The 20th century is the bloodiest century in history. 86 million were killed in wars, and another 120 million have been slaughtered in government sponsored mass murder. All this was occurring at a time when some of our most prominent theologians were telling us that mankind itself is evolving .we are getting better and better . less brutish and more enlightened. We are?
As if this weren’t bad enough, the 21st century opened with a bang on 9-11. And off we are to war again. Let.s face it . man is not getting better and better, man remains the same . we are stuck in a rut.
Good news . Jesus Christ came to give man a new heart! No matter how we spin it, man.s heart is selfish, proud, and fearful because of . sin. Sin has us tied up in knots. No amount of education, government subsidy, or moral training will rid humanity of their sinful heart.
Here is our problem – we don’t know God!
Jesus came to show us what God is like. God is pure love! Jesus Christ revealed the love of God when, on the cross, He took your sin and its punishment upon Himself. He died for you! When you recognize and repent of your sin and confess Christ as the Son of God and your Savior, God will forgive you and give you a new heart.
Go ahead, do it now. Pray this prayer: .Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe You died for my sins and took my punishment upon Yourself. I turn from my sin and confess You as the Son of God and my Savior. Thank You for taking away all my sin and forgiving me for all I’ve done. Thank You that the Holy Spirit will make me a brand new person. Thank You for the hope of eternal life when I die. Until then, empower me to live a life that pleases You. Thank You, Jesus..
What will happen? The Holy Spirit will come and live in you and you will be brand new from the inside out! Begin to read your Bible and pray on a daily basis. Go to and find a Calvary Chapel that is near you and begin to attend there. May the Lord bless your new life in Christ.