Hey, Calvary Fremont –
What do you call a baby that is born not gasping for breath and grasping for the breast? Stillborn. A stillborn is a baby born without signs of life. What do you call a “Christian” who has no appetite for the presence of God or the peace of Christ or the power of the Holy Spirit or obedience to the Word of God? Stillborn. A Spiritual Stillborn is someone who considers themselves a Christian, yet has no appetite for the word of God – to meditate upon it and obey it – the work of the Spirit, the way of Christ, or the fellowship of the saints. Our churches are full of Spiritual Stillborns. Our churches are full of those who have no appetite for God or the things of God. Are you a Spiritual Stillborn?
“But why would someone go to church if they’re not hungry for God?” Why would someone go to a restaurant if they’re not hungry for food? Well, they could be bored. Or they just want to see friends. Or they just want coffee, or dessert. And then there’s that cute waitress.
So, why would someone attend church if they are not hungry for God? Maybe a sense of obligation drives them. “I should go to church because I prayed to receive Christ.” There’s no sense of spiritual hunger or interest in the things of God. They attend church like a committee member attends a meeting – not because they want to or that it will make a difference – but merely because they should. I will not criticize a sense of obligation – this is a fast vanishing virtue. Yet if this is the only motive – you’re a Spiritual Stillborn.
Some attend church out of a lifelong habit. They attended on a weekly basis with their parents and it’s a lifestyle rhythm that feels comfortable and gives their lives some kind of structure. But it’s not life-giving and there is nothing spiritual about it. They go to church on Sunday morning and get drunk on Sunday night and fornicate on Monday. They hate immigrants and everyone who doesn’t vote like them. They are cultural Christians. They are Spiritually Stillborn. Are you a Spiritual Stillborn?
Some are bullied to Church by well-meaning, but wrong-headed and sharp-tongued spouses. They know that if they don’t attend, their spouse will drill them all week with mean-spirited, guilt-producing verbal jabs meant to berate them and beat them into submission. They attend church just to keep this tongue-clucking, quasi-spiritual monster at bay. They are not the Spiritually Stillborn – they are the Unborn.
Some attend Church because they are interested in the things of God, but not really hungry for the things of God. There is an intellectual curiosity, but not a spiritual surrender to God. They mistake this interest, this intellectual curiosity with conversion, spiritual rebirth. This is like someone at the rescue shelter showing great interest in a puppy, but going home without her. They are thinking about her, even desiring her, but go home without her. Many attend Church, but return home without God. They are thinking about Him. They may even be desiring Him – yet they have not yet surrendered to Him body and soul. Curiosity and desire are not spiritual rebirth. Curiosity and desire can characterize a Spiritual Stillborn. Are you a Spiritual Stillborn?
Intellectual curiosity and emotional desire are good – but not good enough because they are not complete enough. Your soul is comprised of your mind, emotions, and will. With your mind you think; with your emotions you desire; with your will you choose – you surrender. Many are converted in their minds and emotions, yet their wills have not bowed before the God of the Universe. Without the submission of the will to the authority of God, you are only two-thirds converted – a Spiritual Stillborn. Are you a Spiritual Stillborn?
With a concern for Spiritual Stillborns, Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test?” Are you a Spiritual Stillborn? Test yourself. Are you surrendered to Jesus Christ in mind, emotions, and will?
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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