. Your macula determines how you see what you’re looking at – wavy or blurred or blacked out. Just because you’re looking at something doesn’t mean you accurately perceive it. Even so, your heart determines how you see what you’re looking at. God is all around us – but just because someone is looking at God doesn’t mean they accurately perceive Him.
The sixth Beatitude spoken by Jesus is, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
The purity of your heart determines the clarity of your vision of God.
- Some look at God and see nothing there – these are the atheists.
- Some look at God and see a blurry image that they can’t quite make out – these are the agnostics.
- Some look at God and see an authoritarian father and a merciless judge– these are the religious.
- Some look at God and see Him in all His glory – full of grace and truth – these are the pure in heart.
“Pastor Tim, are you saying that atheists and agnostics and the religious don’t have pure hearts?” Yes – I am saying just that. And they do not have pure hearts because their hearts have never been purified by the forgiveness that comes through the experience of the grace of God. A pure heart is a heart purified by Jesus Christ. And the sense isn’t that the pure in heart are morally faultless or even morally superior to those who aren’t. The word used by Jesus for ‘pure’ carries the sense of ‘genuine’ as opposed to ‘mixed’ with other elements. A purified heart has had those things that have prevented him/her from seeing God in all His glory carried out and swept away. Much like when you get an eyelash stuck in your eye or a speck of dirt that needs to be removed in order for you to see clearly, unbelief and uncertainty and inaccurate understandings of God need to be removed from the heart so that the heart can be pure, and thus see God.
Those who are pure in heart see God, and in seeing God, see all else in the power of that vision.
- If you are a Marxist, you see all in the power of that vision. That vision determines how you see things. You categorize people by class – oppressed or oppressor, victim or victimizer, have or have-not, to-be-given-to or to-be-taken-from.
- If you are a Social Justice Warrior, you see all in the power of that vision. That vision determines how you see things. People are black or white, male or female, straight or gay or ?, destitute or privileged, exploited or exploiter.
- If you are a Political Partisan, you will see all in the power of that vision. That vision determines how you see things. People are Democrat or Republican, left or right, patriots or traitors, progressives or conservatives.
Those who are pure in heart see God, and in seeing God, see all else in the power of that vision. Though class, gender, race, and political ideology are important and meaningful ways of understanding culture and people, they don’t go deep enough into the human condition. You are more than your class or gender or race or political ideology – or all four of them combined! Before all these and above all these is the fact that you are created in the image of God and therefore have intrinsic worth and dignity. And here’s the thing – some look at these things and then decide whether or not you have worth and dignity. Unfortunately, to some, your class, gender, race, or political ideology make you of lesser worth and without a dignity that is to celebrated and protected. But the pure in heart who see God don’t see these things – they see someone made in the image of God whom Christ has come to rescue from sin and hell. The triumph of a certain class or the value placed upon a certain gender or the success of a certain race or the dominance of a certain political ideology will never bring healing to our nation or planet.
The pure in heart have had their hearts cleansed through the forgiveness Christ provides and their minds illumined by the truth the Word of God brings and their souls transformed by the love and mercy of God. Class, gender, race, and political ideology are important things, but they’re not the most important thing about you. The Marxists and the Social Justice Warriors and the Political ideologues are trying to recruit you to their cause. The Holy Spirit is seeking to win you to Jesus and purity of heart where these things don’t crowd your mind and cloud your judgment. Become a follower of Jesus and fight for all people regardless of their class, gender, race, or political ideology. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and may you see God – Pastor Tim
December 1, 2020
We have become an Empire of Vampires needing to be de-fanged. Consider - 2020 has been a merciless year. It’s been an-eye-for-an-eye and tooth-for-a-tooth kind of year. It’s been a jungle of eat-or-be-eaten. In an eat-or-be-eaten culture you are either a victim or an oppressor, the eater or the eaten. Professional newscasters have grown claws and their canine teeth have lengthened. Cable news and talk shows have hired Verbal Vampires who wear suits and pearl necklaces who proceed to mercilessly suck the blood of their opponents until they are only a heap of humanity on the floor. On one channel Trump is the Prince of Fools and on another channel Biden is the Prince of Fools. On one show the the host sinks his teeth into the necks of the Republicans and on another show the hostess sinks her teeth into the necks of Democrats. And there are Vampires in the Church, too. No quarter is given, no mercy is shown if you disagree with the party line. The Church and America needs healing.
I believe that the Beatitudes of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5:3-12 is the pathway the Church should walk in being a healing agent in our nation. The Beatitudes describe a spirit that is directly counter to the spirit that is manifesting itself in our public discourse and private relationships. We’ve already looked at those who are poor in spirit, those who mourn, the gentle, and they that hunger and thirst for righteousness. This is the way forward toward the healing our nation so desperately needs.
Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” This is the 5th Beatitude. To be merciful is to treat someone better than they deserve. This is the exact opposite of what is seen today on Cable news and in the clusters of political and ideological devotees. If Trump does something even slightly off base, he is treated worse than he deserves. If Biden does something even slightly off base, he is treated worse than he deserves. And this is true inside and outside of the Church. Mercilessness is rampant. Jesus said that if you treat someone better than they deserve that you will be treated better than you deserve. Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is getting better than what you deserve. James tells us, “For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:13
Mercy is treating your husband or your wife better than they deserve. When they speak that unkind word, speak a kind word in return. Mercy means treating your children better than they deserve. When they are disrespectful, discipline them in kindness and in fair measure. Mercy means treating your boss with kindness and fairness. When he or she is unreasonable, pray for them and guard them from the judgment of others. Mercy means treating our leaders with respect and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You don’t know what they’re dealing with and the pressures they are under. Mercy means going to them in private and airing your grievances in respect.
Give others the benefit of the doubt and you will be given the benefit of the doubt. Remember, you will reap what you sow. If you sow judgment and disrespect and scorn, you will receive judgment, and disrespect, and scorn. America has sown judgment, and disrespect, and scorn and she will reap judgment, and disrespect, and scorn. The Church are those who can stop the carnage. Begin the healing of our nation by following the words of Jesus – show mercy. The prophet Micah put it this way, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
It is time for the Church to love kindness. If the Church, if you, do not practice mercy, how can we expect more of our nation than we do the Church of Jesus Christ. Consider the following incident in the life of Jesus.
When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem; and He sent messengers on ahead of Him, and they went and entered a village of the Samaritans to make arrangements for Him. But they did not receive Him, because He was traveling toward Jerusalem. When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." And they went on to another village. Luke 9:51-56
Not the Spirit of Jesus, but the spirit of James and John has gripped the Church and the nation. “If you get in my way, I will destroy you!” But Jesus didn’t come to destroy those who disagreed with Him – He came to save them. The disciples then and many disciples now don’t walk in step with the heart of Jesus. Jesus didn’t come to bring judgment, but to manifest the mercies of God. Go and do likewise.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and show mercy – Pastor Tim
November 30, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Thanksgiving always highlights the wide variety of tastes and tolerances that people have. Dishes that I insist originate in the Boiling Cauldrons of the Realm of Darkness are: anything with pumpkin in it; anything with coconut in it; yams and sweet potatoes. On the other hand, my wife insists that these are all Heavenly Dishes cooked up in the kitchens of the Kingdom of God. (Yes, she’s a heretic!) There’s no moral obligation to hunger for yams or spiritual satisfaction if you do. Yet Jesus says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied.
People hunger and thirst for a lot of things – influence, popularity, power, beauty, strength, speed, money, pleasure, skill, adventure, position, discovery, etc. Yet whatever you achieve of influence and popularity, or beauty and strength, etc., there’s always more to be had – there’s always someone with more. For example, the United States Secretary of State has beneath him the Deputy Secretary of State who has beneath him the Executive Secretary. Beneath the Executive Secretary is the Under Secretary of Political Affairs and beneath him/her is the Assistant Secretary for African Affairs. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the Assistant Secretary for African Affairs desires to be the Under Secretary for Political Affairs who wants to be the Executive Secretary who longs to be the Deputy Secretary of State who yearns to be the Secretary of State who also nurtures a secret desire to the President of the United States. There’s always a ladder to be climbed, more to have, and greater satisfaction yet to experience. Welcome to the Rat Race. John D. Rockefeller said, “I have made many millions but they have brought me no happiness.” No matter how high John climbed, it wasn’t high enough – the ladder stretched beyond him. Rockefeller was asked by a reporter, “How much money is enough?” He responded, “Just a little bit more.” Mick Jagger put it this way, “I can’t get no satisfaction. I try and I try and I try and I try – I can’t get no!”
Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Satisfied – how so? If there’s always more to be had and higher to climb, how can I ever be satisfied? How can I ever find rest for my soul? No matter who you are or what you’ve attained, there’s always someone with more. Yet when I receive the righteousness of Christ, there’s no more to be had – I have it all! Think of it – no one on planet earth is more righteous than me! And if you’re in Christ, no one is more righteous than you – not your sainted mother or your godly pastor or your cousin who’s a missionary. Think further – no one in heaven has more righteousness than me. Certainly the angels don’t, and righteousness doesn’t somehow increase when you arrive in heaven. And if you dare think this – not even Christ has more righteousness than me! I am the righteousness of God in Christ! Jesus hasn’t given me of His righteousness – He has given me His righteousness – all of it! I don’t have a partial righteousness, but a full, final, and complete righteousness. I am not partly right with God – I am fully right with God and have perfect standing before Him. Hallelujah! Yes, my soul is satisfied! I am at rest. If you are in Christ, you cannot have a more perfect standing with God than you do now. Obedience doesn’t increase your righteousness and sin doesn’t decrease it.
My prayer life can improve. My faith can grow. I’m not satisfied with personal holiness and I can certainly grow in my conformity to the image of Jesus Christ. My attention to my spouse and my skill in pastoral ministry can increase. But there is no Rat Race when it comes to the righteousness of Christ! I don’t have to scrape and scrap for more. I am satisfied! The hunger and thirst for righteousness is a passion that can be satisfied fully and completely. Your soul won’t be satisfied once COVID is defeated and your guy is sitting in the White House and the riots and chaos have ended. Your soul will only be satisfied with Christ. There will always be someone faster, thinner, smarter, richer, better looking, and more popular than you. But there will never be anyone more righteous than you!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 24, 2020
The medical pandemic, the social pandemonium, and the political polarization have knocked the Church off course these last few months. It’s been a hairy time. The Church in America has never experienced something quite like this. These medical and social and political weather fronts have joined themselves into the perfect storm, and the Church, like a ship in a churning sea, is being tossed to and fro and can’t quite seem to find her way. She’s trying to right Herself, but a cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. The words of Jesus will help us remain afloat and going in the right direction though the storm continues unabated.
The second Beatitude is, “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
To mourn is to grieve and weep and be overwhelmed with sadness. That’s the stuff I try to avoid because I don’t see any blessing in it. Yet mourning is the appropriate response when you see how far your heart is from the heart of God – when you mourn for your sins and failures. Mourning is a word used to describe the sorrow one feels on behalf of a dead person – and death is the end product of sin. We should mourn for our sins and the sins of others because we know where sin leads.
Yet instead of mourn for our sins, we condemn others for what we perceive to be their sin. Why do I say ‘perceive’? Because it may not be sin at all! Just like Jesus said, we are straining at gnats and swallowing camels. The ones with logs in their eyes are trying to take the speck out of the eyes of others. This is a recipe for disaster. And disaster it’s been as the Church doesn’t mourn her own sins, but condemns the sin of others. We don’t examine our hearts before the Lord and seek forgiveness, instead we examine the hearts of others and pronounce judgment. We’re not broken before the Lord, instead we seek to break others. We are blind to our own sins and yet have 20/20 vision when it comes to the sins of others. We’re so puffed up with righteous anger that we forget that the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. It seems like the 2ndBeatitude has been changed into: “Blessed are the angry, for they shall be proven right.” And above all things, we want to be proven right.
And here’s the thing – as you condemn the sin of others and walk in judgment against them, you can never experience the comfort that is promised to those who mourn for their own sins. The blessing of comfort is for those who mourn. Mourning is the doorway to the comfort of God. The word for comfort that Jesus uses is the same word that He uses to describe the Holy Spirit – the Comforter. Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, "He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you.” John 16:14
The word ‘disclose’ in John 16:14 means ‘announce’ – it comes from the same Greek word that is translated ‘angel’ – a messenger of God. When you mourn for your sins, the Holy Spirit announces to you the grace and forgiveness of God available to you through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. A Church that is not mourning its sins is being starved of grace and mercy. No wonder we’re so angry!
In the storm year of 2020, how can the Church remain afloat and headed in the right direction in these churning seas? By returning to the words of Jesus – to mourn for our sins and receive the comfort of God. “But if I don’t condemn those Democrats and those Republicans and those mask-wearers and non mask-wearers, who will? If I don’t point out their sin, who will? I can’t waste this opportunity. I must speak truth to power!” The dog owner who puts his dog’s poop in a baggie is still holding dog poop. And condemnation wrapped in the conceit of a ‘prophetic word’ or ‘speaking truth to power’ still smells to high heaven. There are ‘prophetic words’ and there is ‘speaking truth to power.’ But when these come from someone who is not mourning their own sin, it becomes nothing more than sanctimonious dribble – and it stinks!
May your anger be turned to mourning, and in your mourning may you be comforted. And in your comforted soul may you be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 23, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
In my last blog I wrote about the smartphone and on-board GPS guidance systems that give us directions to where we’re going. And when we get off course, it recalculates our route, and guides us back to the proper route. I think it’s safe to say that the Church has strayed off the path of Jesus these last few months. Now, you may protest and say, “What are you talking about? I can say with a clear conscience and intellectual integrity that I’ve followed Jesus very closely these last few months. In fact, I’ve never followed Him with greater care and urgency.” OK – I believe you. But probably the church down the street from you has been into some goofy stuff! You know, it’s hard to think and write about the Church as a single whole – for the very reason that there are so many moving parts to the Body of Christ. And not all of them move in the same direction at the same speed at the same time. And therein lay our current state of distress. The engine wants to go to this city while the transmission wants to go to another location and the rear bumper is in another county altogether. If that’s the Church – the Church is a wreck! Part of the Church is in the Republican camp while another part of it is in the Democrat camp. One part of the Church is marching to the drum of the social justice movement and another part of the Church is denouncing this as folly. The Church is all over the map!
How does the Holy Spirit recalculate our course? By the Word of God. Even as the satellites that inform our GPS systems use a standardized methodology for guiding our way and recalculating our path, so the Holy Spirit takes the eternal Word of God and seeks to bring our lives into conformity with it. How does this happen? Where does this begin? Let’s consider the Beatitudes. The first Beatitude that Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 is, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of heaven.”
Here is a pretty standard definition of ‘poor’: having little money or belongings, or lacking something. That’s pretty straight forward. Here is ‘poor’ used in a sentence: An example of poor is living below the poverty line.
So, Jesus is saying that you are blessed if your spirit is living below the poverty line! Jesus says that you are blessed if you are not self-sufficient. If you make a living wage and can pay for your lodging, food, transportation, clothing, insurance, etc., you won’t need to look to anyone or anything else to help sustain you. But if you’re living below the poverty line, that’s not the case. You have to discover what agencies and programs and systems are out there to help you get by. According to Jesus, you are not self-sufficient in spirit, in your innermost being – you need help!
Blessed are the poor in spirit because they need help. And what’s more – they know they need help. They know they need to look beyond themselves or else they won’t make it. Those living below the poverty line find themselves in desperate situations. Blessed are the spiritually desperate. Blessed are those who can’t sustain themselves. Blessed are those who need to look beyond themselves. (I feel like preaching!) Yet this goes against accepted psychological dogma. We’re told that we need to affirm ourselves and think highly of ourselves lest we have a low self image and suffer psychological trauma. And whatever wisdom there is in this, God does not want us to think ourselves as self-sufficient, having no need for His grace and mercy.
The opposite of poor in spirit is being full of yourself. This is where the Church has lost its way these last few months. There are a lot of Christians who are full of themselves these days. There are a lot of bullies in the the Body of Christ -
- “If you don’t vote the way I think you should vote, you’re not a Christian.”
- “If you wear a mask you are un-American and anti-freedom.”
- “If you don’t wear a mask you are being unchristian and not loving people.”
- “If you don’t consider yourself systemically racist you are part of the problem.”
- “If you allow yourself to be bullied by the social justice warriors you are part of the problem.”
- Ad nauseum…
We must be full of ourselves because we’re certainly not full of Jesus.
- We’ve been given the Kingdom of Heaven, yet all we do is build the Castles of Men.
- We’ve been given the name of the King of Kings, yet all we talk about is presidents.
- We’ve been given the message of justification, yet so many have replaced this with the mission of justice.
The good has replaced the best; the important has replaced the supreme; the noble has replaced the sublime. The good and the important and the noble is the Castle of Man. The best and supreme and the sublime is the Kingdom of Heaven. The good and the important and the noble will never attain to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Church’s course needs to be recalculated so that She can once again find Herself on the path of Jesus – the path of the best and the supreme and the sublime. It begins by being poor in spirit – living below the poverty line and constantly looking to Jesus and not being satisfied with less than Jesus. Your version of what America should look like will not fulfill you – only Jesus can. Your version of what justice should look like will not bring rest to your soul – only Jesus can do this. The Castles of Men can never complete with the Kingdom of Heaven. The Castles of Men decay and crumble. The Kingdom of Heaven is eternal.
Be blessed and stay healthy and be poor in spirit, for yours is the Kingdom – and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 20, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
When you use a map app on one of your devices – whether a smart phone or one installed in your car – it measures precisely from where you are to where you want to go and then gives you directions on how to get there. It tells you when to turn left or right, how far it is to where you need to turn, and even what lane to be in to get where you need to be. And here’s the real lifesaver – when you don’t follow the directions as given and get off course – your map app recalculates. It remeasures where you are and gives directions for getting back on course.
The Holy Spirit does this in our lives. When you have spoken unkindly to your children or harshly to your spouse; when you have allowed an ungodly thought to take root and bloom in your mind; when you have nurtured an unworthy motive; when you have allowed sloth and laziness to creep into your work-life; when you have not taken the opportunity to share Christ when you could have; when you have allowed an injustice to proceed without speaking out – in all these situations and so many more like them, the Holy Spirit comes to you and me and gently informs us of the course correction we need to make. Whether it’s repentance and confession or humility and recommitment – the Holy Spirit gets us back on the path of Jesus. There are times when the Holy Spirit needs to recalculate our path.
Sometimes the Holy Spirit needs to recalculate the Church’s way, for it is possible for the Church to stray off the path of Jesus. In some ways the Church has grown in amazing ways during the crazy year of 2020. Pastor Chuck used to say that the final Beatitude should have been, “Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken.” The Church has been super-flexible and has bent in ways it didn’t know it could in 2020. From expanding its digital presence to providing pastoral care long distance to theologically coming to grips with either indifferent or hostile governmental agencies to providing rationales for civil disobedience or compliance to providing live services with unique restrictions to praying in ways it hadn’t prayed before – the Church has grown.
In other ways the Church has gotten off the path of Jesus. Any church that has made itself a wing of either the Republican or Democratic parties is off the path of Jesus. If you make political affiliation a test of fellowship – you are off the path of Jesus. I recently received an email from someone who wrote that they were going to visit our church, but since we do not stand as strong Christians and require masks and adhere to social distancing, we are anti-American and anti-freedom. YIKES! Needless to say, they will not be visiting us. For them, it doesn’t matter how Christian we are – whether Jesus is glorified and the gospel is preached – what matters is how American (in their opinion) we are. And so it’s not how Biblical we are, but how Constitutional (as defined by them) we are. When political party and Constitutional issues overshadow Jesus and the gospel – the path the Church is taking needs to be recalculated.
The Church got along just fine without the Republican or Democratic parties and without the US Constitution for much of its 2,000 year existence. When these become the criteria of a faithful church, a recalculation needs to take place. The Church has hit a number of speed bumps in 2020. Some speed bumps are three feet wide and four inches tall – you can go over these without slowing down too much. Other speed bumps are one foot wide and eight inches tall – you need to really slow down for these or you could do some real damage to your car’s suspension. We have thumped over some speed bumps without slowing down and have paid the price. Part of the Church has hit the brakes when She should have hit the gas pedal and part of the Church has stomped on the gas pedal when She should have been applying the brakes. The Church has hit some political and philosophical speed bumps in 2020 and she has suffered for it. The Church has suffered hurt feelings, unhelpful judgment, unnecessary division, and broken relationships in 2020. Pride, judgmentalism, holier-than-thou attitudes, and deep offense have wounded the precious Bride of Christ. We find ourselves off course and limping into 2021. But – and here’s the wonderful thing – the Holy Spirit is recalculating our route!
Jesus said to the church of Ephesus: 'But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lampstand out of its place—unless you repent.’ Revelation 2:4-5
The Holy Spirit is saying to His church, “You’re off the path of Jesus. Recalculating route. Repent – make a U-turn – and go in this other direction.” May we have an ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church.
Be blessed and stay healthy and repent and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 11, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The American flag – the Red, White, and Blue – helps me navigate the rapids our nation is in.
- Red – Republicans
- Blue – Democrats
- White – the Body of Christ
On any news program, we constantly see the map of the United States divided up between Blue and Red. All the talk is about if this Blue state will flip Red or if that Red state will turn Blue. The Reds are trying to persuade the Blues to become Red and the Blues are trying to persuade the Reds to turn Blue. The Reds can’t understand why the Blues are Blue and the Blues can’t understand why the Reds remain Red. I voted Red, but I really have little passion to convince a Blue to become a Red. My passion is that both Red and Blue become White. I’m White before I’m Red. I’m a citizen of Heaven before I’m a citizen of America. And I hope that you’re White before you’re Red or Blue. Being a Christian is of greater importance than being a Republican or a Democrat. And if you’re White, being filled with the Holy Spirit will give you a love for your political opponent – Red or Blue.
People will identify you as being either Blue or Red. I’m not going to color you by your politics. I don’t care if you’re Red or Blue – I want you to become White – a part of the Body of Christ. I don’t want to be known as being a Red – I want to be identified as being a White – a member of the Body of Christ. I don’t even want to be a Pink – a mixture of Red and White. I’m not a Republican Christian – I’m a Christian. I don’t want to see you as a Democratic Christian – a Cerulean (a mixture of Blue and White) – I want to see you as a Christian – a follower of Jesus.
Why do Reds want Blues to become Red and Blues want Reds to become Blue? For in this way the nation will be saved. The Blues say that if Reds become Blues the nation will be saved from racism and xenophobia and sexism and homophobia and a crude isolationist nationalism, etc. The Reds say that if Blues become Red the nation will be saved from socialism, globalism, unchecked immigration, poverty, the slaughter of life in the womb, etc. “But Pastor Tim, don’t you believe that the moral vision of the political parties matters?” Yes, I do – that’s why I voted the way I did. But let me tell you this – and this is sure to offend someone. My theology says that the souls of aborted babies and miscarriages and the still-born and infant deaths and children who die go to heaven. The souls of Reds and Blues go to hell. I say that if a Red becomes a Blue he’ll still go to hell and if a Blue becomes a Red she’ll still go to hell. I say that if Reds and Blues become Whites their souls will be saved from eternal damnation.
If all the Whites care only about being Red or Blue, they’ve become Pink or Cerulean. If the Church is no longer White, but Pink here and Cerulean there, Jesus and His Kingdom have faded into so much background noise. Many tell us that they are fighting for the soul of our nation. I am fighting for the soul of the Church! It seems to me that many prefer Pink and Cerulean to White. If the Church loses sight of Jesus and His priorities and His Kingdom and His Heaven – if White becomes Pink and Cerulean – then it doesn’t matter who wins the Presidency in that the devil has neutralized the Church. If your politics is the sum total of your faith – the devil has won.
There are some Reds who think that if you are a Christian and voted Blue, you are no longer White, you are Cerulean – your politics have stained your faith. And there are some Blues who think that if you are a Christian and voted Red, you are no longer White, you are Pink – your politics have stained your faith. If this is the way you think – the devil has won. Politics has become more important than faith. The kingdoms of man have become more important than the Kingdom of God. Trump and Biden have become more important than Christ.
Isaiah says that though your sins be as red as scarlet – they will be white as snow. We can say by way of analogy that though your sins be as blue as cobalt – they will be white as snow. White triumphs over Red and Blue. There are no Red Christians or Blue Christians – there are only White Christians – those made White through faith in Jesus Christ. Red and yellow, black or white, all are precious in His sight. And we can throw in brown, too.
Please don’t defile the Church by saying that the Republicans are the party of Christ or that the Democrats are the party of Christ. Please don’t besmirch the Church of Jesus Christ by insisting that Red is White or that Blue is White. When it comes to the Church, I’m not color blind – all I see is White and all I determine to see is White. The Bible tells us that one day our flag will be all white. This will happen when the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 9, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“Hear now the Parable of the Puzzled Paramedics.”
The Blue Ambulance Service received the call and were at the scene of the multi-car pileup eight minutes later. The license plates of the cars involved hailed from many States in the Union. The most severe injury was to a 244 year old female who had a deep cut in her neck that was spurting blood. The first Puzzled Paramedic on the scene looked at the injury and said to himself, “Hmmm…I think I know what to do.” He quickly cut a piece of cloth to use as a tourniquet and tied it tightly around her left wrist and tried to get her to swallow some aspirin. As her condition continued to decline, a Puzzled Paramedic from The Red Ambulance Service arrived on the scene. He thought that the first tourniquet wasn’t sterile enough and wrongly placed. He replaced it with another tourniquet which he tied tight on her right wrist. The old woman died ten minutes later. The Courts still haven’t decided if she died from the injuries she sustained in the accident or from the sub-standard care of the Puzzled Paramedics from the Blue and Red Ambulance Services.
“Tell us the interpretation of the Parable of the Puzzled Paramedics.”
The 244 year old woman is the United States of America. The cars from many States that back-ended and collided with her are the influences that come from that brand of evolutionary theory that feeds the philosophical thinking of atheism which teaches the meaningless and purposelessness of life, which in turn fuels the market forces of consumerism and materialism and the importance of image – since the physical body is all we have. The cars that plowed into this 244 year old woman are the newest models of the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eyes, and the Boastful Pride of Life. These travel at great speed and do immense damage upon impact. The demand for sensuality and unaccountable freedom coupled with disregard for the truth have all slammed into this Great Lady, slashing an artery, and she is hemorrhaging. The Puzzled Paramedics are the perplexed politicians from both parties who think they know the solution to the problem – but don’t have a clue. The first one applies laws and then more laws and then the other paramedic moves the first one over and applies even more laws and raises taxes – the tourniquet gets tighter and the Great Lady continues to bleed out.
America has a spiritual problem and a spiritual problem does not have a political solution. The politicians of both parties are tying tourniquets and cranking them tighter and tighter. Laws and more laws, taxes and more taxes – these are the tools of the politician. Someone said that if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. Even as a tourniquet around the wrist cannot stop bleeding in the neck, so laws and taxes – even good laws and taxes wisely spent – cannot stop the bleed-out of our Great Lady. America has a spiritual problem and a spiritual problem does not have a political solution. Just laws and ample funding cannot cure what ails America. Just laws and civic virtue are good in themselves and do accomplish some good. Yet even as a tourniquet around the wrist cannot stop bleeding from the neck, so just laws and ample funding and civic virtue cannot arrest the moral free fall of America. Even as the tourniquet was downstream from the neck wound and could do nothing to stop the bleeding, so politics is downstream from culture and can do precious little to keep our Great Lady from bleeding out from her many and various wounds.
I, along with 170 other California pastors, listened to a speech given by Ben Sasse, a Senator from Nebraska. After his talk I asked him to identify one negative moral trend that has been reversed by Washington DC. He pointed to the Civil Rights Movement. I responded by saying that the Civil Rights Movement started on the streets of Selma, Alabama and not in the halls of Congress. There was a Civil Rights Movement precisely because Washington DC would not address the civil wrongs of our nation. He said that I was right. I asked him again to identify one, just one, negative moral trend reversed by Washington DC. He said that he couldn’t think of even one – and he’s a smart man.
Congressmen and Think Tank Wonks also addressed the 170 California pastors. To a man, to a woman, they all said that politics is downstream from culture. Culture is the neck and politics is the wrist. Politics doesn’t influence culture, culture influences politics. They all said that pastors and their sermons are more influential to culture than politicians with their laws and taxes. The Church, not Washington DC, regardless of which party is in power, is the Hope of this Great Lady. Only the love of God seen in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Church, as the Light of the World and the Pillar and Support of the Truth can attend to the neck wound of America. The Bride of Christ is the hope for the Great Lady.
While the Puzzled Paramedics attend to the wrists of America and seek to bind her up with more laws and taxes and so-called progressive and enlightened policies, may the Bride attend to the neck wound of the Great Lady with the love of God and mercies of Christ and may the healing of Jesus begin to flow.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and be the Bride – Pastor Tim
November 6, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Wow! What a year with a blockbuster ending. Justified or not, the worst fears of many people are being realized. If you thought that Trump might try to hang on to the White House by any means even in defeat or if you thought that Biden might move into the White House as the result of a fraudulent election – you’re seeing your fears take shape. And, of course, you have the same rhetoric coming from both camps – “We believe that when the votes are fully and fairly counted, we will be declared the winner.” And the thing is, no matter what the result, half the country will say of the next President (whoever he is), “Not my President.”
Should the Church go through the next four years (regardless of who is President) saying, “Not my President.”Should the Church suck on sour grapes for the next four years and keep the fires of resentment burning? If politics is all we had, if everything depends on the man in the Oval Office that would be the obvious and rational course of action. But we belong to another Kingdom. Everything doesn’t depend on the party in power and the man sitting in the Oval Office.
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” How can you be a peacemaker if you are filled with bitterness and keep stirring the coals of resentment? When there is peace, there is no need for peacemakers. Peacemakers are needed where there is war and contention and hostilities. That describes America at this moment. Yes, as American citizens we should be concerned with and insist on fairness and justice, but whether your guy wins or loses, whether you think shenanigans are at play or not you belong to a Kingdom where bitterness and resentment and partisanship give way before a greater reality.
King Solomon was a political realist. He wrote: “If you see oppression of the poor and denial of justice and righteousness in the province, do not be shocked at the sight; for one official watches over another official, and there are higher officials over them.” Ecclesiastes 5:8
Don’t be shocked at ungodliness in government – regardless of who’s in power. The fallenness of humanity is in every nook and cranny of life. It’s in the heart of all and will manifest itself wherever there are people – in the family, Church, government, business, military, at school – everywhere. This is why peacemakers need to be everywhere - in the family, Church, government, business, military, at school – everywhere. Peacemakers have a vision of another Kingdom that transcends all the institutions of man.
Being a peacemaker begins by being at peace in your heart. The bitter, the resentful, the agitated do not make good peacemakers. The bitter and resentful only see one way to peace – through winning. Many will say, “Peace through justice. Only if my guy wins will there be justice. If the other side wins, they only won through injustice and I will not be at peace with that.” If winning is the only way to peace, many will never be at peace and will never be peacemakers.
Where does peacemaking begin? By loving your enemy. Even when the enemy was winning by means of a horrible injustice, Jesus said, while being crucified, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” Jesus didn’t see His enemies as the enemy – He was them as the victim of the enemy As the victim of the greatest act of historic and cosmic injustice, Jesus loved His unjust executioners. Peacemaking begins by loving your enemies. Peacemaking continues by having a heart of forgiveness toward your enemies. A peacemaker is an ambassador of another Kingdom. If the outcome of the election is all important to you, you will never be a peacemaker. If the Kingdom of Jesus is all important to you, you’ve taken the first step to being a peacemaker.
Pastors should not be filled with bitterness and rancor and allow political partisanship to flavor their pulpits. Jesus doesn’t affirm all, but He welcomes all. Pastors should be ambassadors of the Kingdom of Jesus and not agents of earthly kingdoms. The Church should be filled with the aroma of heaven and not the smells of partisanship. The Church should be a Haven for all and not just those who see things my way. Our unity is in Christ and not in a political platform. I have political preferences, but I am not a partisan. In my thinking, being a partisan makes it difficult to be a peacemaker. We don’t fight against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness is high places. People are not your enemy, they are the victims of the enemy.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and be a peacemaker – Pastor Tim
November 5, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I finally figured out why Jesus liked children so much and had a great fondness for them – it’s because He was homesick. Children reminded Jesus of heaven and the spirit of heaven. He was at Home with children.
Twice, Jesus spoke of children and the kingdom of heaven.
"Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”Matthew 18:3
A child’s trust is simple, his love is pure, her loyalty is undivided, his vision is clear, her wonder is unembarrassed. How simple is your trust? How pure is your love? How undivided is your loyalty? How clear is your vision? How shy is your wonder?
Children reminded Jesus of heaven and they filled Him with joy! I am watching a series on the life of Jesus called “The Chosen” and it’s the best production (by far) of the life of Jesus I’ve ever seen. Episode Three is all about Jesus and children and it was during that episode that it dawned on me why Jesus liked to hang out with children – and why children liked to hang out with Jesus.
I love the Church, but when I think of the Church I don’t think of a simple faith and a pure love and a clear vision. COVID and social unrest and political chaos has turned us into a bunch of cranky, critical, cynical adults who have lost any semblance of childlikeness. The Holy Spirit is going to be working overtime in 2021 to restore to the Church a faith that is simple, a love that is pure, a loyalty that is undivided, a vision that is clear, a wonder that is not embarrassed.
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego came out of the fire that Nebuchadnezzar had thrown them into, we are told that they didn’t even have the smell of smoke on them. Imagine that! You can be around a campfire for just a few minutes and if the wind is not right – your clothes will smell of smoke. Yet these three Hebrew young men gave no indication of ever having been thrown into the fiery furnace! Such is not the case with the Church – the smell of 2020 is all over us. COVID began to burn us and the social unrest began to disfigure us and the political polarization melted us down. “Heal us and restore us, O God!”
I have thought some things, said some things, and written some things that have not been worthy of Christ in 2020. I have judged fellow Christians and thought ill of them. I have wondered how they can be so petty and deluded. But then, they have thought the same of me! The smell of the smoke of judgment and scorn and division is all over us. May the Lord send a purifying wind to purge and cleanse His Church! May we be converted and become like children. May Jesus feel at home in us. Isaiah spells out the work Jesus has set Himself to do by His Spirit –
“…to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.” Isaiah 61:3-4
Jesus is seeking to restore your childlike faith. The restored do the repairing. And it is those with childlike faith who will do the heavy lifting! May God restore your childlike faith and may your childlike faith rebuild the ancient ruins.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and be restored – Pastor Tim
November 4, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Politics has divided the nation and is splitting friendships and some people are no longer talking to one another. Possibly even you have been unfriended and your contact info deleted from someone’s devices. Republicans have done this to Democrats and Democrats have done this to Republicans – and Christians have done this to Christians. Amazing! And this is not an isolated phenomena – it’s happening all over the nation in our churches, families, businesses, and long-standing friendships. I hope this is not true of you. If so – the devil has won!
If you are a Democrat and will no longer associate with Republican friends and acquaintances – the devil has won.
If you are a Republican and will no longer associate with Democrat friends and acquaintances – the devil has won.
You would, no doubt, say of your political opposite, “O man, they need Jesus in a real bad way.” But they won’t hear about Jesus from you – you’ve unfriended and deleted them! For you, politics is more important than salvation. Them agreeing with you is more important than them agreeing with God. Being a Democrat or a Republican is the unforgiveable sin. Jesus was the Friend of sinners – but not you! You are only the friend of the politically correct – those who think and vote like you do. Those who don’t think and vote like you do can go to hell. And they will if you get your way – because you’ve unfriended and deleted them and will not talk to them. The eternal has been crowded out and all we are left with is the now. The sand castles of men have crowded out the kingdom of God. Hatred for the other has overcome the love of God for all. The devil has won. Phariseeism reigns in the Church. “Forgive us, O God.”
In Jericho one time, Jesus told Zacchaeus, the tax-gatherer, that He was going to lunch with him that day. The people of Jericho were scandalized that Jesus would eat with a tax-gatherer and a sinner. “He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” All of them had already unfriended Zacchaeus on social media. 2,000 years before COVID they were already practicing social distancing. But Jesus said, “…the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
If Jesus were here in the flesh and went to have lunch in the home of a Democrat, many Republicans would be scandalized and would call for His crucifixion. “How can He do that? Doesn’t He know they are baby-killers?” And likewise many Democrats would be offended if Jesus were to have dinner in the home of a Republican. “How can He do that? Doesn’t He know they are racists and homophobes?” And we know what Jesus would say!
The word ‘adultery’ means to ‘dilute.’ Your scorn for your political opposite is adultery with the world and as a consequence of the spirit of the world entering you, the truth and the love and the power of God have become diluted. I grew up in a church where we celebrated the Lord’s Supper every week and I would often drink the grape juice left over at the end of communion (but secretly, so I wouldn’t get caught). There are few things (in my experience) that pack a delicious punch more than a deep drink of grape juice. Once, as a pastor, it came time for communion and I realized that we didn’t have enough grape juice. Instead of running to the store, I had an idea. I took the partially empty bottle of grape juice and topped it off with water. I adulterated it. I diluted it. I figured that since we only get a thimbleful of it, no one would notice – and I was right. But had I poured out a glassful for everybody, my secret would have come out. Here’s the dirty little secret of the Church – our truth and love and power have been diluted for we have judged that it’s more important for you to be a Democrat or a Republican than to be a Christian. The message of the Church doesn’t pack the punch it should. We will open our mouth for Trump or Biden – but if you don’t agree with us, you’ll never hear the name of Jesus from us. The devil has won and has diluted the witness of the Church.
At the intersection of Market and Powell in San Francisco, where the cable cars turn around to climb back up the hill and then descend to the wharf, there are usually street preachers on their soap boxes telling homosexuals and lesbians how disgusting they are and that they are going to burn in hell. I asked one of these men how long he had been doing this and how many people had he won to Christ. He said he had been doing it for almost 25 years and that he has led no one to Christ. No surprise there – you cannot effectively share Christ with those you don’t love.
Your contempt and disgust for your political opposite gives room to the devil to corrupt your soul. But remember what James said: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Jesus had intense love, He had Calvary love for baby-killers and racists and homosexuals and homophobes. I understand how faith is to guide our voting, but what I don’t understand is how faith can bring us to dam those who don’t think like us. This is not the Spirit of Jesus.
America needs healing. Healing needs medicine. The medicine necessary for the wounds of America is the love of Jesus. Scorn and disgust dilute the love of God. Judgment and hatred adulterate the wine of His mercy and grace. A diluted gospel is a crippled gospel. An adulterated gospel doesn’t pack the punch of the fullness of God’s love. The election is over – you won, you lost – it’s time to be the Church. God is still on His throne. The gospel is still the power of God unto salvation. And the Church remains the elect of God. Let us love as we have been loved. Let the healing begin.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
November 3, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
This is Election Day in America. More important than who man elects is who God elects. God has elected you – you are the chosen of God. God has not chosen the Republican or Democratic party to represent Him – God has chosen the Church. The Church is the Elect of God.
Whether you identify as a Republican or Democratic or Libertarian or are unaffiliated or are not yet a citizen, know this – God did not give these parties the mandate and the mission and message of the gospel. The glorification of God and the salvation of man is the purpose of the Church. This is not the primary nor is it the secondary purpose (or even the tertiary purpose) of the political parties. The mandate and mission and message of the gospel are given to the Church.
The Church doesn’t need the Republican, Democratic, or Libertarian party to carry out its mandate, mission, and message. Nor do we need Capitalism or Socialism. The Church can carry out its mandate, mission, and message whether there is a Republican or a Democratic administration or whether Capitalism is being dismantled and Socialism is ascending.
Please don’t get me wrong, I have political preferences. Yet what I’m trying to emphasize is that no political party is the elect of God – the Church is. What I protest is when one’s faith, their Christian identity is co-extensive with their political ideology. What I protest is when one can see no daylight between their faith and their politics. And when this happens, you think that your party is the party of God. Believe it or not – there are Republicans who think they belong to the party of God. Believe it or not – there are Democrats who believe they belong to the party of God. Believe it or not – God has no party! He has a Church! To make your party an extension of the Church is to be blind and bone-headed!
If your guy wins, the Church hasn’t won. The success of the Church is not measured by political gain. If your guy loses, the Church hasn’t lost. The losses of the Church aren’t measured by political defeat. Political wins and losses are not the Biblical criteria used to measure the forward stride of the Church. Consider the following -
“Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip was tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.” Luke 3:1-2
The word of God didn’t come to Tiberius Caesar in Rome, nor did it come to Pontius Pilate who was governing Judea. The word of God didn’t come to Herod or Philip or Lysanias – high officials, kings even – overseeing certain districts under Roman supervision. The word of God didn’t come to the high priests Annas or Caiaphas. The word of God didn’t come to the thrones of the land, the corridors of power, nor to the recognized religious establishment. None of these were chosen. None of these were the elect of God. God chose John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. I’ll tell you this – God sure knows how to squander an ideal opportunity! Didn’t He know that the well-oiled Roman bureaucracy would have been an effective way to spread His word. Surely He was aware of the mighty authority of the Sanhedrin and its influence in Israel. How could He not know this? How could He have made such a serious error in judgment?
Luke tells us that the word of God did not come to Caesars and governors and kings and princes and priests – it came to and through John in the wilderness. The word of God doesn’t come to and through political parties – it comes to and through the Church. Do not expect the Republican or the Democratic party to point to Jesus – the Church is chosen to do this. Do not expect Biden or Trump to glorify the name of Jesus and sound His praise abroad – the Church is chosen to do this. Do not expect political institutions and leaders to tend to the salvation of people – the Church is chosen to do this.
Now, if I hadn’t written this blog and was just reading it, I would say to myself, “Yeah, but then don’t expect the Church to resist Islamic terrorism or Chinese subterfuge or Russian interference or North Korean aggression or unemployment or trade imbalance, etc., the government is chosen to do that.” And I would agree with my objection 100%! Both Church and government are chosen by God to be His ministers in their separate callings and capacities.
Government is chosen to administer justice; the Church is chosen to preach righteousness. And no, they are not the same. Justice is right relations between man and man; righteousness is right relations between man and God. Justice is the character of God made manifest in public order. The Church is to pursue justice via governmental policy and good deeds, but is not to understand her mandate, mission, and message as only the pursuit of justice. A Church that pursues only justice is no longer the Church. The Church is God’s elect to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations. When the government is on the same page as the Church when it comes to justice, laws are passed condemning injustice and punishing wrongdoers. When the government is not on the same page as the Church when it comes to justice, injustice is not resisted and wrongdoers are not punished and wickedness struts about on every side. Both parties are flawed in their understanding of justice. Both parties are flawed in their pursuit of justice. Now, in my opinion, one party is more flawed than the other in their understanding and pursuit of justice. But whichever party is elected by the people, you, the Church are the elect of God to represent Him. We can hope that government will be on the same page as us, but if not – nothing changes the mandate, mission, and message of the Church. We seek to persuade the whole world that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
November 2, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
If your guy wins tomorrow, the kingdom of God won’t arrive in a blaze of glory. If your guy loses tomorrow the kingdom of God won’t be unceremoniously delayed. Something greater than the presidency is among us.
The Church is of greater significance than the White House. Destiny doesn’t issue from the palace, but from the temple. I don’t know exactly how far Solomon’s palace was from the newly built temple, but I’m sure it could be measured in yards. And it’s interesting that God chose not to sit on the throne in the palace, but to dwell in the holy of holies in the temple. The Hope of the nation wasn’t sitting on the throne in the palace, but dwelling faithfully in the temple between the wings of the cherubim. The temple was the mishkan of God – the dwelling place of God.
The greatest tragedy to befall Israel wasn’t the departure of this or that godly king through death. The greatest tragedy to befall Israel was the departure of the glory of God from the temple. After enumerating the sins of Israel and tracing the movements of the glory of God, the prophet Ezekiel writes this -
The glory of the LORD went up from the midst of the city and stood over the mountain which is east of the city. Ezekiel 11:23
The glory of God has departed the temple – Ichabod. In the previous chapters, God had taken Ezekiel on a guided tour not of the palace, but of the temple. He revealed to the prophet not the sins of the palace, but the sins taking place in the temple. It was the sin of the temple and not the sin of the palace that gave the boot of the glory of God. The sin of the palace invited His judgment, but the sin of the temple disinvited His presence. God’s glory isn’t dependent upon what happens in the palace, but what happens in the temple. Where is the temple of God today? Where does God dwell?
The apostle Paul says this about the Church when writing to the Corinthians -
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16
God’s dwelling place isn’t in the Oval Office – it’s in you – the Church of Jesus Christ. God’s blessing on our nation isn’t dependent upon the occupant of the White House but upon the Occupant of the Church. The Church is the mishkan of God. Of more significance, ultimately, to our nation isn’t the state of our politics but the state of the Church. Don’t grieve over the sins of the nation until you have grieved over the sins of the Church. God showed Ezekiel not the ungodliness of the palace, but the ungodliness of the temple. Ezekiel didn’t grieve over exile, he grieved over Ichabod – the departure of the glory of God. It’s one thing that the people were carried into exile; it’s another thing that God’s presence was so resisted and grieved and quenched that He departed the temple. They gave God the left foot of fellowship! The Church does the same thing when she is absorbed by the culture and doesn’t retain Biblical and spiritual integrity.
The Church is to champion the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus isn’t one among many, He is One above all. Because life is precious to God, the Church is to be a voice for the unborn. The Church is to embrace Creation sexuality and is to welcome the stranger and have compassion upon the poor. Yet much of the Church has turned from God. The sin of the Church is piled up to heaven and so we cry to You, O God, for mercy and forgiveness so that the sin that is piled up to heaven might be removed as far as the east is from the west. May the shed blood of Your Son, Jesus, cleanse us. May Your mercies renew us every morning. May Your Holy Spirit fill us that we might lead lives pleasing to You and be empowered to take the name of Jesus to the nations. May Your truth guide us through the cacophony of voices around us. May love for one another be the bond of the Church. May the name of Jesus be the anthem of the Church. May the name of Jesus be heard above the name of any man. The Hope of our nation is not a man – the Hope of our nation is Jesus Christ – crucified and risen and glorified!
David says, “Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.” Psalm 20:7
Some boast in Democrats and some in Republicans, but we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God! “Well, Pastor Tim, isn’t politics important and aren’t political issues of significance and isn’t it Biblically justified to be concerned with these things?” A big YES to all three questions. Any ancient General would think that chariots and horses would be of strategic advantage on the battlefield. Yet if the chariot throws a wheel and the horse goes down – our God will still fight for us! The battle doesn’t depend upon the chariots and horses, but upon the Lord.
So, whether your Chariot makes it to the White House or whether your Horse sits in the Oval Office – boast in the Lord! Trust in Him! Hope in Him! The battle belongs to the Lord. May we, as God’s Temple, not forget this! May the Temple not try to be like the palace or be absorbed by the palace or bow to the palace and thus grieve the Spirit of the Lord.
The movements of God are not dependent upon the will of the American electorate. If your guy wins tomorrow, the kingdom of God won’t arrive in a blaze of glory. If your guy loses tomorrow the kingdom of God won’t be unceremoniously delayed. Something greater than the presidency is among us.
“Some boast in chariots and some in horses, but we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God.” Psalm 20:7
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and boast in Jesus and be at peace – Pastor Tim
October 30, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I’ve been taught my whole life that pride is the original sin. From growing up in Sunday School to listening to sermons to classes in Bible College – the original sin was pride. Satan stirred up pride (a sense of entitlement) in Eve and she ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – and the rest is history. And from a certain perspective pride is the mother of all sin – yet I’ve come to see a parallel dynamic unfolding within the same story – I see the mother of pride.
One of Satan’s purposes is to bring you to the point where you think you don’t need God. He came to this place himself and he tried to bring Eve to this place. He said to her, “If you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you’ll know good and evil and won’t need God to communicate this to you – you’ll know yourself and you’ll be on the same level as God.” He intimated that God was holding out on her and Adam, that God had some good things for them that He was deliberately keeping from them. Satan didn’t create pride within Eve, he created an anxiety – an anxiety that she wasn’t getting everything she deserved. Satan led her to believe that God was withholding from her that which would enrich her. In today’s terms, Satan created FOMO within Eve – a Fear Of Missing Out. Satan convinced Eve that God was holding out on her because if Eve had the knowledge of good and evil she would no longer be dependent upon God – she could run her life herself. Eve very well could have said to herself, “God is being stingy with me and I’m not getting everything I’m entitled to – I deserve more.”Satan had said the same thing to himself sometime in eternity past when he thought God was holding out on him. “I’ll replace God and then I won’t need Him.”
I think pride is in there somewhere, yet it seems to me that the sin of pride is the result of some previous sins. Colors can combine to make other colors: red + green = yellow; yellow + red = orange. Even so, some sins can combine into deadlier combination: anxiety (FOMO) + greed = pride. Anxiety and greed are the womb where pride was conceived. Madison Avenue follows Satan’s playbook torn right out of Genesis 3. Advertising seeks to create within us an anxiety that we are missing out on something which will enrich our lives and when combined with greed (I want it and I’ve got to have it) lead to us plucking the fruit from the advertiser’s tree.
When Lucifer tried to overthrow God and take the throne of Heaven for himself, he was cast out of heaven. When Adam & Eve tried to become like God, knowing the different between good and evil, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Satan has done a good job of convincing our culture that we don’t need God. Our culture has fallen from God. Philosophy has replaced theology. Medicine has replaced prayer. Technology has replaced miracles. Politics has replaced the Kingdom of God. Self-affirmation has replaced worship. We have grown to depend upon ourselves so we won’t have to depend upon God. We have eaten of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and we have dismissed God as being unnecessary. We are like the self-made man who became the unmade man. Consider -
"And he (the rich man) began reasoning to himself, saying, 'What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?' “Then he said, 'This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 'And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry."' "But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?' Luke 12:17-20
This man didn’t realize that he needed God. He had put himself in the place of God. God wasn’t his Provider, he was. This man would have made a great American! A great Capitalist! A great Captain of Industry or notable CEO. It was all about growth and expansion and acquisition and ROI – return on investment. Please note, he said, “I will say to my soul…” Why is he talking to himself? Because he is all he has! The text doesn’t say he spoke to God or that God spoke to him in an affirming way. The man spoke to himself about what he had accomplished and accumulated and intended to do. And this is what happens when you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – you end up alone. If you’ve done well, you end up alone congratulating yourself. If you haven’t done well, you end up alone condemning yourself.
God wants to bring you to the place where you realize you need Him. God told the rich man, “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you.” The rich man owned his crops and his grain and his goods and his barns – but he didn’t own his soul. No man, no woman owns their soul. Your soul belongs to God. You are accountable to God. Satan told Eve, “Here’s a way to get out from being accountable to God.” Yet we know that this was a lie. No one escapes accountability to God. Satan told Eve, “Here’s a way to be equal with God.” Yet we know that this is a lie. God is a One-Off – there is no one like Him! When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were not raised to the heights of glory, but were plunged into the depths of guilt. Christ has come to lift all people from the depths of guilt and sin!
A life of faith in Christ is a life insulated from FOMO – fear of missing out. David has said in the Psalms that his times are in God’s hands and that God will accomplish what concerns him. What an awesome place for your soul to reside – in the love and wisdom of God. Resting in the faithfulness of God in Christ is an awesome defense against FOMO. Your times are in His hands and He will accomplish what concerns you.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and rest in His faithfulness – Pastor Tim
October 29, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Tomorrow, Friday, October 30th, CCF will have another banner outreach at the corner of Mowry and Farwell in Fremont. 15,000 – 20,000 people will see our banners telling them about Jesus Christ – who He is and what He’s done! Meet Pastor Tim in the Denny’s parking lot on the southeast corner of Mowry and Fremont at 4:45PM to put the banners together and to pray. We need 16 people in order to display all eight banners. Senior saints and Junior saints can all participate. Bring out the family and together profess the name of Jesus! The outreach will go from 5:00 PM to between 6:30 & 7:00 PM.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus (and come to the banner outreach!) – Pastor Tim
October 28, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The prophet Zechariah speaks of “prisoners who have the hope.” A prisoner is someone confined to a certain place by certain means. We normally think of prisoners as those held in a prison (certain place) by steel bars and locking doors and high fences (certain means). Prisoners who have the hope are held secure in hope (certain place) being handcuffed by the promises of God and wrapped in the chains of the faithfulness of God (certain means).
As I look back on my life, I see that God has been faithful to me through 67 years of life, 48 years as a follower of Jesus, 47 years in ministry, and 44 years of marriage. God is good! To be honest, God’s thrown me a few curve balls and a couple of sinkers – and, truth to told, I think He’s tried to hit me a couple of times! – yet all I see is the faithfulness of a gracious God. And that’s just looking backward! As I look forward, all I can see is the continued faithfulness of God. I am a prisoner of the hope! I am handcuffed by the promises of God and wrapped by in the chains of His covenant goodness. If my guy doesn’t win the election, if COVID messes up 2021 like it did 2020, if the culture continues in its moral free fall – my soul is marinated in hope. I am not fearful of, but enthusiastically looking forward to the future. Faith says that God is with me today. Hope says that God is will be with me in all my tomorrows. I am a prisoner of the hope. Therefore my life has meaning and purpose.
What a tragedy to live without hope and without meaning and purpose. Richard Simmons (not the exercise guru), in his book, “Reflections of the Existence of God”, tells about Billy Graham meeting with Derek Bok, the president of Harvard University. “What is the number one struggle that students at Harvard have to contend with?” asked Billy. Bok quickly responded, “Living with emptiness.” Why would he answer like this? Harvard students, indeed all Western students, are taught that we are nothing but a mass of molecules intended by no one – we are the chance product of time plus matter. Life has no inherent meaning. No God has bestowed dignity upon us or instilled us with purpose and meaning. You have as much purpose and meaning and reason for being as does a rock in the desert.
Thomas Masaryk, the first president of liberated Czechoslovakia after WW1, wrote the book “Suicide and the Meaning of Civilization.” The thesis of the book states that the more godless a society becomes, the higher the rate of suicide. His research suggests that in the Middle Ages, the number of suicides was negligible. By the end of the 19th century, suicide had become one of the top causes of death. (Today, suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of death due to injury.) Furthermore, Masaryk uncovered that the vast majority of these deaths occurred among highly principled, well-educated people who had no religious faith. His conclusion reveals the tragic story of those individuals who can find no purpose in life and, therefore, have no reason to live. (Buy and read “Reflections on the Existence of God” – especially if you’re a pastor or in the teaching ministry of the Church.)
The word secular means “of this age.” And it’s a contrast to the word ‘sacred’. Secular: what is now and what is visible and what is material. Sacred: what is eternal and what is invisible and what is spiritual. Derek Bok, the president of Harvard University basically stated that the more secular you are, the emptier you are. Masaryk of Czechoslovakia discovered that godlessness doesn’t lead to joy and liberty, but toward despair and suicide. Secularism, atheism, evolution, and materialism gut the human soul. What is the source of this outrageous hope that God wraps Christians up in?
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around me will be night," even the darkness is not dark to You, and the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. Psalm 139:7-12
David, the shepherd who became the warrior who became the hunted who became the king said that there is no place he could go that God wouldn’t be there. God is above me and below me and before me and behind me. God is all around me. And even when I can’t see Him, He can see me! Repeat this day after week after month after year after decade – and you’ve become a prisoner of the hope! If I give you $100 on Sunday, on Monday you’ll be able to tell someone that I was generous to you, but you couldn’t tell them that I was faithful in my generosity. It could have been a one-off. But what if I gave you $100 on Monday, also. You could tell someone that I was exceptionally generous – but you couldn’t yet tell them that I was faithful in my generosity. How many days of me giving you $100 would it take for you to know that I would do the same the next day? Probably not a week. Two weeks? A month? Surely after two months of me giving you $100 a day you could wake up the next morning and know for certain that you would receive $100 from me, especially if it were accompanied with a promise.
We’re told that God’s mercies are new every morning – this is a statement and a promise. Every day God is wrapping chains of covenant faithfulness around your soul that you might become a “prisoner of the hope.” If you’re a prisoner of the hope, everything doesn’t depend upon the election or the defeat of COVID. Everything depends on God. My hope is in Him – not politicians or scientists or philosophers. God gives me hope and a purpose and a reason for living. I am a prisoner of the hope – and I don’t want out!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 26, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Can you love me if you despise me? Here are some synonyms for ‘despise’ that my MS Word program kicked up: loathe, scorn, hate, spurn, deride, and feel contempt. Can you love me and hate and feel contempt for me at the same time? If so, your soul bends in some truly amazing ways! You cannot love someone and despise them at the same time. And there’s a lot of despising going on today. There are Christians who despise Trump supporters and other Christians who despise Biden supporters. If your skin is a certain color (pick any one) there’s someone sure to despise you. If you wear a mask – or don’t wear a mask – there’s someone certain to despise you.
From the cross, Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” Note what Jesus did – He distinguished between the doer and the deed. The deed (the crucifixion) is heinous while the doers (the crucifiers) are loved. Some people scoff and roll their eyes at the phrase “hate the sin, but love the sinner,” yet it has a pretty solid spiritual heritage. Jesus distinguished between people and what they did – and so can we. We can despise what people do – and love the same people at the same time. We do it all the time. Parents, you know that you hate some of the stuff your kids do – but you love them. You make a distinction between your child and his/her foolishness. We can make the distinction between the sinner and their sin. I can hate the sin and love the sinner. I can say YES and NO at the same time.
Yet some will try to lead you to believe that if you despise what they do, then you despise them. They want you to think that if you say NO to what they do, you are saying NO to who they are. You are led to believe that in saying NO to their behavior you are saying NO to their dignity and worth. They want you to affirm them – and you can only do this by affirming what they do. They tell us that if we despise what they do then we are judging them – and we can’t judge them and love them at the same time. I say, “Baloney.” We love our children and judge their behavior all the time – every day – several times a day! We judge them and love them at the same time. In fact, love without judgment is mere tolerance. Here's the definition of tolerance: to allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference. Yet love often interferes! Sometimes love is intolerant!
This is what the world wants today – love without judgment – which for them means love without interference. They want a YES YES – a YES to their behavior and a YES to their dignity. A NO is like slamming on the brakes – and the modern person of the 21st century has no brakes. Of course, they have no problem saying NO to Christians – and they think that in saying NO to Christians they are being noble and enlightened. There is judgment in their love, but the believer is to have no judgment in their love. This is a convenient double standard that seems to be lost on the one who reasons this way. It’s a blind spot. They call it a blind spot for the very reason that you can’t see it!
Satan tried to rewrite the rules of life for Jesus. Jesus had His own rules, His own terms. He wouldn’t allow the devil to tell Him how to live His life and accomplish His mission. The world will try to impose its terms on you. They will say, “Unless you say YES to my behavior you can’t say YES to my inherent dignity and value as a person. If you say NO to what I do you are saying NO to who I am.” We say, “Don’t be silly. No parent deals with their child like that. No coach interacts with an athlete like that. No teacher deals with a student like that. No boss manages his/her employees like that.” Families and sports and schools and businesses are full on NOs. Without a NO, all these institutions would quickly break down and either be dysfunctional or non-functional. NO makes the world go round – and so does YES. To not be able to hear a NO is to be a spoiled brat or a thoughtless rebel.
Love is boundless and yet at the same time has boundaries. Again, just think of your own kids. Your limitless love draws limits for them that they need to stay within. They don’t need to remain within the lines to retain or earn your love – they need to stay within the lines for their health and safety and to experience your love. What do I mean? The love of the father of the prodigal son knew no bounds. Yet the rebellious son took himself outside the boundaries of his father’s love. The son found himself in a place where he could not experience the love of his father – his care, his provision, his protection. He knew that his father loved him, but he also knew that he had taken himself out of the reach of that love. He decided to go back home in order to experience the fullness of his father’s love for him. Today’s prodigals tell us that if the Father really loved them, He would come and build a house for them in the pig pen and arrange for meal deliveries!
I cannot love you and despise you at the same time. I can love you and despise what you do. The shame the prodigal son brought to his father did not quench his love for his silly, rebellious son. I am so glad that’s God’s love for me distinguishes between who I am and what I do. His covenant love endures the shame of my life as He waits upon me to come to my right mind. So often, our scorn for what someone has done is greater than our love for who they are. Let’s flip that – let’s have our love for who they are be greater than our scorn for what they’ve done. You cannot love the person you despise. John still says it best, “Little children, let us love one another.”
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and love one another – Pastor Tim
October 23, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Someone responded to one my blogs earlier this week and said that the problem with the Church is that we don’t agree with one another. The Church is so divided over doctrine that the world looks on and tells itself that if the Church can’t figure out what the Bible says, why would they want to belong to such a confused group of people. The division resulting from theological disagreement gives the Church a black eye and cripples it in the eyes of the world. I think this is a somewhat accurate observation.
- The Calvinists say that you are regenerated before you have faith and the non-Calvinists say that you need to have faith before you are regenerated.
- The Catholics say that the communion elements become the flesh and blood of Christ and the non-Catholics say that the communion elements are symbols of the flesh and the blood of Christ.
- The charismatics say that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be operative in the life of the Church today and the non-charismatics say, “No, we don’t think so.”
- The pre-millennialist says Christ is coming back before the Millennium and the post-millennialist says that Christ is returning after the Millennium. And then there those who say, “What’s a millennium?”
- One part of the Church baptizes babies and another part of the Church doesn’t.
- One part of the Church says you need to be baptized to be saved and another part says you need to be saved to be baptized.
- Some churches ordain women for pastoral ministry while other churches don’t.
- Some Christians think that if you vote for Trump you’re not a real Christian. Other Christians think that if you vote for Biden you’re not a real Christian.
- Etc. Ad nauseum…
- The only thing we agree on is that we need to receive an offering!
It can be very confusing and depressing and quite off-putting when this theological division is accompanied by vitriol and scorn for those who don’t agree with you. I understand why a non-Christian might say, “No thanks.” And so, some would tell us, because the disagreement within the Church serves as a hindrance to evangelism, the Church needs to do a lot of hard work and take whatever steps necessary to come into doctrinal agreement.
- We need to agree if regeneration occurs before or after a person exercises faith.
- We need to agree whether we’re eating flesh or biting into a symbol.
- We need to agree on whether we baptize babies or not.
- Etc.
I can say to you with great confidence that this will never happen! Sorry. I’m not about to give up speaking in tongues while I wait for the rapture and turn a deaf ear to the Pope! Most of us have worked very hard at studying our Bibles to arrive at our theological understandings – sometimes confirming childhood beliefs and sometimes overturning them. Beliefs are not just opinions that can be altered through negotiation – they are truths that bind the conscience and cannot be jettisoned without doing severe damage to one’s soul.
Church-wide doctrinal agreement is not possible, but all is not lost! Please know this – doctrinal disagreement is not the biggest problem in the Church – not by a long-shot. The biggest problem in the Church is that Christians don’t love each other. Jesus said –
"By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35
He didn’t say that all men will know that we are His disciples if we agree with one another, but when we love one another. Agreement is a fleeting thing. I can disagree with myself one day to the next – but I always love myself! Even when I’m wrong! And let’s be honest – agreement isn’t the highest prize – it’s not the greatest value. There are some people who agree with you on most every substantial doctrine – and you still struggle to love them! Agreement doesn’t bring healing and unity – love does. My biggest challenge isn’t to persuade the one I disagree with that he/she is wrong. My biggest challenge is to love them even when I disagree with them and they refuse to see things my way.
This is what the world needs to see – people who passionately love one another even though they disagree with one another. This is seen in families all the time – there is something holding us together that is greater than that which may be pulling us apart. Here’s the challenge – can I, can you – love those members of the Church who believe aspects of the faith and practice their faith differently than I do? If not, the problem isn’t with them! Are you the problem or are you part of the solution?
The day before Good Friday is called Maundy Thursday. The word ‘maundy’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘mandate.’ Jesus was crucified for our sins on Good Friday. On Maundy Thursday he gave His disciples a new commandment, a new mandate in John 13:34-35. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and love one another – Pastor Tim
October 20, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
Is the medical pandemic, social pandemonium, and the painful political polarization of 2020 a judgment from God on America?
If I’m speeding in Newark and cross the freeway into Fremont, can the Newark PD give pursuit and issue me a ticket? Yes. Why? The infraction occurred in their jurisdiction. And so, even though they are beyond their city limits, they are still within their jurisdiction. The United States, and every nation, is within God’s jurisdiction.
All nations are accountable to God and this accountability is dependent upon the revelation they have received from God. God’s jurisdiction is as extensive as His revelation. Israel was more accountable to God than other nations for they had a greater revelation. Yet all nations are, and each individual is, accountable to God for all have a revelation of God. What is this revelation that imparts knowledge which results in accountability? Romans 1:20 tells us -
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
Everybody knows that there is a God and that they are morally accountable to Him. This is called natural revelation. Special revelation is given in and through Jesus Christ. Natural revelation is as extensive as creation and special revelation is as extensive as the preaching of the gospel. But I am concerned here with natural revelation only. Natural revelation carries with it an accountability and the rejection of natural revelation comes with the assurance of judgment. This is spelled out in Romans 1:18-19 –
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
Simply put, even though all people and nations know there is a God and they are morally accountable to Him, they have rejected this revelation. Because of this, they welcome the judgment of God. Romans 1:24-32 outlines this judgment. The result of the judgment of God is the devaluing of life, the corruption of sexual sanity, and the breakdown of social cohesion. The lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life run rampant in a nation which has turned from God. The value of life, the value of marriage, and the value of truth are sacrificed on the altar of lust and pride. The Bible teaches that the judgment for sin is more sin – unchecked and unbridled. For example, the punishment for cocaine usage is addiction. The punishment for addiction is a life diminished or destroyed. This is the inevitable development of cocaine usage – this is its internal logic. But there’s more.
In the Bible, the rise & fall of empires, natural disasters, and military defeats are seen as judgments from God. When Assyria defeated Israel – this was the judgment of God. When Babylon fell upon Judah – this was the judgment of God. When a locust swarm devasted the land of Israel – this was the judgment of God. When the Persians defeated Babylon – this was the judgment of God. When Alexander the Great destroyed Tyre – this was the judgment of God. Not only Israel, but all the nations are accountable to God. And when God’s revelation is rejected, this triggers judgment.
- Is America accountable to God? Yes,
- Does America exhibit the idolatry of Romans 1:18-32? Yes.
- Should we expect the judgment of God upon our nation? Yes.
- Is the medical pandemic, social pandemonium, and the painful political polarization of 2020 a judgment from God on America? Yes – undoubtedly – yes. The pattern is clearly set forth and repeated many times in the Bible.
But all is not lost! The rise of empires, the march of armies, the fragmentation of society, and the presence of disease are all meant to push us to God. Let’s not be like King Asa who became diseased in his feet and sought the physicians and not God. It’s a temptation that when armies arise, we increase our defense spending and don’t seek God. When disease strikes, we turn to science and not to the Lord. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have armies or medicine – it means these are 2nd level resources & not primary. Joshua sought God and God told him where to put his army. David sought God and God told him how to deploy his troops. Timothy sought God and the apostle Paul told him what medicine to take.
May America, may you seek God first! Has judgment come to America because of our sin and rejection of God and His revelation? Yes – undoubtedly. Let’s seek God. Let’s preach the gospel. Jesus is the Answer. If Jesus is the Answer, what’s the question? Here’s the question – can God’s hand of judgment be turned from America? Yes. How? Jesus is the Answer! If judgment comes because we have suppressed the truth in unrighteousness, let’s embrace Him who is Truth! Jesus is the Answer for the world today. Above Him there’s no other, Jesus is the Way. Repent of your sin. Call on the name of Jesus! He will come and rescue us!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and pray for our nation – Pastor Tim
October 19, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I usually just blog my own stuff, but I wanted to pass this along to you. It’s quite refreshing and is chock-full of some very deep, yet easy to understand wisdom.
Me: Hey God.
God: Hello.....
Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?
God: I would rather not.
Me: Why?
God: Because you aren't a puzzle.
Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?
God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.
Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down!
God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go.
Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?
God: Only the very best pieces of you.
Me: I'm scared of changing.
God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!
Me: Becoming who?
God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it.
Me: There goes another piece.
God: Yep. Let it be.
Me: So ... I'm not broken?
God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day. Become!!!
~Author Unknown
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 16, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
When the soldiers arrested Jesus and brought him to the house of the high priest, we’re told that Peter followed at a distance. Mark these words: Peter followed Jesus at a distance – Peter was a distant disciple. He followed far enough behind so he could hide the fact that he was following Jesus. He was following Jesus – but he didn’t want anyone to know it. I think this describes many followers of Jesus today. Peter learned by experience that following Jesus as He should be followed is the 2nd most demanding thing a person can do. The 2nd hardest thing you will ever do is follow Jesus with all your heart/full bore/no holds barred/full surrender. The hardest thing you’ll ever do is follow Jesus ½ way. The hardest thing you will ever do is follow Jesus at a distance.
After Jesus’ arrest, Peter thought, “I’ll shadow Jesus – that’ll be safe. I’m following Him, but it doesn’t look like I am. I’ll strike a healthy balance between fanaticism and indifference.” It was a balance he couldn’t maintain. You’ll discover that it’s a lot easier to walk with Jesus when you’re walking beside Him and not shadowing Him.
Some of you are shadowing Jesus. Your faith in Him compels you to follow, but your fear of the crowd compels you to keep your distance. Your conviction pulls you after Jesus, but your cowardice pushes you into the closet. After shadowing Jesus, after living like this for a while, you’ll say, “I’m tired of living the Christian life.” And the problem is that you have never lived the Christian life! You’ve lived the ½ Christian life – and this will drive you from Jesus – just like it did Peter. A faith that is ½ way, is a faith that never arrives.
It was curiosity and not consecration that caused him to follow. Matthew 26:58 tells us that Peter sat down with the enemies of Christ to observe the outcome. He became a spectator, Spectators are easy to spot: they have emotion without motion. Spectators are easily drawn away from the action on the field. The fan in the stands can turn and engage in conversation or get a hot dog – the player on the field can’t. Spectators are easily offended – someone bumps them and they become angry. The player on the field gets creamed and doesn’t think a thing about it. Peter went from being a disciple to being a spectator. He had a wait-and-see attitude. If you are following Jesus with a wait-and-see attitude you are a distant disciple and are in spiritual danger.
It was guilt and not grace that made Peter follow at a distance. He was trying to make up for the shame of fleeing when Jesus was arrested. He had made a proud boast and now he had to make up for it. He was caught between failure and fear. He was driven by failure (I have to prove something), and fear (I have to avoid something). To utterly flee was unacceptable to him – safe distance was called for. He would follow Jesus, but make it look like he wasn’t. To follow Jesus because you feel guilty for a moral failure in your life is to be a distant disciple.
He had something to avoid: being identified with Jesus. He had something to attain: peace of mind. You can never achieve peace of mind by avoiding being identified with Jesus. The gospel accounts have Peter standing, then sitting, then standing – there is no rest for the guilty. Peter is in true spiritual misery – he is close enough to experience guilt, but not close enough to receive grace.
We know that Peter denied Christ around the fire in the courtyard of the high priest. The distant disciple became a denying disciple. When you follow Jesus at a distance you will fall in with those who don’t follow Him at all. Maybe he thought that this time he would stand firm. Maybe he thought, “I ran from Jesus in the garden when the soldiers arrested Him, but I’ll stand for Him and identify with Him in the courtyard of the high priest.” But we know the story – he denied Jesus. You don’t prove you are strong by putting yourself in the path of temptation. You don’t prove your love for your wife by dating the woman next door. What do you prove when you put yourself in harm’s way? You prove that you’re stupid! Stop being stupid!
The hardest thing you will ever do is follow Jesus ½ way. Safe distance from Christ doesn’t encourage discipleship, but denial. Following Jesus from afar will never bring you near. To follow Jesus ½ way will take all the energy and emotional reserves you have – it will fill you with guilt and shame. The second hardest thing you will ever do is follow Jesus wholly and fully. The greatest shame is in following Jesus ½ way. The greatest joy is in following Jesus with all your heart/full bore/no holds barred/full surrender. Come into the joy of the Lord!
Be blessed and stay healthy and FOLLOW JESUS – Pastor Tim
October 15, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Will things be the same as they were when the smoke of 2020 clears and the dust settles? I’m afraid not –
- Some friendly faces will be missing
- Some favorite places will be gone
- Some frequented spaces may be off-limits
At best, the world will feel and seem different.
There is a sifting and a shifting taking place. An ominous feel is in the air. A titanic power struggle is unfolding. We are witnessing the birth pangs of a new era that is straining to be born. (Personally, I’m hoping for a miscarriage.) And no, I’m not making reference to the upcoming Presidential election. The Colossus battling to be brought forth overshadows all Presidents and Kings and Parliaments and Prime Ministers and Dictators. But let’s start somewhere near the beginning.
The first time the word ‘king’ appears in the Bible is in Genesis 14:1-2.
And it came about in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim, that they made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar).
Yes, that’s a lot of kings – nine of them, to be exact. Very early in history (at least Bible history) we see the emergence of city-states and each city had its own king. For thousands of years, authority and power was invested in the king and used by the king – for better or for worse. As time wore on, people got tired of the autocratic, unpredictable, unjust power of the king and began to agitate for a better system. The people should have some say in how they are governed. In 1215 AD, following a revolt by the English nobility against his rule, King John put his royal seal on the Magna Carta. This was essentially a peace treaty between John and his barons that guaranteed that the king would respect feudal rights and privileges, uphold the freedom of the church, and maintain the nation’s laws. The Magna Carta is seen as a cornerstone in the development of democracy.
This idea of sharing power and authority with the people grew and took shape and eventually toppled kings and gave birth to Constitutions and Congresses comprised of elected officials. We have gone from kings wielding unaccountable power to elected officials representing the people exercising accountable power. We’ve gone from kings in their castles to constitutions and congresses. This is democracy. Winston Churchill said that democracy is the worst form of government ever conceived – except for all the others!
But democracy is now threatened by the Colossus struggling to be born. And even as kings were unelected and not accountable to the people, a new system of governance is waiting to be born which will, once again, put governing power in the hands of unelected officials. But this time it won’t be kings reigning over us – it will be the scientists – the experts. We’ve gone from kings to constitutions to, if some have their way, a class of professionals who will oversee all aspects of our lives. The reign of kings comes knocking again – but this time they’re not wearing crowns and sitting on thrones – they’re wearing white lab coats and sitting in swivel chairs and holding iPads!
The professionals are pregnant with scientific globalism – technocracy – and the contractions have begun. Various proposals are being discussed as to how to redistribute the world’s wealth so that everyone gets their fair share of the pie. Who determines what’s fair? The professionals, of course. What you eat, how much energy you are allowed, what kind of energy you’re allowed, your medical care, your ‘carbon footprint’, what you drive, how much you can drive will all be determined by a class of professionals who know better than you do what’s good for you. Their morality supersedes yours for they are captivated by visions of a global utopia. It’s the kingdom of God – except there is no God. It’s a kingdom – a kingdom of man – and we know what history (and the Bible) says about the kingdoms of men.
Actually, I don’t believe there will be a birth or a miscarriage or a stillbirth. I think it’s not quite yet time for this Colossus to come forth. We are witnessing false labor pains – Braxton Hicks – if you will. But the baby is still alive and kicking and will be born with a roar sometime in the future. What are the people of God to do? Psalm 46:1-7 is excellent counsel.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy dwelling places of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns. The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He raised His voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.
The best definition of Selah that I have heard is: “think about that.” I like that. I will think about that – the awesome power of God and the tottering kingdoms of man. The Lord is with you. The God of Jacob is your stronghold. Think about that!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and never let go of the God who will never let go of you – Pastor Tim
October 14, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
We are having another ‘banner outreach’ tomorrow, Thursday, October 15th, from 5:00 PM – to about 6:45 PM. This will be again at the corner of Mowry and Farwell in Fremont. At this time of night, about 6,000 cars an hour pass through this intersection and over 12,000 people will see and read our signs! Meet Pastor Tim at 4:45 PM in the parking lot next to Denny’s on the SE corner of Mowry and Farwell.
Anybody can participate. Some of you senior saints need to come out and stretch your legs and stretch your faith. We need at least 16 people in order to display all eight banners. That’s tomorrow, Thursday the 15th, at 4:45 PM in the Denny’s parking lot. Come on out. You’ll be glad you did.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus - Pastor Tim
October 13, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
Your heart has a constant rhythm which is an indication of its health. But not always so – some people develop atrial fibrillation. Fibrillation is rapid, inefficient contractions of your heart. When it comes to mental and emotional health, government edicts have put the heart of America into fibrillation. Because of this, so many Americans are finding themselves weakened and gasping for breath. This is an unintended consequence of the COVID pandemic, the social pandemonium, and the political polarization.
The Library of Economics and Liberty defines the law of unintended consequences (LUC)as follows:
“The LUC, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people—and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.”
The events of 2020 do not escape the LUC.
Naomi Thomas and Sam Romano, both of CNN, report that while the world struggles to manage the initial waves of death and disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, there is mounting evidence accumulating that "a second wave" linked to rising rates of mental health and substance use disorders could be building, according to an article published Monday in the medical journal JAMA.
"A second wave of devastation is imminent, attributable to mental health consequences of Covid-19," wrote authors Dr. Naomi Simon, Dr. Glenn Saxe and Dr. Charles Marmar, all from New York University's Grossman School of Medicine. "The magnitude of this second wave is likely to overwhelm the already frayed mental health system, leading to access problems, particularly for the most vulnerable persons." Bottom of Form
The LUC says that in trying to solve one problem, our government has created another. Government intervention to keep Americans safe from disease has made Americans susceptible to depression and drug abuse. But I don’t want to take my time to beat up on the government, I want to focus on those adversely affected by the LUC. How can we, as followers of Jesus, be a force of healing in the current mental health crisis? Simply put, we can do good. Here’s what Paul says -
So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith. Galatians 6:10
What is good? The good is determined by the need. Jesus said that if your enemy is hungry, give them food. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. Food for a hungry man is a good thing and water for a thirsty man is a good thing. Water for a hungry man or food for a thirsty man may not be such a good thing. The need determines the good.
What does someone suffering a mental health crisis need? Let’s be realistic – I am not a trained mental health professional – and probably you aren’t either. Some people in a mental health crisis need immediate professional intervention. I’ve been instrumental in the hospitalization of some people who have had such a severe break with reality that they need to be hospitalized. And that was a good thing to do – remember, the need determines the good. But most depressed people don’t need hospitalization – they need a friend. Remember – the depression is connected to the government edict of quarantine and social distancing and shuttering of the cultural institutions that over the years and decades established a rhythm and pattern of life – church, schools, gyms, theatres, and even bars! This rhythm and pattern has been disrupted. Government edict has put the mental-emotional heart of America into fibrillation. So many are weakened and gasping for breath.
And it’s not just COVID-19 that’s putting the heart of America into atrial fibrillation, but also the social unrest flowing from the death of George Floyd and all the vitriol and polarization connected with the looming election. How can we do good in the midst of all this craziness?
Be friendly to all. Be a friend to who you can – especially if you know that they are suffering emotionally and mentally. Conversation, even though you are not a professional, can be very therapeutic and life-giving. Offer to pray with people – not just for them – but with them, in their presence. Let your words of faith and hope wash their hearts in the love of God. Share with them an encouraging promise from the Word of God.
Simple? Yes. Simplistic? Maybe to some, but no, not simplistic. There is strength to be conveyed through friendliness and friendship. There is comfort in conversation. There is power in faith and hope. There is healing in love, There is a touch from God through prayer and the sharing of His Word. As the familiar rhythms and patterns of life have been disrupted. only to be replaced by the inefficient contractions of fear and worry and loneliness and depression – let us do good to all people. Do what you can, where you can, when you can.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and do good to all people – Pastor Tim
October 12, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
This last Saturday evening, CCF hosted a Faith and Blue event. This, and hundreds of similar events around the country, are designed to strengthen the ties between the faith community, the larger community, and local police departments. We had two officers from the Fremont Police Department with us – Chief Kim Petersen and Captain Sean Washington – joined by Pastor Brian Murphy of South Bay Community Church, also in Fremont. Brian is on the Police Chief’s Advisory Committee.
The conversation centered around the current racial tensions being experienced around the country and how this affects policing in our city as the police are seeking to respond and adjust accordingly. Officers are being taught about implicit bias – which (in this conversation) means a built-in prejudice toward African Americans. How to de-escalate a situation is also on the front burner when it comes to rethinking policies, retooling procedures, and retraining officers. The use of additional personnel – such as mental health workers being on scene with police officers in situations that call for it – is a further innovation as departments around the country are seeking to be the best first-responders they can be.
What struck me about Chief Petersen and Captain Washington was the attitude they brought to that evening’s discussion. Both evidenced humble hearts and teachable spirits. And where there is humility – a willingness to admit that you can do better, accompanied by a teachable spirit – there is the promise of positive and healing change. When I have a husband and wife in my office to talk through the challenges they are facing in marriage, and one of them does not evidence a humble heart and a teachable spirit, I know that very little, if any, change is going to take place in that relationship. Without humble hearts and teachable spirits, they will fall back into the destructive behaviors that brought them into my office in the first place.
How important it is to have a humble heart and a teachable spirit. Naaman was a Syrian General who also happened to have leprosy. He came to Elisha the prophet to be healed. Elisha sent his servant out to the yard and he told Naaman that we was to go to the River Jordan and dunk himself seven times beneath the waters and he would be healed.
Naaman was not humble nor was he teachable. He was angry that Elisha himself hadn’t come out to him – he was ticked that Elisha sent a servant to speak to someone as important as himself. He also raged that he was told to go to that muddy little river, the Jordan, and dunk himself seven times. He said that there are better rivers in Syria if one has a mind to dunk himself beneath the water. He turned around and left in a huff – still leprous, still dying, and now angry – he was stuck. His pride left him without remedy. One of his servants talked him down and persuaded him to follow the prophet’s advice. Naaman humbled himself, was able to follow the instructions given to him – and was healed!!
If the humble hearts and teachable spirits of Chief Petersen and Captain Washington are indicative of the Fremont Police Department as a whole – I have great hope and confidence that the distrust, and the disrespect it creates between the community and local police will be overcome and great trust and cooperation will take place. If husbands and wives have humble hearts and teachable spirits – I have great hope and confidence that marriages can be healed and become life-giving once again. If you have a humble heart and a teachable spirit – I have great hope and confidence that God will continue His healing and restoration in your life and that you will be promoted to have greater influence in the lives of the men and women and the boys and girls in your life.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus with a humble heart and a teachable spirit – Pastor Tim
October 8, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Because of COVID restrictions, the Faith and Blue event scheduled for this Saturday, October 10, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM, will be livestreamed only. DO NOT come to the building. The only ones in the building will be the participants and the tech team.
You can go to, click the appropriate banner, and watch the event livestreamed. There will be a way for you to ask questions of the Fremont Police Department over your devices.
Again, the Faith and Blue event this Saturday will be livestreamed only. If you've made plans to attend in person, please attend via livestream.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus - Pastor Tim
October 7, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Years ago there was a sweltering heat wave in New York City. It was so bad that senior citizens were dying. I read where a Hell’s Angels’ chapter went out and bought fans and delivered them to the elderly living in apartments that had no air conditioning to help bring them relief. This outlaw motorcycle gang known for drug running and violence were kind toward the vulnerable in the heat wave. They might be indifferent toward getting your daughter hooked on heroin, but they were considerate toward the elderly. They exercised a selective morality.
Here’s a slice out of Abram’s life in the Bible.
It came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, "See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman; and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife'; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well with me because of you, and that I may live on account of you." Genesis 12:11-13
Pharaoh wouldn’t commit adultery. So, since Sarai was married to Abram, she was off-limits. But Pharaoh had no such reservations about murder! He would have Abram killed, and then, since Sarai no longer had a husband, she would be available! Adultery? No. Murder? OK. Pharaoh had a selective morality!
Jesus recognizes the selective morality of humankind.
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? Luke 11:11-13
Note how Jesus makes a distinction between being evil and doing good. Jesus points out that an evil man doesn’t only and always do evil. An evil man can do good things – just like the Hell’s Angels. Now, if you’re for Trump, you probably think Biden can do no good and when someone points out something good Biden has done, you have to do mental backflips to deny it. If you’re for Biden, you probably think Trump can do no good and when someone points out something good Trump has done, you have to do mental backflips to deny it. A partisan spirit kills intellectual honesty.
An immoral man can do a moral good. An evil man can have a selective morality. The one who is against adultery is for murder. The one who works to get your kids hooked on drugs rushes to relieve old people in their distress. The one who believes it is moral to turn away babies in the womb considers it immoral to turn away immigrants at the border. The one who considers it moral to strictly patrol the border and limit immigration considers it immoral to turn away babies in the womb. People can be selectively moral or immoral, liberal or illiberal. Selective morality is a nuance lost to many.
Today, there is a scorched earth policy of demonizing your opponent. This is an especially ugly tactic when practiced by those claiming to be followers of Jesus. In stating that evil parents can give good gifts to their children – no doubt, because they love them and feel parental affection for them – Jesus is also declaring that an immoral man can do a moral good. In fact, in this case, here is a man who is constantly evil doing continual good. Jesus pointed out the good in the evil, immoral man. No man or woman is totally evil in all their dealings with everyone. My desire is that Christians leave behind the scorched earth policy of demonizing the one they don’t agree with.
If you claim to be against someone because of their character, please note that Jesus said that an evil man can do good things. If you think Trump is evil – know this – he can do good things. If you think Biden is evil – know this – he can do good things. What baffles me is when someone, Christian or otherwise, supports a candidate and claims that their guy can do no wrong while declaring that the other guy can do no good. This is just lazy, dishonest thinking, and unworthy of a believer. The political discourse of Christians has to be better than this. My desire is for a more nuanced, realistic conversation about political matters and candidates that takes into consideration the moral insights of Jesus into human nature – an immoral man can do moral good. With less than four weeks to the election, things are really going to heat up. Stay cool!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and do good – Pastor Tim
October 6, 2020
Hey, Calvary Chapel –
He who gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame to him. Proverbs 18:13
Here’s how the New Living Translation puts it - Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.
“Family Feud” begins each round with a member from each team at a counter with Steve Harvey who proceeds to ask them a question. The first one to slap the button in front of them gets first crack at answering. Sometimes, one of the contestants will slap the button and give an answer before Steve has finished the question because they think they know where the question is going – but it turns out they don’t know where the question is going and they give a stupid answer. They aren’t stupid – the answer is stupid. They aren’t stupid – they’re just eager to be first. And in their eagerness to be first, they brushed by wisdom and blurted out something totally unrelated to the question. And it’s easy to tell that they feel foolish that they gave an answer before they heard the full question.
There’s no telling how many times I’ve slapped the button and spouted off before listening to all the facts. And yes, I’ve felt foolish and ashamed afterwards. You’d think I would learn after maybe 5,000 times – but no. And I don’t think I’m alone. From what I read and hear and watch, millions daily, maybe even hourly with all the social media there is, are slapping the button prematurely and spouting off.
Spouting off is all the rage today. The verse noted above speaks about spouting off before you know all the facts. Facts put the brakes on spouting off. But what if there are no brakes? What if facts are totally unnecessary? It seems that for many, on both sides of the aisle and various sides of the issues, facts are annoying pests that just need to be swatted away. I think some people have slathered on fact-repellent so that facts can’t get anywhere near them. What is fact-repellent?
- Partisanship is a fact-repellent. “My party right-or-wrong.” Some people will listen to nothing that detracts from the narrative their party puts out – whether it’s about Trump or Biden. They will allow no narrative that tarnishes their candidate or puts him in an unfavorable light.
- Identity politics is a fact-repellent. If you belong to a certain demographic group, you are the scourge of America and if you belong to another, you’re the darling of the nation. The only fact I need to know about you is the color of your skin and your political affiliation. All other facts derive from that. I don’t care about your faith, your character, or your personal story – if I know your skin color and political affiliation, I can spout off all day.
- Critical Race Theory is a fact-repellent. A philosophy of history and culture tells me all I need to know about you. What Identity politics fails to cover, Critical Race Theory addresses. It is not necessary for me to know a single personal, individual fact about you – your place in history and culture tells me all I need to know to condemn or commend you.
I heard a story about Presidential candidate Joe Biden on a conservative talk show. A former staffer (from years ago) said that Joe had a party at his house where wives and friends were invited to attend and that Joe walked around the house completely naked. The show host was trying to say something intelligent about this, but I wasn’t buying it. I think the host’s operating philosophy is that anything negative about Joe must be right. All he quoted was a former (unnamed) staffer. What bothered me, too, was that after he spouted off, he expressed no shame for being so foolish. And the same is true of wild things said about President Trump. If it makes him look like a complete idiot, it must be true. Don’t worry about pesky facts – if it forwards my narrative, it must be true.
When a talk show or a news station makes everything that Donald Trump does look brilliant and everything that Joe Biden does look ridiculous – please know that someone is wearing fact-repellent. And when someone makes everything that Joe Biden does look brilliant and everything that Donald Trump does look ridiculous – please know that someone is wearing fact-repellent. And please know that their spouting off is not much more than vicious venomous vapor.
Hatred is another powerful fact-repellent. Hatred warps and twists something positive said of someone into something to be mocked and ridiculed.
Laziness is yet another fact-repellent. When I hear something quite different about someone or something I’ve already made up my mind about – I don’t want to take the time to adjust my thinking, I’ll just conveniently dismiss your fact.
And let’s add pride and ego to the fact-repellent list. My self-image is wrapped up in the conclusions I’ve arrived at. If you threaten my conclusions, you pose an existential threat to my self-image. To maintain my precious self-image, I will dismiss your fact as being obviously irrelevant (when it is so obviously relevant – but I can’t admit that because my precious ego is more important than disposable truth).
Dear Brothers and Sisters – go take a shower and wash off all these ungodly fact-repellents and do the hard work of thoroughly listening to a matter all the way through. Don’t let the political pundits or the philosophical talking heads conform you to their agenda. Put on the brakes. Don’t go slapping buttons and spouting off until you’ve heard the whole thing through. And then when you give your answer – do so in a dignified manner as a Christian man or woman and not in some outraged, hate-filled, over-bloated rant where you seek to shame all those who disagree with you. Remember – we are members of Christ and of one another. We have to live with one another when this is all over.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 5, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Newsflash: Twitter catches up with the Bible! Twitter has said that tweets wishing for Donald Trump’s death in the wake of the president’s diagnosis with Covid-19 violate its policies. Wishing for President Trump’s death – or anyone else’s – also violates the heart of God! Yes, even if they are your enemy! Don’t just take my word for it –
You shall not curse God, nor curse a ruler of your people. Moses in Exodus 22:28
But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you…love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return… and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
Jesus Christ in Luke 6:27-28, 35-36
If anyone had the right to hate his enemy, it was Ernest Gordon. Captain Ernest Gordon was a company commander with the 2nd Battalion, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, of Scotland. He served in the Pacific theatre in WW2. Gordon was captured and sent to a Japanese POW camp and helped build the bridge on River Kwai. The Japanese were cruel to their prisoners – the work was brutal, the treatment was inhuman, the conditions were vicious – hundreds of men died daily. Life among the POWs was reduced to the survival of fittest – it was every man for himself. All the camaraderie built thru combat dissolved in the tortured existence of life in a Japanese POW camp. Gordon became so sick and broken that he was placed in the "Death Ward" which was designated so for those not expected to survive.
Two Christians gave 24-hour care to Gordon. Gordon survived and as a consequence many POWs experienced a revival of faith and hope for life. Gordon, an agnostic, was so impressed by the unwavering faith and love of the two men who cared for him that he came to faith in Christ. As more and more men became followers of Jesus, camp life was transformed and the spirit of the whole camp changed and now men served one another. Orders were given for the whole camp to be moved, Here is the account in Captain Gordon’s own words
"Eastward we travelled through Banpong towards Bangkok. All along the track we could see the damage done by the Allied air forces. Railway junctions and marshalling yards were in ruins. Often the train was switched to a temporary track, bypassing sections that had been wiped out. Further on, we were shunted on to a siding for a lengthy stay. We found ourselves on the same track with several carloads of Japanese wounded. They were on their own and without medical care. No longer fit for action, they had been packed into railway trucks which were being returned to Bangkok. Whenever one of them died en route, he was thrown off into the jungle. The ones who survived to reach Bangkok would presumably receive some form of medical treatment there. But they were given none on the way. They were in a shocking state; I have never seen men filthier. Their uniforms were encrusted with mud, blood, and excrement. Their wounds, sorely inflamed and full of pus, crawled with maggots. The maggots, however, in eating the putrefying flesh, probably prevented gangrene. We could understand now why the Japanese were so cruel to their prisoners. If they didn’t care a tinker’s damn for their own, why should they care for us? The wounded men looked at us forlornly as they sat with their heads resting against the carriages waiting fatalistically for death. They were the refuse of war; there was nowhere to go and no one to care for them. These were the enemy, more cowed and defeated than we had ever been. Without a word, most of the officers in my section unbuckled their packs, took out part of their ration and a rag or two, and, with water canteens in their hands went over to the Japanese train to help them. Our guards tried to prevent us, bawling, ‘No goodka! No goodka!’ But we ignored them and knelt by the side of the enemy to give them food and water, to clean and bind up their wounds, to smile and say a kind word. Grateful cries of ‘Aragatto!’ (‘ Thank you!’) followed us when we left.
An Allied officer from another section of the train had been taking it all in. ‘What bloody fools you all are!’ he said to me. ‘Don’t you realize that those are the enemy?’ ‘Have you never heard the story of the man who was going from Jerusalem to Jericho?’ I asked him. He gave me a blank look, so I continued, ‘He was attacked by thugs, stripped of everything and left to die. Along came a priest; he passed him by. Then came a lawyer, a man of high principles; he passed by as well. Next came a Samaritan, a half-caste, a heretic, an enemy. But he didn’t pass by; he stopped. His heart was filled with compassion. Kneeling down, he poured some wine through the unconscious lips, cleaned and dressed the helpless man’s wounds, then took him to an inn where he had him cared for at his own expense.’ ‘But that’s different!’ the officer protested angrily. ‘That’s in the Bible. These are the swine who’ve starved us and beaten us. They’ve murdered our comrades. These are our enemies.’ “Who is mine enemy? Isn’t he my neighbor? God makes neighbors; we make enemies.” "To End All Wars: A True Story about the Will to Survive and the Courage to Forgive"
The Japanese soldiers left to die were visited by Jesus, who cared for them and bound up their wounds. Jesus is the Friend of Sinners – He is a Friend to those who consider Him an enemy. Who do you consider your enemy? Know this – Jesus is their Friend. You be their friend, too. Twitter has caught up with the Bible. Don’t let Twitter outpace you!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
October 2, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I received an email from and one of its bolded headlines read: EVERYTHING IN AMERICA HINGES ON THIS 2020 ELECTION! I saw that and thought, “Hmmmm…”
Now, this may just be an exercise in hyperbole – deliberate over-statement to emphasize a point. If pushed, whoever wrote and approved this statement may say, “OK, literally not everything – but a lot of important stuff hinges on this election.” And if that’s what they mean, I will readily give them a pass. I’m a preacher – hyperbole, dramatic over-statement – is part and parcel of preaching. It’s like having hash browns with your eggs. Every sermon should include some crispy hyperbole! If the statement EVERYTHING IN AMERICA HINGES ON THIS 2020 ELECTION! is hyperbole, the rest of this article is unnecessary. Yet if they mean anything even close to what they wrote, there’s some serious idolatry being put forward. Of course, whoever wins the election, and the party he represents, will have significant influence in the life of our nation. Yet I’m a pastor and I look at life and events through a spiritual lens. How does the phrase EVERYTHING IN AMERICA HINGES ON THIS 2020 ELECTION! misstate the truth and nurture an idolatrous spirit?
Firstly, idolatry is putting more trust in something or someone than God. So, if I may paraphrase - EVERYTHING IN AMERICA HINGES ON THE MAN WHO IS ELECTED IN 2020! Again, a lot of significant issues hinge on the man who is elected in November, but everything?
- Will the man who is elected in 2020 determine the message and ministry and mission of the Church?
- Will the man who is elected determine whether or not you will follow Jesus and serve Him?
- Will the man who is elected in 2020 have command over the love, joy, and peace of your soul?
- Will the man who is elected in 2020 be able to alter the truths of heaven and hell and accountability to God?
Obviously, the answer to the above questions is NO. So, not everything hinges on the man who is elected in 2020.
Secondly, idolatry leads me to promote the thing I trust more than I advocate for Jesus Christ. If everything hinges on this election, I will turn all my attention and energy towards it. In totalitarian regimes, the politicians say, in effect, “All is State – all is political.” And those who tell us that EVERYTHING IN AMERICA HINGES ON THIS 2020 ELECTION! are parroting the slogans of totalitarian regimes – politics is all and determines everything. This is idolatry for it leaves out God.
Thirdly, idolatry sets you up for a big fall when your idol doesn’t deliver the goods. Just ask the 450 prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). If your guy loses in November and you go into deep depression and find it hard to dig out, may I suggest that this is because politics and the promises of man and your vision of what America should be has captured your heart more than the promises of God set before the Church and the glorious vision of the Kingdom of God.
If discrimination against the Church hardens into persecution, I will be bummed (and, no doubt, distressed) – but this does nothing to disturb the spiritual fabric of the universe. The veil in the temple remains torn and the way into the Holy of Holies continues to be accessed through the blood of Jesus. The gospel remains the power of God unto salvation and the Church remains the pillar and support of the truth. And we’ll be walking a path that was blazed for us by the blood of millions of martyrs down through the centuries. Jesus remains King of kings and Lord of lords and is worthy of all praise.
If I have to pay more in taxes, I will be bummed, but it won’t be the end of the world. If I feel that my taxes are being used in an irresponsible manner for unjust causes I can either protest or withhold my taxes (and face the consequences) or just suck it up. And let’s be honest – some of the taxes we pay now are being used in an irresponsible manner to fund unjust causes. Most of us just suck this up now and we probably will then, too. Personally, I have something more important to pursue than protesting the unjust use of my taxes.
If the sexual revolution becomes even tawdrier than it is now and what is unspeakable today becomes Constitutional tomorrow, I will be bummed out, but I will suck it up and go about the work of the Kingdom of God.
If a lot of people flood into our country, taxing an already overtaxed system, I will see this as an opportunity to win more and more people to Jesus Christ.
If the schools promote immorality and disallow certain worthwhile ideas from being taught and churn out a crop of undereducated and over-indoctrinated young people, I know this – bad ideas result in broken people. I want to be there to minister the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to broken and hurting people. I came out of the Jesus Movement in Southern California. The hippie generation was broken by bad ideas and silly promises and Jesus was waiting with arms wide open and millions were swept into His arms! I want to stand with Jesus.
If your guy loses, Jesus is not diminished. If your guy loses, the gospel is still the power of God unto salvation. If your guy loses, there’s still heaven or hell in front of you. If your guy loses, you’re still a husband or a wife and a father or a mother or a friend. If your guy loses, Jesus is still Lord! No – everything in America does not hinge on this 2020 election! In fact, the most important things in life cannot even be touched by the winner of this 2020 election! (And that’s not hyperbole!)
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 30, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I am sitting here profoundly saddened by what I just watched on TV. Yes, I am referring to the Tuesday evening Presidential Debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice-President Joe Biden. Am I disturbed because my guy lost the debate? No – I have no idea who won the debate. What I do know is that the American people are the real losers. I feel sorry for Chris Wallace who had the unenviable task of trying to herd cats. Maybe the better analogy is the tiger trainer who gets into the cage with the tigers with his whip and chair and the tigers turn on him and refuse to respond to any of his commands and he barely gets out of there with his life.
I was with Robert Tuesday morning on his Zoom devotions for men and we read through Proverbs 29. As I was enduring the “debate”, verse nine came to mind.
When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, the foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.
Someone says, “O, you must be referring to Biden.”
Someone else says, “O, you must be referring to Trump.”
My answer to both questions is, “Yes.”
Interrupting, name-calling, disrespect, childish gestures and guffaws – I thought I was back in Junior High for a few minutes. “Yeah, well Trump started it.” Someone else says, “No way, Biden started it.” What does it matter? What do you call a man who follows the example of a fool?
I tuned in hoping for substance and only got claims and counter-claims and, “You’re a liar.” I tuned in hoping for intelligent discussion and only heard partisan rhetoric without reasonable and persuasive argument.
When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man, the foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest – that’s what Solomon wrote. If there is no rest with one foolish man, what do you get with two foolish men? We saw that last night. We saw lack of self-control. We saw lack of speech-control. We saw lack of emotional control. And we heard very little of substance and what we heard was challenged and dismissed and never really settled. I guess the fact-checkers will do that. I should have skipped the debate and just waited for the fact checkers.
In a surprise turn, here's what the Holy Spirit is whispering into my soul –
Do not judge so that you will not be judged. “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Matthew 7:1-3
I could sit here and whine and complain and say that America deserves better. But that has always sounded so sanctimonious and pointless to me. These two men are the candidates and America has to choose. The thing that is weighing down on me is – do I act like these two men acted when I am in a controversy with someone? Do I carry myself as foolishly as these two men did on the national stage they were on. Am I pointing out a speck in someone else when I have a log sticking out of my eye?
About two years ago, or so, I was called by a man who asked if Calvary Chapel Fremont practiced formal church membership. I told him that we did not. He asked me if I would come and debate another pastor who does practice formal church membership. I told him that I will debate nothing, but I will discuss anything. A debate assumes adversarial positions and the objective is to win – not to listen to the other guy. A discussion assumes that I have one understanding and you have another and we should discuss this and see if we can learn anything new that might alter the current understanding. They agreed to my approach and it was a great discussion. (Of course, I was the most persuasive! 😊)
This display of lack of self-control and mutual contempt I witnessed in the debate also draws my attention to Jesus – especially Jesus in His passion, His suffering. I have this picture of Jesus, that at the moment the first soldier laid hands on Him in Gethsemane, the sound of ten million swords being unsheathed by angels filled the halls of heaven as their rage burned over the Darling of Heaven being treated like this. But the Father told them to stand down – His plan was unfolding. As His enemies ridiculed Him, stood in judgment over Him, ripped out His beard, beat and whipped Him, mocked and spit on Him, and ultimately crucified Him – the greatest feat of self-control was on display. The crucifixion was what man had to say about Jesus. If He had wanted to prove that what His enemies said about Him was false, He could have interrupted the crucifixion and cut short the word of man. But He knew He would have the last word! The final word! And so He waited until it was His turn to speak. For three days all creation waited while Jesus let the word of man hang like a foul stench in the air. Had the word of man silenced the Word of God? Did Jesus have nothing to say? On the third day His response came in glorious power. Jesus had an unanswerable comeback! In blinding speech He gave His answer. In blazing tongue He spoke. He is still speaking. The last word is a lasting word. Jesus is my hope for America.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 28, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
God in His Temple is more determinative for a nation than the King on his Throne or the President in his Oval Office.
I want to lift a point out of yesterday’s sermon and highlight it here. In chapter six of his prophecy, Zechariah has a royal crown made to set upon the head of Joshua the High Priest. In doing so, he is making the point that the coming Messiah will hold the offices of both King and Priest. Jesus will be the Priest-King. In addition to this, Jesus as Priest-King will not rule from a palace, but from the Temple. His throne room will be in the Temple and not in a palace. And this brings me to my point.
God in His Temple is more determinative for a nation than the King on his Throne or the President in his Oval Office. The books of Kings and Chronicles demonstrate that the authority of God is more consequential for a nation than the authority of the king. The Church is the Temple of the Living God. The power and presence of God in the Church will be of greater consequence for the United States than the President in the White House.
What if your guy wins the White House, but the Church is grieving the Spirit of God and not living in obedience to the Word of God? Can a favorable administration overcome the failure of a disobedient Church? What if your guy loses the White House, but the Church is white hot in its love for God and zeal for souls and passion for the truth? Can a Spirit-filled Church overcome the damage of a misguided administration?
What if you BBQ your filet mignon to perfection, but unbeknownst to you, someone has marinated it in horseradish sauce? Can the perfection of your cooking genius overcome the horseradish marinade? Probably not. What if you overcooked your filet mignon after marinating it in a sweet BBQ sauce? Can the sweet BBQ sauce marinade save a poorly cooked filet mignon? YES! Sweet BBQ sauce covers a multitude of sins! The Church, walking in humility and obedience to God, is a sweet marinade for any nation.
Vote? Yes! Advocate for your guy? Sure. But please know that the power and presence of God in the Church will be of greater consequence for the United States than the President in the White House. And what this means is CALM DOWN! Of course, if your guy doesn’t win, the country will go in a direction that you don’t want it to go in. You think that the direction the other guy wants to in, the path he’ll walk us down leads to certain destruction. OK – if so, there will be a lot of desperate people looking for hope and answers. The Spirit-filled Church will be perfectly positioned to let down the nets into waters that are boiling with fear and dread and discontent and bring up a great haul for the Lord. If you are a Christian and your guy doesn’t win the White House, and you lose all hope and become bitter about the direction of the country, you’ll be in no position to help lower the nets in times if despair.
Brothers and Sisters - "…the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him." Habakkuk 2:20
Habakkuk spoke this while waiting for the Babylonian armies to lay siege to Jerusalem, break into it, destroy it, and take its people into exile. Habakkuk was assured of the worst possible scenario – your guy doesn’t win! And yet he continued to look to the Lord. Who’s going to win the White House in November? I don’t know. I don’t know who will be in the White House, but I know who is on the Throne of Heaven (that’s not up for a vote!). As believers, our eyes look to the Lord, until He be gracious to us. I have my preference for who will win the White House, but I have no anxiety about whoever ends up as President. God in His Temple is more determinative for a nation than the King on his Throne or the President in his Oval Office. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords – and President of presidents!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 24, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont -
Don't forget - tomorrow, Friday, September 25th, @ 5:30 PM. Meet me at the corner of Mowry and Fremont in the parking lot between CVS and Valero. I have eight, eight foot by four foot signs that proclaim Jesus Christ as the hope of the world. We will occupy all four corners of the intersection with two signs on each corner.
This isn't a protest, this is a PROFESS! With all the negativity and divisiveness and uncertainty that's in the air, we want to point to the One who can bring peace in the midst of the storm. In the boiling sea, we want to serve as lighthouses for the sols of men and women.
Someone has said that if you want to say something relevant, then say something eternal. We'll be sending out eternal rays of hope from 5:45PM - 7:15PM and pray that souls will find rest for their souls in the Harbor of Jesus.
We need sixteen people in order to display all the signs. Come on out and serve. Your kids can come, too. But please note that some people might be rude with their words and their hand gestures - just so you know 😞. We'll take turns holding signs and there will be some tracts and Bibles to pass out if the opportunity presents itself.
Hope to see you. Please be in prayer.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus - Pastor Tim
September 22, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Civil disobedience is not rebellion. Let me say that again – civil disobedience is not rebellion.
In the early 70’s, Woody Phillips, president of San Jose Bible College, told us young men that if we were drafted into the U.S. Army to serve in Vietnam, we had two choices. We could consent to the draft order and join the Army and go where we were sent, or we could disobey if we thought that it was an immoral war and couldn’t serve in good conscience. If we disobeyed the draft order, there would be consequences to pay – jail. The law gave us two choices – consent and serve time in Vietnam or not consent and spend time in jail. Either way, we were submitting to the law. We could practice civil disobedience if the State sought to violate our conscience. But what we could not do was flee to Canada – that would be rebellion. That would be escaping the authority which God has placed over us. We could be draft-disobeyers, but not draft-dodgers. There is a difference between civil disobedience and rebellion.
In States and Counties where the Church is forbidden to meet or from meeting indoors, each local church has a decision to make. And it is a decision of conscience influenced by theology and philosophy and community and personality and denominational affiliation and local enforcement. If the State says NO INDOOR MEETINGS and you hold indoor meetings, you are not in rebellion, you are practicing civil disobedience. The State does not own nor can it command your conscience. It can appeal to your conscience and seek to persuade it, but your conscience does not belong to the State. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s – but this doesn’t include your conscience. The State can coerce your behavior, but it cannot command your conscience.
If you choose to meet when forbidden to meet, you are in civil disobedience. If you take up weapons and seek to repel the force of the State by the force of weapons, you are in rebellion. You can practice civil disobedience and be in the middle of the will of God, but if you are in rebellion, you are alienated from the State and outside the will of God. I don’t mind being outside the will and favor of the State; I do mind being outside the will and the favor of God.
There is unnecessary tension in local churches due to misunderstanding the difference between civil disobedience and rebellion. There are some Christians in every church who cannot support the reopening of their church because it cuts across the directive of the State. The thought is that any disobedience is rebellion and therefore the church practicing civil disobedience is outside the will of God. This is not the case. Calvary Chapel Fremont is practicing civil disobedience, but we are not in rebellion. If the Police showed up to shut us down, we would quietly file out. (OK, maybe not so quietly!) Or we could continue with the service until the authorities physically carried us out. We’d still be submitting to the power of the law. Like other churches have, we would immediately file a lawsuit or join a lawsuit. And this isn’t rebellion either – we have the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. So the State says stay closed or go to jail (or some such penalty). We say that we’ll stay open and face the punishment of the law.
Rebellion is seeking to overthrow the institution of the State or escape the prosecution of the State whereas civil disobedience is noncompliance to a law of the State when it violates conscience. Here is a scene from the book of Acts –
And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4:18-20
The point here isn’t that the Church needs to be open for the gospel to be preached – modern technology gives wings to the gospel. The point here is that Peter and John placed conscience above State and the law of the State. The book of Acts here and elsewhere jumpstarts the Church’s rich history of civil disobedience. In fact, if the apostles didn’t practice civil disobedience they would be in rebellion against God. The State may have absolute power, but it doesn’t have absolute authority.
A proper understanding of the difference between civil disobedience and rebellion may help to ease some of the tensions felt as local churches consider whether or not to reopen.
Whether you open or continue as you have been –
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 21, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
If I order a three-egg ham and cheese omelet served with crispy hash browns and sourdough toast, I expect to get a three-egg ham and cheese omelet served with crispy hash browns and sourdough toast – and it better look something like the picture in the menu! I expect there to be a one-to-one correspondence between what I see in the menu, what I say to the server, what the server conveys to the cook, and what the cook puts on the plate that is brought me by the waiter. Three-egg ham and cheese omelet – check. Crispy hash browns – check. Sourdough toast – check. What I saw is what I said and what I said is what I now see in front of me. Satisfied customer!
If I order a three-egg ham and cheese omelet served with crispy hash browns and sourdough toast and I get a two-egg white omelet with no ham and with a cheese substitute and a bowl of fruit instead of my crispy hash browns and sourdough toast – I will not be happy and someone will hear about it. I will point out to the server the difference between what I ordered from the menu and what is on the plate in front of me and that there must have been some mistake – I was served someone else’s order. “There has been no mistake, sir,” replies the server. “Our cook used to be a certified dietician working at the local hospital, but thought his skill-set would be better utilized in a restaurant. He looked at you and decided that a three-egg omelet with crispy hash browns and sourdough toast would only hasten your death, and so, in his wisdom, he gave you what you needed, not what you requested.”
What!!?? Is this guy trying to play God!? How does he really know what’s going on inside my body? Can he do an MRI and a CT scan with his eyes? Can he remotely run blood work and do a colonoscopy from 20 feet away!? Yikes! He doesn’t know me! What gives him the right to take what I ordered, set it aside, and substitute his thinking and his desires? I don’t want a dietician who’s going to interpret my needs, alter my order, and serve me what I don’t want. I want a short-order cook and not a dietician. I want a short-order cook who will be concerned only with my immediate requests and not my long-term needs. If I wanted a dietician, I’d go to the hospital and submit myself to his/her regimen and follow their counsel. I would subordinate my immediate desires to their long-term wisdom. If I said “Crispy hash browns”, and they said, “Cottage cheese,” well, cottage cheese it is.
Why can’t God be more like a short-order cook than a dietician? Why can’t the Bible be more like a menu to order from than a manual to live by? “God, I’d like some love, joy, and peace. Also, on another plate, please take away any promptings I have for greed and unforgiveness.” I place my order, and what am I served? Trials, tribulations, and troubles! This looks nothing like my prayer. There must be some kind of mix-up. I ordered the love, joy, and peace. I don’t know what schmuck would want this served up – but it’s not me!
Fortunately for us, God is more like a dietician than a short-order cook. He doesn’t submit Himself to our short-term desires and short-sighted strategies. He is running a program that is to our long-term benefit – conforming us to the image of His Son. And this is a major point of confusion in the minds of so may followers of Jesus. So many have been taught that the abundant life that God wants to give is a life of comfort and convenience full of favor and blessing and all you have to do to attain it is to ask. That’s it – just ask. God is never said to be this, yet He is pictured as a short-order cook just waiting to cook up and deliver those things that will make you the winner in life and put you over the top. But when you order peace and love and favor and blessing and are served trials and tribulations and troubles (jumbo sized!) – this sets the table for the crisis that every follower of Jesus encounters at least once – and more like 10,000 times! How are we to think about this?
- Maybe I asked for the wrong thing – which tells me I don’t know how to pray.
- Maybe I asked for the right thing and didn’t get it because I didn’t ask in faith – which tells me I need to try again.
- Maybe I asked for the right thing, but a demon mugged my angelic server, gave the order to Satan, and he gave me the trials and tribulations and troubles.
- Maybe I asked for one thing and God, as a genius dietician of the soul, has served me those things that produce the peace and joy and favor and blessing of God. I asked for a fully cooked meal and got the ingredients instead. And then God turns up the heat in my life and stirs all the ingredients together.
So many see God as a short-order cook dishing up love and joy and favor and blessing and don’t see God as a dietician who has set in motion a process directed at my long-term conformity to the image of Jesus Christ.
- The short-order cook is dedicated to the immediate satisfaction of your desires. The dietician is committed to the long-term development of your health.
- The short-order cook is concerned only with your desires. The dietician is concerned only with your health.
- The short-order cook is concerned only with what you say. The dietician is concerned only with what you need.
- The short-order cook will help you kill yourself. The dietician will keep you from killing yourself.
David praised the Lord because He was his Rock and his Refuge, his Shelter and Strong Tower, his Provider and his Protector. And I can add one more – He’s my Dietician.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 18, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
When King Nebuchadnezzar (KN) commanded Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego to bow down and worship the statue he had erected or else be thrown into the middle of the furnace of blazing fire, they responded and said –
"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." Daniel 3:16-18
The response of these three Hebrew young men has strengthened many a backbone and shaken many a petty tyrant down through the centuries. There is much philosophical wisdom, moral courage, and spiritual clarity in their refusal of the king’s decree.
Philosophical wisdom
What KN considered ultimate, they considered subordinate. What KN considered primary, they considered secondary – at best. Just like the wise men who came to King Herod searching for He who was born King of the Jews, these three young Jews knew that there was something more important than the State and Someone more powerful than the King. And even as King Herod set out on a killing spree to destroy anyone who dared to believe that he wasn’t the ultimate, so KN.
Christians know that the State isn’t the ultimate expression of authority, nor does it have the ability or the right to define what is good and evil, acceptable and unacceptable, true and false. KN said, in effect, “What I say is good is good. What I say is acceptable is acceptable. What I say is true is true.” The three young men said, in effect, “We don’t think so. There is One above and beyond you to whom you are accountable.” They didn’t allow the immediate to become the ultimate nor did they didn’t allow the secondary to become the primary. They refused to let KN define reality.
Moral courage
They didn’t allow KN to redefine reality nor did they allow him to bully them into submission. Many bullies have occupied thrones down through the millennia using the threat of physical violence and pain as a means of forcing compliance to their version of reality. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego considered their souls more important than their bodies. Though they believed in resurrection, for them in that moment, their bodies were secondary whereas their souls were primary. Even as they would not allow KN to flip truth on its head, so they would not allow him to flip human nature on its head. They were not materialists – believing that only matter matters – they considered human nature to be comprised of more than just the fortunate result of random chemical interactions. They refused to let KN command their souls.
Spiritual clarity
These young men made three statements about God which, at first, seem contradictory, yet upon further thought exhibit a helpful clarity about the will of God and how I am to think about it and interact with it. The three statements -
- They declared God’s ability – God is able to deliver us…
- Then they declared God’s intent – and He will deliver us…
- Then they left themselves an out – but even if He does not…
Hmmm…what are we to make of this? Are they waffling in their faith? Are they the kind of men that James criticizes? Are they double-minded men, unstable in all their ways, tossed to and fro by the wind and waves? I would argue that these are single-minded men who are not unstable, but unmovable in their commitment to God. They are more devoted to the person, the being of God than to their understanding of the will of God. They are committed to what they will do even though they’re not sure what God might do.
God IS always the same; God doesn’t always DO the same thing in each situation. Their commitment to God was deeper than their understanding of God. Some are only committed to the DOING of God and when God doesn’t do what they expect Him to do – they’re outta here. God always IS regardless of what God DOES in this or that situation. They didn’t have God in a box. They didn’t commit God to doing what God hadn’t promised to do and then get stuck in a corner when God doesn’t do it. So many set themselves up for disappointment by expecting God to do what He hasn’t promised to do. These three young men exhibited a spiritual clarity that separated the being of God from the doing of God. They refused to allow their understanding of God to limit God.
These three Hebrew young men had –
- Philosophical wisdom: they refused to let KN define reality.
- Moral courage: they refused to let KN command their souls.
- Spiritual clarity: they refused to allow their understanding of God to limit God.
Don’t be bullied by any political party seeking to shape realty by means of their philosophical commitments. May the Church collectively and you and I individually grow in our philosophical wisdom, moral courage, and spiritual clarity.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 16, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
While leafing through a book in my office, I found the following verse I had written about 30 years ago, or so. It refers to the ‘rack of faith’. The Torture Rack was a medieval device used to dislocate a person’s bones, and if enough pressure was applied, it would rip them apart. As God grows our faith and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s us, sometimes it can feel like God is dislocating and relocating things in our lives. Anyway – that’s what the ‘rack of faith’ is referring to. When you put your faith in God and allow Him to stretch you, He will s-t-r-e-t-c-h you! And this has been a s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g season for all of us. Many of us have been stretched in ways we didn’t know we could stretch. Yet God is faithful in the stretch.
Hands of Mercy
I count it all joy on the rack of faith,
Pressed beyond measure,
Stretched by Hands of Mercy.
Losing all form and fashion of this present order,
Being taken where I cannot take myself.
Slow and painful is the rack of faith,
Sure and steady are the Hands of Mercy.
“Surely the work is nearly finished;
I am a new man by His creative hand;
I am in heavenly shape.”
But scarcely have the words passed my lips
When a new deformity is revealed,
A fresh discipline imposed.
For His eyes see where mine cannot;
His love won’t leave me to myself.
I count it all joy on the rack of faith,
No longer preoccupied with the rack,
But with Hands of Mercy.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and be stretched – Pastor Tim
September 15, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Faith says that God is with me today.
Hope says that God is with me tomorrow.
Faith is today’s hope.
Hope is tomorrow’s faith.
I don’t know if faith and hope are identical twins or kissing cousins or brother and sister – but they’re certainly related to one another. What undermines hope, kills faith. And what poisons faith, murders hope. One cannot be sustained without the other – they live and die together. Both have the same message: God is with me! He is with me today and He’ll be with me tomorrow. The difference between faith and hope is the same difference between today and tomorrow.
Often, unresolved doubt and unconfessed sin can smother faith. A shattered dream and a broken heart can can quench hope. Many psalms struggle with the reality of God in my today and the promise of God in my tomorrow. Jesus came to resolve doubt, forgive sin, heal brokenness, and impart His dreams – His plans for our future. Jesus demonstrated that the bleakest today and the darkest tomorrow don’t amount to the absence of God. Absence of the evidence of God doesn’t evidence the absence of God.
God is present in the silence.
God is at work in the darkness.
When all things are against you, God is for you.
Often, people who ask for an appointment to meet with their pastor are having a hard time seeing their way forward thru a particular difficulty. There is unresolved doubt, or unconfessed sin, a shattered dream, or a broken heart. They are having a crisis of faith – which also means they are having a crisis of hope. Part of my calling, my ministry, my job is to help see someone’s faith and hope restored – to get them experientially connected with God. They are, in reality, connected with God in that He will never leave or forsake us – yet it’s often difficult to hang on to that particular truth of Scripture.
A Biblical hope is the confident expectation that something will happen. A psychological hope is an emotional wish that something will happen. Biblical hope can sustain psychological and emotional hope, but psychological and emotional hope is not the foundation of Biblical hope. When thinking about their own death, someone can say –
- “I have this wonderful hope that I’ll be in heaven with Jesus and my loved ones.”
- Another one will say, “I sure hope I’m in heaven with Jesus and all my loved ones.”
See the difference? The first is Biblical hope, whereas the second is psychological, emotional hope. It’s the difference between a confident expectation and wishful thinking. It’s the difference between something that’s definite and something that’s a mere desire. How do you move from a psychological, emotional hope to a Biblical hope? How is someone brought into a definite Biblical hope from the desire of wishful thinking?
Here are some of the approaches I take in restoring someone’s faith and hope.
- I point out how God is at work in their lives in ways that they can’t see. Often someone looking from the outside in is able to see what you can’t see because you’re too close. I’ve seen this to be very effective.
- I read and relate Bible stories where someone’s faith and hope are failing and how they were restored. I don’t have space to develop this, but I will speak to them about Abram separating from Lot and how he was bummed out. I’ll talk about Elisha’s servant having his eyes opened by the Lord at Dothan when surrounded by the Syrian army and losing all hope (one of my favorites!). We’ll look at Elijah running from the wrath of Jezebel, thinking he had no future. The Spirit of God takes the revelation of the Word of God and makes it the work of God in the hearts of men and women.
- I will ask something along the lines of, “If God were working in your life right now, what would He be doing?”
- I’m a real sucker for the tried and true phrases and Biblical verses of Christian experience. “Don’t doubt in the dark what you’ve heard in the light.” “Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Thou are with me.” There’s a verse that speaks of the temple being built without the sound of the hammer. It was a quiet work, but it was a great work! And don’t forget Psalm 22, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” – only to find out He wasn’t forsaken! There are so many stories and so many psalms of failing faith and reeling hope being restored in the rough and tumble of life through the tender mercies of God.
- I share personal testimony of restored faith and hope and strengthened faith and hope.
For some, faith and hope are two of the casualties in this season of pandemic, pandemonium, and political polarization. “Why doesn’t God do something?” is often heard. God is doing something. “OK, what is it?” I don’t know exactly – I don’t hear the sound of the heavenly hammer and walking through the valley of the shadow death doesn’t give me a real vantage point from which to see much. “Well then how do you know He’s doing something? Do you have a Biblical hope or just a psychological and emotional one?” Mine is a Biblical hope in that I know the character of the God I serve and I know my Biblical and world history. He will grant those who mourn, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:3 I believe this, therefore I have hope!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and walk in faith and hope – Pastor Tim
September 14, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Some prayers begin outside the throne room of God and make their way into it whereas other prayers begin in the throne room of God and make their way out. Here’s what I mean -
In Psalm 51, David confesses his sin. This psalm was written after his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah. (The Bible tells the messy story of flawed people in horrific sin because it’s people in the mess of sin that so desperately need God.) David becomes convicted of his sin, seeks forgiveness, and makes his way back into the presence of God.
- V3 – For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.
- V7 – Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
- V11 – Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
David is estranged from the presence of God, but through conviction and contrition (humility) and confession he makes his way back into the presence of God. Picture it this way – he is outside the sacred enclosure of the tabernacle – distant from the altar of sacrifice whereby sins are forgiven and outside the Holy Place and Holy of Holies where God dwells. He comes into the Courtyard of the tabernacle where he is cleansed of his sin and by the end of the psalm he is back in sweet fellowship with God, delighting in His presence.
The Lord’s Prayer, on the other hand, begins in the Holy of Holies and makes its way out into the world.
When you and I pray the Lord’s Prayer we begin not with an overwhelming sense of sin, as David did, but with the overwhelming reality that God is our Father. We begin with fullness of relationship and assurance of solid connection with God. The prayer could have begun with God as King or Lord or Creator or Redeemer … yet it begins with the tender understanding of God as Father and all the fullness that this is meant to convey. We don’t begin this prayer as subjects who fear or tremble, but as children who adore and have a glorious sense of safety and well-being. This prayer begins at the top.
In the Holy of Holies there was the Ark of the Covenant in which were the 10 Commandments covered by the Mercy Seat on which were positioned two angels. Many Bible passages inform us that God was enthroned above the cherubim (angels) positioned upon the Mercy Seat. This was God’s throne room on the earth. God desired Israel to live in His glory and majesty and authority and presence that was so palpable in the Holy of Holies. It’s interesting that the Holy of Holies was a perfect cube and that the New Jerusalem in Revelation is a perfect cube. All of the New Jerusalem is the Holy of Holies and all who know Christ will live eternally in the fullness of the presence of God. This is what we pray for when we ask that God’ kingdom come to earth.
This request moves us from the Holy of Holies outward into the Holy Place where there was the Golden Altar of Incense, the Golden Candlestick, and the Golden Table of Bread. The bread on the table is a picture of the Word of God and all that we need to sustain or physical lives. Here we pray that God sustain us spiritually and physically as we go through life.
In the Lord’s Prayer we move from the Holy Place into the Courtyard where the Altar of Sacrifice was located. Here, animals were offered as sacrifices to the Lord. The blood of the animals all pictured the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus, who was offered as a sacrifice for us on the cross for the forgiveness of sin.
Some translations will have, “…deliver us from the evil one,” an obvious reference to Satan. Here we move beyond the Courtyard of the Temple out into everyday life with its passions and temptations and frustrations.
We begin the Lord’s Prayer in the Holy of Holies with the healing revelation and confession that God is our Father and that we desire the Kingdom of our Father to infuse us and everything around us. We move out into the Holy Place, requesting daily spiritual and physical nourishment. From here we make our way out into the Courtyard acknowledging that sin is a reality and that God’s grace and mercy is a greater reality. Having fellowship with our God, nourished by our Father, forgiven by our Father, we go out into the world confident that no scheme of the devil will go unnoticed or unchallenged by those who know the Father so fully and intimately. We know that our spiritual enemy will seek to undermine our fellowship with the Father and all He supplies us – and so we pray against this.
The believer doesn’t begin his/her day thrashing around, trying to find the presence of God. We begin our day in the Holy of Holies. The Lord’s Prayer begins in the center of reality and prays outward into the world where we live and seek to make His kingdom known.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and pray the Lord’s Prayer – Pastor Tim
September 12, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
The following post is a condensation of an article describing the legal drama unfolding between Calvary Chapel of Bangor and the state of Maine.
An Incredible Story of Redemption / Sep 11, 2020
Liberty Counsel appeared in court Wednesday to defend Pastor Ken Graves and Calvary Chapel of Bangor, against ME Gov. Janet Mills' outrageous anti-church orders. Calvary Chapel’s ministry covers the entire community and there are residential homes for recovering men and women. And although the church serves the needs of the greater community, the heart of the ministry is the yearlong live-in recovery program for addicts seeking rescue. At any given time, Calvary Chapel houses 48 desperate people “relearning life” through the lens of the Cross.
When Gov. Janet Mills issued her stay-at-home order, she made many exceptions, but none for religious assembly. NO worship was allowed under the governor’s initial order, no matter what. Yet at the very time Gov. Mills banned Calvary Chapel from assembling, she deemed liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries to be “essential.” The substances Pastor Ken was helping people overcome were deemed essential, while the one thing that could save those addicts — the church — was ordered closed!
Gov. Mills’ orders allowed secular services in the same church building with the same people but banned religious services. The men and women could still meet for substance abuse support, but could they worship? The yearlong program includes studying the entire Bible, prayer and worship. Risking punishment, Ken would not secularize the program and stop the essential reason the recovery ministry works. Gov. Mills was clear that churches must close. But her view of “church” is limited. It did not take into account Calvary Chapel of Bangor’s extended ministries. If the substance abuse program has to be secular, who will decide what is religious? If only those in the substance abuse program can worship, then Gov. Mills has divided the church.
Eventually, Gov. Mills allowed 10 people to assemble and then 50, no matter the size of the building. But Pastor Graves has 48 recovering addicts and a full congregation that need their church open. Pastor Ken Graves determined he’d stay open — for all his flock — even if the governor herself tried to bar the doors. He answered to God, not a misguided governor! Despite threats of criminal charges, fines and even potential imprisonment, Pastor Ken Graves is continuing to preach, and Calvary Chapel is fighting to remain open (with social distancing and sanitizing). Like so many of the other pastors we are representing in our five (soon to be six) federal lawsuits against lawless governors, Pastor Ken knows that at any time he can be thrown in jail for serving God’s people. He’ll keep preaching.
On Wednesday, September 9, Liberty Counsel appeared before the Court of Appeals on behalf of Pastor Graves and Calvary Chapel. Under Janet Mills’ orders, social services can remain open... but only if they don’t mention the Word of God or contain religious content. In Maine, one can offer employment counseling in the church building but not Bible studies. One can feed the stomach but not the soul. One can offer shelter for the body, but not shelter under the wings of God. A church can perform non-religious services to an unlimited number of people. But the moment a Bible is opened — even as part of a life skills, food, shelter or addiction program — the entire operation violates Gov. Mills’ illegal orders.
While we do not know how or when the court will rule, one judge’s questions to the State of Maine were telling – as was the attorney’s response. The judge asked the Attorney General lawyer if the governor’s order allowed people at “essential businesses” to gather at the beginning of their shift to review their tasks for the day. The governors’ attorney said, “yes.” The judge then asked what would happen if, during that same meeting, a morally uplifting message was delivered. The attorney responded, “I was afraid of hypothetical questions like this.” He never did answer the question because he couldn’t — without admitting the governor was wrong. The fact that Governor Mills would allow many exemptions to all sorts of services, but ONLY if those services do not include worship, is proof that shutdown orders discriminate against churches and people of faith.
Mat Staver / Founder and Chairman / Liberty Counsel
Let’s pray for Mat and Ken and all the other attorneys and pastors who have been led to open their churches and are now facing fines and other legal threats.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 10, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
In a report titled, “The New Sunday Morning,” Barna Research found that 32% of practicing Christians have not attended a church service (either online or in person) since the shutdowns began. 50% of millennials, have not participated in online worship. Barna points out that these numbers refer to committed believers who were in the habit of attending church before everything shut down. Additionally, Barna reports that one in seven committed churchgoers have switched churches during the pandemic.
David Murrow comments: Once the COVID restrictions are lifted, there’s no guarantee things will return to normal. Many churches that have reopened are reporting anemic attendance. People may be staying away out of fear of catching the disease, or they may be gone for good. People who might never have considered watching church in their pajamas now know how easy it is to experience church online. Will these folks return, or will they slowly drift away?
OK – what do we make of this? What struck me out the gate is that COVID hits, the churches shutter their doors, and 32% of practicing Christians are gone. That’s almost one-third! One-third are out the door and don’t look back! Hmmm. This doesn’t mean they’ve fallen from Christ or have abandoned the faith, but they have abandoned that which strengthens their faith. And if their faith isn’t being strengthened in these challenging days they will find themselves ill-prepared to deal with doubt, discouragement, and temptation when it comes. And come it will.
A pastor visited a member who had been absent for a number of weeks. They sat quietly in front of the fire. After a while, the pastor took a pair of tongs and removed a log from the fire and placed it over to the side. Both watched as the log burned out and begin to smoke. The man said to the pastor, “Message received. I’ll be in church this Sunday.” Apart from attending church and all that is offered and experienced in that environment, the vast majority of the one-third will burn out in that there is nothing feeding their faith. Faith needs to be fed!
Without church attendance, the fire of your faith will burn low and the influence of your faith will sputter out. “Well, Pastor,” you may say, “I’ve been doing quite well on my own and I don’t know if I plan on returning to church even when the COVID restrictions are lifted.” Two things: 1) The Bible tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we should and the very fact that you are relying on your own efforts, imagining this is sufficient, indicates a strategic weakness in your thinking. 2) The Bible directs us to assemble together and encourage one another in the things of God. The very fact that you dismiss this Bible verse as being irrelevant to you is only a precursor of you dismissing other potentially annoying and inconvenient Bible verses.
I know – most churches aren’t open and the ones that are do have lower attendance than previously due to no Children’s Ministry and at-risk populations remaining home. I get it. Yet I would encourage all – if you are not attending a church that is currently open on Sundays – tune in to the livestream. Stay connected to what God is saying through your pastor or the pastoral team and guest speakers. You have grown to hear the voice of the Chief Shepherd through the under-shepherd – remain in that place where you can hear His voice. Yes – read your Bible and pray – and stay connected as much as possible with your church.
It will be interesting to see what church looks like once the dust settles and the smoke clears after the COVID shutdown. Some churches will have fewer in attendance whereas others will have more due to the sifting and shifting that is taking place. I’m not too concerned with size. If this is the Lord purging and purifying His Church, the outcome will be a more powerful Church, regardless of size. The outcome will be a more Christ-centered, gospel-preaching, soul-saving, Bible-teaching, Jesus-loving, God-glorifying Church than before – regardless of size.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 7, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
“In this corner, wearing shredded jeans and sporting a shirt and tie with a light brown cardigan sweater thrown nonchalantly over the left shoulder and looking quite hipsterish with a Cheshire cat grin, is one-half of the Church accessing the New Living Translation via a digital device.” This is Christian One (C1).
“In the opposite corner, wearing crisply pressed dress pants and a custom T-shirt with a small dove and cross emblem on the upper left, wearing a hat and sporting four days of roughage on his face, is the other half of the Church holding a big, black New King James Bible complete with study notes and concordance.” This is Christian Two (C2).
“Alright – C1, are you ready? C2, are you ready? OK – let’s have a sanctified, Christ honoring discussion of the challenges facing the Church in this season of physical disease, social unrest, and political division.”
C1 “The pastors should open the churches and we should worship freely, even though we have to practice social distancing and wear masks.”
C2 “Uh-uh. No way. That’s stupid. Why do you want to kill people? God tells us to obey the government and they forbid the Church meeting and singing inside the building.”
C1 “Why do you lack faith?”
C2 “Why do you lack love?”
C1 “What are you afraid of?”
C2 “Disobeying God. What are you afraid of?”
C1 “Disobeying God.”
C2 “The Church should use this cultural moment and affirm Black Lives Matter though we don’t agree with all its ideology.”
C1 “Uh-uh. No way. That’s stupid. Black Lives Matter’s ideology is about as anti-Christian as you can get.”
C2 “Do you know that when you say that, you offend those holding that ideology?”
C1 “I’d rather offend than affirm someone who is out to undermine my faith.”
C2 “But you make yourself an enemy of some black people and social justice warriors when you talk like that.”
C1 “I’d rather make an enemy of man than an enemy of history and an enemy of God.”
C2 “What are you afraid of?”
C1 “Disobeying God. What are you afraid of?”
C2 “Disobeying God.”
C1 “If you vote for Trump, you’re not a Christian.”
C2 “No way. That’s stupid. If you vote for Biden that demonstrates that you’re not a Christian.”
C1 “No way. That’s stupid. Trump is morally flawed – his record proves it.”
C2 “Biden is morally flawed, too.”
C1 “My Christian conscience directs me to vote for the least immoral man.”
C2 “What about policies and platforms and performance?”
C1 “I care about character more than accomplishment.”
C2 “That’s stupid.”
C1 “No, you’re stupid.”
Ad nauseum…
Today, the most hurtful and vicious things said to Christians are said by other Christians. What does it matter who wins the November election if the Church loses her love for one another? What does it matter if you get the America you want if God doesn’t have the Church He desires. A loveless Church will not be an influence for God whether Trump or Biden is sitting in the Oval Office. I’ve read things that insinuate that the devil is working overtime to influence the upcoming election. That’s stupid! (Just kidding 😊.) The devil is working overtime to get you to despise other Christians who don’t see eye-to-eye with you. The gospel doesn’t depend on the occupant of the White House, but on the Occupant of your heart. I long for the days when we would just argue about Calvinism, communion, and the Charismatic Movement. Now it’s church openings, masks, social justice, whose life matters, socialism, civic order, and red and blue politics. It’s exhausting! A President can be the most Church-friendly of any President, but if the love of the Church has grown cold, the attitude of the President is null and void. An unloving Church is dead in the water. The Church doesn’t depend on the legislation of men, but on the Spirit of the living God. It’s not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts. Cry out to God that your love doesn’t grow cold in this season of intense debate and division. Think of someone who you have become alienated from in this season of time and ask God to rekindle your love for them – and then connect with them and communicate your love to them. Don’t let the devil win! Let’s give to Jesus the Church He purchased at so precious a cost.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 4, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
OK, what have we learned so far?
- COVID-19 hasn’t harmed as many people as we thought it would.
- Government has harmed more people than we thought possible.
- Protests and riots have lasted longer and have become deadlier than we could have imagined.
- Masks work.
- Masks don’t work.
- Masks work sometimes.
- Masks don’t work sometimes.
- If you open your church, you’re an irresponsible pastor.
- If you don’t open your church, you’re an irresponsible pastor.
- If you’re white, you’re racist.
- If you deny being a racist, you’re racist.
- If you say you’re color-blind, you’re racist.
- If your great-great-great-grandfather owned slaves, you’re racist.
- If you repent of being a racist, and confess it and apologize for it, you’re still racist.
- If you vote for Biden, you’re not a Christian.
- If you vote for Trump, you’re not a Christian.
- Christians can say really stupid things on social media.
- Christians can say really stupid things on social media about Christians who say really stupid things on social media.
- We can fight about anything. (But we knew this already.)
- Live church is better than livestream church. (Yes, it is.)
- I’d rather be in the room with you than Zoom with you.
- Working from home can be a pretty sweet deal.
- The Church is divided over how to respond to COVID-19.
- The Church is divided over how to respond to Black Lives Matter.
- The Church is divided over who to vote for.
- The Church is divided. (But we knew this already.)
- It’s easy to get bent out of shape when people don’t agree with your stellar logic.
- Jesus is still Lord!
What have you learned during this season? Add your own. Let’s get a list of 100. I listed 28 – 72 to go.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
September 2, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I want to speak up for pastors in this post.
Paul tells us that love believes all things. What this means is that love gives people the benefit of the doubt and that unless I have knowledge to the contrary, I trust you and what you’re saying and I trust your motives. If you show up at my church on Sunday morning and tell me you’re visiting from Southern California having come up to see your parents, I have no reason not to believe you. If you tell me you’re on a mission from Mars to recruit volunteers to colonize one of the moons of Mars…well…I think not. Love believes all things, but love isn’t gullible.
There is a serious crisis in the Body of Christ – we no longer believe all things. No, we haven’t grown gullible, but there are widening cracks of judgment and suspicion. There is a crisis of love and a growth in questioning each others’ motives. Pastors are acutely aware of this. Your pastor is faced with a number of decisions, each of which has a down side. When it comes to pastors, we are in a lose-lose season of time.
- If we open our churches, we are judged and people will leave the church.
- If we don’t open our churches, we are judged and people will leave the church.
- If we open our churches and require masks, some are offended and will leave the church.
- If we open our churches and don’t require masks, some are offended and will leave the church.
- If we meet outside we are judged. If we meet inside we are judged. If we remain livestream only we are judged.
- And there are those who make their opinions known to the pastor. And this isn’t a burdensome thing in itself unless this opinion is accompanied by an expectation of compliance and the assurance of judgment if not.
Please give your pastor(s) a break!!! We are doing the best we can. We don’t get up in the morning and tell ourselves that we’re going to make the worst decisions possible in order to get the most amount of people ticked off at us. We are accused of not having enough faith or being unloving or not caring for the community…and on it goes. This is grievous and does not reflect the heart of God.
“But what if I disagree with the decision my pastor and the elders of the church have made?”
- If love believes all things, then don’t doubt their honesty and question their motives. You can disagree with someone’s decision without being suspicious of their motives and doubting their honesty.
- Believe that they are making the best decision they can based upon the information they have, influenced by the responsibilities they shoulder, informed by the values they embrace, impacted by the family of churches they belong to, advised by the leaders surrounding them, and affected by their personal history. Believe me – that’s a lot of ingredients for one stew. Two people can have the same information, yet because of the ingredients in their personal stew they will respond to that information differently.
- “How can I walk with someone I disagree with?” You’re married, aren’t you?
- Your pastor has walked with you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and in the Ditch of Stupid Decisions and through the Gutter of Sinful Choices. He has loved you, counseled you, prayed with and for you, and has assured you of his acceptance and availability – and even better – of God’s covenant love for you in Jesus Christ. Your pastor has been the face of Christ to you.
Can you say, in good conscience, “I disagree with the decision(s) my pastor has made. I wish he had navigated us through this crisis a different way. But I love my pastor and my church, and God has placed us in this fellowship to care for us, to grow us, and to use us for His glory.” Is it possible (or am I just totally out of touch with reality) for someone to say, “I believe my pastor has made a wrong decision. And I know he’s going to get a lot of flack for it, but I don’t doubt his honesty and I am not suspicious of his motives. I’m going to stand by my pastor and encourage him and be a blessing to him during this season of time.” Now someone might say, “I can’t do that. That would be disingenuous of me.” I say, “You do it for your children all the time. That’s what it means to be part of a family – failure isn’t fatal.” And here’s the thing – the Church is a family.
I am amply aware that this post smacks of self-preservation in that I am a pastor. And I know that many who read this post are part of the Calvary Chapel Fremont family. I am not writing this to elicit their sympathy for me by the simple fact that Calvary Chapel Fremont has the best congregants in the world! I’ve received some pushback from the various decisions that have been made, yet this pushback is from thinking people who want to know what helped inform the decision to do this or that. We discuss it; they make their opinion known; sometimes they still disagree – and don’t huff off. They are wise enough to know that there are different ways of looking at the challenges we face and they are mature enough that when they don’t get their way they don’t leave the church. And they love me – they don’t doubt my honesty or are suspicious of my motives and they want to be a blessing to me and the church as we shoot these rapids. May their tribe increase!
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus and give your pastor a hug (I mean a fist-bump) – Pastor Tim
September 1, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
We will be going to a Worship Event that begins at 5 PM at the State Capitol building in Sacramento this Sunday (9.6). The Capitol Building is located at 1315 10th Street in Sacramento. The event is scheduled to go from 5 PM to 8 PM. Mike Ishida describes it like this –
The “Let us Worship” movement, led by worship leader Sean Feucht, is holding a Worship Service at the Capitol Building in Sacramento this Sunday. The movement is a stand against the double standard of allowing some groups of people to operate outside of the bounds of the COVID-19 lockdown, but not allowing the Church to worship freely.
There have been many “Let us Worship” rallies all over the country where people have been free to worship together in song, dance, and prayer. At these rallies the gospel is preached and many have repented and accepted Christ, and have been baptized. Worship and prayer and preaching of the gospel are the main components of these rallies.
We can expect to hear from Sean and some local leaders speak about the Church standing for the right to worship freely, and we will pray for our country, state, and local cities. We can also expect the Holy Spirit to be moving among the Church gathered at the rally as He has done all throughout the movement since it started. There are many videos on Facebook and at instagram@seanfeucht.
Thanks, Mike! The church van will leave the parking lot at 2 PM and arrive back at the church around 10:30 PM. All are invited. First come, first served as it comes to the van. You can drive over and meet us there or carpool from the church with us.
As you can see from Mike’s description of the event, there is a political component to this. It is the Church gathering to worship Jesus Christ and also protest what is seen by many Christians to be governmental overreach in their handling of the COVID crisis. This gathering is not illegal. This isn’t civil disobedience, this is a worshipful protest against State interference in the worship of God. The State attempting to control the worship of God’s people is a theme seen often in Scripture.
And afterward Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to Me in the wilderness.'" Exodus 5:1
At first, Pharaoh says, “No.” Later in the story, Pharaoh says that it’s OK for Israel to sacrifice to God, but they must do it within the land. “OK, you can worship,” Pharaoh said, ‘but you must do it according to State mandate.”Moses said, “No. We will worship God as He has directed us to, not you.”
Later in the story, Pharaoh said that it’s OK to for Israel to sacrifice to God, but their children couldn’t worship with them. “OK, you can worship,” Pharaoh said, ‘but you must do it according to State mandate.” Moses said, “No. We will worship God as He has directed us to, not you.”
Meshach, Shadrach, and Abed-nego were told to bow down down and worship the golden statue, a symbol of Nebuchadnezzar. They said, “No.” As all the people bowed to the State as enshrined in the king, the three Hebrew men stood and refused to bow to the State. The State would not be allowed to determine their posture and habit of worship. Daniel was instructed not to pray to God, even in the privacy of his own home. He said, “No.” Historically, when Christians were told to offer the annual sacrifice to Caesar, they said “No.”
Look at this rally as Moses going in before Pharaoh and crying out, “Thus saith the Lord, let My people go.”
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 29, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Peter warned us – Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8
A Pasadena City Attorney has threatened to press criminal charges against Harvest Rock Pastor Che Ahn and the congregation over Sunday indoor worship services where congregants have been observed not wearing masks nor complying with social distancing rules.
Michael Dowd, Pasadena Chief Assistant City Prosecutor wrote in a letter sent to Pastor Ahn on Aug. 13: “We have information that your Church was conducting live indoor church services at the location where anywhere from 50 to 100 people or more attended. The people who attended these services were not complying with the relevant government orders concerning social distancing, or the wearing of protecting masks. All of these are violations of the law. Violations of these Orders are criminal in nature. Each day in violation is a separate violation and carries with it a potential punishment of up to one year in jail and a fine for each violation. Compliance with these Orders is not discretionary, it is mandatory. Any violations in the future will subject your Church, owners, administrators, operators, staff, and parishioners to the above-mentioned criminal penalties as well as the technical closure of your Church.”
The ban extends to all counties on the State’s monitoring list (approximately 80% of California’s population). In the remaining counties, limited in-person worship is permitted, but singing and chanting are banned.
CBN News reported on Aug. 12: “While Gov. Newsom encourages tens of thousands of people to gather for mass protests, he bans all in-person worship and home Bible studies and fellowship. Such repression is well known in despotic governments and it is shocking that even home fellowship is banned in America. Neither history of the church nor the Constitution is on the side of the governor.”
In light of this threat against Pastor Ahn and his church and other California churches, Calvary Chapel Fremont will be meeting inside our building this Sunday morning. We were going to meet outside unless the air quality, because of fires, was poor. But now, in solidarity with our fellow Christians, we will be worshipping and singing to the Lord inside our building. (Unlike Pastor Ahn’s church we will require masks and practice social distancing. These, to me, are not justice and freedom issues and are not hills I am willing to die on.)
When easily identified violent looters burn and destroy and rob and are given a pass and peaceful worshippers are threatened and bullied, it’s time to say ‘enough is enough.’ That government that pursues this course of action has lost its moral legitimacy. The State maintains its authority to act, but has lost the moral legitimacy to do so. Authority without moral legitimacy is sheer power. They tell us to wear our masks, but their masks are off and we see them for what they are. They tell us to practice social distances as they swoop in to fine and imprison. The State ignores established law and winks at criminals and creates new law to criminalize Christians who are no longer convinced of the State narrative and refuse to be herded as sheep of the State. When the Church is prosecuted and criminals are overlooked – prosecution becomes persecution. State persecution of the Church has begun.
I have resisted the various conspiracy theories circulating and have often rolled my eyes at the wild-eye prophets who spoke of coming persecution. But now I feel like Balaam in Numbers 24:3 who cried out that his eyes were now open. My eyes are also open to the promises of God and the various resources God has put at the disposal of the Church. Paul appealed to Caesar so as not to be turned over to the Jews who were persecuting him and wanting to silence him. The Church is appealing via lawsuits and civil disobedience against the unconscionable and unconstitutional incursion of the State into the affairs of the Church. The end is not in doubt. Even if all the pastors of California are sent to prison, the Word of God is not chained. The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. One of our worship team members has imprinted on the cover of his Bible: Jesus is Large! Amen!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – and go to church this Sunday. Pastor Tim
August 27, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
God gave Ezekiel a tough ministry assignment. He had to speak to people who didn’t want to listen to what he had to say. (And no, he wasn’t tasked with teaching the 5th & 6th graders on Sunday mornings!) He had a sort of heads-up as to how difficult his job would be when the Lord said to him -
“And you, son of man, neither fear them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at their presence, for they are a rebellious house.” EZEKIEL 2:6
I’ve never sat on a scorpion, but I think that from the bottom up, this would be an unpleasant experience! Ezekiel was to speak the word of God to a people who would menace and threaten him and the rebellion they exercised against God they would channel toward him. (OK, maybe a little like teaching 5th & 6th graders in Sunday School.)
The reaction of those hostile to God to those who speak the words of Scripture runs the gamut from politely ignoring you to chopping your head off. Sitting on scorpions is somewhere in-between. Being scoffed and laughed at, ridiculed and mocked, being considered an anti-science intellectual Neanderthal is not a pleasant experience – though I think it’s this side of sitting on a scorpion – but maybe not. Whoever said ‘sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ was never deeply cut by a word. In fact, the Bible likens hurtful words to swords and arrows and consuming fire – and sitting on scorpions.
I don’t have any evidence besides a sanctified hunch, but I think that some who used to walk with God no longer walk with God because they can’t endure the scorpion-sting of being labeled homophobic, racist, sexist, bigot, hypocrite, anti-science, fill in the blank. Being a Christian comes with some very definite long-term benefits and some short-term deficits. One of these deficits is an assault against your character, your intellect, your faith, and possibly even your physical well-being. In today’s America, confessing Christ as your Savior and Lord brings you into a war zone where scorpions are clandestinely placed where you’ll be seated. Ouch! That’s right – it’s no fun. After a while, constant fighting and resisting and being vigilant can turn into battle fatigue. Yes, you can get worn out living the Christian life. Christians with spiritual warfare battle fatigue don’t abandon their faith, necessarily, but they become silent – they’re the quiet Christians who are just exhausted by all the resistance and abuse they get for following Jesus. Who knew it would be this tough and this unpopular to follow Jesus?
I have four approaches to actively follow Jesus and avoid spiritual warfare battle fatigue.
FIRST – Jesus said, “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” ACTS 1:8. If you’re not living the Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit, you’re being drained. Just a few moments ago my laptop was acting a little twitchy and then the screen darkened. I realized that it wasn’t plugged in. Sure enough, I looked at the cord and it was pulled out of its port just enough to break contact and was running on battery power. But this can only go on for so long. You were never meant to follow Jesus in the power of your will and good intentions, but in the power of the Spirit. Jesus didn’t say that you would receive tongues when the Spirit comes upon you, but power! Power to be a witness for Jesus. And power isn’t afraid of any scorpions! If you’re afraid of scorpions, I do believe you’re unplugged.
SECOND – Peter said, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence…”1 PETER 3:15 A favorite tactic of mine is to turn the momentum of this verse on the unbeliever. For example, when a vendor comes into the church wanting to interest me in insurance, or a new alarm system, or a new copier contract, etc., I will ask them if they are Christians. If they say, “No,” I say to them, “You’re kidding me? You’re not a follower of Jesus? Please tell me why.” Of course, they are put off and somewhat flustered – but I’ve had some great conversations with these men and women. I figure that if I need to be ready to give a reason for the hope that’s in me, they should be ready to give a reason for their lack of faith in Jesus. How does this help battle fatigue? I’m not on the defensive, but on the offensive. This invigorates me.
THIRD – walk with people who walk with Jesus. I won’t belabor this. If the companion of fools suffers harm, I imagine that those who walk with those who walk with Jesus will be blessed and strengthened and helped. The fellowship of followers is a force to be reckoned with.
FOURTH – there is a very relevant promise given us by Jesus. "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.” LUKE 10:19 This isn’t some fiery-eyed Appalachian preacher holding a venomous snake saying this. This is Jesus Christ the King of the World, Lord of the Nations, and the Prince of Peace who is saying this.
Don’t let battle fatigue in these crazy days turn you into a quiet Christian. Walk in the power of the Spirit. Be on the alert for opportunities to speak for Jesus. Walk with those who walk with Jesus. Believe the promise that the scorpions you sit on will be the scorpions you tread on.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 21, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Few pleasures are greater than winning an argument – right wives? Few things are more painful than losing one – right husbands? I walk away from losing an argument wishing I was smarter because then I’d know what to say. I usually win the argument a few hours later in my mind. Most of us wish we were smarter…
Jesus was the smartest man who ever lived – and why not – He was God in the flesh. The Scribes and Pharisees would attempt to best Him in debate and they would walk away shaking their heads at His brilliance and genius. They marveled at Him. The best minds in Israel were bested by Jesus time and time again. No doubt about it, Jesus was the smartest man who ever lived. In fact, Jesus was so smart, that He lost only one argument His whole life.
Matthew 15 tells the story of a Canaanite woman whose daughter was demon possessed. If you were unfortunate enough to walk by this woman’s house during a season of demonic manifestation you would probably hear unearthly screaming and shrieking and the crash of things being thrown. The cries of a desperate mother would stab the air and her pleadings would pull at your heartstrings. The neighbors probably closed their doors and drew their children close to them. (Maybe you’ve had neighbors like this! Maybe you are this neighbor!) You might see the mother emerge with a blackened eye or bloodied nose by reason of being attacked and overpowered by her supernaturally strong daughter. You wouldn’t need a degree in psychology to tell you that this was a dysfunctional home – a sense of harmony and balance was missing. This home was hell on earth. They were living defeated lives.
This woman came to Christ because she was weary of living a life of bondage and woundedness. She was probably a widow and this her only child. But instead of being comforted by her daughter and receiving any joy from normal parent-child relationships, she was grieved over the condition of her child. She came to Christ because she was tired of living a defeated life. Are you living a defeated life? What is a defeated life? One in which the enemy has so worked that there is no movement toward the purpose of God and no advance in the things of God. This little family was stuck in a repetitious cycle of broken hearts and shattered dreams. This mother wanted the power of hell broken in her daughter and in her home, for until the power of hell is broken, it will continue to break people.
She came to Jesus for He was her only hope. She came in faith. She came in humility – not voicing her offense about a God who could allow this to happen. She came in determination for she had heard that Jesus gives victory to the defeated, healing to the wounded, and deliverance to the oppressed. She heard that Jesus destroys the work of the devil. And when she came to Jesus, she cried out and was shouting and was bowing before Jesus and repeating her request that He deliver her daughter from the power of hell.
And then the unthinkable happened. Jesus said something that if said today would put him in the cross-hairs of every social justice warrior in our nation. He said something which if someone of influence were to say it today, Cancel Culture would rip them to shreds. He said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." Matthew 15:26 Yikes! He said this to a woman of another race. Jesus would be accused today of sexism and racism and religious fundamentalism. Yet we know that in saying what He said He was emphasizing that His ministry was for the Jews – He was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Gentiles were considered to be dogs. Healing and deliverance from demonic oppression was for the Jews, not the Gentiles.
But this woman was having none of this. Though coming with a broken heart and shattered dreams, she had true grit and replied back to Jesus, “Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." Matthew 15:27 When He revealed to her what she was (a Gentile dog), she agreed and pled grace. The revelation of her status in the eyes of the Jewish nation didn’t make her walk away, it only made her press in further. She pled the grace of God. “Yes, Lord, I am – yet I know You still have something for me.” She knew that the crumbs of heaven are better than the feasts of hell. One crumb of the Bread of Life would restore her home. This comeback from the Canaanite woman won the argument. The logic of faith won over the smartest man in the world. Jesus commended her for having more faith than those in Israel and delivered her daughter from demonic torment. Putting your faith in Jesus is the smartest thing you’ll ever do. Someone has asked, “Why don’t we see more PhD’s put their faith in Jesus?” The answer, “For the same reason more high school dropouts don’t – they don’t want to.” Putting your faith in Jesus is the smartest thing you can ever do – whether you’re a PhD or a high school dropout – or a Canaanite woman!
Even Christians can have broken hearts and shattered dreams. Yet, like this woman, we can press in and lay hold of the willingness of Jesus to move into our situation and bring deliverance and healing. This pandemic has left a lot of people like this Canaanite woman – broken-hearted and with a fistful of shattered dreams. Jesus is waiting for you to cry out to Him and come to Him with the logic of faith. And if He delivered the daughter of this Canaanite mother from the clutches of hell, what can He do for you whom He has claimed as His own and made a part of His family?
Jesus is the smartest, wisest man who ever lived. Jesus was so wise and smart that He lost only one argument in His life. And I don’t think it bothered Him a bit! I don’t think He walked away from the Canaanite woman thinking, “Oh, if I had only said this…” He was happy to yield to the logic of faith. It is always smart and wise to walk in faith.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 20, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
God promised Abraham a son. Time passed. Abraham believed.
God promised Abraham a son. The possibility passed away. Abraham believed.
Great is he who believes with the passing of time. Greater is he who believes when the possibility passes away.
Great is he who wrestles with time and wins. Greater is he who wrestles with impossibility and wins.
So wrote Soren Kierkegaard in his book “Fear and Trembling” where he wrestles with the command of God to Abraham to take his son and offer him as a burnt offering. There’s a reason Abraham is called the father of all who believe. His faith was able to endure through some stark realities. Here’s what Paul writes -
In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, "SO SHALL YOUR DESCENDANTS BE." Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb; yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. Romans 4:18-21
Abraham was promised a son in his old age even when his wife had been barren her whole life and after his body held no promise of inseminating here. Paul writes that Abraham “…contemplated his own body, now as good as dead…” Both Abraham and Sarah had no natural capacities for impregnation. The science said NO. Abraham’s faith said YES. And please note that Abraham didn’t deny the science of reproduction. He acknowledged the fact that both he and Sarah’s bodies were as good as dead when it came to reproduction. He agreed with the science that said they couldn’t have children. He also agreed with God that they would have children. Isn’t that a contradiction? No, it’s a paradox. A contradiction is where one of two statements is false. A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. Abraham didn’t say, “Nature tells me that Sarah and I can’t have a son, but I don’t believe Nature.” He said, “Nature tells me that Sarah and I can’t have a son and I agree with Nature, but I also believe God – that He will suspend and overturn the facts of Nature in this case and empower Sarah and me to have a son.” He didn’t deny Nature and its science, nor did he deny God and His power.
Faith doesn’t have to deny reality or side-step science or stick its head in the sand to survive. Abraham didn’t stick his head in the sand – he stared the facts straight in the face and expected the opposite of what science and Nature had taught him to expect. How so? He did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully assured that what God had promised, He would deliver. He lived in praise and worship and as He gave glory to the God who saved him and now promised him a son, he grew strong in faith. He didn’t deny science, but he didn’t let it have the final word over against a word spoken by God. As he wrestled with time, as he wrestled with impossibility, as Nature tried to pin him to the mat and sought to conquer his faith, worship developed the muscles of his faith and he was able to hold on to God who pulled him out of the grip of Nature. There was no scientific, physical reason for Isaac to be born – yet he was. There was no natural possibility for Abraham and Sarah to be parents – yet they were. What God promised, God performed!
There seems to be no reason at all for you to live in the love and peace and the joy of the Lord.
- COVID-19 stalks the land and governmental overreach and incompetency and double-speak seems, to some, to be more deadly than the disease itself.
- The economy has been crippled.
- Rioting in our cities for months running has largely gone unchallenged.
- Strange political and philosophical notions have been put forward as new governing ideals.
- The most contentious election in history is just around the corner.
- Then there’s strife in the church.
- There’s division over politics – some support Biden whereas others support Trump and they’re screaming at one another as to how can you support such a foul human being.
- There’s division over government mandates about opening churches or keeping them closed and if you do either you’re unfaithful to Christ and/or unloving to neighbors.
- There’s division over racial philosophy and Black Lives Matter versus black lives matter.
Circumstances dictate that we be up to our eyeballs in worry. You can look at circumstances and see all these things that are against you – you can acknowledge their reality and their power and their menace – yet you can grow strong in faith giving glory to God knowing that since God is for you, who can be against you? You know that God can set a table for you in the presence of your enemies in the middle of the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Abraham believed God as time passed, and he continued to believe God when the possibility of him siring a son passed away. His faith wasn’t tied to possibilities or potentialities or circumstances or science or Nature or politics or the economy – his faith was tied to God. The impossible didn’t become possible, it became reality as he gave glory to God and grew strong in his faith. Abraham had a big God who gave big promises and brought forth big fulfillments. So do you.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 18, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
If some have their way, by this time next year President Trump will be gone and we’ll be living in the United States of Utopia. Gone, too, will be poverty, inequality, racism, sexism, homophobia, gender bias, xenophobia (fear of strangers), borders, carbon emissions, nuclear stockpiles, injustice of any stripe, and greed. Yes, I’m overstating the case – but not the vision. “So, Pastor Tim, what do you think of all this – are you for it or against it?”
I love the ministry tactics of Jesus. He wouldn’t allow others to set the agenda or frame the question. Here’s what I mean – we saw this yesterday. When the younger brother felt he was being defrauded by his older brother in matter of inheritance, he wanted Jesus to settle the issue. “Jesus, do you support my claim to inheritance or are You on my brother’s side?” The man presented Jesus with a simple binary option – me or my brother? Yet the question that was of overriding importance to the younger brother wasn’t as important to Jesus. Jesus answered on His terms and not the man’s terms. Jesus warned him about the hollow promises of wealth. Jesus changed the subject from economic justice to the idols of his heart and misplaced love. Jesus wasn’t being disingenuous – Jesus was being Jesus!
A binary is something that has two parts – like a pair of scissors! Jesus sees more than two parts and answers according to what He sees.
The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery. They presented Jesus with a binary question – “Moses says we should stone her to death. What do you say?” Jesus changed the subject from the woman’s sin to the accusers’ sin. “He who is without sin should be the one to cast the first stone.” He refused to get caught in the binary dimensions of their question. He refused to allow them to frame the question and so miss the larger issues. Jesus wasn’t being disingenuous – Jesus was just being Jesus!
Just before the conquest of Jericho, Joshua sees a man and goes up to him and asks, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” The man answered, "No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD."Joshua 5:14 Joshua bows down and worships him for this is a Christophany – a manifestation of Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures. Joshua questioned this man about his allegiance and the man changed the subject to the allegiance of Joshua’s heart. Even as Jesus in the New Testament refused to be confined by the binary, so this man. Joshua asks, “Are you for us or against us?”The captain of the host of the Lord basically says, ”Wrong question. The right question is: are you for me?” He wouldn’t allow Joshua to frame the question or set the agenda.
I am trying to develop a working understanding of the ministry tactics of Jesus when faced with a question or concern that contains a binary choice that when answered, ends the conversation and puts a label on me.
- Are you a Democrat or a Republican?
- Are you for Biden or Trump?
- Do you support Black Lives Matter or not?
- Do you think if you’re white, you’re a racist?
- Etc.
When asked, “Where do You stand on this or that…?,” Jesus was able to get them to see where they stood and that where they stood wasn’t solid ground at all. Jesus wasn’t trying to be cute or non-committal (like a politician) – it’s that His agenda would not be held captive by the binary choices presented to Him. Because here’s the thing – when I identify as a Democrat or Republican, for or against Trump or Biden, supporting or not supporting Black Live Matters – I put myself in a camp that is driven by an agenda that is for or against the agenda of the one questioning me. And once in a camp, holding a position – I need to defend this. And it is worth defending – no question about it. Yet there is something more important to me to communicate than my party affiliation or voting preferences or racial philosophy. There is something more profound to the health of America than the next election (gasp! I really said that).
After Jesus spoke to the younger brother wanting his inheritance, he walked away (hopefully) considering something else. After the scribes and Pharisees wanted to pincer Jesus in the scissors of their binary question – stone her or not stone her – they walked away (hopefully) thinking about something else. After Joshua gave the captain of the host of the Lord an ultimatum – are you for or against us – he walked away considering another reality.
There is a reality greater than politics and race and even greater than our nation. How can I side-step the binaries and proclaim the kingdom of God and the claims of King Jesus? When they ask about politics, how can I get them to think of Jesus? When they speak of race, how can I get them to think of Jesus? For me, this is the challenge of the Church on social media and in personal encounters. The Church is called to come to conversations and discussions with an agenda – not a right or left agenda – but a kingdom agenda. Longing for a utopia is not wrong-headed. Wanting poverty and homelessness and all hatred and prejudice to be a thing of the past is noble. Desiring that all injustice be banished is a glorious vision. I want that, too. This is the heart of God – and more than that – it is the provision of God in Jesus Christ. I want to connect with the One who can forgive all sin, dry every tear, heal every heart, undo the work of the devil and bring His kingdom to earth.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
August 17, 2020
Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Years ago, I was bringing the morning devotional for our Annual Calvary Chapel Pastor’s Conference at Mt. Hermon, CA, in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I had developed an illustration contrasting the responsibilities of the police and paramedics when they arrive at the scene of an accident. I started my illustration with, “At the scene of an accident, two sets of sirens converge…” The police are all about the law and who’s at fault and who is guilty and should anyone be arrested. The police look for broken laws. The paramedics look for broken people. They don’t care about who’s guilty – they care about who’s bleeding and broken. And if the guilty one is bleeding more than the innocent one, the guilty gets their attention first. They’re not there to blame anyone or slap on the handcuffs, but to apply medicine and bandages and life-giving procedures. I asked the question to the pastors and church leaders in the room, “Are you more of a policeman or a paramedic in your ministry?”
Pastor Chuck Smith was sitting in the front row and when we were dismissed to go to breakfast he approached me and told me that he often feels more like a policeman than a paramedic. We both laughed knowing that this is an occupational hazard for a pastor. Years later, I was reading “Calvary Distinctives” by Pastor Chuck. In this book he outlines the core beliefs and ministry philosophy of the Calvary Chapel Movement. As I was reading along I came upon a sentence which began with something like, “At the scene of an accident, two sets of sirens converge. The first is the police…and then the paramedics.” He went on and developed the illustration I had used that morning at Mt. Hermon. I thought, “Pastor Chuck ripped me off!” But then I thought, “Well, that’s OK. How many hundreds of times have I ripped him off!?”
Regardless of how long COVID-19 stalks the land, irrespective of when the rioting ceases, notwithstanding who wins the election – America is and is going to be filled with broken people. The Church has to decide if it’s part of the police or part of the paramedics. You have to decide if you are going to play the role of the policeman or the paramedic. Does the Church, do you, bear the Sword of the State or the Medicine of Mercy? Is the Church the Religious Paramilitary or the Spiritual Paramedics? Reading a lot of online postings, it seems like many Christians are more passionate about Law and Order than Grace and Truth. It seems like a good portion of the Church is more policeman than paramedic – more about the Sword of the State than the Medicine of Mercy. And in a very real way, I get it – as Christians we are citizens with a valid concern about the political, philosophical, and moral direction of our nation. The proverb still holds true: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:34. Yet in expressing our concern for the direction of our nation we sound like the disciples who are freaking out in the middle of a potentially fatal storm while Christ was asleep in the stern of the boat. Their boat was taking on some serious water faster than they could bail and they feared either being swamped or capsized in the significant storm. Many Christians feel this same danger and urgency about our nation and are fearful because of this.
Here is the word of the Lord to His Church: “Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:25-26 The fear of the wicked will bend you toward being a policeman whereas confidence in the Lord will equip you to be a paramedic. If you’re more Police than Paramedic, you can’t apply bandages to the wounded because you’re busy slapping the cuffs on the guilty and yelling at people to get back in line. The Police are an arm of the Law whereas Paramedics are an arm of Medicine. The Police compose a part of the criminal justice system whereas paramedics compose a part of the healing institutions. They have different values and emphases and pursuits.
So, what is the vision and focus of your heart – to impose Law and Order or to dispense Grace and Truth? If your heart is to pursue Grace and Truth and minister the Medicine of Mercy there comes a point where you have to stop bailing the water from a threatened boat and begin to minister to hurting people. There has to come a time where you stop being offended at all the crazy and offensive things that people are saying and begin to see them as desperately in need of God. You have to decide whether you are going to prove that those who disagree with you are wrong or let people know that the God who created them is the God who redeemed them and is the God that is inviting them to relationship with Himself. Are those who are opposed to you enemies to be defeated or the sick who need to be healed by the Medicine of Eternity?
Here’s a “for instance” from the life of Jesus -
Someone in the crowd said to Him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me." But He said to him, "Man, who appointed Me a judge or arbitrator over you?" Then He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not even when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions." Luke 12:13-15
A man wanted Jesus to bring law and order to a family dispute about money. There was law and centuries of tradition upon which to draw from to make an informed and just decision. This younger brother, being shut out of what was rightly his, was appealing to Jesus because he felt confident that Jesus was the law and order type who would rule in his favor. But Jesus had other priorities. He didn’t come to impose law and order, but to announce the coming of the kingdom of God. He went deeper than justice, deeper than law, deeper than philosophy, deeper than religion – he went into the depths of this man’s soul and exposed his false confidence. This man’s false confidence was that the more money he had the better his life would be. In exposing this false confidence, Jesus was blessing and helping this man in a far greater way than He would have done by merely settling a dispute and putting some more cash at this man’s disposal. Jesus was exposing a deep wound in this man’s life that would only fester and grow worse if the Medicine of Eternity were not applied to it. The attainment of economic justice would have left this man in the corruption and disease of his soul. Yes, let’s do justice, but let’s love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus