Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Why does God do things the hard way? For example, why didn’t He just soften Pharaoh’s heart? Israel’s exodus from Egypt would have been so much easier on Pharaoh, Egypt, and Israel. Why is God unwilling to do what He is able to do? We learn from Israel in Egypt that there is one over-arching principle and four reasons as to why God does things the hard way.
Over-arching principle: God is concerned w the bondage you’re in AND the bondage that’s in you.
It took God one day to get Israel out of Egypt & 40 years to get Egypt out of Israel. There is Stuff that you’re in and Stuff that’s in you. God wants to get you out of what you’re in and get out what’s in you that doesn’t belong there. One reason that God is unwilling to do what He is able to do is because He is unwilling to leave your character untransformed. As you encounter the roadblocks, speed bumps, and dead ends of life – know that God is digging deep into your soul to break the strongholds and conform you to the image of Jesus Christ.
Reason #1 If deliverance came easy, we’d be much less wary of the bondage of the enemy.
If you become addicted to alcohol & then pray & are totally delivered, many would go right back to alcohol’s bondage & then when things are hopeless, would pray to be delivered again. If prayer were a silver bullet, there would be no consequences for disobedience. We would never cultivate personal character & the discipline necessary to avoid situations leading to bondage. Could this be why some prayers aren’t answered? We want deliverance whereas God is seeking to develop godly desires & a disciplined character.
Reason #2 If deliverance came easy for them, we would be under condemnation if it didn’t come easy for us.
If God promised Abraham a land, Joseph great influence, and David a throne – and it happened immediately with no struggle, that would be a great story – but it wouldn’t be our story. We often think there’s something wrong with us because of the struggle we encounter. We think, “If I were more spiritual, God would work in my life more quickly.” Sometimes we hear of a glorious testimony & it condemns as much as blesses us. When I read of the struggles of Abraham, Moses, and David (he came to throne hard way) … their setbacks bless me! Struggle isn’t the delay of God’s blessing – it’s the delivery system. There’s no resurrection without death. Anyone who interprets struggle & delay as lack of the blessing of God should read Bible – at least once! I can’t think of one person in Scripture who had it easy.
Reason #3 If deliverance came easy, they/we would never learn the strong hand of the Lord.
Just like Moses did in Egypt, we are to learn how God’s hand comes into a situation. In Phil. 4:11-13, Paul learned how the hand of God could come upon him while he was in financial need. He found contentment in financial difficulty. God is bigger than my need and when I have God, I have Him who is bigger than my need. In 2 Cor. 12:7-10, Paul learned how the grace of God could come to him in weakness. We need to learn how God’s hand comes into a situation.
Reason #4 Deliverance didn’t come easy so that they might see what God did to Pharaoh so they would never have to be afraid again.
In Deuteronomy 7:17-19, God wants Israel to remember what He did to Pharaoh so that they’ll never be afraid of any enemy again. God beat him at his own game on his own turf – utterly defeated & routed him, In like manner, we are to see what God did to Satan in Christ so as never to be afraid again. This is the point of Col. 2:13-16. Christ gave me life, forgave my sin, and canceled out the certificate of debt against me – He’s done it all. I am not to submit to rules, regulations, and rituals of modern-day Pharisees. which can’t impart life or forgive sins, etc.
God does it the hard way so that our souls might come into abundance!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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