Hey, Calvary Fremont –
We have seen the evolution of the French Revolution develop into the French Devolution.
In the French Revolution of 1789, the revolutionary authorities abolished the Catholic monarchy, nationalized Church property, and exiled or killed priests. They attempted to “de-Christianize” France by closing churches and replacing Christianity with new cults.
In the French Devolution of 2024, the artistic crew of the Olympics Opening Ceremony recreated DaVinci’s ‘Last Supper’ and replaced Jesus Christ with a lesbian who calls herself Barbara Butch. Da Vinci’s painting depicts the moment when Jesus declares that an apostle would betray him. The opening ceremony depicts the moment when the Olympic Committee betrayed Jesus.
The French Revolution replaced Christianity. The French Devolution replaced Christ.
The woman who replaced Christ shared an image of herself in her costume and wrote: “Hi my name is Barbara Butch, I’m a Love activist, DJ, and producer based in Paris. My aim is to unite people, gather humans, and share love through music for all of Us to dance and make our hearts beat at unison! Music sounds better with all of Us!”
Yes, she actually said that.
There was worldwide disgust directed at this portion of the opening ceremony. Not only Christians, but Muslims and Jews and non-Christians were offended, too. Thomas Jolly, the opening ceremony artistic director, said he was perplexed by the negative reactions to the show. He said: “We never wanted to be subversive. We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everybody.”
Yes, he actually said that.
Diversity is some of this and some of that. It is not anti-this and anti-that. The congregation I serve is diverse. We are Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, Filipino, and a few others – with a lot of ethnic mixing and blending. Diversity in the Olympic Opening Ceremonies would be representations of the Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist traditions. Diversity isn’t anti-Christian or anti-anything. Diversity isn’t mocking someone’s faith tradition – that’s nothing but bigotry.
I am surprised that after due deliberation as to the possible impacts of such a depiction, the artists went ahead and created the anti-Last Supper. I am surprised that after due deliberation as to the possible impacts of such a depiction, the Olympic officials who oversee the opening ceremony would approve such a depiction. I am surprised that they are surprised at the worldwide outpouring of disgust and outrage.
Barabra Butch is an anti-Christ. No, not the anti-Christ, but an anti-Christ. In the Greek language, the primary sense of anti- is not ‘against,’ but ‘instead of’ – a replacement. The French Devolution replaced Jesus Christ with Barbara Butch. I say, “No, thank you. Give me Jesus Christ instead of Barbara Butch.”
But let’s not forget what Jesus said, “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” Luke 6:27-28
I bless Barbara Butch, and the whole anti-Last-Supper entourage, in the name of Jesus Christ. Barbara Butch and her entourage are not the Enemy, they are the victims of the Enemy. I pray for their salvation. May the love of Christ pierce their hearts and may they come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. May they use their talent and passion for the cause of Christ.
Oh, by the way – the French Revolution was unsuccessful in replacing Christianity and the French Devolution has been unsuccessful in replacing Christ! Jesus is irreplaceable!
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
“Inclusion” is the current lie being used by degenerates to take over the elementary school curriculum and school boards in Sunol and all over California. Doublespeak.