Hey, Calvary Fremont –
When Ideology bites down, Reality bites back.
When the Ideology of Fascism (we are the Master Race) bit down on Europe and the Nazis murdered Jews and Slavs and Gypsies and the handicapped by the millions, Reality bit back in the form of America, and Britain, and France, and the other Allies. But it wasn’t nations that bit back – it was the Judeo-Christian ethic that bit back and bit back hard. It was Sanity and Decency and Reason that bit back. It always does. It is impossible that it fails to do so. Reality always wears a bullet-proof vest and though it may collapse when it is assaulted, it will always get back on its feet and bite back.
Ideology began life as a good word – even as Lucifer began his existence as a good angel. In its childhood, Ideology was a set of ideas, values, and a worldview that influenced a person’s thoughts and actions. From that perspective, we all have an ideology – a perspective from which life makes sense. But like Lucifer, Ideology tried to bite off more than it could chew and suffered a great fall. And like Lucifer became Satan, so Ideology came to be demonic. Ideology became closed off to anything but itself and refused to reform when it didn’t make sense or was proven to be false. Ideology came to be a set of values and ideas defining reality that was stubbornly clung to no matter what. Like a group of people dressing up and clicking their heels together and chanting at the same time, “We are the Master Race.” Stuff like that.
The Ideology of Communism bit down hard and untold millions were ground to powder by its teeth. Blood poured from the mouth of Communism as it chanted about the Worker’s Paradise it created. As it bragged about Paradise, it begot Hell. Reality bit back hard in the form of poverty and oppression and iron fences and international condemnation.
The Ideology of Abortion bit down with its sharp teeth and millions of babies were torn to shreds and never saw the light of day. Reality bit back in the form of guilt and depression and shame and drug abuse and drunkenness and further sexual lunacy and senseless rationalization.
The Ideology of Transgenderism is chewing up and spitting out the impressionable young girls of our generation. Bodies are being ground up. Identities are being trashed. Even Science can’t stand up against the teeth of the Ideology of Transgenderism. Ideology is anti-science, anti-reason, anti-Humanity. But Reality is biting back. So many, even after hormone treatment and surgical alteration, are still trying to kill themselves. Also, many are seeking to de-transition – reverse the damage they’ve done to their bodies via chemicals and surgeries because it didn’t deliver the fullness of purpose that it promised. Further, many scientists, doctors, philosophers, and moms and dads are becoming enraged and biting back as they see their children deceived and devoured by this demonic trend.
Someone wrote: Whereas God always forgives, and man sometimes forgives, nature never forgives – when one thwarts nature, nature rebukes, retaliates, strikes back.
Think of nature as Reality. When Ideology bites down, Reality bites back. The Fall of Man into sin makes Ideology possible. The image of God imbedded in Man makes Reality possible.
Psalm 2 begins with Man seeking to get rid of God. In the middle of the psalm, God bites back. “He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury, saying, “But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.” Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way,
for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalm 2:4-6, 12
Ideology says to throw off all the restraints that God has put on us. Reality says to bow to the God who created you and loves you and seeks to have a relationship with you. Reality says to receive Jesus. Believe me, you will prefer His Reality to your Ideology.
Be blessed and stay healthy and follow Jesus – Pastor Tim
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