Hey, Calvary Fremont –
Smart people do stupid things.
RFK Jr. is a Democrat and the son of Bobby Kennedy. He announced his bid for the Presidency on April 19, 2023. RFK Jr. is very outspoken in his denunciation of the COVID lockdown regime. He contends that the lockdown saw the biggest shift in wealth in human history. An International Monetary Fund and Harvard University study says that the cost of the lockdown to the United States was $16 trillion. The study indicates that $4 trillion shifted from the middle class to the super rich.
On May 2, 2020, 600 doctors wrote a signed a letter to President Trump begging him not to allow lockdowns. At that time, all the overseers of pandemic protocols anywhere in world – The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the European Health Agency, all said that you never do mass lockdowns. It causes much worse havoc/ deaths/injuries. You do the standard protocol, which is you quarantine sick and protect vulnerable – and let everybody else go back to work. Otherwise, you are going to wreak havoc.
There’s now study after study comparing states and nations that locked down to those who didn’t. What was discovered is that the more you locked down, the worse you got – worse COVID deaths and worse excess deaths. Sweden’s numbers came out this week. Sweden was the only country in Europe that didn’t lock down. It had the lowest excess deaths in Europe….
These lockdowns also had a negative effect on American children. A Brown University study reported that toddlers lost 22 IQ points. Additionally, one-third of children throughout their school careers are going to need remedial education. Children all over the country have missed their milestones. Five months ago, the CDC revised its milestones so that now a child is no longer expected to walk at one year – it’s 18 months. And a child now does not have to have fifty words at 24 months – it’s 30 months.
Additionally, they closed every church in this country, without any scientific citation, for a year. They closed 3.3 million businesses with no due process and no just compensation. (From a Tom Woods email – 4.20.23)
And to pile on, Jewish intellectual Dennis Prager, called the COVID lockdown regime the worst idea in human history. That bears repeating: the worst idea in human history! (I would add slavery and Communism to the contenders for worst idea in history.) And this is not a dig at any political party. What the Republican administration began, the Democratic administration continued. There’s enough guilt to spread around. Let’s apply the woke value of equality of outcome – both administrations bear equal responsibility!
So, what’s the point? The most powerful, advanced, educated, technologically sophisticated nation in the world followed the worst idea in human history! Smart people can do stupid things.
I have a bookshelf filled with biographies of Adolph Hitler, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust. I have a fascination with this period of history – the forces that produced it and the personalities it produced. In the 1930s, what country was more sophisticated, cultured, advanced, and educated than Germany? And yet this sophisticated, cultured, advanced, and educated people fell for one of the worst ideas in human history – Hitler and Naziism. Yes, there were unique historical and nationalistic forces at work, yet how could such a sophisticated people be taken in by such a moronic man and his catastrophic ideas? Why do smart people do such stupid things?
It’s true that smart people do stupid things, and it’s also true that smart people move on from the stupid things they’ve done. No need to look for a historical example – just examine your own life. We’ve all done stupid things from which we have recovered and moved on. We blush – and we move on. But not so fast! It’s one thing for someone to fall prey to a bad idea, but it’s quite another thing for a nation of card-carrying smart people to be so totally duped that they swallow whole an idea so massively destructive that it comes to define the historical epoch they are living in. This is the reverse of Pearl Harbor – we have invaded ourselves; we have dropped bombs and sunk ourselves.
Germany and America are educated nations, but not wise ones. Don’t equate sophistication with wisdom. Don’t measure intellect by education. Academic pursuit doesn’t always bear the fruit of prudent insight. Here’s why – Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Does that mean that if you don’t fear the Lord, you’ll never develop wisdom? What do you think? Man apart from God can develop Artificial Intelligence yet can never even begin to develop Genuine Wisdom. People who are more enchanted with the Artificial than the Genuine are sitting ducks for the next stupid idea! And the next worst idea in human history may very well be to follow the antichrist and not Jesus Christ. If you fear the Lord, you’ll develop wisdom, and won’t fall for the next worst idea in human history.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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