Hey, Calvary Fremont –
I believe that Israel has a right to vigorously defend itself. I also believe that it is always wrong to incinerate babies. I find myself up against a fierce moral calculus with mind-numbing algorithms. Here is someone who killed my babies and the only way to stop him is to kill the babies that he’s hiding behind. And if I don’t kill him and the babies he’s hiding behind today, he will come back and kill more of my babies tomorrow. It is right for me to protect my babies. It is right for me to kill him. It is wrong for me to kill his babies. Again – we are faced with mind-numbing algorithms of a moral calculus that we cannot wrap our minds around.
I believe Israel has a right to defend itself, but I don’t hold this belief with a chest-thumping swagger. I hold this belief with grief in my heart and tears in my eyes. I hold this belief hoping that he who killed my babies can be killed without the death of his babies.
But let’s not fool ourselves. God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows, that he will also reap. If you sow to the flesh, you shall from the flesh reap corruption. In cutting down the tree of Hamas, Israel is planting the seeds of future terrorists. Violence begets violence.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for the peace of Gaza. Many Palestinians are victims of Hamas, too. Pray for the salvation of Jerusalem and the salvation of Gaza. If your faith leads you to curse the Palestinian people, you don’t know what spirit you are of. Jesus is Savior and Lord of all the earth. He is the God of both Jews and Gentiles. May the Prince of Peace who paid the price for our peace with God bring the gift of peace among all mankind. I think I believe in the two-state solution. I know I believe in the one-Savior solution. Come, Lord Jesus.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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